Read Anatomies: A Cultural History of the Human Body Online
Authors: Hugh Aldersey-Williams
testicle 253–5
xenotransplantation 239, 251, 252–5
transsexuals 207–9
transubstantiation 143
Trent, Council of 203
trichophobia 94–5
tsantsas 85–6
Tulp, Nicolaes 1, 7–8, 11
Rembrandt’s painting of 1,
, 187–8,
, 189–90
Turner, Bryan 20
ulna 59
Uncanny Valley 249–50
units of measure 28–9
ureters xvi
uterus 12, 70, 75, 81, 143, 209
V sign 194
Vacanti, Charles 163
vagina 208, 213
artistic omission of 205, 206–7
van Dyck, Antoon, later Sir Anthony 158–9
van Eyck, Jan: Madonna with Canon van der Paele 154, 162
van Gogh, Vincent Willem 161, 162
Portrait with a Bandaged Ear
Vasari, Giorgio 22
veins 21, 69, 71, 73, 129, 142, 166, 195
Vermeer, Johannes: Girl with a Pearl Earring 1, 153
Vesalius, Andreas 14, 65–70, 81
De Humani Corporis Fabrica
4–5, 41, 65–8, 69–70
portrait 64–5,
Victoria, Queen 79
Vishnu 216
Visible Human Project 34–7
vision 167–9, 172–4
visual cortex 119
vitreous humour 169–70
Vitruvius 24–6, 28
vivisection 71–2, 73
Voltaire, head 118
Voronoff, Serge 253–5, 256
vulva xxii
Wagner, Richard 175, 176
Walbiri people, central Australia 144
Waldby, Catherine 37
walking 57–8, 218
Walpole, Horace, 4th Earl of Orford 155, 214
War of Jenkins’ Ear 159–60
Warner, Marina 23, 213
warts 154–5
Washington, George 150–51
Washington, Martha 150
Webb, Steve 218
Wellington Monument, London 203–4
Wells, Samuel 90
werewolves 252
Wesel, Andries van see Vesalius, Andreas
Westmacott, Richard 204
White, Crawford 167
Wildegans, Rita 161
Willemot, Jacques 153
William the Conqueror 44–5
Williams, Bernard 261
Wilson, Glenn 197
Wilson, James 75
Witelson, Sandra 113–14
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 37, 199
Wolff, Charlotte 198
Wolpert, Lewis 201, 259
Wood, Gary 121, 122–3
Woolner, Thomas 228–9
X-rays 49–50, 50, 52–3, 118
X, Duncan 238
xenotransplantation 239, 251, 252–5
yellow bile 151
Young, Louisa: The Book of the Heart 127, 131
21, 22
Zeus 55
Zuk, Patricia 48
Zurr, Ionat 164
“Surprising and enlightening. . . . Open to any page, and you are immediately drawn in.”
—Laurence A. Marschall,
Natural History
“A magnificent exploration of the myths and mysteries of human anatomy. . . . [Aldersey-Williams] writes like a latter-day Montaigne.”
—Thomas Wright,
“A fresh and fascinating treatise on the human body. . . . Whether Aldersey-Williams is writing about phrenology, tattooing, organ donations, genes, X-rays, or liposuction, he keeps us alert to the mysteries, quirks, and miracles of the flesh.”
—Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat,
Spirituality and Practice
“Splendid, highly entertaining, chock-full of insights. . . . It inserts fascinating scientific snippets and anecdotes about our organs into the wider history of our changing understanding of our bodies.”
—James McConnachie,
Sunday Times
“Enlightening and thoroughly engaging. . . . From the dissection laboratory to a live-model drawing class, Aldersey-Williams illuminates the contours of the human body from head to toe.”
Publishers Weekly
“Aldersey-Williams moves from the lore of the body, skin and bones . . . to major areas like the stomach, brain, blood, head, face and sense organs, providing a rich repertoire of folklore, humor, literary and art references for each. . . . Lovely, lively.”
Kirkus Reviews
“Engaging. . . . An elegant cultural history of the human anatomy. . . . Provocative.”
Library Journal
“This book is crammed with curiosities. . . . Enjoyable and unpredictable.”
Periodic Tales
British Design
Panicology (with Simon Briscoe)
The Most Beautiful Molecule
World Design
New American Design
Copyright © 2013 by Hugh Aldersey-Williams
First American Edition 2013
First published in Great Britain in 2013 by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Books,
under the title
Anatomies: The Human Body, Its Parts and the Stories They Tell
All rights reserved
First published as a Norton paperback 2014
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Production manager: Devon Zahn
The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
Aldersey-Williams, Hugh.
Anatomies : a cultural history of the human body /
Hugh Aldersey-Williams. — First American edition.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-393-23988-1 (hardcover)
1. Human body—Popular works. 2. Human physiology—Popular works.
3. Human anatomy—Popular works. I. Title.
QP 38.A 36 2013
ISBN 978-0-393-24047-4 (e-book)
ISBN 978-0-393-34884-2 pbk.
W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110
W. W. Norton & Company Ltd., Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QT