Apple's Angst (30 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Eckler

BOOK: Apple's Angst
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pple didn't know exactly how it happened. It seemed just like minutes ago that she and Sloan had breezed into the club after dinner at a small restaurant, and now they were kissing. Apple was kissing Sloan Starr!

“Oh, peachy Apple,” Sloan murmured into Apple's hair. “Applesauce. Apple pie.”

Apple giggled. She usually hated it when people made up nicknames. People always thought they were being so clever. As if Sloan was the first to call her Applesauce. He had no idea. She had been called that nickname probably a billion times throughout her life.

Still, Apple let him believe that she had never heard that before and that he was, indeed, being clever and charming.

“Stop saying that!” she said flirtatiously.

Apple kissed him back vigorously and thought, If only Lyon could see me now. Though she couldn't help
but think that Lyon was a better kisser than Sloan. Maybe it was because Sloan was new, and she was used to Lyon's lips.

She also thought, If only Happy could see me now!

Apple hadn't spoken to Lyon—he hadn't called and he hadn't responded to the couple of text messages she'd sent him just to say hi—and it bothered Apple. It bothered her that she still thought about Lyon, and that it had gone from so good to so bad so quickly. But she also couldn't believe that some guy at her school wouldn't want her when clearly people more famous, actual celebrities like Sloan Starr, did. Yes, there was definitely something wrong with Lyon, Apple concluded.

“That's a pretty sexy outfit you have on,” Sloan whispered in her ear.

“Thank you,” said Apple, batting her eyelashes like she had seen Happy do many times. “I try.”

“Obviously, you don't have a boyfriend anymore,” Sloan said.

“Nope. I'm single,” Apple said, hoping she sounded breezy, as if losing Lyon was no big deal.

Apple noticed there were dozens of girls trying to get Sloan's attention.

“Don't you notice all the girls flirting with you?” Apple asked Sloan. It was so painfully obvious. One girl, right in front of Apple, had slid a napkin toward Sloan and told him, “Read it later.” Apple couldn't read the words, but she did see a phone number. She couldn't help but gloat inside a little as she noticed Sloan just nod dismissively. Still, he hadn't thrown out the napkin.
He had put it in his pocket. Whatever, thought Apple. He probably didn't want to hurt her feelings.

“Well, you're the apple of my eye, sweetie,” Sloan said.

Apple knew in her heart it was a pickup line, but she also couldn't help from falling a bit for Sloan. Looks-wise, he did remind her of Lyon. But Sloan was better-looking or at least had the attitude. Apple wasn't sure if it was his attitude that made him more attractive than Lyon.

Apple and Sloan talked all night. Rather, Sloan talked all night about all the celebrities he had interviewed and which ones he liked the best. Apple listened with rapt attention. They kissed often. Happy would want to know all about these inside scoops of gossip. Boy, would Happy regret not coming out tonight. Apple couldn't wait to tell her what she had missed.

Apple woke up. She knew immediately that she had slept through something big. She looked at her alarm clock. It was almost two o'clock in the afternoon. How had she slept in so late? She smiled, recollecting the events of last night as she stretched her arms and let out a loud yawn.

She had kissed Sloan Starr! He wanted to be with her! Apple couldn't believe it.

She looked around for her BlackBerry, which she found on the floor next to her bed. Her heart pounded as she looked through her messages. There was a message from Sloan, telling her what a great time he
had had. Apple texted him immediately. He texted her back instantly. They made plans to meet up later that night.

Apple lay back in bed. She couldn't believe how tired she was. Her phone rang. Apple picked it up excitedly. Maybe it was Sloan?

“Apple, where were you?” Happy said.

“I was out with Sloan,” Apple responded. “You know that.”

“No, this morning! You completely missed the exam!” said Happy.

“Oh, my God,” said Apple. “I totally forgot.”

“Yeah, you did. So how was last night?” Happy asked. Apple knew that Happy couldn't help herself. Yes, they weren't getting along so well these days, but Happy would still want to know all the juicy details. And if juicy gossip about hanging out with Sloan Starr was all it took to reel Happy back in, then Apple would certainly divulge.

“It was unbelievable,” Apple gushed, after she told Happy about her night with Sloan. “We're going out again tonight. Come out with us tonight! You have to this time.”

“You're going out with him again?” Happy asked.

“Yes,” Apple said.

“What are you going to do about the exam?” Happy asked.

“Oh, that. Maybe I'll try to work something out with Hazel. She'll have my back,” Apple said.

“You sure about that?” Happy wondered, and Apple wasn't exactly sure what she was getting at.

“Oh, who knows? She's so caught up with her wedding. So you are coming out tonight, right? I'm not going to take no for an answer.”

“Fine, I guess so. Can I bring the gang?” Happy asked.

“Like who?” Apple pressed.

“What do you mean? The gang! Brooklyn, Zen, Hopper, whoever else. Or is it exclusive?” Happy asked sarcastically.

“It's not that it's exclusive. I just …”

Apple wasn't sure exactly what she felt. She was looking forward to hanging out with Happy, and even Brooklyn, but wasn't sure about inviting the whole gang, especially Zen, whom she had managed to forget about.

But they were her friends. And she had this fabulous new group of friends, and they should all get to know each other.

“So what's going on with you and Zen?” Apple asked, trying to keep Happy on the phone. “You guys are cool to hang out together still?”

Happy didn't respond immediately. When she did, her voice was curt. “Um, we broke up for good, like, three weeks ago,” she answered. “But, yes, we're still friends.”

Apple was shocked. How did she not know this news, especially from her best friend?

“Why didn't you tell me? Are you okay?” Apple asked.

“Yes, I'm fine. I would have told you, but you seemed so busy. And I figured somehow you'd hear from someone else.”

“Happy, you know I'm never too busy for you,” Apple said.

“Well, it hasn't seemed that way,” Happy said. “I've been kind of lonely, actually.”

Happy explained how she had realized that Hot and Disturbed Guy was really too disturbed for her liking.

“Well, tonight we're going to have a blast,” Apple said, trying to sound enthusiastic. “Sloan hangs out with all these people who are actors and actresses, and you can meet them and maybe they'll give you tips on breaking into the business. You could even ask Sloan!”

“You think?” Happy said, her voice sounding lighter.

“I'll make it happen!” Apple said.

“Thanks, Apple,” said Happy. “We'll talk later.”

Apple felt good. It was going to be a great night.

Apple went to Happy's house first. Apple always loved hanging out at Happy's place, and it was months since she had been there.

“So how is Zen?” Apple asked. Now that Happy and Zen were through, Apple felt she had gotten away with something and was grateful. Happy would never find out about that. She had gotten away with a lot lately, thought Apple. First she had gotten away with not writing Apple's Angst, and now she was getting away with kissing Zen.

“He seems fine. We still talk. We're still friends. In fact, I think he has started to date someone else,” Happy said. She didn't sound jealous at all.

“Really?” Apple asked curiously. “How do you know?”

“I can just tell,” Happy said. Apple knew she couldn't press the issue, because she would sound overly interested.

“And what really happened with Therapy Guy?” Apple asked, though her mind was on what girl Zen was interested in. Maybe that's why he had stopped trying to get in touch with her and not, as she had assumed, because Apple just didn't respond.

“Well, it turns out the thrill wore off pretty quickly,” Happy laughed. “Once Zen and I ended it, that spark was gone too.”

Apple felt relieved. Even if Happy ever found out that she and Zen had kissed, surely she couldn't be a hypocrite, since she had cheated on Zen.

“And you and Sloan?” Happy asked. “What's up with that?”

“I guess you could say we're a couple,” Apple said. “Or at least we're on our way to being one.”

Apple wasn't sure how true this was. But Sloan was texting her all the time, and really seemed into her. Of course they were going to end up together. Apple could feel it.

“Well, I can't wait to meet him. He's got to pass my test!” Happy said, just like the old Happy.

Apple and Happy met Emme and three of her friends at the restaurant. Sloan showed up shortly after, and Apple proudly introduced Happy as her best friend. Happy was in a good mood, and Apple couldn't help but notice that Sloan was being super-attentive to her. Apple was pleased. She wanted her best friend to like
her new love interest, and her new love interest had to like her best friend.

“I can't believe how well we're getting treated here,” Happy whispered to Apple at one point. “I mean, they just keep serving you and you don't have to wait. And they keep asking if we need anything.”

“I know, right? I think it's because of Sloan and his friends,” Apple whispered back.

“Or because of you,” Happy said, raising her eyebrows.


“Seriously, Apple. I know you don't pay attention to these things, but you're everywhere. People now know your name just as much as they know your mother's! You're all over the Web!”

Happy, clearly, had had a little too much to drink. On their way out, a photographer asked Sloan for a photograph. Sloan grabbed Happy and Apple on each of his arms, and all three smiled giddily for the camera. They parted ways there. Sloan was moving to another club, but Happy wanted to go home, and Apple knew it was only right to go with her best friend.

Apple called the car service and they waited to be picked up. When they arrived at Happy's house, Happy gave Apple a big hug.

“Thanks for the night. You're right. It was fun. And Sloan said he'd help me! And I got some really good contacts from some of his friends.”

Apple was pleased. She knew Happy would love Sloan. She felt like everything was different now, but different in a good way. Change can be good, thought Apple.

“You're in the paper again,” her aunt said, standing over Apple, who was still in bed.

“What time is it?” Apple asked, rubbing her eyes.

“It's time for you to get out of bed,” Hazel responded.

“What's in the paper?” Apple asked. She was used to this kind of wakeup call from her aunt now. She couldn't seem to remember a time when her face wasn't in the entertainment section of a paper or her name wasn't being mentioned on a blog.

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