Apple's Angst (35 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Eckler

BOOK: Apple's Angst
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“Well, at least no one's taking your photograph anymore,” said Brooklyn.

“Yeah, I'm old news,” Apple laughed. “Now I can eat without worrying about looking bad on television!”

Apple had spent the past week pigging out on pizza and hamburgers and fries. Why had she ever given that up?

“And they wouldn't be able to recognize you anyway, because your hair is different,” said Brooklyn.

“It's not different,” said Apple. “It's back to normal.”

Apple's boings were finally back. It was as if her hair knew she had been fired.

“The way it should be,” said Happy, pulling on one of Apple's boings.

“Yes,” agreed Apple. “Everything is the way it should be.”

“I should get that printed on a shirt!” said Brooklyn.

Apple smiled at Happy, who smiled back at her. “You should,” said Happy.

Brooklyn stood up taller and cleared her throat loudly, as if she were a teacher at the beginning of a class, trying to get the students to settle down. Happy and Apple glanced toward their friend with interest. Clearly, she wanted to tell them something important.

“Because of you guys and your boy nightmares, Hopper realized that I was sane and now wants to be exclusive!” Brooklyn announced.

“That's great!” Apple said.

“You know, you two should start a matchmaking business,” Brooklyn said. “You got me and Hopper together. And Hazel and Mr. Kelly together. And Guy and Michael together.”

Happy and Apple looked at each other.

“That's not a bad idea,” said Happy slowly. “How fun would that be, Apple? We could totally do it.”

“You think?” Apple asked. It wasn't a bad idea. It could be fun.

“Let's go discuss it over manicures. We may destroy our own relationships, but we also bring people together!” Happy said excitedly.

“Maybe we should! Okay, I'm ready to go,” Apple said. She thought about matchmaking and how nice it
would be to worry about someone
love life. It WASN'T a bad idea.

She took one last glance at herself in the mirror. Apple took in her curly hair, her white tank top, and her ripped jean shorts. Yes, she was finally looking back at herself.

Copyright © 2010 Rebecca Eckler

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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Eckler, Rebecca
Apple's angst / Rebecca Eckler.

eISBN: 978-0-307-37601-5

I. Title.

PS8609.C55A66 2010   C813'.6   C2010-902498-2

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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