Apocalypse Weird: Reversal (Polar Wyrd Book 1) (26 page)

BOOK: Apocalypse Weird: Reversal (Polar Wyrd Book 1)
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She pulled open a closet in the narrow cabin. It was filled with heavy wool sweaters and trousers. Men’s clothes, Vincent’s probably. She stripped off her drenched gear and donned some dry clothes, cinching the pants tight with a belt. The note Murphy had written fell out of her pocket in bits of damp paper, the ink bleeding.

She stared at his cramped scrawl.

What had he meant? Had he thought
was Marina? Or had the real Marina—the demon—told him to meet her at High Desert Town?

She flipped the piece of paper over. On the back Murphy had scrawled a URL.

Sasha returned to the front to shuffle through the manuals tucked into a side pocket beside the wheel. She had to figure out how the navigation systems worked, if she in fact had any navigation systems.

A piece of paper dropped out of the operating manual for the boat.

“Find me” was all it said.

The note was in Murphy’s handwriting.

The sun slipped over the edge of the earth, illuminating the ocean in a shimmer of light.

Ahead of the boat a giant patch of fog had formed over the sea, and amidst the fog a few lone lights glimmered.

About the Author

Jennifer Ellis lives in mountains of British Columbia where she can be found writing, skiing, and working as an environmental researcher. She also has a PhD, reads tarot cards and springs surprise walks on unsuspecting neighborhood dogs. She has wanted to be a writer since she read
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
and did not want to come out of the wardrobe.


Her Derivatives of Displacement series is science fiction fantasy for middle-graders (and adults) that explores the intersection between science and magic. She also writes adult fiction with a dystopic edge including
In the Shadows of the Mosquito Constellation
Confessions of a Failed Environmentalist
(forthcoming, spring 2015). She has also contributed to several anthologies, most notably
Synchronic: 13 Tales of Time Travel
, and
Tales From Pennsylvania


Check out her website at:
. She tweets at @jenniferlellis.

Apocalypse Weird

Follow the trail and explore the World of Apocalypse Weird.


It's Bigger than you imagine… Or fear.


More Books in the Apocalypse Weird


Go deep. Go dark.

Table of Contents

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