Antonia's Bargain (14 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

BOOK: Antonia's Bargain
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“Did your wife know?”

He sighed. “Such a simple question, such a complicated answer. Yes, she knew. At

first she enjoyed the fact that I encouraged her to try different sexual scenarios.

Eventually, I realized her tastes for such games went far deeper than I was prepared to

go and I chose not to participate.”

“Did you make love to her like that?”

Gideon went still. “I don’t understand.”

Antonia gestured at the rumpled silk bed sheets. “The way you did with Peter. Can

you do that with a woman?”

He drew his right knee up and rested his hands on it. “I’ve penetrated you there

with my fingers. You must know you could take my cock if you wished to.”

She held his gaze. “And if I wished to? I’d still be a virgin?”

“In the eyes of the church, yes. But some would consider you…compromised.”

She stripped off her coat. “I am already compromised. I want to feel you inside me,


A desperate sense of rightness enveloped her. It made perfect sense. Gossip had

obviously lied about his part in his wife’s death. He’d told her of his remorse. If Gideon

preferred men, perhaps he would be amenable to her marriage bargain. Her wealth and


Kate Pearce

complete discretion, in return for sexual freedom for them both. She had to prove her

worth to him, now, before she lost her nerve.

He reached for her hand. “Antonia, you do not have to do this. I wanted you to see

who I am. I wanted you to understand that I like to fuck—” She cut him off with a kiss.

He groaned and kissed her back, crushing her to his chest. His hands moved under her

shirt to touch her skin.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

In a hurry now, she removed her waistcoat and cravat. Gideon sighed as she leaned

in to kiss his mouth. His fingers fisted in her shirt.

“Keep this on. Unbind your breasts, but leave your shirt. In my dreams this is how

you look when I take you for the first time.”

Her sex swelled and throbbed at the dark possessive tone of his voice. “You have

always wanted to do this to me?”

“From the first time I saw you staring into the fire in the salon downstairs.” He

hesitated. “At that moment, I didn’t care whether you were a man or a woman. You just

intrigued me and I wanted you.”

He slid his hands under the shirt and gripped her hips. “I will make sure there is no

pain. I will make sure you are ready for me.”

Antonia licked her lips. His cock was already hard and ready to penetrate her. She

was ready too. Part of her wanted it to be over. The rest wanted him to linger over

every glorious second. To her disappointment, he climbed off the bed and went into the

dressing room. She heard the sound of him washing and his muted farewells to Peter

and the other woman.

When all was quiet, he returned. In his hands he held a box, which he laid on the

bed. “These are things to ease my passage and make it more pleasurable for you.”

Antonia opened the intricately carved wooden box. Inside was a crystal bottle of oil

which she knew from her previous experiences would feel delightful against her skin.


Antonia’s Bargain

She picked up a flared glass ornament which was about the thickness of a whip handle

and as long as her hand. She looked up to find Gideon watching her.

He took one of the ribbed pieces of glass and held it next to his cock as if comparing

the size before choosing a larger one. “We can take our time over this. There is no

reason to rush.”

Antonia scowled at him. Who knew how long her burst of courage might last. “I

want you tonight, Gideon. I think I’ve waited too long already.”

He opened the bottle of oil and trickled some onto his fingers. She inhaled the scent

of orange blossom and spices. “Then I will do my best to end that wait. Kneel up and

put your hands at the top of the headboard.”

She grasped the oak edging as instructed, felt the long tails of her linen shirt graze

the back of her bare thighs. Gideon sat behind her and rubbed oil into the soles of her

feet and up to her ankles. The only sound in the room was her harried breathing and

the soft slick of the oil. His hands slid up to her knees, spreading them wider.

“You are tense. Try and relax.”

He sounded calm, his movements unhurried as he concentrated on oiling her skin.

“I have imagined doing this to you for a long while. I’ve also wanted you to do it to


“Rub you with oil?”

He chuckled, his breath warm on her skin. “Yes and have you suck my cock while

you are about it.”

A gush of liquid flooded her sex as she thought about his words. His fingers grazed

the insides of her thighs. She wondered if he could feel the thick cream of her pleasure

trickling down.

He drew in a breath. “Ah, you are wet. Let me see.”

She shivered as he carefully folded her shirt up and revealed her naked buttocks.

He nudged her knees wide. The subtle lick of his tongue between her thighs made her


Kate Pearce

arch her back, giving him better access to her sex. He brought his oiled fingers up as

well, toying with her clitoris as he gently probed her anal bud. Three fingers inside her

now, her clit slippery with her own juices and the oil. She came with a soft whimper,

hardly felt him replace his fingers with the glass rod until it was wedged deep inside


His hands moved to her breasts and cupped them. She let out a wary breath.

“The glass, it cannot get lost in there, can it?”

He took her hand and brought it around to her buttocks. “No, feel, these things are

designed to stop that happening.”

Her fingers closed around the flared base of the glass. It was much too wide to fit

inside her. Gideon took her hand and returned it to the headboard. He knelt behind her,

his large body pressed against hers from knee to nape. His cock, a thick hot presence

against the small of her back. He returned to her breasts, his oiled fingers working her

nipples into stiff aching points. She rocked her hips back against him and felt the glass

rod within her move and stretch her flesh.

She shuddered as he used one long finger to stroke her clitoris. She struggled with

the desire to come again. “May I touch you, Gideon?”

He removed his hands from her body and sat back on his knees, his fingers spread

on his thighs. Antonia took the oil bottle and dripped some into the palm of her hand.

Gideon’s stomach muscles tightened as she looked at him. In its naked glory, his cock

was bigger than she had realized. The thick length of it almost reached his navel. He

was already wet, a pearl of moisture ready to slide down from his crown to coat his

glistening shaft.

Antonia scooped up the wetness and sucked her finger into her mouth. His cock

grew even bigger. She rubbed the oil between her palms and started to smooth it over

the golden hair on his chest. His nipples hardened under her fingers. She paused to

investigate them and the effect her fingers and mouth had on him. His pre-come soaked

the front of her white shirt as she bent to her task.


Antonia’s Bargain

Her nipples hardened even more as she knelt to slide oil across his shoulders and

down his arms.

“You can rub harder than that. I won’t break.”

Gideon’s husky request made her draw her nails across his skin. He shuddered and

she did it again, reaching down to outline his buttocks with the rasp of her fingertips.

“Suck my cock.”

She sat back and studied him. His hands remained on his thighs but they were

fisted. His cock pumped with its own life as if begging for her touch.

“And should I be hard on you or soft?”

He swallowed, his throat working as he studied her through eyes hazed with

passion. “Whichever you think I deserve.”

She bent and licked her way around the swollen crown of his cock, concentrating

on his taste and the sensation of his blood pumping against her skin. So stiff now that

she feared he might break if she didn’t give him release. She squeezed his shaft, thought

about the glass rod buried inside her and clenched her own muscles. How would he

feel inside her? As hard as the glass or simply bigger all over?


He slid a hand into her hair and guided her lips around his shaft. She drew him

deep into her mouth, enjoying the wild raw smell of his passion. She felt a deep

connection with his scent that went far beyond civilized words such as love and lust.

From the first time he kissed her she had craved the taste of him, wanted to take him

into herself and never let him go.

He flexed his hips, pushing his cock farther down her throat. She took him in

greedily, sucking and pulling on his engorged flesh, her whole focus on pleasuring him

and being pleasured in return. Her sex pulsed to the rhythm of her sucking and poured

out cream to welcome him. She grabbed his buttocks, dug her nails in hard as he

groaned low in his throat.


Kate Pearce

She almost snarled at him when he dragged her away and pressed her down into

the pillows. His mouth settled over her pussy and she forgot to be angry. His clever

tongue and slick fingers brought her to a level of excitement she hadn’t believed

possible. It was her turn to writhe as he pulled away from her just as she was about to


He made her kneel again, her hands grasping the headboard, her legs apart. Her

heart thudded in her chest as he removed the glass plug and nudged her with his cock.

“The last time someone fucked me, I was in my last term of school.”

He penetrated her. She shook with the sensation of it as his wide cock slid inward

helped by the oil. He paused to touch her nipples, squeezing the tips until it felt like a

hot thin wire between pleasure and pain.

“One of the schoolmasters used to make us line up facing the fireplace and drop

our breeches before he caned us.” He rocked his hips, went deeper. “Sometimes he

would deliberately delay our punishment. I can still remember the sensation of waiting,

the cold air on my buttocks, the scratch of his quill pen as he attended to his work.”

Antonia moaned as he caressed her swollen clit.

“When he made us wait, some of the boys shook and almost pissed themselves with

fear. It aroused me. My cock would be hard. And when he finally got around to beating

us it simply aroused me more. All that blood to the buttocks. We should try it some


“Did he not notice?”

She felt Gideon’s smile even though she couldn’t see his face. “Eventually. One

evening he sent the other boys away and left me standing there with my breeches still

down and my cock so hard it was dripping.” She imagined him like that, felt her sex

throb in response to the carnal image. “He brought his cane up and rubbed it over my

cock until I had to clench my teeth against the ache.”

She could scarcely breathe, so caught up in his words. “He told me that if I came, he

would beat me again.”


Antonia’s Bargain

He surged forward until he was fully lodged inside her. She felt the hot press of his

balls and furred stomach and the gentle rub of his fingers over her sex.

“Did you come?”

“Of course I did. He gave me six more strikes of the cane, wrapped his fingers

around my cock and made me erect again.”

He drew out of her until she feared he might not return. Her sex screamed with the

need to come.

“He did that to me three more times until he finally fucked me.”

He drove back inside her, shocking her anew with his huge size and width. She

climaxed with a violence she had never experienced before. The pulses went on and on

as he rocked back and forth against her and finally came himself. The hot wet heat of

his seed spurted deep within her.

He kissed her neck, cradled her in his arms. “It was the most erotic experience of

my life. Until now.”

He slowly pulled out of her, leaving a trail of his hot come behind him.

Antonia collapsed onto the bed and he gathered her into his arms. His expression

gentled as he kissed her mouth.

“I don’t want to lose you, Antonia. Will you allow me to call on you tomorrow?”

She turned and smothered a smile against the pillows. Calling on her was

tantamount to a declaration of marriage. She had been trying to work out how she

might ask him to marry her and agree to her conditions. He’d just offered her the

perfect opportunity.


Kate Pearce

Chapter Eight

As Antonia walked demurely to the park with her aunt and cousin, she planned

exactly what she intended to say to Gideon when he came to visit her. Even if he agreed

to her suggestion of a marriage of convenience, she hoped he would still share her bed

in a limited fashion. Her body still ached from his attentions and heated at the erotic

thought of more sexual encounters. Last night he’d taught her about passion and about


A small part of her, a part she tried hard to ignore, wanted to experience the

sensation of his cock sinking deep inside her sheath. Was she weakening toward him? If

she allowed him to seduce her, she risked being trapped in a never-ending cycle of

pregnancy and dependency like her mother before her. She shuddered at the thought.

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