Around the World in 80 Girls: The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova (7 page)

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Russia (Far East) – Khabarovsk

After the wedding in Chita I spent two nights on the train to reach Khabarovsk, the second-largest city in Russia’s Far East. When I got off the train I dropped my bag in a locker and started exploring the city. It was hot outside and I walked around the city most of the afternoon. The first thing I noticed was the extremely high number of hot girls in the city. Having already been in Russia for already six weeks I was getting used to seeing quite a lot of attractive girls around but here it was unreal. Out of every ten girls you saw at least seven or eight were highly bangable. Almost every girl was at least a 7 on a scale of 10. It was at least thirty degrees in the sun and they were all dressed in short skirts and high heels. For some reason they were all big-breasted. I don't know what they eat there but they should introduce that diet to other parts of the world. I decided then and there that I would live in Khabarovsk after returning from my word trip.

that day I returned to the train station, since there are no hostels or cheap hotels in Khabarovsk. My plan was to stay in the train station’s dorms, but as soon as she found out I was a foreigner the fat old lady behind the counter just said “Nyet”. There were people just walking around behind me and I could see all the empty dorm beds. That fat old pig of a woman, who came straight from Stalinist times, just kept saying “Nyet” and I didn’t really know what to do. I went to the information desk and asked what was going on, but that didn’t help much. But a security guard overheard my story and walked with me to the hostel’s desk and tried to get me in. He didn’t succeed. He started calling around for me and I was hopeful I might get a nice apartment the way I had in Chita. Unfortunately he couldn’t find me anything, but he said I could sleep in the VIP waiting room for free. I offered him a beer in thanks, but he (Andrei) said: “I don't drink, I’m a sportsman, I run marathon”. Although he looked like a low life with teeth missing I believed him.

worked a twelve-hour night shift and the next morning when I woke up he offered me a place in his house with his family.  Obviously I accepted and we went there on an old, clunky bus to drop off my bag. After getting off the bus to the suburbs we walked over to his house. Although “house” is a bit of an overstatement. All of the two-story buildings were made of wood and looked like barracks from a WWII concentration camp. I finally understood what Moscow-Julia meant by a “really” bad look.  But I hadn’t had a shower in three days, so I was fine with it. The only problem was that there was no shower, only a sink. Still, I made the best of it with a bar of soap.

wife was a lot younger than him; I think she was in her late twenties, but she was quite ugly for a Russian girl. I guess Andrei was already in his mid-forties. Anyway, after cleaning up I dropped my bag and Andrei and I went back to the city for a “tour”. Since Andrei didn’t have any money I bought him some food and he asked if he could get a beer with that. Communication was difficult because he didn’t speak much English and I needed my pocket translation book a lot as we walked around the city and visited all the sites. Andrei was drinking more and more. In the afternoon we went to visit a childhood friend of him.

went to an office where he introduced me to Vitaly. Vitaly had a business getting visas for Russians who wanted to work abroad, and had two girls working there. One of them, Tanya, was very good-looking and her dress showed maximum cleavage. She didn’t speak much English. Natasha, the other one, was average-looking but spoke very good English. Both were in their early twenties. Vitaly was very interested in my travel story and invited me, the girls and Andrei to go to a Japanese restaurant. He had a thing for Japan and Buddhism.

asked me if I’d be going to countries like Cambodia and Laos, and when I said yes he asked me to get him some information about meditation once I was there. I didn’t have to pay for the food that night. Later that night Andrei and I took another walk and we bought some vodka. He was getting drunk and annoying when I tried to speak with some girls, and I got the idea he was not exactly translating what I told him, so I suggested we went back to his house and sleep. And so we did. His wife put a mattress on the floor and gave me an old blanket. When I woke up their dirty dog was sleeping next to me on my pillow.  At a guess I’d stolen its blanket.

next morning, Andrei, his son and I went to a banya, a Russian bathing house. It was the only thing I hadn’t experienced yet in Russia, and since it’s a typical Russian thing to do I wanted to try it. The banya was very expensive by Russian standards and I was quite pissed that we only stayed for 1.5 hours while I paid about thirty dollars for it. Except for finally getting to take a decent shower after four days, I didn’t like it much. It was basically a small spa with a pool table and couches in the other room and wasn’t very interesting, or fun.

had to work the afternoon shift and his wife was supposed to bring me back to Vitaly’s office, since Vitaly had offered to drive me to Vladivostok. Obviously, I thought,
Nice, a free ride
. On the way back from the banya I bought Andrei some beers because he was insisting so much. Beer is cheap but he got damn annoying, asking for a gift. He didn’t know the English word for it and said it in Russian instead, but I pretended that I didn’t understand him. I was thinking that in just a few more minutes I’d be rid of this clown.

in his home he wanted money for the night I stayed there. His wife was kind of pissed that I’d bought him beers. I refused to give him a single cent because I’d just paid a shitload of money for the banya and his beers in the last two days, and he’d never said anything about paying when he invited me to his house.  We started arguing, and in the end I just packed my bags and took the bus to the city center with his wife. I could see that she was very ashamed of him, and told her she could do much better than him.

When I got to
Vitaly’s office it was full of hot girls applying for European visas. I told Vitaly all about my time with Andrei, and he agreed with me that Andrei was a strange character.

told me his car was broken and that we’d have to go to Vladivostok by train. He gave me the keys to an apartment he owned or rented, and his office girls walked me there. I tried to game Tanya but she didn’t bite. She left later and I went to a bar with Natasha, where we met up with her boyfriend, a big guy who looked like a football hooligan. Luckily he had to work at the local carnival and didn’t stay long; Natasha and I drank a few half-liters of beer and then went to a cinema in the afternoon, The movie was super boring and we both fell asleep with our 3D glasses on. We said goodbye later and I went back to the apartment, but instead of going out and bringing a hot girl back to the fancy apartment I just watched some television and went to sleep. If only I had more confidence and game back then.

The next morning
Vitaly and I got on the train to Vladivostok. Andrei called to say he was very sorry for what happened. Some people are really nice until they start drinking, and I guess he’s one of them. Tanya came to see goodbye but though I didn’t realize it then, it wasn’t a real goodbye: I would see Vitaly and Tanya again later in my trip.

Russia (Far East) – Vladivostok

Vladivostok, the last stop on my two-month trip in Russia, is a medium-sized city close to the borders of both China and North Korea. The train ride from Khabarovsk to Vladivostok took only one night, and in the morning Vitaly was talking my ears off about Buddhism. I was more interested in some hot-looking girls in the train wagon. One of them made a lot of eye contact with me and we touched a few times while passing in the hall. When the train had nearly arrived in the station, I thought
What the hell, I’ll give it a try
. I asked her if she spoke any English and she answered that she’d been an English teacher for a while a few years back. When I asked for her name she said … Julia. The one in Moscow had studied English and the one in Kazan was an actual English teacher. Meeting a third Julia, another English teacher, I thought,
This can’t go wrong

talked for a short while and I got her phone number. When we got off the train, she nearly shouted out: “Call me!”

and I tried to find a room for me from hawkers around the train station, but all we  found was a drunken old lady renting out a room. Vitaly said that it was best to find something else, and we ended up in a street with a few strip clubs and went inside one of them. Vitaly said he was friends with the owner and had a room there. We went inside and dropped off his bags. He then told me that we could visit the strip club backstage later. I was looking forward to that.

we went to his Vladivostok office, which like the one in Khabarovsk was a really nice-looking place. He had one girl working there and she was pretty hot also. We talked for a while and I saw a few very attractive girls applying for European visas. Vitaly said it was to do household work. I thought to myself,
I’m not that stupid.  The only people I’ve seen applying for your visas are really hot girls, and you’re friends with strip-club owners.
I was pretty sure he was sending the girls to strip clubs or something. I didn’t know that was a part of Buddhism.

was only one hostel in Vladivostok at that time but we couldn’t reach them by phone. Later a few of Vitaly’s friends from his running club joined us. Two of them were quite good marathon runners and had run marathons all over the world. We all went for a sightseeing walk and later to a restaurant. After a massive dinner I didn’t have to pay a cent.  Have I mentioned that Russians are friendly?

and his friends were discussing my room problem and Eduard, a policeman, offered me to stay at his place. He said that his wife was working the nightshift and only he and his two daughters would be there. I said: “Hmm I don't know, maybe I can find a place at the train station”. Then I asked how old his daughters were, and he answered nineteen and twenty years old. I started glowing from inside and waited a few minutes before saying, “OK, I will stay with you”.

went to his apartment and when I walked in I saw cups and medals literally everywhere: the walls were filled with them. I asked him if they were all his and he told me that a lot of them were his daughters’, who were international athletes. Needless to say by now I was ever gladder I’d accepted his invitation.

I met the daughters they turned out to be very hot girls. I went out with the older daughter of the two, Natalya, and some of her friends. One of her admirers/orbiters got into a small car accident and I felt bad because he was showing me around the city, but on the other hand he hadn’t really been paying much attention to what he was doing. We went to a place called Beerhaus and drank a few beers there, where I met a girl called Lisa who had her eyes on me.

night I slept in Darya’s room, though unfortunately not with her. She was truly beautiful and fun to be around. I would have ended my trip then and there if there’d been any chance with her, but she already was engaged to a local Footballer.

next morning Eduard made a big breakfast, and later a friend of his drove me all over the city to the hostel now that we had finally found the proper address. His friend didn’t want any money for this long ride and by this point I didn’t expect him to ask either. As I said, even though they don’t smile much in public, Russians are incredibly nice and friendly people.

settled in at the hostel, where I was the only guest, and texted the Julia I’d met on the train. We met up that evening. Julia was a good-looking girl with a killer body who was still dressed in her office clothes but was still sexy in her tight purple dress. We walked along the beach road a bit and then I suggested we get some coffee and visit a cinema. She agreed, and we went to see
, a brutally offensive but hilarious comedy with Sasha Baron Cohen. Because it was advertised as a comedy many people showed up with their children. They soon left, loudly complaining after the ridiculous sex scene with a small Thai gay boy. Julia didn’t like the movie at all but I laughed my ass off even though I couldn’t understand the dubbed Russian voices.

technique I use with girls in the cinema to test how interested she is is to just grab her hand or simply say “Give me your hand” (being alpha), and gently rub my thumb on her fingers. If she doesn’t pull away, and especially if she rubs back, then you know for sure she’s willing to kiss you. Let your hand rest on her lap when you do this. If she doesn’t mind your hand close to her pussy then you know she’s an easy catch.

was very eager to kiss me that night.

back on the streets I walked a bit with her and then pulled her into an alley. She was quite surprised by it and quickly flushed. I kissed her again and she started to get really horny. She kept saying I was a fairytale/dream prince come true and we made out pretty heavily. She rubbed her body on me and that was my cue to ask her to show me the place she lived. She shared a one-room apartment with another girl but luckily for me the roommate was out of town.

apartment was in the suburbs, in a typical dark concrete building left over from Soviet times. We kissed some more and I took a quick shower. The bathroom was horrible and a lot was broken inside. After that she took a shower and we kissed some more on the bed. She was not willing to go all the way on the first night but I got a good blowjob out of it. I stayed over at her place.

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