Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm (13 page)

BOOK: Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm
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The First had turned his rage toward the Fourth but considered what they said, “So you think they are able to scan us?”

“Yes, I do. That means they are much further advanced than we thought. I have seen that none of their ships use the Creative Power so they are probably not the source of that wave. This is going to be a war of technology.”

“What are you doing about it?”

“I’m sending our advanced ships against them. We need to know where we stand in fighting them.”

“What if they are stronger?”

“Then we will have to build the last model or go meet them in our ships.”

The First stared at the Distributor and said, “Build the last model. I’m not sending the Family out into the open until we know where that wave originated.”

The Second asked, “What do we do with our ships in those universes?”

“How many universes have they entered?”

“Just the first.”

The Fourth said, “There is a possibility that the others were scouted and that troublesome spoor released.”

The First felt immediate fear but the Fourth continued, “Planting has not begun so none of the ships in those four universes has left and come here. Our facilities are still safe.”

The Distributor said, “We have to assume any dust we harvest will be contaminated. The same thing can be said about our fleets as well. What would the council like me to do?”

The First looked at his board and said, “The White Ships are attacking with a limited number.”

“Yes, they are.”

“Send in the advanced ships to support our ships. Let’s just see where those beings are technologically.”

The Distributor turned to his board and started issuing orders.

• • •

Ron had jumped the fleet eight times and each time he had lost ships. The Black Ships had also lost thousands but they had millions to lose. Lt. Washington yelled, “Advanced Black Ships are appearing in the mass.”

Ron hit the jump command and the remaining eighteen thousand ships disappeared. “Spread out and fight the incoming ships individually, fire once, and jump to the next location.” The Empire Fleet had barely entered normal space when thousands of Black Ships started emerging with them. Ron saw a ship twice as large as a normal Black Ship emerge ten miles from the BES America and Ron watched as his main beam hit the new ship, burn through its force field, and hit the hull, causing a massive blast. Another ship appeared just as Ron hit the jump button and fired an intense beam at the America. Lt. Washington said, “I got a reading on the beam that was just fired and it would have penetrated our force field.”

The America appeared in normal space and he yelled, “Give me a ship count.”

“Sixteen thousand, three hundred and fifty two.”

“We will start jumping without stopping to fire. We are going to make them chase us.”

The Empire Fleet disappeared but not before six hundred more ships were hit and destroyed.

Ron’s fleet was purely defensive. They were outnumbered and had no chance against the massive numbers pursuing them. “Message coming in.”

“Put it on the speaker.”

“Admiral Kune, I understand you are on the run.”

“Admiral Blake, it’s good to hear from you. I am being chased by at least a million ships. I’ve lost almost half my ships and we can’t stop long enough to fire. We are totally defensive.”

“On your third jump from now, take your fleet to the following coordinates and accelerate away on a 270 degree bearing.”

“Notifying the fleet, Sir.”

Ron jumped the Fleet two times and then jumped to the coordinates Admiral Blake had given him. His fleet raced away in normal space as thousands of Black Ships began emerging in the middle of the three hundred thousand Empire ships that had their reflective surfaces activated. The Empire’s Ships had fully charged the surfaces with the power of a star and they were gleaming too bright to look at without eye protection.

The Black Ships first to emerge were blasted with thousands of beams and blown into dust. As hundreds of thousands started emerging, the killing of Black Ships continued, but many were able to start firing at the ships surrounding them. The most advanced Black Ships fired their huge beams at the white ships and had a beam three times more powerful come back and blow through their force fields like they didn’t exist. Those incredibly hot beams blew holes completely through the Demon’s newest ships, killing everyone on board.

Ron saw the destruction on his display and keyed the general Frequency, “Charge your reflective hulls and let’s get into the fight.”

The sixteen thousand survivors turned and joined the other ships and began killing the ships that had killed so many of their comrades. The Black Ships were being killed so quickly that none of them were able to get out a warning to the ships that were homing in on the battle site.

• • •

The Distributor moved his scanner to the site of the battle and saw the total destruction of the ships being sent to kill the White Ships. He punched his board and yelled, “All ships! All Ships! Break off the attack and return to your home port. Do it now!”

One moment there were hundreds of thousands of ships fighting and the next there was empty space. The only thing remaining of the destroyed Black Ships was an expanding cloud of gas. The reflected beams had blown through the huge ships and disintegrated everything they hit.

Ron keyed his com, “Thank you for coming, Sir.”

“I’m sorry it took us so long.” Paul keyed his com and said, “Admiral Grang, Jingo Dorg, and Maddy Dorg, take your fleets to your assigned universe, check to see if any of the Invaders are still there, and see if they were able to plant any pods. If they did, release the spores and assist the planet any way you can. My fleet and Admiral Kune’s ships will remain here.”

Suddenly two giant transports arrived and Paul heard, “Admiral Blake, before you ships leave, we think they will need someone to help them communicate with the civilizations that have been attacked.”

“Hello, Danielle, what do you suggest?”

“I have brought enough Algeans with us to assign one to each ship. They are telepathic and should be able to prevent any unnecessary loss of life. If it meets with your approval they will start teleporting to your ships to help them make contact.”

“By all means, we can use all the help we can get.”

Danielle watched as a roster of the ships in the fleet appeared on the display with their coordinates. Algeans loaded the coordinates into their teleport bands and began disappearing. Danielle said, “They will stay with your ships until the Fleet returns home.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“I am no longer a Queen.”

“Even so.”

• • •

Zord Claws entered the planetary system and began moving toward the civilized planet. It was beautiful glowing blue and green and there were large cities scattered across its surface. Captain Bare stopped three thousand miles from the defense satellite and nodded to the Algean, “This is the Bristone Empire Ship Zord Claws and we are checking to see if you need any assistance.”

The Commander saw the White Ship moving in and was very nervous. Was this another conqueror? He heard the thought and said, “No, we were able to hold them off until you arrived and saved us. We thank you for stopping those ships.”

“They were intent on destruction and slavery of your populations. For the moment, they have left this universe. We’re sorry it took so long for us to come. We wish you life and good fortune.”

“Wait, are you leaving?”

“Yes, there were some planets that were invaded and we are attempting to see if we can help them. We are glad you were not hit with their nuclear weapons. However, we must continue to look for those that were attacked.”

“Please stay and let us show you our appreciation.”

“There is no need. All we ask is that you never attack another civilization. That would be more thanks than anything you could do.”

The White Ship turned and disappeared.

Everyone on the planet heard the thoughts and a legend began that day that shaped the future of that world. They vowed to follow the request of the being that came with the White Ship. The two planets that were under their rule were given their freedom and eventually joined them in forming a civilization that became the envy of their universe.

Chapter Ten

assandra watched the droids moving around the bridge of the Kosiev installing massive new wiring harnesses as they removed bulkhead panels to get to the main conduits. She closed her eyes and saw more than eight hundred of the small robots working on the ship. Junior was sitting in the command chair with the top panel removed to rewire the controls. She looked at Junior with concern on her face and he said, “Alex is in an induced electronic coma while these changes are being made. He’ll be fine.”

“How did you know I was worried about him?”

“How could you not be? He’s your closest friend.”

Cassandra nodded and said, “What changes are you making to his hull?”

“He has absorbed several dead stars in the past. We are setting his system up to eject those stars and replace them with a live star.”


“Our new hulls can absorb a star and use the power for his offensive and defensive systems. We have been absorbing power from an O-Type star in one of the universes we’ve been fighting in. The star would have gone super nova in another thousand years or so, but removing a lot of its mass will extend its life.”

“How much will you be taking?”

“About three G-Type Stars. Incidentally, it will also save more than a hundred civilizations that would have been destroyed if that star went Super Nova.” Junior tightened a bolt and said, “We are also changing the outer hull to reflective capability.”

“What is that?”

“It will absorb any beam that hits it and reflect it back at the ship that fired it at three times the original power.”

“Where did you come up with this technology?”

“The Zord are the main source of the mechanisms that make it work. They completed the work just before they left.”

“Are they the creatures that the two giant statues resemble on your capital?”

“They are and the statues are life size. They are telepathic and are actually smarter than the Algeans.”

“Why did they leave?”

“The Creative Power called them to go and fight to save life. They are confronting aggressive civilizations in other universes. They are now Life Warriors.”

“What do you mean called by the Creative Force?”

“Trey met the Force and the Zord were affected by his contact. We were left to fight the Demons and the Zord left to save trillions of lives across creation. There is just so much to do to bring balance back to Creation.”

“I would think they would have remained until this crisis was handled?”

“If they did, trillions would die. They are doing the right thing.”

“What happens if you lose this conflict?”

“Then the Creative Force will forge another tool to fight on.”

Cassandra stared at Junior and finally asked, “Do you really believe what you just said?”

“You saw the vision of Creation, didn’t you?”


Do you possess a scanner that would allow you to see that vision?”

“Well, no.”

“Think about that. Where did it come from and how can it be given to us in a form that allows us to see something that is beyond our mental capacity to hold?” Junior put the cover back on the board and said, “There, it’s done.”

“Junior, what do you think my role is in this fight?”

Junior looked at her and smiled, “You are also a tool that was made by the Creative Force. You and your friend will be a difference maker in the war. I find that exciting and I look forward to the wonderful things you’re going to do.”

“I just can’t see myself in that role.”

Junior tilted his head, “I know.” He leaned down, picked up his tool bag and looked at her, “But you will find your value and destiny now that you’re at this moment in time.” Junior stood and started whistling an off key tune as he left the bridge.

Cassandra stared at him as he left to go to the engine room. She went to her command chair and looked at the new controls. She immediately understood what they were designed to do and was amazed at that realization. She looked at the door that Junior had exited and wondered if he was right. Was he ever unhappy? She smiled and was glad he was around. She sat in the command chair and closed her eyes. Her ship was being reborn and was stronger than she ever imagined it could be. Tommy would be amazed. She thought about her lost love and for the first time didn’t feel that familiar overwhelming sadness take her. He would approve of what was happening. She smiled when she thought about him.

• • •

“What’s happening!?!”

The Distributor pressed controls on his board and reoriented the scanner to the site of the battle. He sent the feed to the First’s console and said, “Our ships cannot survive those white ships. Even the most advanced ships are killed before they can take action. I’ve recalled all of the survivors and have removed our forces from those universes.”

“Why would you do that? They are no use to us if they can’t handle those ships.”

“It’s not that they can’t handle them. They just can’t jump in close to start the battle. We can win if we move in on them in mass and they can’t run.”

“Just how do you intend to make that happen?”

“I’ll have to find where their home world is located, attack it with the newest model we’re building, and use the remaining ships in support.”

“They can still escape.”

“Not if we find their home worlds. They will be forced to stay and fight.”

“What if our most advanced ships don’t survive them?”

“Then you will have to make some very difficult decisions. We can join our fleets with our ships and make it a fight to the death.”


“We go to our former family and ask for help.”

“What happens if they don’t choose to help us but attack instead?”

“We will have to have our ships stocked with enough Remid to escape until they return home. At that time we will have to take on those white ships with our dimensional warships.” The Distributor paused and said, “We could always just avoid the Family and attack now.”

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