Ashley's Story: THE LAST CHAPTER (14 page)

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Chapter Nineteen
Two Weeks Later

Ashley drove through Little Haiti cautiously. She’d never
been in Little Haiti alone. The last time she had been was years ago with Wise
and Choice. Ashley was out of her element but she had a craving for curry
chicken and yellow rice that she couldn’t seem to shake so she drove to the one
place she knew could fix her craving, the soul food diner.

The soul food diner was a run-down white building on the
corner of 52nd Street and 53rd Street. Despite what the outside of the building
looked like, the inside was clean and very well kept. It was also one of the
most raved about diners in Little Haiti. Ashley pulled in front and parked her
car. She grabbed her Birkin bag just as her cell phone began to ring. It was
Rio. Ashley clicked on the speaker.

“Hey baby! What’s up?” she sang into the phone with a smile.

“Nothing much. About to hit a couple of traps with Mark and Willie.
Where you at? I miss you.”

 Ashley couldn’t help the smile that crept upon her face.
She and Rio were in an official relationship and she loved every moment of it.

“I miss you too, baby. I’m in Little Haiti at the Caribbean
joint I was telling you about.”

Rio chuckled. “You were dead ass serious about that shit,
huh? Let me find out you carrying my seed.”

 Ashley shook her head and stepped out of her car. “Nah I
ain’t pregnant. I get like this when my period is on the way.”

Ashley opened the door to the Caribbean restaurant and
walked in. She placed her order quickly then took a seat at one of the tables
facing the window.

“Yeah, a’ight. I hear you, ma. I really don’t like you being
in Little Haiti. I should’ve had Buddy go with you or something.”

“You’re over reacting, bae,” Ashley said.

“You never know what tree an enemy lurks behind. You can
never be too careful or overreact about anything. I’mma stay on the phone until
you get home.”

“Baby, I’ll be okay. I’mma sit here and wait for my food.
When it’s ready, I’mma pay and go. I promise. You got business to take care of
anyway. I’m not trying to stop what you got goin' on, so as soon as I walk in
my apartment I’ll call you.”

“I’m not playing, Ash. If something happened to you I would
fuckin' lose it.”

“Nothing’s going to happen to me so stop talking like that,”
Ashley said.

 She could hear Mark mumbling something to Rio in the

“I gotta go shoot the breeze with the niggas. Love you, ma.”

“I love you too, bae,” she said into the phone before
hanging up.

Ashley was stunned by his words. He had never said it before
but even though he had never voiced it, she could tell by the way he treated
her. Rio treated her with a gentleness she had never known before. Every time
she spoke, he listened as if his life depended on it. He was the kind of dude
who would rather spend time with her than hang with his niggas.

 Ashley gazed out of the window as she tapped her fingers
against the table. She watched as people went about their business until her
eyes landed on three young black people. All three of them looked like they
were enjoying each other’s company as they walked towards the Caribbean
restaurant. Ashley squinted to get a better look. Her eyes widened with
recognition and surprise.

It can’t be
she thought as she stood up on wobbly

“Ma’am, your food is ready,” the young black girl behind the
cash register said.

Ashley stumbled back into the register, her eyes never
looking away from the three people.

“How much is it?” she asked with shaky breath.

Ashley didn’t even wait for a reply. She pulled out two
twenties and put it on the counter.

“I’ve lost my appetite but I’mma still pay for the food.”

The girl nodded her head while looking at Ashley like she
was crazy.

 Ashley pulled her eyes away from the three people so she
could turn around and look at the girl.

“Look, I need you to act like I was never here. I’mma go out
the back door.”

Ashley put her finger up to her mouth for the girl to be
quiet before running to the back door and out of the restaurant. She pressed
her ear up against the door until she heard the front door open and then close.
Ashley took that as her cue to run to her car as fast as she could. She wiped
tears from her eyes then pulled out her phone to call Choice.

“Hey-” Choice stopped midsentence when she heard Ashley
crying on the other end.

 She pressed the speakerphone button and sat the phone down
in the cup holder so she could use two hands to drive.

“Why are you crying? What’s wrong?” Choice asked.

 Between sobs, Ashley took deep breaths. “Choice, you’re not
going to believe who the fuck I just saw.”

“Hold up, Ash. The first thing I want to know is if you’re

“Yes, I’m fine. Just a little shook up," she said
before taking another deep breath.

“What's got you shook up?

“I just saw Blue and you not gon’ believe this shit. She was
with Profit and Royce.”

“Profit? Blue? What are you talking about, Ash? Blue’s been
dead a little over five years now.”

 Ashley shook her head. “Nah, I don’t think so, Choice. I
just saw her and you know I know what that bitch looks like. I would know her

“I don’t understand. Buddy and Willie took care of that,”
Choice stressed.

“I’m telling you that they didn’t take care of it. I just
saw the bitch!” she yelled. “Oh my God, Choice! If I run into that bitch again,
something is bound to happen. I need you, Choice. I’m not trying to go back to

Choice was silent. Ashley knew she was probably crying too.
It had always been like that for them.

“Choice, you there?”

“Of course I am, Ash. I want you to stop crying and go home.
Don’t worry about calling Rio. I’mma let Supreme know that you saw Blue and
he’ll send Rio to you. I’ll be there as soon as I can, Ash. I’ll call you later
to check on you.”

Ashley drove straight to her apartment. She was still
distraught. The hunger pains in her tummy were beginning to cramp her belly but
the last thing on her mind was food. The only thing Ashley wanted to do was
close the blinds and lie down in her bed.

The looks on Blue and Royce’s faces made her nauseous. They
looked like they’d been friends for a very long time and that made Ash question
the short friendship she and Royce had. Had Royce been playing her all of this
time and having her think they were friends only to report back to Blue? If that
was the case, why hadn’t Blue shown her face long before now? So many questions
were running through her mind at once and they were driving her crazy.

Chapter Twenty

It was going on twelve o’clock as Rio stood at Ashley’s door
digging inside his pants pocket for his keys. He was so tired. Miami was
draining him and he didn’t like that feeling at all. Rio found the key to
Ashley’s door and smiled. Thank God, she had given him a key a couple of days
ago because he didn’t want to wake her if she was sleeping. His thoughts had
been consumed by Ashley most of the day and he couldn’t wait to see her face.
She was his peace of mind. With her, his problems no longer existed.

Rio flicked the light switch on and put the bag down on the
island. He took his boots off at the door and pulled his hoodie over his head
and tossed it onto the couch before walking over to the refrigerator to take a
bottle of water out. With his back against the refrigerator, he opened the
bottle of water and drank all of it.

He ran his hand down his face then sighed before walking
into Ashley’s room. He didn’t bother to turn on the light. The light coming
from the TV was enough for him to see Ashley asleep in a fetal position and
hugging a pillow close to her. The light snoring coming from her let him know
that she was in a deep sleep. Rio watched her for a few seconds before
whispering her name.

“Ash, wake up.”

Ashley stirred in her sleep before opening her eyes. “Did
Supreme call you?

“Yeah, he called me. I know what happened.”

 Ashley kissed him on the lips then wrapped her arms around
him while nestling her face in the crook of his neck.

“What you crying for? Ain’t nothing going to happen to you.
I would never let it. That’s my word so stop fuckin’ crying.”

 It took Ashley a minute to get herself together and stop
crying. She pulled away from him and wiped her eyes.

“You hungry?” he asked.

Ashley nodded. “Yeah, I’m hungry. I left my fuckin’ food
that I really wanted.”

“Yeah, I hear you. Now get up and come into the kitchen so I
can feed you.”

 Rio stood up and so did Ashley. He took her hand as they
walked into the kitchen.

“Sit at the island while I get you a plate.”

Ashley sat at the island and looked over at the bag. Her
eyes brightened. “Oh my goodness! You didn’t!”

She began digging in the bag to take the containers of food
out. She sat the containers down and went to Rio with open arms so they could
embrace each other.

“Bae, you went back to Haiti to get my food?”

 “Yeah, I had Dy take me before bringing me over here. You
were craving it so I had to make sure you got what you wanted.’’

 Ashley smiled. “Bae, that was so sweet she said kissing him
on the lips.”

He picked her up and sat her down on the countertop. They
shared a deep kiss. He sucked and kissed his way down to her neck. With her
eyes closed, she moved her head to the right so Rio could have more access to
her neck.

“Hold up,” she said. “Dy took you? Why? What happened to
your car?”

“I had some goons get rid of it for me. I’m pretty sure it’s
up in flames by now. I found out who was responsible for Blue still breathing.
It was Willie. I’m not sure what happened between them that night or why he let
her go but he’s taken care of. I popped his ass while he was sitting in the
backseat of my car. Then I dragged his ass out of my ride and threw his ass in
the dumpster. Disloyalty will get you six feet under.” Rio rubbed his hand down
his face. “I’m feeling some type of way because I had to do that to him. I
really liked him. Anyway, enough of that. When I’m with you, that street shit
is left in the streets where it belongs.”

 Ashley respected what he said so she didn’t question him
further. He was putting her first and it couldn’t get any better than that.
Ashley put her hand on his chest to stop him from kissing her. She pulled Rio’s
t-shirt over his head.

“Since you went all the way to Haiti to get this food, I
want you to eat it with me then I want you to fuck me on top of this

 Ashley stuck her tongue out and licked his lips before
biting his bottom lip.

“Is that something you can handle?” Ashley asked with a sexy

Rio smiled. “Can I handle it? No doubt. You ain’t fuckin’
with an amateur. Let’s hurry up and eat.”

Chapter Twenty-One

Ashley and Rio stood outside of his brand new G- Wagon at
the busy airport waiting for Choice and Supreme to walk out.

“Choice!” Ashley yelled loudly when she spotted Choice and

“Hey boo,” Choice said matching the excitement in Ashley’s

 “Where are Mark and Dylan?” Supreme asked.

“Back at Da Cage waiting on me to come back with you. We
gon’ drop the girls off at Ashley’s and then we’ll head over to Da Cage to meet
up with them niggas.”

“Let’s go,” Supreme said.


Ashley and Choice went to visit their parents and then
Kyree’s and Petey’s gravesite. Afterwards they went to a couple of boutiques to
shop. Before heading back to Ashley’s place. Ashley and Choice sat on her couch
eating mangos slices and strawberries. Now that she and Choice were back at her
place, she retold the story.

“Girl, I couldn’t believe it was Blue! On top of that, Royce
was with her and that dread-headed muthafucker was there too! The shit is so
shady. I can’t help but feel like Royce was playing me.”

“And she probably was but fuck talking about them bitches.
We need to go to the drug store,” Choice said eyeing Ashley.

“The drug store? For what?” Ashley asked as she got up to
put her empty bowl into the sink.

“We need to get a pregnancy test you may be pregnant

“O-M-G, Choice, please don’t say that! I can’t be pregnant
right now. Rio and I are just getting serious.”

“Really, Ashley? Y’all been fuckin’ around for what, four,
five months? He loves you and you love him.”

“You’re right, Choice. I do love him but I still don’t know
if I’m ready,” Ashley said.

 “You’ll be a great mother and I know Rio will be an awesome
father. He’s good with Legend. We’re sitting here wondering if you’re pregnant
and we can be at the store already,” Choice said as she stood up to rinse her
bowl out. “You know my assumptions are right. You’re too scared to find out the

 Choice was right. Ashley thought she was pregnant a couple
of times but she always brushed it off and made excuses why she was feeling a
certain way. Ashley put her shoes on so they could go to the drug store. The
sooner she found out if she was pregnant the better.

About twenty minutes later, Choice and Ashley were in the
heart of the hood, only a couple of blocks from 12
Court. When
they pulled up to the store, D-boys were loitering out front. Some were smoking
weed while others were either drinking or selling drugs. Ashley and Choice
ignored the catcalls while swiftly walking into the store. They scanned the
shelves in the Family Planning aisle until they found the perfect pregnancy

“I’m so nervous. I feel like I’mma piss on myself before I
even take the test,” Ashley said while bouncing on one leg and then the other.

“This one looks legit. One line means you’re not pregnant
and two means you are.”

 Ashley took the test from Choice. “I’m tired of waiting.
I’mma take it now.”

She opened the box took the test out and handed the empty
box back to Choice. She dug into her purse for her wallet. Choice held her hand
up to stop her.

“I got it. Just go to the bathroom to take the test so we
can be out. Supreme and Rio might be on 12
Court. When you’re done
taking the test, we can stop by to see if they are or not.”

 Choice giggled as she watched Ashley rub her legs close
together trying to prevent herself from peeing on herself.

“When I’m done paying for the test, I’ll meet you in there,”
Choice said.


When Ashley and Choice pulled up to the trap house, Ashley
parked behind Rio’s truck and got out. She and Choice could hear the muffled
music coming from inside of the house so they already knew there were to be
D-boys and goons inside.

“I hate being over here,” Ashley said looking around the

As always, there were too many people out that should’ve
been in the house getting sleep so they could go to work in the morning.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. Their choices of life prevented them from
doing such. Now they walked around with foggy minds from all of the drugs
they’d smoked throughout the years looking like zombies instead of humans.

Ashley got out of the car and followed Choice up the stairs.
The girls certainly didn’t look like they were born and bred of the hood; they
looked so out of place with their high priced fashions on. Choice knocked on
the door then turned around to give Ashley a reassuring smile that everything
was going to be okay.

“Who is it Rio asked from the other side of the door.

Ashley and Choice didn’t even get a chance to answer before
the door swung open.

“What’s wrong? Why y’all ain’t at the crib?” Rio asked.

 Ashley could tell he was high. His eyes were low and he
talked slower than usual.

“Nothing’s wrong. We’re good,” Choice spoke up. “We just
wanted to see what y’all niggas were up to.”

 Rio moved to the side so they could enter. There was so
much weed being smoked that the room to was cloudy and made it a little hard to
see. D-boys and goons were everywhere. Choice looked around for Supreme but
didn’t see him.

“Where’s my man?” she spoke loudly so Rio could hear her.

“He’s in the kitchen talking with Mark.” Rio pointed to the
kitchen then looked back at Ashley with a smile on his face.

“You must’ve missed a nigga?” he asked.

“Of course I missed you,” Ashley said as she stood on her
tiptoes so she could wrap her arms around his neck. “Is there somewhere we can
speak in private?”

 Rio pulled back and eyed her before nodding his head taken
her hand to hold. He pulled his hood over his head as he led her up the stairs.
Rio pushed open the first door on the left and Ashley followed behind him. The
room was littered with trash and smelled like piss the only furniture in the
room was a filthy mattress on the floor. Ashley brought her free hand up to her
nose while holding on to Rio’s hand for dear life. When her grip tightened he
turned around and smiled

“What’s wrong?”

“It stinks in here. I feel like I’mma throw up.”

 Rio walked over to the nearest window and opened it to
allow fresh air in. He sat halfway on the windowsill and pulled Ashley closer
to him so Ashley could sit on his lap. She moved her hand from her nose then
inhaled the air like she’d been deprived.

“So what’s so important that you had to come to the trap to
tell me?”

She nibbled her bottom lip. “It’s so hard for me to say.”

“You can tell me anything; you know that. Just say it.
You’re starting to make me nervous.”

“I’m sorry; I’m not trying to make you nervous. I’m just
trying to figure out a way to say it.”

“You don’t have to figure out a way to say it. Just say it.”

 Ashley nodded her head. “I’m pregnant. I just took a
pregnancy test at the drug store.”

 Rio turned Ashley around, smiling from ear to ear. “Why
were you nervous to tell me that shit? I’m so fuckin’ happy you’re pregnant! A
little me and you running around this bitch is what the world needs.”

 Ashley chuckled. “You’re so silly.”

“Silly? I’m serious as hell.”

“I’m glad you’re happy. That makes me feel so much better.”

“What are you talkin’ about? You should’ve felt nothing but
happiness when you found out.”

 Ashley and Rio stared into each other’s eyes for a couple
of seconds without saying anything.

“I’m real happy you’re pregnant...real happy,” he whispered
before kissing her on the tip of her nose.

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