Ancient Ties (20 page)

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Authors: Jane Leopold Quinn

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Ancient Ties
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He’d been waiting for her to let go of her tight control. He knew she wanted him and knew she was afraid. Wary of what had happened to her, of where she found herself. She didn’t know what she was doing here in this strange time. Marek didn’t know anymore than she did, but for him, everything had settled into place the moment he’d entered her body. He intended to stay there as long as possible. She belonged to him.

Her breasts, so round and firm. Soft, smooth skin with their puckered, hard tips. He held her firmly by the shoulder while he



suckled first one nipple, then the other. The sounds coming from her throat were victorious music to his ears. Cradling his head, she clutched strands of his hair, sharp tugging alternated with caresses.


Driven by possessive lust, he licked and suckled every inch of her sweet, responsive breasts. Marek greedily craved to own every part of her. Still inside her, and amazed that he was still erect and aching. It had been so long since he’d been with a woman and this one pulsed slickly around him.

Gloriously aroused, he happily followed her gasping direction to continue playing with her nipples. He obliged by rolling them between thumb and forefinger. Roll, roll, squeeze.

Then again. Her whimpers distracted him. She writhed. He felt his phallus swell and throb, her body clutching around him. Her contractions couldn’t be delicate; they had to be massive for him to feel them at this point.

He growled as he raised his head and closed his mouth on her lips. Her panting mouth was already open, he demandingly thrust his tongue in, and by the Gods, she responded by mimicking him.

From his years on campaign, he was the master of sexual positions. An army man had to take advantage of wherever he was to pursue his pleasures. In another swift, practiced movement, he rolled Janney onto her back and rose up over her again. He balanced on his knees, buttocks resting on his heels.

Holding her hips elevated, he spread her knees and tilted them back toward her chest. Only halfway inserted in her, he growled a “great Jupiter” at the vision of their joined bodies.

His dark eyes, glittering with wild lust, Marek grinned triumphantly at the startled, confused look on her face. She had no idea what would happen next.

He withdrew—slowly.
His groan stretched out. It felt as good coming out as it did going in.

She groaned and argued, shaking her head. “No. No.” Her glazed eyes sparkled with unshed tears.



He thrust back in—full, thick and hard. He howled.

“Yesssss,” she hissed, her inarticulate grunts and the flush covering her bobbing breasts told him everything. She arched her back pushing her head back deeper into the cushions; her fingers clutched her knees opening herself wider for him. The expression on her face could have been one of extreme pain or pleasure. He was betting on pleasure.

By the Gods, she felt good, tight around him. Marek relished the erotic sight of his black thatch of hair co-mingling with her pale, yellow curls. His hard shaft being swallowed by her pink glistening flesh. Growling and panting, he focused on where their bodies joined.

Marek licked his fingers and slid them along the sides of her little cherry-red nub, slippery and inflamed. Janney’s cries were exactly what he wanted to hear. Her hips bucked and twisted uncontrollably, her body grasping him tightly. She shrieked,

“Goddddddd!” drawing it out while her passage pulsated around him. Hot and wet, possessing him. His body. His heart. Her whole body shook violently with her climax.

He dropped to an outstretched position over her, pumping and thrusting, giving to her body and taking from it. She gripped his forearms, the pain of her nails digging into his flesh eclipsed by the indescribable pleasure of her hips pounding up against his.

The ecstatic intimacy of the mating of their bodies. He exploded hot and deep, his powerful release lifting her off the bed. Their shouts simultaneous.

Marek didn’t know anything until he groaned into her hot, sweaty neck. He wasn’t sure, but he thought he may have lost consciousness for a moment. He lay there on top of her, knowing he should ease his weight, but too depleted to do it.

Her legs wrapped around his hips and her heels digging into him when he tried to remove himself was all the proof he needed.

She didn’t want him to move. That was fine with him; he did not want to move either. Being inside her was where he needed to be. At this moment. At every moment.



What am I thinking? This can never be permanent. Can it? No,
this is just what I need now. Only this moment.

Gathering every considerable ounce of strength he owned, he braced himself up on his elbows on either side of her shoulders. Brushing his lips over her cheeks, her wet eyes, the side of her nose, and finally her soft, salty lips, he took his time nibbling, sucking. He didn’t realize how badly he was shaking.

Janney crooned against his lips, a continuous wordless, keening of pleasure. The sensations hadn’t stopped with their mutual orgasm.

It’s really possible to do that. The women’s magazines are right.

She couldn’t let him go. He fit. He belonged inside her.

Her brain formed words, but they still couldn’t come out of her mouth.

My God. My God. My God. I’ve done it.

Oh, God, she didn’t know anything any more. In the very back of her mind, what there was left of it, she realized that they had not used any form of birth control. This whole thing was so fanciful, so outrageous, what did that matter? She had surely died and gone to heaven.

He finally slid out of her, her moan proving even that sensation, exquisite. He plopped flat on his back, huffing and puffing, and pulled her half on top of his chest. Janney was surprised. Ed had always leapt up to clean himself. Marek apparently didn’t care if they were sloppy, wet and sweaty. She felt the rush of wetness between her thighs, but didn’t hesitate to slide her leg possessively over his when she rested her head back in the crook of his shoulder.

Janney and Marek lay in each other’s arms, legs entwined.

Janney resisted the urge to laugh. She felt ridiculously happy.

I guess there’s no such thing as a bad orgasm.
And that was
definitely not a bad orgasm.

Marek held her securely against him, one hand resting on her hip. He traced her ear with his thumb. Rubbed his knuckles across her jaw, down her neck, and cupped her breast. She



shivered expectantly, purred with gratification, and clutched his arm possessively against her.

, Janney silently cried out when Marek rose from the bed, tucked a piece of the bed covering around his waist, and disappeared out the door. He returned with a bottle of wine and two goblets, his smile hot and sexy, his eyes gleaming. Janney’s breath quickened as she stared at him. A wicked smile bloomed over her face as she sat up and leaned on her elbows. Could it be that they had the same idea? Must be. The cloth around his middle tented straight out in front.

Marek filled the goblets, handed her one, and took a big gulp from his own. Janney couldn’t move. She just watched him swallow, his Adam’s apple bobbing, his dark eyes heavy-lidded and slumberous.

God, he’s beautiful.
Janney’s heart thumped heavily in her chest. Happily. She had never felt such pure, raw lust. She wanted him. It was like they hadn’t just made love, like she had been starving all her life, and right here, right now, a feast was spread before her.

“We’re not through, are we?” It wasn’t really a question; they both knew the answer.

Dropping the cloth on the floor, he shook his head slowly, challenging her with a carnal grin. His chest rose and fell, his breathing rough and excited; and that knowledge fueled her fire.

Janney forced herself to, if not calmness, then at least stillness. Leaning back on her elbows, she hoped she looked enticing. Did her breasts still looked good? Lying back like this flattened them. At least her tummy was almost flat. Didn’t a woman always worry about how her body looked in these sexual positions? Marek didn’t look as if he found disfavor in hers, as he crawled like a predator toward her, his gaze burning her from head to toe.

The wine goblet in her hand shook. Just watching him move, his cheekbones flushed, lips parted, eyes hard and glittering turned her on. As if she’d ever been turned off! He put



his goblet on the floor and plucked the drooping one from her hand as he came to rest between her thighs.

His erection posed tantalizingly right there in front of her.

It seemed to curve higher and harder as if he knew exactly what she was thinking.

“I want to touch you,” Janney whispered. She wrapped her hand around him. Groaned. “God, you’re so hot.” Her breath hitched. “You’re uncircumcised. So this is what it looks like up close.” Forgetting her original purpose for a moment, she cradled him in her hand. His foreskin had pushed back by itself, the smooth, red tip tempting. He was beautiful.

“You look like you’ve never seen a man before,” his voice a mere croak.

Licking her lips, she shifted her gaze to his face and whispered, her voice fading and halting, “Where I’m from, some men don’t have a foreskin. They’re circumcised right after birth.

I’ve never seen one that wasn’t, not that I’ve seen that many.

Well, only one.”

His wince was so dear. “I’ve heard of that in some religions.” Obviously, he didn’t want to pursue that uncomfortable subject.

Removing her hand from him, his eyes closed briefly as her fingers slid off. Still holding her goblet, he pushed her gently back. “Marek,” she panted.

Swirling his forefinger in wine, he brushed it across her lips.

Janney licked his finger, sucked the tip, wrapping her tongue around it. She stared into his eyes.

He groaned.

She held her breath. Let him go.

Marek dipped his fingers in the wine again and swirled them across the cushions of her breasts. The cool wine contrasting sensuously with his hot fingers.

She lay there enthralled by sensation after sensation. His fingers incited. Smoothed and slid. Heat rose inside. She arched her back, begging for his attention on her nipples, pebbled and



aching. Why wouldn’t he touch them? He wickedly slid his fingers all around, all over her breasts. Except for the aching tips. The anticipation was delicious. She wanted it to go on forever. Her fingers itched to grab him and direct his fingers or, better yet, his lips.

As if he finally heard her whispered, whimpered prayers, he dripped a careful bead upon one nipple.

A tortured cry burst from her, and he bent his head to lick her. Thoroughly. The play was over. She couldn’t breathe again.

Soon she would die from no oxygen. Janney growled and grasped Marek’s ears. He was not moving his head away from her breast. He licked and suckled, nuzzled the side of her breast, his fingers squeezing, his teeth gently nipping the soft skin.

When he repeated it on her other breast, she gave up, her elbows sliding out from under her.

All right, I’ll let you do this for another hour or two. I’ll catch my
breath. I’ll die later.

Gods, he ached. He wanted to squeeze and pinch, and grasp and pull. He wanted to eat her up. To drink her dry. He was wild for her. He could so easily shift her slender body around to do his bidding. Knowing he was so much stronger tempered him. A little. He manipulated her breasts, pushing them together, twin peaks, hard and sticky, slippery wet from the wine and his tongue. Her cries were sweet music. He wanted her wild and frantic, too. He wanted her right along with him.

Hard and throbbing again, he wanted only to be inside her glorious body.

Janney shrieked, “Damn you!”

Shocked, but excited by her vehemence, Marek let her push him flat onto his back. His heart beat violently when she straddled his hips. His hands outlined her hips and sides, up her rib cage and he cupped her breasts.

Janney moaned and leaned down to bite his chin.

Marek pulled her flat down on top of his body, balancing her full length along his.



“Inside me,” she growled, her face almost distorted, her eyes glaring fire at him. “Oh, God,” she wailed, shifting her body, sliding slowly down over the hot, swollen tip of his erection.

“God,” her sigh a drawn out sob.

Marek worked to keep his eyes open even though the luxurious indulgence of being engulfed by her hot, amazing body shook him to the core. Gods, he was in so deep. Clenching his teeth, he thrust up, sinking further in. Felt the tightening of resisting muscles. He wanted her everywhere. In every way. He wanted to see her. To see her beautiful face. He watched her expressions as every inch of him speared deep inside her. The sight drove the very breath out of him. Did she know the look of joy that was emblazoned on her face? Did she know what she revealed? Marek groaned and closed his eyes, surging up.

“…Worth waiting for?” She was breathless.

His eyes snapped back to her face. His fingers slithered from her hips, up over her waist, and found her breasts again.

“Ummm,” was the sum total of his verbal response. He felt as if he hardened even more. It shouldn’t be possible, but it was. He covered her nipples with his palms, tormenting each one between thumb and forefinger.

Janney’s lips pursed, her jaw tightened, eyes glittered down at him. Pushing her tongue out and scraping her upper teeth, she looked like a woman with a plan. Slowly she rose up on her knees. Her body still hugged the tip of him. He looked to where they were just barely joined. In all his life, the sight had never been so erotic. He almost lost his sense of place—another impossibility.

Enough! He was the man! The commander. A mere woman was not in charge, but Marek knew the word mere was not the correct description for this woman. Quickly, before she knew what hit her, he tightened his fingers around her upper thighs.

He parted her with his thumbs and massaged her slick, swollen nub.

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