Arrested By Love (9 page)

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Authors: Kathryn R. Blake

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #spanking

BOOK: Arrested By Love
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His eyes fixed on her face, he watched her bite her lip when he reached the small tight barrier that blocked his way, and immediately drew back to ease the pressure. He wasn't able to get more than two inches inside her before he was blocked, so he continued to move in and out of her just that little bit, taking care to brush against her sensitive little nub without putting pressure on her hymen.

"More," she urged finally, gripping his arms as she tried to thrust her hips up.

"Easy," he ordered, starting to add just a little more pressure when he pressed into her. She was very wet, so he knew she was fully aroused despite the way her teeth worried her lower lip. Slowly, taking care not to push too hard, he continued to work his way further inside.

Her hymen was just starting to give way, when she cried, "Apple!"

He stopped instantly, but didn't pull out. Instead, he met her gaze. "Tell me what you want, sweetie."

"I don't know," she whined. "I don't want you to stop, but it really hurts, Kyle."

Kyle withdrew with a sigh as he tried to bring himself back under control. He was hurting, too, though for an entirely different reason.

She lifted her head. "You're disappointed with me, aren't you?"

Wanting to reassure her, he immediately said, "No, sweetheart. Not at all. I am pleased that you trusted me enough to let me go even this far. We'll stop for tonight," he decided, reaching for his clothes, only to halt his movements when she gripped his arm.

"I want to do this. Tonight," she said with a resolved grimace.

Grinning back at her, he ran a finger over her lips. "Hey, this is supposed to be fun, not torture."

She gave the tip of his finger a sharp nip, and his penis jerked in response. Her look of surprise was priceless. "I want you, darling. That hasn't changed. However, I also want you to be sure about this. I don't want to hurt you, but you're very tight and though I can continue to be as gentle as possible with you, I still think it's going to hurt a little before we're done."

"Just a little?" she asked and he could see her uncertainty.

"That is my hope. It should feel like a sharp pinch, no worse."

"Are you sure?"

He smiled. "I've never made love to a virgin before, Tiff, so I can only tell you what I've heard others say."

With her forehead wrinkled in concentration, she gave a little nod. "Okay. But maybe you should be quick rather than gentle. Since this is the part that hurts, maybe it's best just to get it over with, rather than attempt to prolong it in the hope that you won't hurt me as much."

He shook his head. "I really do love you, Tiffany Anne Morgan, and I agree. Painful things should not be drawn out when they can be dispensed with quickly."

Nodding her agreement, she shut her eyes for just a second before she met his gaze with clear understanding and love. "I trust you, Kyle. Please make love to me and make me yours."

Leaning forward he kissed her, then lightly nipped each of her breasts to make her squirm and laugh before he put his mouth against the center of her again. She was very responsive and it took less a minute for her to clutch his arms again and whisper, "More. Please, Kyle. I want you."

He entered her slowly again until he reached the barrier. Though he expected it wouldn't take much to get past it now, he also knew slow and gentle wasn't doing it for her. So, he pulled back and entered her again with a thrust that got him all the way home.

Tiffany let out a small cry of pain and tensed, so he held very still. He could feel the strain of not moving actually make his arms tremble and his forehead break out in a sweat while he breathlessly waited for her signal.

"It was a bit more than a pinch, Kyle," she informed him huskily.

A part of Kyle wanted to laugh, except his need was too great for humor just then, so he just gritted his teeth and said, "Sorry."

Then, feeling the muscles in her tight passage smooth out a little as she relaxed beneath him , he watched her take a deep breath and meet his gaze. "Is that it?"

Keeping a straight face, he shook his head. "Oh, no, sweetheart. We've only just begun this dance."


Chapter Six

"Oh," Tiffany replied, feeling her cheeks grow warm with embarrassment. He must think she was a real idiot. She lifted her hips a fraction and heard him groan. He was being solicitous of her discomfort, but it no longer hurt. Not really. Gazing up at him, she said, "I want you to show me all the steps, Kyle." Then, to her surprise, she felt him slowly withdraw.

She started to complain when he thrust inside her again. It didn't hurt exactly, but it didn't give her the same tingles his tongue had when he'd put his mouth on her. He continued to move slowly in and out of her until she felt the beginning of something build deep inside her. Then reaching under her to clasp his hands beneath her bottom, he lifted her hips a fraction and the next time he pushed into her, Tiffany's eyes widened with her gasp. He'd somehow managed to hit a spot that made her insides shiver with involuntary tremors of pleasure. She tentatively pushed back when he withdrew and thrust in again. She knew she needed something more, except, she wasn't exactly sure what that was.

"Good girl," he coaxed without halting in what he was doing. "Just use your hips to push back and meet mine when I push in."

She did what he suggested and felt another rush of pleasure that made her arch her back.

"That's it, Tiff. Come with me, darling," he urged as he began to thrust more quickly in and out of her. Every time he touched that special spot, Tiffany felt a tingle in her spine and her toes curled, then a seemingly unreachable itch began to build inside her. An itch she knew that only he could scratch.

Beginning to push back hard when he pushed in, she gripped his arms for leverage. "Yes," she replied with a grunt as her body stretched in its effort to grasp at something she just knew was going to be wonderful. All she needed was just a little more....

Then it happened and Tiffany was swept away by intense pleasure as wave after wave of sensation consumed her until she cried out. She felt him give another few jerks before he held himself still inside her and she felt a rush of warm fluid flood her insides.

Kyle let out a groan then lowered himself so his weight rested on his forearms and his lips pressed against her forehead. "Oh, Tiff," he murmured huskily. "That was just perfect. You were perfect."

She smiled and gave him a little grin. "You're pretty good yourself, Mr. Sinclair."

He laughed at that, then withdrew from her and dropped to his side. She felt a little empty without him covering and filling her anymore. It was if a part of her had pulled away. She glanced over at him, and he promptly drew her into his arms and kissed her deeply.

When she responded by letting her tongue play with his, then pressed up against him to position her leg over his hip, he reached back to give her a sharp smack.

"What?" she asked jerking away to look at him with surprise.

"Enough of that, young lady. If you continue the way you're going, I will want to be deep inside you again, and then you're sure to have trouble walking tomorrow."

She giggled then wrinkled her nose. "Maybe it would be worth it."

He raised a stern eyebrow, so she lowered her leg and just curled against his chest. She didn't think she'd ever been happier.

As the days of their first week together, after announcing their engagement to her parents, melded into each other, Kyle and Tiffany began to plan for their wedding. However, Kyle also insisted they wait a whole seven days before he would make love to Tiffany again, and she was beginning to get impatient with him.

He hadn't hurt her that badly, and she really liked what happened after it stopped hurting, so she couldn't understand why he insisted upon waiting. Except he made it clear he was the master, in the bedroom at least, so she had to wait until he decided she was ready to try again.

Stupid, dominant, alpha male.

The third time after they made love, Tiffany lay replete and satisfied, curled up next to Kyle in his large, king-sized bed. He'd been so gentle and caring whenever he made love to her that she couldn't imagine ever being scared or worried that he might hurt her. Which was why she was completely taken by surprise and aback when after a few minutes of cuddle time, he rolled her onto her stomach and gave her a sharp smack.

With her backside smarting, she jerked her head up to try and discern the reason for the sudden change in his expression. "Whaat?"

He didn't look angry, nor did he offer an explanation, he just held her in place and gave her another, this one even firmer than the last.

"Ow! Kyle, that hurts!" she complained trying to pull away, but he held her in place as he delivered a third that was harder than the two previous ones, and she started to get scared. What had she done wrong?

"Kyle!" she yelped trying to get away when his hand came down again even harder. He refused to let her up and she couldn't squirm away.

"What do you say, Tiff?" he asked between gritted teeth, giving her a fifth smack that stung as though he'd used a flail instead of his hand.

"I'm sorry!" she cried out, her bottom on fire.

"For what?" he asked, his hand coming down even harder a sixth time.

"I don't know," she wailed. "I don't understand. Why are you doing this?"

"Do you want me to stop?" he asked, the seventh smack harder still.

"Yes!" she cried, he was really hurting her now and she was powerless to get away from him. No matter how much she struggled, he easily held her in place as his hand continued to painfully descend on her bare backside. He was deliberately hurting her and she didn't understand what it was she had done that had made him so angry.

"What do you say to get me to stop?" he prompted, his voice sounding not really angry, but strained. He was in the processing of delivering his tenth swat, which was harder and much more painful than any swat he'd given her before, when she screamed, "Apple!"

He immediately released her, rolled onto his back and flexed the fingers of the hand he'd used to paddle her.

She was sobbing freely now. "Why did you do that?" she asked, trying to stop crying, yet unable to prevent her choked sobs.

He drew her into his arms and held her. "God, Tiff. Why did it take you so long to call out the only word that would get me to stop?"

"I forgot about it!" she wailed, smacking him hard in the chest. "You could have reminded me in other ways, you bastard!" she cried, striking him again.

He reached down to grab both her fists in one hand. Angry and scared, she started to bring her knee up to get him where it really hurt, when he yelled, "That's enough, Tiffany Anne!"

She instantly stilled, then cursed at him again.

"Tiffany," he growled in warning.

"What?" she demanded wanting to slap his face. Her bottom felt like it had been sunburned and all because of his stupid word game.

Releasing her hands, he lifted her chin then bent down to kiss her. She considered biting him, but didn't want to risk suffering another smack before she could call out her fruit word to get him to stop.

He placed kisses all over her face, effectively removing her tears with gentle presses of his lips. She sniffed even as let him soothe her. When she quieted, he reached over to his night table, opened a drawer and pulled out the bottle she really hated.

"Unh uh," she said, immediately scooting back to sit up and vigorously shaking her head. He ignored her as he flipped the cap on the bottle. When she started to crawl away, he merely grabbed her by the ankle, drew her flailing body back close to him, rolled her onto her stomach, and then held her in place.

"No, Kyle!" she cried, kicking to get free.

"Tiffany," he warned in his stern voice, pouring the lotion on the small of her back.

She instinctively jerked. Oh God, this was really going to sting! She tried pulling away again, but with no success, then screamed when he began rubbing in the lotion.

"Count, Tiff," he ordered, not ceasing in his administrations no matter how hard she tried to kick and buck.

"You bastard!" she cried, furious that he did this to her.

"Tiffany, either quit bitching, begin counting, or use your safe word. A safe word does no good if--"

Apple!" she cried out, and he immediately lifted his hand, except her butt still stung like she'd been attacked by a swarm of angry bees. "Damn you!"

"Swearing at me doesn't gain you anything either, Tiffany Anne. Now do you want me continue rubbing in the lotion, or do you want to do it yourself? It needs to be spread, or it will continue to burn."

"Finish the job," she growled, thinking she really hated him at that moment.

He continued the gentle rubbing until finally the stinging sensation subsided, so she lay her head back down on the pillow with a groan.

"Better?" he asked.

"Yeah. No thanks to you," she replied bitterly.

When he removed his hand and released her, she glared at him. "You know, Kyle, you could have at least warned me before you started this little lesson."

He sighed. "I really didn't think I'd have to. I expected you to call out your safe word with the first smack. When you didn't, I thought I could jog your memory by making it more painful. I would have stopped at ten any way, but a safe word isn't going to do you any good, darling, unless you remember to use it."

"Yeah. I very painfully got that lesson, Mr. Smartass!" She rolled to get out of bed and jerked her arm away when he reached for her.

"No. You can't just wallop me because you feel like it, then expect me to be all sweet and cuddly afterwards. It doesn't work that way, Kyle."

Withdrawing his hand, he lay back on the bed and put both his hands behind his head. "Okay, Tiffany. Go ahead and hit me if it will make you feel better."

"What?" she asked, not certain she heard him correctly.

He just looked at her for a moment, then said, "In the bottom drawer of my dresser you'll find a spanking paddle. You can use it, or your hand, or simply slap my face until you feel you've gotten back at me for what I did."

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