Anatomies: A Cultural History of the Human Body (37 page)

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deceptions 213–14

and dress 213

the female form 45, 55, 81, 204, 206–7, 231–2

and language 213

the male form 8, 55, 204

reassignment 207–9, 214


Gender Recognition Act 209

General Electric 122

genitals xxii, 80, 81–2, 200, 203–7, 210, 212–13, 253–5

geographical metaphors of the human body xxiii–xxiv, 19–22

gestures 190–94, 193

Getty III, J. Paul 160

Gilbert and Sullivan: Princess Ida 229

Giotto 132

Gladstone, William 230

Glaser, Milton 133

glial cells 113

God 51, 89, 130, 142, 198, 216, 217

Godiva, Lady 230, 236

Gogol, Nikolai

Dead Souls

The Nose
xxii, 87–8, 89

Gombrich, Ernst 205

Gordon, J. E.: Structures 189

Gräfenberg, Ernst 82

Grande Bouffe, La (Ferreri) 185, 186

Gray, Effie 231

Gray, Henry 77–80

Gray’s Anatomy 54, 78, 79–80, 81, 127

Great Maiden’s Blush 226

Greene, Joshua 124

Gregory, Richard 173–4

Griffith-Cima, Linda 163

Grimaldi, Joseph 83

Grimm, Brothers: ‘The Frog Prince’ 243

Grossmann, Marcel 228

Guanyin 243

Guerre, Martin 106–7

Guilder, Rose 32

gurgitators 186


hair 93–5, 200

pubic 93, 132, 203, 231

Haldane, J. B. S. 53–4, 60, 112

Hallam, Clint 110

Hancock, Tony 147

hands 187–202

and counting systems 194

hand gestures 190–94,

palm-reading 196

pointing 190–91

preferment 197–200

see also
fingers; thumbs

Hapshepsut 44–5

Haraway, Donna 239

Hardy, Thomas

Tess of the D’Urbervilles

The Woodlanders

Hare, Augustus 179

Hare, William 74, 75

Harvey, Marcus xxii–xxiii

Harvey, Thomas 112, 113

Harvey, William 21, 72–3, 129–30, 141–2

De Motu Cordis
72, 127, 141

head 83–95

phrenology 116–18, 119

shrunken heads (
) 85–6

see also
face; skull

hearing 157–8, 169

loss 235

Hearst, William Randolph 50

heart 69, 71–2, 73, 80, 127–33, 200

in art and drawings 132

artificial 250

and brain 130–31

chambers 71, 128

logo 133

in literature 127–8, 132

Sacred Heart 132

shape 132, 133

transplants 137, 252–3

valves 14, 73, 129, 253

Helmholtz resonators 56

Henry VIII 44–5, 72, 191

Hepper, Peter 197


and blood 144

and eye colour 171

hermaphrodites 210–11

Hermaphroditos 210–11

Herschel, William 31

hieroglyphics 132

Hindley, Myra xxii–xxiii

Hindu tradition 20, 28–9, 216, 243

Hippocrates 118–19

Hippocratic oath 137, 235

Hockney, David 175

Hogarth, William 29–30

holotypes 33–4

Homer: Odyssey 251

homo clausus 41, 45, 46, 235, 239

homosexuals 145, 212

hormones 210, 211–12

hormone treatment 208, 212

Hugo, Victor: Les Misérables 95

human form

in art and drawings 1–15, 45, 65, 203–7, 230, 232–3, 235–6

beauty of

embryonic development 200–201, 210

feminine form 45, 55, 81, 204, 206–7, 231–2

geographical metaphors xxiii–xxiv, 19–22

ideal proportions of xxiv, 24–30, 45, 54, 81

idioms based on parts of the body 91–3

in literature 22–3

male form 8, 55, 204


as a picture of the human soul 37

pudica pose 204, 206, 230

in sculpture 24


structural engineering view of the body 221

Visible Human Project 34–7

wax models 44, 81

Hume, David 107–8, 216–17

humours, four 69, 90, 142, 151–2, 226

Hunter, John 76–7, 81

Hunter, William 75–7

Huxley, Aldous: After Many a Summer 255

hydraulic press 129

hydroxyapatite 52


Ibn Sina (Avicenna) 73, 119

Identikit 104

identity xxiv–xxv, 105–8, 170

sexual 208–14

iliopsoas 246

immortality 15, 34, 261–2

biological 259

immortalists 256, 259, 264

incus 54

index finger 190–91, 195, 196–7

Inouye, Tatsuji 119

International Federation of Competitive Eating 185–6

intestines 12

Io 251

Iphis 211

Ireland, Colin 104

iris 170

Ishiguro, Hiroshi 250

islands xxiii–xxiv


Jackson, Chevalier 180

Jacobs, Lou 83

Jamelia 95

Jamieson, George, later April Ashley 207–9

ek, Leos 260, 261

Jenkins, Robert 159–60, 163

Jernigan, Joseph Paul 35

Jesus Christ

on the Cross 236

face of 101

footprints 216

healing Malchus’s ear 159

Joan, Pope 213

Jolly Roger 51

Joy of Cooking, The 179

Judaism 142

jumping 220, 222, 259


Kafka, Franz 143

Kandinsky, Wassily 175

Kaufmann, Hans 161

Keats, John 143

‘La Belle Dame Sans Merci’ 94

Kemp, Martin 80

Kerridge, Tobie 62

Kevorkian, Jack, ‘Dr Death’ 149–50

kidneys 134–40

transplants 136–7

Kimomeni Mountain 19

Kline, Michelle 138

Kneller, Godfrey 114

Knox, Robert 74–5

Koning, Petrus 44

Krantz, Judith: Princess Daisy 171

kuru 181–2


Lakshmi 243

Langlois, Judith 100

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