Arms of Love (48 page)

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Authors: Kelly Long

Tags: #Fiction, #Historical, #Christian, #Romance, #Amish & Mennonite, #ebook, #book

BOOK: Arms of Love
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How have you seen God conquer fear, turmoil, and trouble in the past? How might He work to do the same if you take the risk of looking closer at something?

How does John’s introspection, or childlike view, make him more willing to examine difficult situations?

How can you be more “childlike” in your faith and willingness to behold?

: Oh Lord, give me the trusting heart of a child, a child who does not know pain or fear, so that I might be willing to look more closely at my life—my past, present, and future. Help me to remember that all is in Your hands and that You can work out “all things for good for those who know and love You and are called according to Your purpose.”

Day Two: “I Am for You”

Author’s Insight
: Jesus talks about the fact that “there is no greater love than this—that a man lay down his life for a friend” (see John 15:13). When you really think about what He is saying and meditate on it, you realize that He did that—He died on the cross for you. You might say, “My past is too bad, and what I’m doing now—well, He would not approve.” But the truth is that all the sins you’ve ever sinned, all that you will sin, were covered in the overwhelming victory cry of the cross, when God shouted throughout all time—“I am for you!” In the character of Ruth Stone, I wanted to create someone who would struggle to hear this cry, who would not believe that it actually meant something for her life—which seemed so miserable and lost. I wanted Ruth to be what we all feel at times—far from the victory and God’s word of promise that He truly is for us and loves us more than we can ever fathom.

Novel Question: When have you felt like Ruth Stone as she trudged along that dirt road, seemingly alone, until Adam rode up to her? Did you have trouble feeling like God was for you at this time? Why or why not?

In this world, it is hard to find someone, anyone, who is truly “for us.” What are the emotions you have experienced in dealing with people when you have discovered that they were not truly for you as you thought? Have you been hurt, disappointed, bruised in spirit, and so on?

Circle the areas of your life where you have felt that someone or something was not truly “for you.”




Marriage/romantic relationships



Explain your answers.

Now list the areas of your life where you have seen God at work or in your favor, being for you, even if only for a moment.

How does God’s idea of being “for you” differ from human ideas of love, friendship, or support?

: Dear Father, thank You that You root for me, that You stand by me, that You died for me. Help me to see You in those situations that I find are impossible in my life because someone is against me. Help me to know and remember that You are greater than all of my worries, doubts, and wounds.

Day Three: “I Will Turn to You”

Author’s Insight
: When a child cries, parents will usually stop what they are doing and turn to assess the situation—to see what the child needs or wants. How much more does our heavenly Father turn to us when we cry out to Him? This idea of turning is played out within the novel. I deliberately used the words “turned to” or “turned from” in many situations between Adam and Lena in order to capture the difficulties of working out a loving relationship in a fallen world. It is very, very important to remember that the evil of this world wants us to believe that God has turned His face from us when we have troubles. But the truth is that God is ever more present when we struggle— we simply cannot see Him always, but we can rest assured that if He promises to turn to us, to hear us when we cry or hurt, He will do so—because God cannot lie!

Novel Question: Mary Yoder asks Adam to turn from the one he loves for a time. How difficult is it for him to keep this promise? Why? How does God intervene in Adam’s story as to how he keeps the promise?

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