And Then You Kiss (Crested Butte Cowboys Series Book 3) (17 page)

BOOK: And Then You Kiss (Crested Butte Cowboys Series Book 3)
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The last thing she heard her shout was, “Fucking idiot,” before she heard what sounded like the front door slamming closed.


It was a couple hours before Lyric came back, and when she did, she acted as though nothing was wrong.

“Blythe is ready to move, let’s go help her pack.”

“She is? That’s news to me.” Bree didn’t mind; there was plenty of room in the four-bedroom house. It surprised her since she and Blythe hadn’t talked about it being a possibility.

“You didn’t walk in on her argument with your mom like I did.”

Bree wasn’t surprised to hear they were arguing. She’d always been the one who got along best with their mom. Blythe was daddy’s little girl, and Brooke—Bree wasn’t sure if Brooke was close to anyone. She’d always been the most independent of the three of them.

“I’ll head over there and see if I can smooth things between them.”

“I still think she’ll be ready to move in here.”

“Okay, come with me then. I don’t think she has that much to pack, we can do it all in an hour or two.”

“Hold up, I want to change rooms first.”


“The room I’m in shares a bathroom with the room we aren’t using. Blythe should have my room.”

“Again, why?”

“We gotta start thinkin’ about settin’ up a nursery Bree. Jeez, for somebody who seems so dang smart, you sure are slow about certain things.”

Bree laughed. She was getting used to Lyric yanking her chain. She liked it in fact. She tended to take herself a little too seriously sometimes. Lyric didn’t have any trouble bringing her back down to earth.

“Don’t just stand there, come help me.”


Jace had been looking at houses whenever he had the chance. He’d only mentioned it to Blythe once, and she shot him down instantly. It was too much for her to think about, he understood that. But sometime soon she was going to have to. Time wasn’t standing still. She needed to figure out where she and the baby would live. He wanted them to live with him. That was the only way he could help her the way she’d need him to.


“What are you doing?” Jace asked when he walked up and saw Bree and Lyric carrying boxes to Lyric’s car.

“Movin’ her to Palmer Lake,” Lyric answered.

“Wait. Why?”

“She’s ready.”

“But she’s going to have to move again.”

“What are you talking about?” Bree’s arms were full of clothes, still on their hangers. She looked back and forth between Jace and Lyric, who were both standing empty-handed.

“Could one of you open the car door for me?”

“Of course, sorry.” They both moved to the car door at the same time. Lyric stepped back and let Jace open it.

“Now, what were you talking about? Something about Blythe having to move again?”

“Don’t worry, I switched rooms. We’re ready for her.”

“What are
talking about?” Jace was ready to pound his head against the side of the house.

“I moved out of the big room, the one that’s connected to the smaller one. It’s got a bathroom between them.”

“But she and the baby aren’t going to be living there.”

Bree was almost in the house when he said it. She stopped where she was.

“What are you talking about?”

“They’re going to live with me.”

There had to be smoke coming out of her ears, she was so mad. “What is with you? Have you ever, once, considered asking anyone else what he or she wants to do? Or are you in the habit of making decisions no one asked you to make?”

“Blythe and I have discussed this.”

“You have? And what did she say about it? Because the last time I checked,
was the one who told us she wanted to move to Palmer Lake.”


Jace stormed in the house, looking for Blythe. He found her sitting on the bed, crying.

“Oh no, what’s wrong,” he said, sinking to his knees in front of her.

“Why can’t we find him? Why won’t he come home?”

He wished he had an answer for her. But he didn’t. He put his arms around her and pulled her closer so her head rested on his shoulder. When she did, she started to cry harder.

“What have you done now?” Bree asked from the doorway.

He ignored her.

“Blythe, honey, what’s wrong?” Bree sat down on the bed next to her sister and rubbed her back.

“Tucker,” Jace spit out.


Tucker. No matter how angry Blythe got at Jace, she was angrier with Tucker. How could he have left? He hadn’t even said goodbye.

Oh God. Oh no.
Bree felt as though her chest was suddenly caving in.
Just like Zack.
Tucker left like Zack had—without saying goodbye. She had no control over the tears that started spilling from her eyes.


What was Bree crying about? Jesus, he had his hands full with Blythe. “What’s wrong with you?”

Bree opened her mouth as though she was going to say something, but turned and left the room instead.

“You shouldn’t be so mean to her,” Blythe whispered, her tears subsiding.

“I’m not mean to her.”

“You are. I’ve never seen you be mean to anyone Jace, but you’re mean to my sister. She lost her husband a few months ago; it would do you good to remember that. You could be kind, you know.”

Blythe wiggled herself free of him. “Go apologize.”

Ah crap. The last thing he wanted to do was go apologize to Blythe’s bitch of a sister, but he supposed he had to.

“Go,” Blythe shoved at him.


He had no idea where she’d gone. He looked through the house and didn’t see anyone. Just when he was about to go back and tell Blythe that Bree had left, he saw her, huddled on a bench on the back deck. Her head was down, but he could tell by the way her body shook that she was still crying.

He opened the sliding door and crept out. “I’m sorry.”

“Go away Jace.”

“Can’t do that. I made you cry, and I didn’t mean to. So I’m here to apologize.”

“You didn’t make me cry. Don’t give yourself that much credit.”

If it were up to him, he’d go back in the house, but if he did, and Blythe saw her sister still crying, she’d be mad.

“Come on now,” he knelt down in front of her, the same way he had with her sister. He put his hands on her arms and pulled them away from her body. He kept pulling until her head rested on his shoulder. As he’d done with Blythe. She didn’t wrap her arms around him, but she didn’t move away from him either. She kept crying, and he let her.


Lyric and Blythe were looking out the window from the kitchen. “What’s going on out there?” Lyric asked.

“I’m not sure. Something Jace said made Bree cry, so I told him to go apologize.”

“I’ve been watching them for full-on five minutes and she hasn’t stopped crying. Jeez, what did he say?”

“I don’t know. She started to cry and ran out of the room. Were they arguing before he came in here?”

“Yeah, but only about where you were going to live. She was harder on him than he was on her.”



“Shh,” he whispered and tried to match his breathing with hers so he maybe he could get her to slow hers down. “What happened in there?”

She pulled away from him. “Leave me alone.” She put her hands over her face again, but he pulled them away and held her wrists so she had to look at him.

“Bree, you and I don’t get along, that’s no secret, but whatever I said, or did, I’m sorry for. I sure didn’t mean to make you cry.”

“It isn’t you.” She tried to jerk her hands away, but he wouldn’t relent.

“Then tell me what it is.”

“It isn’t any of your business.”

“I’m makin’ it my business. Isn’t that what you always accuse me of, not listening to what anyone else wants? I want you to tell me what’s got you cryin’ so hard, and I’m not givin’ in until you tell me. I’m a stubborn SOB, and I’ll stay here, on my knees in front of you, until you tell me. Don’t care how long it takes.”

Bree looked away from him. He moved her hands so he could grip both wrists with one hand. He put his other palm on the side of her face and gently turned her head, so she faced him again. “Come on, tell me, so I don’t do it again.”

“It doesn’t have anything to do with you. You don’t listen. I already told you that.”

“Well somethin’ I did set you off. So let’s get this out in the open. I’m giving you free rein here darlin’. You’ve never held back on tellin’ what you think before. Have at it. I’m wide open. Give it your best shot.”

That made her smile. At least he was getting somewhere. “Bree,” he looked in her eyes while his finger stroked her cheek. “Tell me.”

That made her start crying again. He let go of her wrists and pulled her back into him.

“We had a fight,” she said into his shoulder.

“We always fight darlin’. I didn’t think you liked me enough to cry about it.”

“Not you.

Oh shit.
Now they were getting somewhere. “What happened?”

“He left, like Tucker.”

Jace was beginning to understand. The situations were completely different, but too much the same for Bree.

“We didn’t…”

“Go ahead, keep talkin’. Get it out.”

“We apologized, over the phone. But…”

Bree started crying again, harder than she had been before. Jace slid one arm under her knees and put the other behind her back. As gently as he could, he lifted her up far enough that he could sit on the bench with her. As he lowered himself, he cradled her on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her tighter.

Chapter 14


Jace had no idea how long they’d been on the deck. Long enough that Bree’s skin felt like ice. He knew he should try to get her to go inside, but he was afraid to move. She’d finally stopped crying, and was so still against him. He didn’t want to be the person who upset her again.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

He closed his eyes. “Don’t be.”

“You don’t like me.”

“I like you more than you like me.”

“That’s probably true.”

He smiled, his cheek rested against her hair. “You’re cold, let’s get you inside.”

“Two more minutes. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Let’s make it five more minutes.” Even though he couldn’t see it, he’d be willing to bet that made her smile.


“What’s going on?” Paige asked Blythe and Lyric who were still standing by the window.

“I don’t know, but it looks as though he’s gotten her to stop crying.”

“Huh? What are you talking about? Let me see.” Lyric moved so Paige could look out the window.

“What is he doing? She hates him.”

“Hate might be too strong of a word Mom.”

“Okay, she doesn’t like him.”

“Fine line between love and hate they say,” added Lyric.

“Huh,” Paige said again. “Wish we could hear what they’re talking about.”


Five minutes passed, but Jace still didn’t want to move.

He heard the door open and felt her body tense. It was Mark, who dropped a blanket on the bench, and then lit the outdoor heater, scooting it closer to them before he went back inside. With one hand, Jace opened the blanket and tucked it around her. She’d gone so still, he wondered if she had fallen asleep.


A few minutes later she woke up with a start. She tried to get up, but Jace wouldn’t let her.

“Huh uh,” he said.

“What are you doing? Let go of me.”

“Nope, not gonna do that.” He tightened his grip. “We’re gonna come to an understanding before I let you go.”

“Here we go…”

“Now see what you do? You always assume the worst about me. I wonder why that is.”

“Maybe because you’re so bossy.”

“I don’t think anyone has ever accused me of bein’ bossy as much as you do. So I’m thinkin’ maybe you take me wrong.”

“You won’t let me get up. How should I take that?”

He kissed her hairline, right on the edge of her forehead.” “You could take it that I like holdin’ on to you.”

“I doubt that,” she laughed nervously.

“Bree,” he breathed.


“Don’t what?”

“Don’t be so nice to me. I don’t deserve it.”

“Ah now, I disagree. If anyone deserves to be treated nice, it’s you.”

“Because my husband died?”


“Then why?”

“’Cause I said so.”

“See? You can’t come up with a reason.”

Jace could come up with plenty of reasons, but he knew if he said any of them out loud, she’d think he was crazy.

“I’m getting hungry,” she said finally, after too much silence.

“Me too.”

“Can we go inside now?”

“As soon as you and I agree to a truce. No more fightin’. I think we’re on the same side Bree. We both want the best for Blythe and her baby.”

“Okay,” she whispered. “Truce.”

He kissed her forehead again before he unwrapped his arms from around her. For a moment he considered holding on a little longer. The idea of letting her go left him feeling emptier than it should.


Mark made linguine with clam sauce, and had a couple bottles of wine open when they came inside.

“We didn’t get very much moving done today,” complained Lyric.

Blythe patted her hand. “We’ll finish tomorrow. There’s no hurry.”

Jace and Bree moved away from each other, and sat on opposite sides of the table, both of them appearing uneasy.

Jace sat next to Blythe, but couldn’t take his eyes off Bree. How hard had the last few weeks been on her? It was as Blythe said. He wasn’t mean to anyone, but he had been to Bree. He was going to try not to be anymore.


His resolve was short-lived when a few minutes later, Bree was talking to Blythe about moving again.

“Maybe we can go shopping tomorrow and pick out some things for the baby’s room.”

Jace tensed up and was about to say something when he felt Blythe’s hand on his arm.

“That sounds nice Bree. I’d like that.”

“Can I come too?” asked Lyric.

“Of course you can,” answered Blythe. “We could pick up some more furniture for the rest of the house too.”

Jace kept quiet, he was clearly outnumbered. He wasn’t sure how he was going to be much help with the baby if he wasn’t living with her, but he figured they still had time to sort through it.

When he looked up from his bowl of pasta, Bree was smiling at him. He smiled back. She won this round. That didn’t mean she was going to take the title.


“I’ll follow you back to the house and help you unload,” he offered when dinner was finished.

“That’s okay, we can handle it.”

“Don’t be stubborn Bree, let him help us,” added Lyric.

Why not? She’d agreed to their truce. No sense ruining it already.

“I’m gonna stay here tonight, is that okay with everybody?” asked Blythe.

“Of course,” they answered simultaneously.

“In fact, I’m going to call it a night now,” Blythe yawned. “I’ve got a good book I’m in the middle of. Two or three pages in, I’m sure I’ll be sound asleep.”

“What’s it about?” asked Lyric.

“Oh you know, cowboys, romance…that kind of stuff.”

“Oh my favorite! Can I read it when you’re finished?”

“Of course you can.” Blythe yawned again. “Good night everybody.”

They watched Blythe walk to the back bedroom.

“Do you think she’ll be okay?” asked Bree. “I’m afraid I upset her today.”

Paige sat down in the chair next to her middle daughter and put her hand on top of Bree’s. “I have never been prouder of you two girls,” she said through tears that were starting to fall. “Both of you put the other first, every time, when both of you are going through your own stuff. You amaze me.”

“Come on Mom,” answered Bree. “We’re your daughters. We learned from you.”


Jace followed Bree to Palmer Lake. Forty-five minutes later, he had the boxes and clothes unloaded. “Do you want me to help unpack?”

“No, we can do that. But thank you so much for your help tonight.”

He and Bree stood, the kitchen island between them. Both of them uncomfortable.

“I should go,” he said at the same time she asked him if wanted a beer.

“Okay,” they both said at the same time, and then laughed.


“Sure,” he answered. “I’d love one.”

Bree walked into the living room and looked around for Lyric. She had no idea where that girl had gone. She sat down on the sofa. Jace joined her and hesitated. She thought he’d sit in the chair across from her; instead he came over and sat next to her.

He took a sip of his beer. “Interesting day.”

“That’s an understatement.”

They sat in silence while he finished his beer, and she drank her glass of wine.

“I should go,” he said, and stood.

“Okay. Right. Um, thanks again for your help today.”

“Sure thing.” He walked to the door and she followed him. “See you tomorrow?”

“Sounds good.”

He started to walk out.


“Yeah?” he turned around.

“I don’t know how to thank you.”

He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “No thanks necessary darlin’.”


She watched him walk to his truck. A feeling of disappointment settled over her. In less than twelve hours she’d gone from not wanting to be in the same room with him, to wishing he wasn’t leaving. Maybe Lyric was right. Jace Rice had a way of getting under a woman’s skin. Bree was sure she was merely one of many he did that too. Best not to think it meant more than it actually did. He was in love with her sister, after all.


Sleep didn’t come easy to her, and when it did, she dreamt about Jace Rice. When she woke the next morning, she felt grouchier than ever.

She padded into the kitchen in search of coffee. Bree didn’t know why she thought there’d be any made. Lyric lived off cola…morning, noon and night.

She was pouring the hot water into the French press when Lyric walked in the back door.

“Where did you go last night?”

“I walked over to O’Malley’s. I figured the two of you had the unloading covered.”

“I didn’t do much of anything. Jace brought everything in.”

Lyric was staring at her.


“What happened after I left?”

“He brought the boxes in. That’s it.”

“That’s it?”

“Well, I offered him a beer.”


“And he drank it. What’s with the twenty questions?”

“Interesting day yesterday.”

“That’s how he described it.”


“What? What’s that? Hmm, what?”

“Interesting. That’s all.”


Bree went in to take a shower; she didn’t wait for the coffee to be ready. When she came back out, there was a note on the counter from Lyric.

“Meet you at your parents’,” it said.

She had no choice, she had to go and help Blythe pack the rest of her stuff. She wished Jace wasn’t going to be there again. He would be, there was no doubt. If he was in town, he was with her sister. She’d have to get used to it.


“Mornin’,” Jace said when she walked in her parents’ kitchen.

“Where is everybody?”

“Out for breakfast.”

“Oh. Why didn’t you go?”

“Waitin’ for you.” He was reading the newspaper and barely looked up when he spoke to her.

“Where are they? I’ll go meet them.”

“They’ll be back soon. I’ll make you somethin’ if you’re hungry.”

She was in her parents’ kitchen, if she was hungry, she’d make herself something to eat. She didn’t need him to do it for her. She was about to say so, when she stopped herself. They agreed yesterday on a truce. It didn’t matter how grouchy she felt, it wasn’t fair to start another argument with Jace.

When she looked at him, he was smiling at her. He was making it harder and harder for her to keep her mouth shut.

“Don’t do it,” he cautioned.


“Say whatever it is you’re thinkin’.”

“What makes you think I’m thinking anything?” After she said it she realized what a ridiculous question it was. Of course she was thinking something.

When he stood and walked toward her, she walked in the opposite direction, to the other side of the kitchen. There was something about having an island between them that made her feel more comfortable. It did this morning; it had last night too.

“Bree, you runnin’ away from me?”

No, not exactly, but she didn’t want him to

He was walking toward her again. If she moved, she’d wind up in the same place in the kitchen she’d started out in. She stood her ground, and hoped he didn’t get any closer. He stopped, thankfully, a foot away from her. By the time he did, she was shaking. It would’ve been impossible for him not to notice. She was so embarrassed, she wanted to leave the house.

“What can I get you?” he asked.

“Nothing. And I should be asking you that question. We are in my parents’ house.”


That’s how Jace was feeling this morning. Bree Cochran Fox had gotten to him yesterday and last night, and it left him feeling uneasy.

First he fell for Irene, shortly thereafter he developed feelings for Blythe, and now Bree was stirring emotions in him he didn’t have room for. He’d made a commitment to Blythe, she was his first priority and even if she didn’t love him now, he hoped she would someday. He hoped that raising Tucker’s baby together would eventually bring them together like a real family.

Why was Bree suddenly affecting him the way she was? Granted he couldn’t remember the last time he had sex. And with Blythe feeling the way she was, he doubted he’d be having it again anytime in the near future. But still, he didn’t like Bree. Why was he feeling so…horny when he was around her? This wasn’t good. Not at all.

“What are you thinking about?”

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