Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm

BOOK: Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm
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Return of the Realm
Ashes of the Realm – Book Four


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three


Books by Saxon Andrew

About Saxon Andrew


lex, it appears the time has come for us to meet our makers.”

“How do you feel about that, Grace?”

“I’m not really sure. It bothers me that Trey holds a grudge against the Realm but I can understand why he does.”

“You know the Realm must bear some responsibility for what happened.”

“Yes, but what could they have done? The Searcher that confronted Greyson was nowhere near powerful enough to take on a Black Ship. They may have been destroyed as well.”

“That’s not the issue.”


“The issue is that they didn’t even know the destruction took place. They had totally written off the former members of the Realm and accepted no responsibility for their actions. So they discover they’re no match for the Black Ships, they could start working to find an answer just as we did. Without the release of Trey’s aura, they would have continued in the dark until the Invaders showed up at their front door. You have got to see I’m right.”

“I do, Alex. I just know the Gardners were not bad people.”

“Good people can cause terrible things to happen. You need look no further than our former universe.” Alex paused and added, “The Realm has also been written off by the Creative Force as a tool for good.”

“Do you really believe that to be true?”

“I believe that Trey has seen that force and wouldn’t lie about anything associated with it. The Realm is now a creative dead-end.”

Grace paused and then asked what she had wanted to avoid, “You know what ship will be coming?”

“I do.”


“Sometimes brothers find themselves on different sides of issues. I was his twin thousands of years ago but time has changed me. We are no longer the same. Have no doubt that I will do what has to be done.” Alex grew silent and after an hour said, “Grace, who stands the best chance of stopping the Black Ships?”

Grace thought about the question and answered, “The Realm is still more powerful than our small Empire. Their number of warships is staggering.”

“You’re avoiding the question.”

“I know; this ship we’re on is the most powerful weapon ever created. I know that Trey is right and the Creative Force has given us a gift that is a difference maker. I just hate how far the Old Realm has fallen.”

“So do I but now they must step aside and take a back seat. That is what will bring us into conflict with them and it’s a shame it has to happen.”

“Alex, I will not allow them to harm you.”

“I love you too. However, I think you need to worry about the Realm. I just checked out the power for our weapons and it’s growing.”

Grace immediately looked at the systems and said, “Oh my back reactor! How long has this been going on?”

“Three days and the levels are rising faster with each passing day. Worry about the Realm; I think we’ll be able to hold our own.”

Chapter One

ueen Valerie Rose Gardner stared at the Searcher that had been sent to Castle Gardner by the Admiralty to answer questions about the recording he had made in the Realm’s previous universe. He stood at ease and waited for her to finish showing the recording to the other members of the Royal Family. Columbus often wondered why he had felt the urge to join the Realm’s Searchers. Most of his species would never command a warship again after all the universes they destroyed, but he felt at home on the small ship’s bridge. This encounter only cemented his feeling that he had done the right thing. He felt his life had meaning since he was given his ship.

The Royal Family sat in the map room after the video ended and listened to the Searcher as he delivered his report. The video of the encounter with the old Zeta Ship shocked them as they saw the power of the beam used to disrupt the Searcher’s force field.

Danielle said, “They said that we’re going to be destroyed?”

“Yes, Your Majesty, and he said he personally didn’t care if we were. It appears there are bad feelings between them and us.”

Tag looked at Danielle and saw her troubled expression. He turned on his panel and saw the millions of planets that had been destroyed in their former universe. He shook his head, looked at the Queen, and then said to the Searcher, “Has every civilized planet in our old universe been destroyed?”

The Spider paused and said, “Yes, they are all blasted down to bed rock and broken in multiple places. It appears the old universe was invaded and destroyed.”

“Do you think that ship was responsible for the destruction?”

“No, the readings indicate a beam that was weaker than that ship was used to cause the destruction.”

“Then where did that old Zeta Ship come from and how does it have such powerful weapons?”

“The Defense Facility we left behind had twenty of them in storage. I must assume that it came from there.”

“How long ago was the universe destroyed?”

“Between ten to twelve years ago.”

Newton looked around the table and said, “The analysis indicates a beam very similar in power to those used by the white ships caused the destruction.”

Matthew Gordon’s gaze hardened, “Are you suggesting Demons?”

Newton looked at the Realm’s Fleet Admiral and shrugged, “I have no idea, Admiral. It just looks similar in power. It also suggests a huge fleet had to be used to cause that much destruction in such a short period of time.”

Danielle said, “They were attacked by an outside force.” Everyone looked at her and she said, “The one that spoke to you is angry at us and blames us for allowing the destruction to happen.”

“How do you know that?”

Danielle tilted her head and Admiral Gordon said, “I sometimes forget your ability. If that’s true, what does it mean for us?”

“It means there is real danger to us from the ones that made that ship. It also means that his statement about our destruction is true as well and he was talking about a different threat. He didn’t want to tell us but forced himself to do it. It’s imperative that we meet with them and determine what they know.” Danielle turned to the Searcher, “You said that your ship had no chance against that ship?”

“Yes, Your Grace, and I’m pretty certain that it could destroy our Searchers faster than we could gang up on it. I suspect that beam was attenuated and not used at its highest power.”

Admiral Gordon flinched, “What makes you say that?”

“Because it was too precise; it burned through my screen on a small section and didn’t spread. It warned me that if I attempted to teleport out, I would be destroyed. It may look like an old Zeta but it is only in appearance. My scans could not penetrate its force field.”

Queen Valerie Gardner Talant looked at her husband and he nodded, “Then we will send out strongest warriors to conduct the conversation. Are the Kosiev updates complete?”

Twig said, “Yes they are, Your Majesty.”

Valerie looked around the table and said, “Tag, Danielle, Cassandra, and Jake will go to meet with them. I want you to take Newton and Sprig with you to see if we can determine their strength. You will go in the Alexander Kosiev. How does it match up to that ship?”

Newton lowered closer to the floor and said, “It should be an even match between the two. The new modifications we completed were supposed to make it the strongest ship in creation. It appears we were somewhat premature in that judgment.”

“Then take the Twins with you. The two of them should be able to handle the situation.”

Danielle slowly shook her head, “I’m not sure a show of force is called for in this instance, especially one against a civilization with a more advanced technology. I really think they’re trying to help us, but harbor ill will toward the Realm. It wouldn’t take much to make this meeting turn violent.”

“I’m not sending you unless I know you’re protected and we should remember that these beings are descendants of the Dukes.”

Tag looked at Danielle and saw she wasn’t saying much. She glanced at him and then turned and lowered her head to the Queen. Jake said, “We’ll leave in five days to meet with the one who said we’re going to be destroyed.” Jake hoped the two ships were going to be enough.

Tag went over to Cassandra and said, “Is Alex familiar with his new systems?”

“We both are. They’re not that different from the old ones; they’re just more powerful. Why do you ask?”

“I’m concerned that we’re going to communicate with a civilization that has ships one third of Alex’s size, but with identical power. That worries me.”

“Well, the Twin will be there as well and if things get dicey, we’ll teleport out.”

“Just be sure you keep your hand on the teleport console.”

Cassandra saw Tag’s concern, “You’re worried about this?”

“I am. I sense there could be some danger in this meeting.”

“How high is the level you sense?”

“It’s not at a critical level but enough to make me nervous.”

“I’ll do as you ask.”

“Thank you.”

Tag went back to Danielle and Cassandra thought, “What do you think about that conversation, Alex?”

“I’m not sure. I’ve looked at the recording of the meeting and my weapons do match up with the power of the beam that was used on the Searcher; however, if he’s right and it was not their most powerful setting, we may not be able to stand up to them, even with the Twin.”

“Be prepared to run.”

“I don’t want to do that but I’ll not take a risk of you being harmed.”

“That’s good enough for me.”

• • •

Trey and Cassie stood at the Robbins Memorial facing the statues of Trey’s parents. Cassie’s grandmother led them through their vows for the second time and watched as the young couple stared into each other’s eyes and repeated the ancient yet new words. The massive crowd gathered around Robbins Park was silent and the monitors placed around the Capital City on New Hope played the words so all could see and hear the ceremony.

The Ceremony was also transmitted to the other sixty five planets of the Empire and there were few that weren’t watching the solemn event. Trey didn’t know how they found out but Vring, Kreej, and fifty other Zord had arrived to witness the marriage. Finally Ashley Talben said, “You may kiss your bride and may I present to all of you Mr. and Mrs. Scott Robbins III.”

The massive crowd erupted into huge cheers and the music began at a high volume. Trey and Cassie teleported to the top floor of the Empire Building in City Center and waved at the crowds below that filled every street for miles around. There were millions of citizens celebrating in the Huge City. “They appear to be almost as happy as I am.”

“Yes, they do Trey. It has taken so long for us to get here.”

Trey leaned over and kissed Cassie and the crowd erupted in cheers. “Yes it has, my love.”

Cassie looked up and said, “It’s a shame we don’t have time for a honey moon.”

Trey sighed and said, “I know, but we need to make sure the Robbins is ready to leave by tomorrow night. Perhaps we’ll have time after the meeting.”

“The crew is ready. They were being trained when we went to our old universe in Greyson. They are reporting back for duty later on this evening.” Cassie paused and said, “You know the Realm will be coming fully armed for conflict.”

“I would do the same. I don’t hold that against them.”

“Do you have your anger under control? Will you be able to make good decisions when we meet them?”

Trey shrugged, “I’ll let our senses guide us. Just make sure you keep me informed of what you see.”

“You’ll be seeing it as I do.”

Trey smiled, “Yeah, there is that.” He looked out at the huge crowd again and said, “Let’s go back to the park and dance.”

Cassie laughed, “Greyson, can you send us to the dance pavilion?”

A silver field moved down on them and they disappeared from the balcony.

• • •

Timmy stood with Virze at Robbins Park and watched the multitudes celebrate. He had never witnessed any celebration this large and was amazed by its size. There was little fanfare when he and Virze assumed the Crown. Most of the citizens were frightened at losing Scotty and Julie. Though they loved them now, they had never seen a celebration just for them. Timmy felt a slight pang of jealousy, but realized that it was due to the love the Empire felt for the Robbins Family. Virze could see his feelings and said, “It won’t be long before he assumes the Throne. This celebration will make that transition easier.”

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