Read Antidote (Don't) Online

Authors: Jack L. Pyke

Antidote (Don't) (38 page)

BOOK: Antidote (Don't)
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Along with Jack’s half-hearted struggles came groggy grumbles into the bit gag.

“Not talking, boy?” A tut was given into the darkness. “All that dirt on the floor, and you don’t... clean yourself up.” A heavy sigh. “You really ask for this, don’t you?”

The two faceless men disappeared from the bedroom, and that left Henry undressing in the light of the doorway, his slim gold watch jangling about his thin bones. A wink over at me, he took a narrow black case off a man who came back into the bedroom, before he then handed it over to Vince. As Vince knelt between Jack’s legs, Henry put his black gas mask on.

“Noticed how hard you get around Jan,” Vince whispered up at Jack as he opened the case. “If you can’t control yourself let alone clean yourself up, then as your Dom, I do that for you.”

Alcohol swabs were pulled from the case and Jack tried to close his legs as his groin was cleaned. Through the drugs, he seemed to recognise the action, what it would lead to. Next came lube, and Jack’s dick was slicked up to gratuitous lengths, with special attention paid to his tip.

Vince pulled on gloves. Then I cried out as a cock cage came out of the case. Echoes were there of seeing Jack kneeling by my door, head bowed, wearing a silver cock cage that bulged at the silver seams with how it had tried to cull his heat. This one looked different. Just a round circle that slipped under the hood of the penis, with a very sharp strip of silver metal, hooked over and down in the middle as if to—plug. Jesus, a penis plug, one that pushed into Jack’s tip to stop him getting hard.

,” I cried.

The fine point of the penis plug touched Jack’s tip. At least Vince seemed to know what he was doing, angling Jack’s tip to a certain angle, then allowing gravity... Jack had said the Dom needed to allow gravity to help pull the plug in. To him, it was like being fucked from the inside out. That wasn’t the case here. Jack cried out, forcing his head back, stretching neck muscles as he tried to writhe from under the touch. The plug pushed into his tip, squeezing out some lube, and the straps took the whole tension of his body as the plug was inserted fully into his urethra.

“Sore, boy?” whispered Vince, slipping the ring over the head of Jack’s cock and locking everything in place. He rubbed Jack’s balls. “Won’t get hard and all soft over Jan without my permission now, will you?”

Sweat coated Jack’s body, one droplet taking the chance to escape and running over Jack’s hip to the floor. Groans mumbled through the blackness, Jack’s, as he tried to close his legs.

“Focus.” A slap went to Jack’s face, then a thin needle was pulled from the case and wiped with the sterile swabs. The fine point touched Jack’s left nipple, fingers pinching either side to make sure the nipple stood on end, and Jack dug his feet into the dust, arching his body, knowing the pain before it even kicked in.

The piercing came slowly, slower than the urethra insertion, the needle pushed back and forth a few times as if it were a vibrator trying out a few deep strokes.

“Oh yeah, fucking good,” mumbled Vince, through Jack’s cries. With the needle kept in place, a small trickle of blood ran from the pierced nipple as it was squeezed between fingers. Another hand stroked roughly between Jack’s thighs, slicking them up with the lotion, slipping past his balls, over his taint. Massaging the pierced nipple, making it bleed some more, two fingers then pushed into Jack’s ass and he was forced to jerk under each brutal push into him.

“Hmm,” purred Vince, muscles defined in his arm as watched himself finger Jack, “Like coming home, boy.” He chuckled. “Or coming somewhere.” A kiss graced Jack’s hip. “You need my marking. Fuck me off enough, I just might.” A lick of tongue left a long, wet trail on Jack’s hips, Vince’s fingering and blood play making Jack choke and gag. “Warmed up enough in here for me?” After undoing the clasp to his jeans, Vince pulled out his cock and started laying a hand along it. “Yeah.” He shifted slightly to look at Jack’s ass. “Looks ready for me all right.” Slicing the tip around Jack’s ass, he pushed in, making sure he won an extra cry out of Jack as he leaned down and bit at his pierced nipple, needle now caught between his teeth. The chain keeping the leg-spreader in place had allowed for slack, for Vince to get exactly the angle he needed to rape and—

Giving a strangled groan, I hit my head off the wall a few times, trying to force blackness over what I was witnessing, how Jack cried out to each hard taste between his thighs, how Vince would arch his own body up, pulling at the nipple almost as if to tear skin as he pulled the needle free, then let it go at the last moment, but only to swamp it with his lips, sucking, licking, nipping—

“No you don’t, pet,” whispered a voice, and a rattle of chain came from overhead. Forced over by Jack, I stumbled to my knees. Henry came down behind me, his grip to the back of my head, forcing me to look at Vince pounding into Jack.

“C’mon, you’ve seen Vince fuck him after the Queen’s speech, you’re used to it now,” said Henry.

“Fuck you.”

A thumped went to my ribs. “Fucking watch.”

Jack cried out too, and it jerked my eyes open.

“Hurts him as well if you don’t do what you’re told, pet,” whispered Henry. “Doesn’t like you hurting, even now. Vince’ll soon fuck that out of him.”

Vince was up on his knees slightly, leaving enough room to look down and watch his dick sliding into Jack. “Fuck, yes,” he groaned, hips slamming home hard.

“Looks real sweet taking that, don’t he?” whispered Henry, and I stiffened as his hand fell onto my dick. “Bet your missing that body, huh? Having that tight ass there take all this?” He massaged me through my trousers. “Show me how much you miss him, pet.”


Clasp undone, Henry forced his hand into my boxers. “Yeah, fucking good-sized cock here. Gotta be why Jack likes you.” Henry’s hard-on pushed against my ass. “Bet you make him writhe and cry out taking this?”

“Fuck you.” I tried to shake him off, but he carried on stroking at my dick.

“How about a deal?” Mask shifting slightly, he licked at my ear. “Get hard for me, pet. I’ll see if I can stop Vince there, let you take over? Let you fuck him better?”

I choked a sob.

“I know you’re missing him, and I don’t mind, really. So c’mon. I’m giving you the opportunity to stop that roughness going on there. Let you take care of Jack, let you lick his wounds your way.” He was chuckling with that. “Or lick his ass, anyway. Tastes good now that Vince slicked him up for you. Won’t even give you a sore dick.”

“Not like that—
like fucking that.”

“No? Think you’re better?” Every ounce of playfulness was gone as the grip tightened on my hair. “Vince’s raping the fuck out of your boyfriend—again—and you, you’re just watching. You like to watch, eh, Jan? Is that what gets you going? Jack being rough-fucked in front of you? Well take a good look now, you watch him get fucked hard.”

Vince gave one long hard punch into Jack, forcing Jack to stretch his neck back and cry out. The desolation of my own cry was lost to how Henry still rubbed at my cock, still gripped, played, roughed along my length.

“Oh for—” Giving a growl, Vince leaned over, grabbed at my ass, then took my dick in his mouth.

“Oh yeah, oh yeah, baby.” Henry was breathing hard, fast. “Get the bitch stiff. Let’s watch the boys play.”

“Stop,” I cried, hating Henry, hating Vince, his touch, how my body went against my mind’s need for it to stop, just—“Fucking stop.”

“Oh no,” said Vince, giving one long lick along my dick. “Not now, kid. Not looking like that.” He grunted a smile and pulled out of Jack, leaving Jack trying to close his legs again.

Vince unlocked the leather ankle cuffs, then did the same with the arm spreader, and pulled Jack up. Forced to face me, his gaze found mine, all that frowned greyness now just for me.

“Jan?” Nothing more than a whisper.

He was shaking, slick with sweat, and with how the urethral insertion had hurt, perhaps suffering from something else entirely—

“Jack,” I said just as quietly.

He flicked a look away, then up at me, then just briefly at Vince. “Don’t... look,” he mumbled.

Face screwing, I glanced at Vince, but automatically found Jack again. “Baby...”

He shook his head, quickly, just once, then cast his eyes away, to Henry—to the floor, as Vince went in close and smiled at me over Jack’s shoulder.

“Don’ Jan, Jack.”

A tear slipped over Jack’s cheek. His gaze found mine again and there was a thousand and one apologies battling with a need to not see me, but something else, something his torn body brought so easily to the surface, a deeper need to risk everything, to hide, to get close, even if it was only a few minutes in one fucked-up nightmare that would see him hurt for it and—

“Don’t, Jack,” I groaned.

Head dropping slightly, shivering, he still came in, hands creeping up to the lapels of my jacket, so close now, seeming to want to hide, needing care, love—tenderness. Not so tough—not so fucking tough.

I cried out feeling him against me, mostly how familiar everything was, mostly how I needed him, but knew what came with it. “Hurt...” I tried to push him away for his sake, for mine. “Don’t... please, baby. Fucking hurt you. Us.” But Jack only gripped tighter.

“Need you,” he mumbled, sounding so tired and hurt. “Please. Just for a moment, just...”

“Touching someone you shouldn’t, boy?”

Jack stilled the same instant I did.

Vince tutted, then grabbed Jack by the hair, pulling him back into him. “You attempting to get hard down here?” he snarled quietly, his hand mauling at Jack’s dick.

Jack said nothing as Vince bit as his neck. “Whore’s ass is mine. And you, you little fuck, you were encouraging Jan to fuck it when I’d told you not to.” Vince looked over at me, still nuzzling into Jack’s neck. “Needle,” he said quietly.

“What?” Forced forward, I was taken close to Jack’s pierced nipple.

“Get it out or we leave it in,” whispered Henry. “And that’ll really grate on lover boy’s mind.” Henry pushed me flat against his nipple, hands strained behind my back. “Out. Pull it fucking out now or I rape your ass. His hurt, or yours.”


A hand hit my head. “To me,” snarled Henry quietly, “you talk to fucking me. And I’m telling you, pull that fucking needle out or you talk to my fucking cock. Got it, pet?”

With my tongue flicking under the bluntest end, I made it quick for Jack, but he only cried more when the traces of blood forced me to lose grip. Giving a snarl, I gripped at it again and tugged it free, leaving Jack yelping, me crying.

“Aw, you chose his hurt over yours,” chuckled Henry. “Way to go, pet. He won’t remember anyway, right?”

I couldn’t take my gaze off how Vince was messing with Jack’s cock cage, loosening the lock. “This too.”

“No.” I was forced level with Jack’s groin.

“Out,” breathed Henry. “Take the plug out of his cock. Or you take me and Vince together. You had two cocks yet, Jan? That vanilla ass of yours up for a double stretching?”

Shaking, tears misted my vision as Jack struggled, his groans smothered as though a hand covered his mouth. “Can’t... don’t... please. I’ll hurt him.” He looked so sore there, not just from the penis plug.

“Yeah, you being pansy vanilla, you just might.” A slap came at my head. “Better get it out of his cock quick then. Or I’ll shock the penis plug and really get him to bitch and moan.”

Giving a cry, I gripped the end of the plug with my teeth and made it gentle, made it slow, then spat the plug away when it came out so easily. A hand crept between my thighs and stroked at my dick. “Good boy,” whispered Henry. “I like this side of an animal; hurting others over being hurt himself. Can we get you to do more, pet, hmmm?”

Jack was pushed down to the floor, now on his stomach, and Vince shifted, holding him facedown.

“Go on, pet,” mumbled Henry, in my ear. “You’ve earned it. Climb on lover boy. Fuck him, or I fuck you.”

“No,” I snarled through my teeth, pushing back into him.

That hand stroked at my dick. “You’re still hard here, missing him.” Quiet. “Do it.” A chuckle. “Do it-do it. Or we’ll fuck you.”

Fuck me. Do whatever you need to fucking do. I won’t ever touch him like that! You’ll cut off my dick first.

The chuckling stopped. “Whatever.”

I let out a cry as I was pushed down onto Jack. Trousers pulled over my ass, I grunted as Henry crushed his weight on me from behind and forced his tip into me, splitting me raw. Vince undid my cuffs, then in the struggle, forced my hands over Jack, so I was holding him down too.

“Feel that, boy?” taunted Vince. “Jan’s into a little frottage, rubbing himself off on you.”

“Yeah,” grunted Henry, slamming my hips into Jack’s. “Make you come on him, pet,” It seemed to last a lifetime. Jack was quiet beneath me, body slick and salty, but an undertone of CK One filling every part of my senses. I cried out, lost my voice through crying out, then went as quiet as Jack as the constant push on my prostate forced my come onto him.

Henry pulled free, cooing out and wiping his dick on my ass. When he eventually moved, I suddenly scrambled up, off Jack, nearly knocking back into Henry. Vince let Jack go, and, pushing up awkwardly, looking stiff, his movements mechanical, Jack knelt there, facing me, head down, shivering.

“Just pig meat in need of a decent basting every now and again, aren’t you, boy” said Vince, from Jack’s side, watching him. “And Jan, his come looks damn good between your thighs there.”

There was the briefest frown.

“Wasn’t me, Jack. Sorry,” I cried, “so sorry, baby, so...”

Something tore through Jack’s eyes as he looked at me, and the levelling of such a cold gaze made me try and crawl back over to him and wipe every trace of me away. “Not me, Jack. Not fucking me.”

But Jack was lost to the come between his thighs now, body rigid, and everything hit so hard. He snarled, shifting to wipe between his thighs, just to get the come off—and Vince cuffed him up the head.

“Stop it.”

It seemed to stop Jack for a moment, just leaving him scowling down at his body. But then he eased a look at Vince.

BOOK: Antidote (Don't)
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