Read Arrested By Love Online

Authors: Kathryn R. Blake

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #spanking

Arrested By Love (4 page)

BOOK: Arrested By Love
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"You want me to try to put on more lotion?" he asked, but she quickly vetoed that suggestion with a vehement shake of her head.

Reaching over, he gripped her arms near her shoulders, then said, "There's not enough snow outside to help, and I don't have any ice, so we've got to do this on our own. I've got you and I'll help you down slow and easy, Tiff. Come on, sweetheart. You can do it. Besides, the seat's coldness should even help."

Though she managed to sit this time, she didn't hesitate to scowl back at him. " I really do think I hate you right now. You beat me to a pulp."

"Trust me, you're lovely backside is nowhere near pulp. Now, let's put these on. Okay?"

She narrowed her eyes to glare at him, but allowed him to put her legs in their proper holes and pull her panties up to her knees. Then she just looked at him.

"Just a little more, sweetie. Raise your hips up. That's it." Despite her loud gasp and wince, he managed to slip her panties up over her hips. "Good girl." She gave him an even angrier scowl for that one.

"I must say, you're not acting very penitent, Tiffany Anne. I would think you'd be more apologetic to me now."

"Dream on," she muttered under her breath, but he heard her.

He reached for her again. "Come here," he said starting to lift her to put her onto his lap.

"No, Kyle. Oh, no, please. Oh, God! I really don't think I can...."

He very gently lowered her to his lap. She groaned, then softly said, "Ow."

Clasping her face in his two hands, he leaned forward and kissed her, then drew back.

She looked at him uncertainly, then said, "More."

With a pleased smile he kissed her again and she let out of soft moan, then with a sigh rested her head against his chest.

"It doesn't seem to hurt as much when you do that. Maybe I could sneak you up to my room where you can just keep kissing me until I feel better. I'm sure my parents won't mind."

Kyle laughed at that. "Actually, honey, I think they might."

She sighed, content to be held, and he was content to hold her. He placed his chin on the top of her head and rocked her slightly.

"Ow. Ow. No rocking. Please, no rocking. Okay?"

He instantly stilled, then whispered into her ear. "I don't know if you realize this or not, but this punishment, despite its necessity, hurt me as well."

She snorted. "Yeah. Maybe. But not as much as it hurt me."

He turned her so she looked at him. "More actually, because I was the one responsible for causing you all this pain, and I receive absolutely no enjoyment at all in hurting you."

She scowled at him. "So, why do it?"

He pressed a light kiss on her forehead. "Because, it was something you needed very badly."

She shook her head and opened her mouth to refute him, so he cut off further words by kissing her deeply. It pleased and delighted him more than he could say when she openly and eagerly responded to his kiss.

When they were both breathless, he simply held her. He wanted to make love to her so desperately that he was positive his groin was causing him far more discomfort than her bottom was causing her. However, he knew giving into his desires in that regard wouldn't be wise for several reasons, the first being she was too sore to enjoy it and the second being that he wasn't about to deflower the woman he adored in the very uncomfortable back seat of a police cruiser.

Holding her to his chest, he attempted to get his own wayward needs under control while she rested with her head near his shoulder and toyed with the silver badge pinned to his uniform. Finally she looked up at him and said, "I don't get it, Kyle. Why would you choose to punish by hitting me if you don't like the thought of hurting me?"

He looked at her then, and could see that she was very serious in her question. "Well, first of all, I don't consider a good-old-fashioned spanking to be the same as hitting." He received yet another snort in reply to that statement. "And even though I don't like to cause you pain, I also felt that you needed a physical nudge today to prove just how serious I am about you obeying our traffic laws. I expect you to be much more circumspect and careful from now on. That means--no speeding," he commanded, giving her upturned nose a slight tap.

She wrinkled her nose, but respectfully answered, "Yes, sir."

He gave her a nod of approval. "Good girl. The point is that I believe I only did what was absolutely necessary today for you to learn and remember this lesson. You aren't going to forget it very soon, are you?'

Her eyes widened and she gave a vehement shake of her head.

"No, I didn't think you would. However, if I'd not been so firm with you, the impression I left wouldn't be quite so lasting. Would it?" he asked.

He watched as she carefully considered that for a moment before she said. "Perhaps. But it wasn't really necessary for you to make your impression permanent, was it?"

He chuckled at that, pleased that she wasn't nearly as cowed by the experience as he feared she'd been earlier. Then he regarded her more soberly. "Tiffany Anne Morgan, I would like to go out with you. Officially. On a date."

Her eyes opened wide at that and her small pink tongue came out to wet her lips. He groaned inwardly as he considered all the ways he'd like to play with that tongue, and pleasure her with his. He watched as she considered his suggestion for a moment, then with a sweet blush tinting her cheeks, she said. "I think I'd like that, too."

He raised one eyebrow. "Considering it was the initial reason you were speeding in the first place, I am probably undoing all the good I did with that spanking by encouraging you in this way." When she merely gave him a sexy smile in reply, he groaned and kissed her again, then quickly put her aside, careful to place her back very gently on the seat, before he stepped out of the car to adjust his increasingly confining trousers. Looking back, he could tell by her expression that his brusqueness had unsettled her a bit. Then again, if they continued the way they were going, he feared he would do the very thing he was struggling so hard not to do.

She pointedly gazed at his crotch and said, "From that tent in your pants I'd say it was pretty obvious that you are attracted to me in some small way...." He grimaced at her use of the word small, but let her finish. "I'm clearly willing, so why push me away?"

Leaning back into the car he stretched out his hand to help her out as he said, "I'm not pushing you away as much as I am attempting to exert a little control over myself."

She accepted his offer of help, then asked in a small voice, "Don't you want to make love with me?"

"Oh, honey," he answered drawing her close. "You have no idea just how much I would love to do that. But this just isn't the time, or the place. So, would you like to go out on date with me this Saturday?"

At her pleased nod, they set the time he'd pick her up, then he carefully walked her back to her car.


Chapter Three

Kyle treated Tiffany like a princess for the next four and a half months. On their first date, he came to the door in a finely made suit carrying a corsage, which he gave to her. Tiffany didn't think men still gave women corsages, and yet it was such a romantic gesture that she felt like she was going to her high school prom with him.

He acted so old-fashioned and formal that even her father was secretly amused when Kyle promised to have Tiffany home no later than eleven o'clock. Tiffany wanted to remind him she was twenty-one years old now, and her parents actually did let her stay out past midnight without grounding her, but she held her tongue. Something told her, given the way he was acting, that he'd scold her for being disrespectful if she said something that sarcastic.

For their first "official" date together, Kyle had selected A Night in Paris as their restaurant. It was one of Tiffany's favorites, since she loved French cooking. Though she usually shied away from it when going out on a date, because of all the garlic. However, if they were both eating it, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad.

Afterwards, he took her dancing at the Regency Ballroom. The establishment pretended to be an American Almack's, but the kids who ended up there usually took over the music by 10 P.M. and bribed the live band to drop the waltzes and go for something a little more contemporary.

Kyle actually frowned when Tiffany started gyrating to What's Love Got to do With It, then he reluctantly joined her. He was a little stiff at times, so Tiffany was determined to loosen him up. She wanted him to kiss her tonight, not just give her a peck on the back of her hand, which was far more likely if all they did was waltz together.

Even so, there was a lot to be said for slow dancing. She rested her head against his firm chest, her cheek pressed a little above his heart, and wrapped both her arms around his broad shoulders. She loved the way his shoulders looked sharp and disciplinary in his uniform, however, she practically drooled over the way his silky suit draped his upper body, as though it had been made especially for him.

Holding her close, almost in a cuddle on the dance floor, he handled her gently, but with the firm assurance of a man who knew how women liked to be touched.

He danced with both of his hands resting at the small of her back, and his arms securely wrapped around her waist. Not so tightly that she couldn't pull away if she wished to, and yet with enough pressure to let her know he was there and he would and could protect her if it became necessary.

Those same hands had severely spanked her just a few days ago. She'd appreciated their firm strength then, but now she luxuriated in the way they rested against her, just above the area he'd so thoroughly punished when he took her over his knee. His firm domination combined with his gentle handling had her panties soaked so badly, she was afraid she'd end up embarrassing herself.

When he'd determined their date was over he took her home, gave her a warm and sexy kiss at the door, then waited until she was safely inside and said good-bye to her parents before he turned and left.

Even though Tiffany really didn't want to admit it aloud, she realized she'd fallen head over heels in love with Kyle from the first time he'd spanked her, when she was only ten. Once she realized he intended to paddle her, she'd been angry and outraged over his domineering stance and attitude. She wasn't his little sister, and he had no right to handle her so strictly.

She'd wailed and cried, and even threatened to tell her Daddy about his mistreatment of her. Except she wasn't that badly hurt. Only her pride was. He'd clearly cared enough to risk punishing her for having needlessly endangered her life. And even though the spanking was painful, his cuddling and reassurance afterwards almost made the punishment worth it. Enough so, she'd occasionally test him to see if he'd do it again. Much to her surprise, delight, and occasional dismay for her very sore backside, he'd see to it that she had trouble sitting down if her actions could have proved hazardous to her safety or well-being.

He was clearly a dominant, alpha male, which greatly annoyed her at times, especially when he thought it necessary to lecture her. But it was those same protective traits that attracted Tiffany to Kyle. Okay, not so much the lectures, perhaps, as much as it was his quiet strength and demonstrated ability to look after her. She'd felt the power beneath those muscles many times when he'd protectively carried her out of harm's way as if she weighed nothing.

True, she wasn't exceptionally heavy, but she wasn't a light weight by any means, either. However, it was the lengths she was willing to go to just to get his attention that usually got her into serious trouble with him.

Except now that they were actually dating, Tiffany no longer had to go to those extremes to get Kyle's attention. He gave it to her unstintingly. When they were together every bit of his attention was focused on her, as if she was the only other person in the world. It was a heady feeling, and a little embarrassing at times when he'd probe her with personal questions because she was acting bratty, cranky or out of sorts.

In the four and half months they dated, he hadn't spanked her once. Possibly because she hadn't given him a need to. When she hurt from her period, he'd confirm the reason for her snapping at him with quick efficiency, then comfort her with lots of kisses and a warm hand on her tummy to ease the cramping. It usually worked better than Ibuprofen.

The longer they dated, the more Tiffany wanted Kyle to make love to her. Except he was insistent on being a gentleman about it. He'd kiss and even pet her until her toes curled with pleasure, but he wouldn't consummate their relationship by claiming her virginity. Though he clearly wasn't a prude about sex, since he most willingly gave her many orgasms--sometimes with his very talented lips and tongue, and even more often with his long, probing fingers.

Tiffany wasn't a total innocent. She knew from the erection he almost constantly sported that he desired her. She also knew for a man to remain as erect as a flagpole, and not do anything about it, could keep him in a very uncomfortable condition. But no matter what she did, he refused to cross that final barrier to penetrate her. What's more, he became a trifle testy over the subject when she attempted to push him on it.

Finally, she offered to ease him with her mouth, and after giving her a look that showed he remembered her offer a few months back, he relented. He wouldn't ejaculate into her mouth though, however much he may have wanted to.

After going out every Friday and Saturday and seeing each other on Wednesday night for four and a half months, Tiffany finally confronted him when he refused once again to make love to her despite her pleading. She was horny, and though his fingers felt wonderfully soothing against her most intimate place, she wanted more. She wanted him and she let him know what she wanted by pulling his hand out of her panties when they were necking in the backseat of his car, and said, "What exactly do you want from me, Kyle Sinclair?"

His expression of surprise at her sudden attack was priceless and would have made her laugh if she hadn't been so frustrated with him. "What do you mean?"

BOOK: Arrested By Love
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