As Cold As Ice (14 page)

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Authors: Mandy Rosko

Tags: #paranormal romance series, #kidnapping romance, #dragon romance, #alpha romance series

BOOK: As Cold As Ice
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Which wasn’t that much, thankfully, because
at that moment in time, she wasn’t sure whether or not she would
have done it. She didn’t know if she would have turned Jack and
Cindy over, and any other paranormal they were hiding with, if the
trade meant freeing her brother and keeping him from going to
prison. Part of her thought she would’ve turned over anyone and
everyone if it meant keeping the only family who liked her, and she
liked back, away from Markus, and that part scared the ever-loving
hell out of her.

Though they were in a place that didn’t have
any cameras or bugs recording audio, Jessica kept her voice low. If
Soren didn’t want to speak about it, it was probably because he was
paranoid about saying any of this stuff out loud.

And rightfully so. “Swear it. Swear you
believe he’s not down there.”

Soren’s voice was just as
soft as hers. “I
he’s not down there. Trust me on this.”

Jessica let out another breath. She was
still so damned buzzed by everything that had happened in the last
hour, all the stupid emotions running through her and making a mess
of everything, but she couldn’t help it, either. She was a wreck.
Her hands were actually shaking, trembling like a scared little

And when had she put them on Soren’s
shoulders? She was clutching the man like she needed him to hold
her up.

They were close. Very close. She felt his
body heat through that damned white jacket, and since the
adrenaline from her scare was wearing away, it was being replaced
with something just as strong. Something that consumed her thoughts
and her attentions just as much.

Jessica pulled at the buttons of Soren’s
white lab coat.

His hands went to hers, gripping them,
stopping her, and all she could think about was how warm he felt,
how even the callouses of his large hands felt good when he touched

Jessica,” he

Are we being watched? Or
is anyone listening in on us?”

He shook his head. “It’s not likely,
considering where we are. I told you that.”

Then don’t say no. We
don’t have to talk. I won’t say anything that’ll make Markus
suspect you like me.”

Soren smiled. “After everything I already
told you, if he did have the foresight to bug this room, then he’s
already going to know about that. He already suspects I’m not
shooting straight with him as it is.”

Jessica didn’t unclench her fingers from
around the buttons of his coat. She couldn’t. She ached too damned
bad, and her entire body was clenching, At least her fingers had
something to hold onto.

Please,” she begged. “I
need this.”

She needed him, but that would be giving too
much away.

Jessica looked up into Soren’s eyes. She
didn’t even try to hide the incredible amount of frustration

Soren’s nostrils flared. Jessica could watch
the way his pulse hammered in his throat. His eyes didn’t change
that time, but they were hard. Those blue orbs stared down at her
like he wanted to fuck her against the wall, and at the same time
hated her for making him want something like that so badly, to want
to go against his morals and have sex with a prisoner.

He swallowed hard, and there was a slight,
barely visible shake of his head. “You…you—”

Know absolutely what I
want,” Jessica finished for him. “And if you don’t believe that,
then take me back to my room right now.”

More nostril-flaring that just made Soren
look all kinds of dangerous and sexy, and then his mouth fell down
on hers in a desperate and bruising kiss.

Chapter Fifteen


He didn’t push her to the steel table that
time. He kissed her and shoved her backwards until her back struck
a concrete wall.

They both made shocked noises and pulled
away from each other when the impact with the wall made their teeth
collide. Clearly, neither of them had expected that.

You okay?” Soren

Jessica nodded, letting her tongue slide
over her teeth to erase the sharpness of the pain, which was,
thankfully, dulling and leaving her.

Just peachy. Don’t stop,”
she said, grabbing Soren’s face and yanking him back

Though he’d shaved, she could still feel a
distinctive scratch against her face. She was going to get stubble
burn, and her lips were going to swell from all the kissing and
gentle, teasing bites. Her hair was probably going to go all over
the place, too, and that was exactly what she wanted.

She wanted him to fuck her so hard that she
really felt it, even when they were done.

Soren’s large hands moved to Jessica’s
breasts, his palms kneading them through the thin, black cotton
recruits wore. That, coupled with the feel of her lace bra beneath
her shirt and his hands, pulled a soft moan from Jessica’s mouth.
Soren swallowed it up, his tongue gliding inside of her mouth, and
she sucked on him hard.

It wasn’t anywhere near enough, and yet,
because of the last orgasm he’d given her, and the insane amount of
frustration that came with it, Jessica was still very close to

She put her arms around Soren’s waist,
yanking him closer so their bodies were flush together. His knee
came up between Jessica’s legs, and… No. Was he actually?

Holy Jesus balls, he was. And thank God he
was still kissing her because otherwise she would’ve said that out
loud and made herself look completely stupid.

Soren’s knee was pressed
firmly against Jessica’s sex. If only her damned pants weren’t
separating them, but it didn’t matter. It
didn’t matter when it was giving
her the friction she needed in that moment, and Jessica took it.
She claimed it, thrusting against his thigh and breaking off their
kiss when she had to throw her head back, open-mouthed moaning even
through the flash of pain when she conked her skull against the

The sound that left her was almost animal.
Nothing at all like anything she would’ve let come from her if what
Soren did to her didn’t feel so damned good. He wasn’t even
touching her skin-to-skin yet, but then he was, yanking her black
cotton recruit shirt up enough so her bra was exposed. Then he
pushed that out of the way, too.

The air was cold on her nipples, but his
hands were warm. When he leaned in and pressed his tongue to her
right nipple before grazing it with a hint of teeth, the shock of
pleasure was enough. Jessica puffed out hard breaths as her orgasm
warmly erupted inside of her, pushing its way out of her body the
only way it knew how—with a scream.

Soren didn’t seem to like that, the scream
part at least, and his mouth was back on top of hers, silencing her
somewhat. Not enough. Even to Jessica’s own ears, her muffled moan
was still so loud between them. Her need for him, to have him
inside of her, seemed like it was a literal screaming thing in the
room with them that should’ve been drawing attention to everything
they were doing, yet didn’t somehow.

Despite the new silence, Soren must’ve been
worried that one of those asshole guards in white were around,
somewhere nearby, and one of them would make trouble if they heard
a woman screaming because she was getting wet.

Jessica could barely suck back the oxygen to
speak when his mouth separated from hers. His lips were a little
shiny with saliva, and he looked good like that.

I don’t think anyone will
bother us,” she said. “Even if they hear me scream, whether they
thinks it’s pain or pleasure, that’s too common for anyone to check

Yes, but I don’t want to
take the risk that some new guy comes to investigate

That was a good point. Soren had probably
lasted as long as he did working inside of the hornets nest by
being careful and a little paranoid. Even though this room was
supposedly safe, he didn’t want to be the guy who got caught
because he’d dropped his guard and let his dick hang out for
everyone to see.

So, you want me to be
quiet?” Jessica asked. “You might have to help me with

Soren smiled at her, as though what she’d
said had amused him.

And Jessica was legitimately taken aback by
how beautiful he was when he smiled, so casually and carefree like
that. Way too soon, the look melted off his face, coming back to

They were sneaking around, about to have sex
in a basement where rich people came to watch paranormals pulverize
each other, even kill each other, for fun.

It seemed a whole lot less romantic when she
thought of it like that, but she couldn’t handle waiting for him
anymore. “This is probably the worst time for us to be doing this,”
Jessica said, thrusting her hips forward, pressing her cunt down on
his thigh for more friction. “But I need it.”

Soren nodded, his eyes half-lidded as he
thrust against her. “Yeah, but I’m sure I can make something up if
we’re caught.”

Jessica couldn’t hold back the low moan
bubbling in her throat any longer. She needed to let it out. She
grabbed Soren’s face and yanked him down for another kiss,
releasing her pleasure into his mouth as she rode against him.
Fuck. He felt so nice, and it was even better when they yanked
their clothes off. The only terrible thing about it was that it
required them to separate their bodies for a few seconds, and even
then, they didn’t get completely naked.

Jessica had to yank her pants off all the
way, though. She wasn’t about to have them, or her plain,
not-at-all-sexy Head Office-issued cotton panties around her
ankles. She hated that feeling, but Soren was more than free to
keep his pants on. He insisted on it, even. All he had to do was
get them out of the way enough so he could pull out his

The only thing Jessica insisted out of him,
aside from finally getting his penis free, was that he had to take
off that stupidly annoying lab coat, and his shirt.

His chest needed to be exposed, bare
minimum. “If I’m going to be standing nearly naked with my bare ass
against this cold wall, then you’d better show me your chest.”

Soren smiled again, and this time it lasted
longer. “Want to see the goods, do you?” he asked as he tossed away
his lab coat and lifted his shirt above his head.

Jessica actually licked her lips. Her blood
heated, her sex aching a thousand times more than before the more
skin he exposed.

It was like looking at a pinup, something
she would have on a naughty calendar, the type of thing she had to
put out of sight whenever she knew her brother was getting ready to
visit her.

Soren’s muscles were tight,
all right. He must’ve found time to work out in between all those
tests he ran and notes he wrote and typed up on his tablet. He
didn’t have a six-pack or anything, but that didn’t stop how
defined his chest was, how the lines of his pelvis moved down his
stomach and to his cock. She liked the no six-pack thing. In fact,
knowing Soren didn’t have one just made what she
see—as super as it
was—even sexier.

A guy who had a six-pack
usually spent
much time working out. It was one thing to want to keep in
shape, but it was something else entirely to be obsessing over
one’s body. Soren clearly didn’t do that, and without the lab coat
on, his chest exposed, his cock hard and curved up against his
stomach, he looked like anything other than a normal man. But he
still looked like a man, not a lab rat.

Fuck, you’re really
good-looking,” Jessica said.

As if she had magnets under her fingertips
and his chest was a fridge—only way less blocky, warmer, and way
more fun to touch—her hands were drawn to touch him. Jessica could
honestly say there weren’t a whole lot of things her body did
against her will, or without her thinking about it. She was very
often in control of herself.

This, however, was one of those things. She
needed to touch him, needed to put her hands on him. When she did,
she touched warm skin, felt his heart beat pulsing inside, his
lungs as they expanded and took in air before letting it out again,
and even noted the sensation of tiny hairs that grew between his
pecks. They were so fine she almost hadn’t seen them, but she could
feel them, and they were another part of him that was so good.

Once she paid attention, she could also see
those same fine, nearly invisible hairs growing below his belly
button, leading down to his darker pubic hairs that surrounded his

Still want to do this?”
Soren asked. He put a warm, calloused hand behind her neck in a
comforting gesture she enjoyed, though she didn’t much care for the

I’m a big girl, I know
what I want. And I swear to God, if you stop right now, right after
I’ve seen
thing, I will find a way to kill you. I will literally
strangle you with your lab coat.”

Soren laughed, the kind that was loud,
making his stomach and chest heave as he did so. He abruptly
stopped, looked to the doors which were still closed, and then put
his eyes back on Jessica.

At least he was still smiling, a whole lot
of mirth in his eyes. “If you keep making me forget where we are,
we’re going to get into trouble.”

Jessica put her arms around Soren’s neck.
“Then you need to stop messing around and have sex with me
already,” she responded.

She took the risk of jumping up a little,
wrapping her legs around Soren’s slim but firm waist.

He wasn’t stunned or thrown off-guard by it,
and like she expected, he did have the strength to hold her up.

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