Arcane Magic (Stella Mayweather Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Arcane Magic (Stella Mayweather Series)
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"Is there any reason Astra can't go alone? Not that I mind," I added, hurriedly, "but..."

"If I'm asked, or Evan's home is being observed for any reason, there's no way I can explain Astra being at Evan's house alone," Étoile explained, "But if she went with you, it's because you wanted to visit. I can explain that. That's plausible. Astra is merely a smokescreen and a power boost so you can get your job done. This job is yours, not hers."

"It's not a problem," I assured her, trying not to dwell on the thought of Evan. "I'll do it."

"Good. Thank you. I can't tell you how... This is very important, Stella. When I give the package to you, do not open it under any circumstances; and do not let it out of your sight. Astra will be here in a few minutes. I hope you have a successful trip."

"I can hardly wait," I said, feeling anything but excited. What was
Étoile getting me into?





Chapter Six


I don't know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't the large padded envelope that Étoile extracted from the safe in the wall only minutes after Astra's arrival. It just looked so ordinary in its manila hue. So innocuous. In the time it took me to visit the bathroom, brush my hair, and check to see I looked decent, prior to Astra's arrival, the package had grown into some, enormous thing without real parameters in my mind. Of course, it was a large envelope, only half an inch thick. It had to be something like that. It wasn't like she would ask me to collar a dragon and fly it to Texas... I hoped.

"Do dragons exist?" I asked.

Étoile gave me a puzzled look. "I hope not." She placed the package on the coffee table in her elegant and neat-as-a-pin living room, and the three of us stared at it wordlessly.

"So, what's in it?" I asked finally, surrendering to curiosity when it became apparent
Étoile wasn't going to say anything. I chanced a glance at Astra to see if she were any the wiser, but all the youngest Winterstorm sister did was lift her left shoulder slightly, then let it drop as she gave a small shake of her head. Interesting. Astra didn't know what the package contained either.

"I can't tell you,"
Étoile said.

"Why not?" I asked, trying to keep my voice light.

"It's best if neither of you know. I'm risking a lot just taking it out of the safe and it cost me a hell of a lot to get the contents."

"It's valuable?" asked Astra.

"Not like cash or jewels." Étoile gave us a small, tight smile. "but it's quite valuable to... some."

"Witches?" I guessed.

"Like I said, it's best that you don't know." Étoile picked up the package and held it in both hands, staring down at it. "I've magicked the package so that only Evan can open it. You must make sure it gets to him; but you must first make sure it
him. I know you have the skills to see past a shapeshifter, Stella. As far as I know, only he has been alerted that it's coming, but not how, or when, or even who it’s being delivered by, since one can never be too sure these days."

I nodded my understanding. Having had an unfortunate experience with a shapeshifter once, I knew how to recognise a being for what it really was. It had once taken a lot of effort for me, but now it was simple. Like with all my magical skills, this one became natural in no time. I tried not to think about the day Evan taught me the skill, in case I blushed. "I'll make sure the package gets into his hands and no one else's," I promised.

"You sound paranoid, sister."

glanced up at her sibling. "Like they say, just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me."

"What's really going on?" I asked, taking in her demeanour, as well as the opportunity to ask. It wasn't her clothing - which was impeccable, as always - but
something about her eyes, like she hadn't been sleeping well of late. Of course, I wouldn't be sleeping well if I thought someone was out to get me either. At least, with the Brotherhood hopefully now a distant memory, I'd been managing to sleep rather well. At least, I was until someone decided to slay a werewolf on my porch.

As for the other problems that I encountered since my inauguration as a witch, and my formal introduction into the strange, supernatural extra layer of the regular human world… well, let's just say I'd had my fair share of sleepless, worry-filled nights from time to time. Yet, things like that never seemed to affect
Étoile before. Whatever was going on was clearly serious, and it worried me that she seemed so reluctant to talk about it. It worried me much more, however, that she couldn't.

"I've put you both in enough danger just by asking you to do this for me; and I don’t intend to imperil your lives any further by telling you what's in the package. Just trust me, please, Stella, Astra. It's very important. That's all I can say."

"Okay," I replied. "I won't ask again. Do you have any other instructions for us?"

pursed her lips as she thought. "Take an indirect route," she suddenly said decisively. "Shimmer to a few other locations, maybe three or four, before you arrive at Evan's house. Just in case anyone is following you, or tracking your movements from my apartment."

"And when we get there?" Astra asked.

"Give the package to Evan and forget you ever saw it. If anyone asks why you came there, say you just wanted to visit an old friend with Stella, emphasising that it was just a social call. Stella can make something up and you can play ignorant. Simple as that." Étoile turned her gaze on me. "If you get stumped and can't think of anything, just burst into tears. That always makes people uncomfortable."

The withering glance I gave her in return wasn't altogether sarcastic, but she had a point. With Evan as my ex-boyfriend, crying could be a natural reaction; and also a way of preventing me from having to answer any pointed questions in that regard.

Étoile continued, "When you're finished, you're free to carry on as you like. Stella, if you want to go home afterwards, that's fine. Astra, you should return here, or to Seren's, if you'd prefer."

"I have Annalise and Beau's baby naming tonight," I informed them. "Apparently, it's a full moon. So I must get home in time."

Étoile tapped her palm to her forehead. "Another event I'll have to miss. Beg their forgiveness for me?"

"Beg it yourself! You already missed their housewarming." I pulled a face just to remind
Étoile how much she had missed lately, but surely, she must’ve expected that to be the case when she ran for Council. She knew it would take over her life and it did. At once, I felt guilty and mean for pointing it out.

"I'll send an extra large gift. Have they settled on a name yet?"

"Not that I know of. I think they plan on sharing tonight."

"I'm sorry I'll miss it."
Étoile's mouth frowned in true disappointment and she looked down, seeming to remember the package in her hands. She handed it to me. "Guard this."

"With my life?" I asked flippantly, but
Étoile simply sighed. "Seriously?" I enquired.

"Just don't lose it,"
Étoile replied. "Are you both ready?"

"As I'll ever be." I glanced at Astra, who nodded enthusiastically.

"I'm just here as your battery charger," she said, smiling, which lit up her face. For a moment, it struck me that she looked the best I'd ever seen her. She seemed healthy and strong; and her face had even taken on some colour. Her hair was a little longer, though not quite as long as Seren's yet, and she had highlights woven in that further enhanced her healthy appearance. Although I wasn't exactly following Astra's movements, I knew she now worked for Seren and David after spending a lengthy time in the care of her family, recovering from her uneasy past. After being manipulated by a murderer, and having her magic abused, her mind verged on the brink of insanity. I’d spoken to her a little during some of the Council elections, but rarely since then. Now I thought about it, this trip (of sorts) would be the first time Astra and I spent any time together alone. A year or two previous, that revelation would have made me deeply uncomfortable; but now? I wasn't sure what to feel. I certainly wasn't worried. She seemed so poised and fully in control, which was more than I could say for myself.

I remembered the Winterstorm parents once mentioning they hoped Astra and I could be friends. It was something to do with an old spell our parents cast together long ago, and then forgot all about until Georgia, of all people, raised the issue. Perhaps this was a good time for me to start making the effort? After all, one could never have too many friends. Speaking of which, I realised I had to go if I wanted to make it home in time for the naming ceremony.

"Don't forget to send me the list of names," I reminded my old friend. "And about my other problem?" I added, remembering another purpose for my visit.

"I'll make discreet inquiries," said
Étoile. "Keep me informed."

Astra was listening to our exchange, but said nothing. Instead, she extended her hand to me. "Shall we?"

Taking it in mine, I tucked the envelope into my shoulder bag, and nodded. I was ready to extract the large amount of power I needed for our trip by fueling myself in conjunction with Astra. "Let's go."




It seemed strange to be standing at the gates of the house that doubled as Evan's home and the base for his business. It was a blend of something between a supernatural delivery and bounty hunting service. Evan’s business, however, was approximately one hundred percent more dangerous than either profession separately. The key I'd never returned nestled in my jacket pocket, and I had the code for the numbered keypad mounted on the pillar to the right of the gates memorised, but it seemed wrong to use them now. Plus, it occurred to me, as Evan never asked me to return the key, perhaps he simply changed the code, as well as the locks. I wondered if he also increased the magic wards surrounding his home to protect against me. With those thoughts in mind, I decided it was better for us to wait and introduce ourselves at the gates, like regular guests. Albeit, unwelcome guests, quite possibly. No, it wouldn't do for me to think like that. Étoile said Evan was expecting the package, so I had to assume he'd be glad to get it, despite the method of delivery. Would Evan be surprised that I was the delivery agent? A sinking feeling hit my stomach as I thought about his disinterested reaction to seeing me only days before, and gulping hard, I pressed the flat, silver intercom button. Evan wasn't rude to me, but neither was he overjoyed during our last encounter. Would this be how it stayed between us now? Awkward. Stifled. Would I always feel so broken whenever I saw him?

"This is not forever," I murmured.

"What's that?"

I looked up, blinking at the sun in my eyes before I focused on Astra. She had her head cocked to one side as she looked curiously at me. "Oh, nothing. Just mumbling to myself."

Astra opened her mouth as if to say something, but just then, a familiar voice swam through the speaker grill. "Yes?"

"Micah? It's Stella."

"Stella... who?" came Micah's obnoxious reply. I could almost hear the smile in his voice as he teased.

"Ha-ha," I said, ignoring his question. "I'm here with Astra Winterstorm. We have a package for Evan. He's expecting it. May we come in?"

I'm fairly sure Micah intended for us to hear the sigh that whispered through the intercom. He was just that kind of guy: mildly obnoxious, terrifically handsome; and, as far as I knew, still had a huge crush on Étoile that she didn't exactly discourage. "Enter," he said, and the gates started to open, giving us just enough space to slip through before they began closing again, almost catching Astra's sleeve in the process. She had to jump sideways to avoid them with an annoyed yelp.

Micah was waiting at the door. A full-blooded demon, he'd been Evan's right hand man - although I was sure he'd sniff at the species descriptor - for longer than I'd known either of them. He was a stunning demon to behold. Tall and slim with chocolate skin that was neither black, nor white, but something else, shaved-short hair and sideburns that were expertly trimmed into points, capped by lethal-looking eyes. Today, Micah was dressed in an elegant black suit, offset by a crisp, white shirt and a blood-red tie
accented with thin, black diagonal stripes. He cut a fine figure as he waited in the shade of the doorway. Although he once claimed to not be overly fond of witches, we managed to come to some sort of friendship that was partly affinity and partly mutual toleration. His huge crush on Étoile meant more than my life was worth to mention. It was just Micah's bad luck that Étoile had an on again/off again arrangement with Matthias. Put the two otherworldly males in a room alone, and it's hard to say whom I would place my bet on.

"Stella." He nodded to me as he opened the door wider, allowing me to step into the air-conditioned entryway. "Witch," he added, barely even snarling, by way of acknowledging Astra.

"You know her name," I whispered, jabbing him with a friendly poke to the ribs.

"I can't be bothered to use it," he faux-whispered back. "Please don't feel I'm not pleased to see you... or that I care in any way, but what do you want?"

I opened my bag and pulled out the envelope. "Étoile asked that we deliver this to Evan."

"I'll take it," Micah said as he held his hand out.

"To Evan," I repeated. "She forbade me from releasing it until it was safely in his hands."

Micah gave me an eye roll and shook his head. "Fine, my little masochist. Evan is in his office. I will ask whether he wishes to see you. Don't hold your breath. Either of you,"
he finished, glancing with a scowl at Astra. As he turned his back, she stuck her tongue out at him, and I had to bite the insides of my cheeks to stop from laughing.

"Aren't you curious what's in it?" asked Astra. She gave the package a nod as I turned it over in my hands. There were no markings on either side, but it felt flat and solid at only half an inch thick.

"Yes, but not enough to risk opening it."

"I doubt
Étoile would ward it with any magic that would harm you."

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