Arcane Magic (Stella Mayweather Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Arcane Magic (Stella Mayweather Series)
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Gage was quiet for a long moment, his face growing ever more worried. Finally, he said, "Yes, it could. Look at the position you're in, Stella. You're the linch pin to the High Council."

I blinked. "Say what?" I asked, but I didn't need to. Étoile and Kitty had already made similar remarks. Hearing them from Gage, however, was worrying. If my closest friends and allies made that connection, who else might think the same thing? And what did that mean for me? Right now, I had more questions than answers.

"Think about it," said Gage, "
Étoile is your best friend and she's the head of the Witch Council. Your ex-boyfriend is second-in-line to Hunter, who leads the demons. And I'm climbing through the ranks of the wolves. It's common knowledge Noah Wilde and I have had our differences, and don’t’ forget, he was reprimanded for his actions at Étoile's inauguration. You're connected to supernaturals in powerful positions. You can get to any one of us, whereas an ordinary witch or werewolf can't. You would be able to pass on a message."

Étoile said the same thing. Surely, I can't be the only one connected to all three of you." I shook my head in disbelief.

"I sure can't think of anyone else. This has to be something that connects all of us."

"And the Council?" I mused. "The High Council is at its final stages? What the hell was that message?"

"I think I need to head up to Canada and find this wolf's pack. Maybe they have some ideas about what kind of message could be so important that someone killed him to stop him from delivering it. Maybe they can lead us to whoever gave him the message, maybe the same person who killed him."

"Count me in," I said, wondering why the thought of Canada suddenly had me on edge.

"No, Stella, this could be dangerous. I don't know what I'll be walking into up there."

"I'm coming," I insisted. "Whatever is going on, I'm in the middle of it. Sooner or later, someone might come looking for me. Maybe it's whoever magicked this Wyatt guy, maybe it'll be whoever... or whatever killed him. I want to find them first."

Gage glanced over his shoulder. "Kitty's waving at us. Let's meet tomorrow and discuss this further."

"There's nothing to talk about. I'm coming," I insisted, returning Kitty's wave as I walked around Gage to the door. With one hand on the handle, I turned back to him. "I'd better go talk to her before she starts asking what we're doing out here. Don't forget — you're my ride home. I cannot shimmer at all. I'm worn out."

"I can see there's no point trying to talk you out of it. Maybe on this trip, you'll tell me what errands
Étoile has got you running."

"One mystery at a time," I said, wondering just what I was in the middle of. Someone’s plans involved me, and I needed to know what they were. How could I defend myself if I were outmaneuvered? Plus, what if the message meant something
vitally important to one of the factions I was connected to? Clearly, the message wasn't supposed to arrive via conventional means; and since it was important enough to kill for only intrigued me further. But for now, I had one night where I didn't have to think about a thing; and I was ready to relax. "We should enjoy this."

"Never heard better words," Gage agreed, following me inside, and waving as someone called to him. "Who knows when we'll get another carefree night?"

I sought Kitty out, finding her in the nursery with Annalise, who was settling baby Selene in her crib. Annalise held one finger to her lips, then beckoned for us to follow her, leading us into her bedroom. "So many people turned out, I thought my house might burst," she said with a smile. "Now where is my hug, Stella? Gage told me you waited at the hospital with him."

"I did."

"And you shimmered back from thousands of miles? You never said! We haven't had a chance to catch up at all!"

"I took the plane," said Kitty. "But I did make the sun shine."

"I'm just glad you both got here. I have the best friends," Annalise gushed, enveloping me in a hug, then Kitty. "I want to know everything. What's going on with you both?" Kitty and I exchanged glances. Where should we start? The past couple of days were hectic. "Okay, I know that kind of look. What's up? Tell me."

"You just had a baby," said Kitty, dropping onto the chair in the corner of the bedroom while Annalise and I perched on the bed.

"So that's my news covered. I could tell you about the swollen ankles and the water retention but... all the more reason to distract me, right? What's happening in the big city? What? What did I say now?"

"The High Council is ready to be sworn in," said Kitty, "and
Étoile is freaking out."

"I saw Evan," I added casually.

Kitty squealed and Annalise's mouth dropped open. "Okay, wait, what? You saw Evan? What did he say?"



"He just looked at me and then walked away; and when I saw him at his house..." I paused, realising my mistake. No one was supposed to know I'd been there.

Annalise leaned forwards, "When were you at his house?"

"Earlier today."

"What happened?" they both asked.

"Nothing. He asked me a couple questions, told me he knew about the dead werewolf, then some black-haired, glammed-up, demon woman turned up and threw herself at him right before I left."

"Start again. From the beginning, and don't leave anything out," said Annalise. So, I did just that except I skipped over the part about Étoile's package, and how Astra and I made sure we weren't followed. I stuck solely to the bare bones of the meeting, making up a simple ruse for why I'd gone there. I hated to lie; but it was essential that neither of my friends knew anything. Étoile was very specific about the importance of secrecy in my mission. Now, as I thought about it, perhaps it made sense to tell my friends about seeing Evan; should anyone mention it, they would repeat my version of the story. Obviously, the fake explanation took a whole two minutes as my friends both stared open-mouthed at me.

"I hate to say it, but I heard something about this female," said Kitty, pulling a face. "I think she's some sort of high-level demon and..." She stopped, cringing.

"And what?" I asked, trying to keep it casual. After all, why should I care whose company Evan chose to keep? It wasn't like he kept in contact with me. In fact, he'd done exactly the opposite of what I thought he would do. When I left him, and removed his race's ability to blackmail him with me, I thought he'd leave them and return to his life. Maybe even mourn our relationship. Instead, he stuck by Hunter and caressed the hips of a demon female right in front of me! I was a bubbling pot of fury.

"I think... maybe... so, this woman... Don't look at me like that! Okay, I think she's his ex." Kitty cringed.

"His ex?" I said very slowly, my insides cooling rapidly as surprise overtook me.

"His not very ex, ex, if you get what I mean. I've seen her at The Amethyst. She's stunning. Annalise, her hair is like silk and she's... oh, sorry..." Kitty stopped when I cast a thunderous look at her.

"I think I hate her already," I said, slumping backwards so I was lying down, watching the ceiling loom over me. "What else aren't you telling me?"

"I heard Hunter wants them back together. She's from a powerful family. Her name sounds Russian. Or English. Eileen, Isla... something... I don't remember."

Annalise nudged my leg. "If it makes you feel better, I hate her too. And him."

"Absolutely," agreed Kitty. "Hate them both."

"I don't hate him. I'm just confused. He seemed so... frosty and she was so... ugh! I don't know what I expected," I sulked as I thought about her stunning beauty, the way she appeared so familiar towards him, how she kissed him and then walked into his home, purring about pleasure. "I broke up with him. I had to!"

"Less about him. What do you want?" asked Annalise. "Are you over him?"

I thought about my conflicted, twisted feelings. Of course, I'd thought about him often in the interceding months, but after encountering him, things were blurred. Did I want him back? I thought so until I saw the beautiful demon. She barely glanced at me before turning her attentions on Evan. Apparently, I was of no concern, much less, a threat to her. No, her sights were on Evan and he didn't exactly brush her off. In fact, she seemed to know her way around his home rather well.
From recent visits
? I wondered. Steeling myself, I tried to muster my resolve and composure. I should move on. I would move on. To hell with him! "Yes," I said, more decisively than I felt.

"Once more with conviction?" Kitty prompted.

I sat upright, pushing my shoulders back and holding my head up in a show of defiance. "I am over him. It was just a surprise, that's all. I didn't expect to see him twice after so long and... it just threw me. I'm fine. Really. Absolutely fine." I pretended to ignore the glances Annalise and Kitty exchanged.

"Then we can enjoy the party, right after Kitty clues me in on the High Council things. You know Gage tells me nothing? What's the benefit of having a packmaster brother if he can't even keep me in the loop?"

Kitty gave an exasperated huff. "I wish I could tell you, but Étoile barely tells me anything either; and I'm not involved in their political stuff. No one needs a weather witch unless they want a tan!"

"So that concludes it," said Annalise, laughing. "Are we the three least clued-in,
connected supes ever, or what? And where is our friend, Étoile? She should have been here."

"She asked me to apologise for her," I replied quickly, remembering the message I was supposed to pass on.

Annalise waved it away with a flap of her hand. "She'll make it up to me, I'm sure. Oh, no, did you hear that?" she paused. A plaintive "meep" sounded from the nursery, then a dainty cough, which was followed by a wail. "That's the baby, again! You two go enjoy the party while I settle her down. Go on! Enjoy your free time while you can. One of these days, it'll be you two with a baby and I'll be a seasoned mom by then." She ushered us out, sending us downstairs where glasses were pressed into our hands the moment we stepped off the stairwell. We were quickly absorbed in the crowd, each of us pulled in separate directions. A few times, I glanced up from my conversation to find Kitty cornering Ryan, the two of them laughing and talking as if they were entirely alone.

Kitty left before me, waving and pointing at Ryan who waited by the door for her. A moment later, I got a text saying they were going to talk and she might not be home, advising me not to wait up. I replied quickly; and by the time I found Gage in the kitchen, I was stifling yawns.

"Ready to leave?" he asked, pushing himself off the counter he was leaning on and patting his pockets.

"Yes, but I can wait."

"No, I was waiting for you." Gage dangled the car keys in his hand. "Let's vamoose. Goodnight, my friends." He waved away their protests, choosing instead to follow me outside. The journey home was only a matter of minutes on the quiet, dark roads and he parked on my driveway. The engine cut out and the lights flicked off, leaving only the porch light for illumination. Fortunately, there was nothing under it to illuminate. "You look pretty tonight," Gage said, reaching over to run the back of his fingers over my cheek. Abruptly, he dropped his hand. "It's good to see you happy. I'll walk you to your door."

"Have a drink with me?" I asked, feeling bold and alive as we stepped onto the porch. Maybe it was the alcohol, or perhaps the fear of what kind of being might be waiting for me, or maybe I just wanted to hang out with a friend, because I didn't want to be alone. Maybe it was all of the above.

"Sure." Gage smiled.

We kicked off our shoes as we entered and I shut the door, flipping the lock behind me as I glanced into the still night. Barefooted, I was several inches shorter than Gage and he towered over me. His hair was unruly, and his midnight blue shirt set off his eyes. "Really pretty," he repeated, looking down at me.

"You look good too," I said, shrugging off my jacket and dropping it over the back of the couch. My eyes dropped from his to the open neck of his shirt, then down his trim waist and back up again, noticing how the material only just covered his muscular frame. I met his eyes again tentatively, feeling fully aware that my heart rate increased. Judging by the flare in his eyes, I knew he picked up on that too.

He raised his hand to my cheek again, this time allowing it to linger. When I didn't brush it away, or laugh, or move, and did nothing but look up at him, he stepped closer, dissolving the space between us. "Stella?" he said softly, but he didn't need to say anything else. Closing the last, little, remaining space between us, I pressed my lips
against his. His kiss was gentle, and tentative. Still, neither of us pulled away. Then my arms were around his neck, and his encircled my back, crushing me against him as we stumbled. My back hit the wall as our kisses deepened. I gasped against his mouth and he whispered my name again before his hands delved under my sweater, his hot palms on my skin as he gripped my waist. I tugged at his shirt, the buttons sliding away at my fumbling fingertips until I could feel his skin. It was hard and muscled and far too warm to be human. I kissed his neck, his collarbone, and the delicate skin between them as he groaned, and searched for my mouth again.

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