Angel Falls (Cassandra Bick Chronicles Book 3) (29 page)

BOOK: Angel Falls (Cassandra Bick Chronicles Book 3)
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Thanks to my beta readers, Kathryn Allen, Lori Frecker, Caroline Goldsmith, Laura Harris and Pat Olver, and also to Caroline Goldsmith for the formatting and cover design.


I have as ever taken some liberties with London geography (including Tower Bridge), and though the theatre mentioned is clearly loosely based on the wonderful Wilton’s Music Hall, please be assured that you are safe to attend there without risk of falling masonry or undead assailants. The bar is really nice, though, I wasn’t lying about that.


All characters are fictional and any similarities to any real person, living, dead or undead, are entirely coincidental.


About the author


Tracey Sinclair is a freelance editor and writer, a published author and performed playwright. She is a regular contributor to the theatre site
and the magazine
Better Business,
and has been published widely in both print and online magazines, as well as being included in a number of published anthologies. Her play
was produced at Baron’s Court Theatre in 2011, and at the White Bear and Tristan Bates theatres in 2015.
Dark Dates: An Audience with Cassandra Bick,
which she co-wrote with Zoe Cunningham and Peta Lily, has been performed at the Tristan Bates Theatre London and the Brighton Fringe. A Northerner by birth and temperament, she nevertheless bailed for sunnier climes and now lives happily by the sea in Brighton, with only occasional yearnings for a stottie sandwich or a macaroni pie.


You can follow her on Twitter under the profoundly misleading Twitter name, @thriftygal, or keep up with Dark Dates via or




Other books by Tracey Sinclair

Doll (Kennedy & Boyd)

No Love is This (Kennedy & Boyd)


The Cassandra Bick Chronicles

Dark Dates

A Vampire Walked Into a Bar – Short Story

A Vampire Christmas – Short Story

A Vampire in Edinburgh – Short Story

(These are available also in paperback as A Vampire in Edinburgh and Other Stories)

Wolf Night

A Vampire in New York – Short Story




An Audience with Cassandra Bick (co-writer)

Copyright 2016 Tracey Sinclair

Cover design and photography copyright 2016 Caroline Goldsmith

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