Ashley's Story: THE LAST CHAPTER (5 page)

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Chapter Seven

It was two o’clock in the afternoon and Ashley was tired.
She had gone to her mom’s house early in the morning so they could go to the
gym together. Afterwards they had lunch. Now the only thing Ashley wanted to do
was take a nap but she couldn’t. Instead of going home, she was driving to the
nearest clothing store.

Ashley had kept her promise and called Royce. They made
planes to go to Club Liv. She was excited about going at first but not anymore.
The only thing she wanted to do was go home, make a salad, take a hot bath, and
go to sleep. However, she was in need of something new to wear to the club.

Ashley bobbed her head while singing along with the Bryson
Tiller song. She didn’t know what the atmosphere of the club would be like. She
didn’t even know the location. That didn’t stop her from roaming the racks at
Saks Fifth to pick out the hottest dress she could find.

As Ashley picked out a cream Aidan Mattox sequin dress and
some cream Rockstud Valentino pumps, she began thinking about Rio. He had
called her yesterday night to simply tell her goodnight but Ashley wasn’t ready
to hang up so they ended up staying on the phone. Rio had been hesitant at
first about opening up to her but eventually he did. They talked about
everything from family and friends to relationships. Ashley could breathe a
little easier knowing that he was okay.

Tired of roaming the racks, she wasted no time going to the
register to pay for her items. While walking out of the busy store, Ashley smiled
from ear to ear when she checked her phone and saw a missed phone call from
Rio. She put her phone inside her purse before putting her bags in the backseat
in a hurry to get home.

Ashley looked up in a panic when she heard tires screeching
from a car. It only took her a few seconds to know that something wasn’t right.
She opened the driver’s door and quickly reached under the driver’s seat until
she felt the handle of the silver twenty-two.

Petey always drilled in her head the importance of keeping
protection in her car. Ashley could hear the words as if he was speaking them
directly to her.

“You never know when shit’s gonna pop off so you should
always be prepared.”

She watched as the gun was raised in her direction before
the person started shooting. Bullets were flying everywhere. Ashley got on her
knees and crawled to the passenger side of the car for coverage. With her heart
pumping and adrenaline rushing, she raised her gun and let off a few shots of
her own. Retaliating, they let off a few more shots in her direction. Ashley
knew then that they were trying to kill her. With a scowl on her face, she took
a minute to look at the car.

The car actually looked pretty good. It looked damn good too
good to be in a drive-by. Ashley let off a few more shots before the car turned
the corner on two wheels.

People were screaming and running for cover while others
continued to stay on the ground for safety measures.

Whoever was shooting had killed two people. She had a gut
feeling that they were aiming for her. Ashley looked down at the two older
ladies with sadness. That could’ve easily been her lying on the concrete. She
was so thankful that it wasn’t but she was still sad that two innocent people
were now victims.

Ashley got in the car in a hurry. Tears filled her eyes and
slid down her cheeks. Driving a little faster then she should’ve, she drove to
the closest place she knew she would find comfort and safety. Ashley slowed to
the posted speed limit once her mother’s house came into view.

Before pulling into the driveway behind Mr. Charlie’s truck,
Ashley quickly pulled her visor down to glance at her reflection in the mirror.
She wiped away her tears quickly. She didn’t want her mother and Mr. Charlie to
worry about her so she couldn’t show up at their doorstep looking as distraught
as she felt.

Their home was a beautiful two-story brick house in Coral
Gables. Ashley sighed deeply and closed her eyes. She had no idea who she
should call at a time like this. Who would have her back and look into whoever
it was trying to kill her? Should she call Mark or Rio?

Mark and Petey had been good friends. She knew he would
help, But something was stopping her from picking up her phone and calling
Choice to see if she could get his number. Ashley’s thoughts drifted to Rio.

“Damn, I wish Supreme and Choice were here,” Ashley uttered
to herself.

A knock at her window startled her. With her right hand
resting over her heart, she looked up to see who it was.

Mr. Charlie stood there with a smile on his face. “Hey Ash! Did
I scare you? Sorry about that baby girl. You know I didn’t mean to.” He opened
her door so she could get out and give him a hug.

Her mother’s scent was embedded into his clothing and it
made her smile. They had been married for three years and they still seemed to
be madly in love

“Hey, Mr. Charlie. Were you going to work?”

“Yeah, just for a little while. When I’m not there Vinnie’s
in charge, I still check up on the store as much as possible. How you doing
today? You look like something is bothering you.”

She looked at the house behind him in order to avoid looking
him directly in his eyes while she lied. “No, no, I’m fine.”

Mr. Charlie said nothing for a few seconds. “You’re lying. I
don’t know why but I know you are. If I can tell you’re lying, then you know
your mom will know you’re lying too.” Mr. Charlie chuckled. “You and Choice do
the same thing when you’re lying. Y’all look everywhere but at the person
asking the question.”

“Something is bothering me but I think I’ll be alright.”

“Do you think or do you know because you know I’m here for
you. You never have to worry about anything as long as I’m here. You know that
right,” Charlie stated seriously.

“Yes, I know. I’m going to try and figure it out. If I need
your help, I’ll hit you up,” she lied.

She would never involve Mr. Charlie in her problems,
especially if there was a chance he could get hurt. Ashley never saw her mother
this happy. Her mother was at her happiest and it was all because of him.

“Okay, go on in there and see your momma,” he said while
winking his eye at her. “She’ll be happy to see you came back.”

“I’m blocking you. Do you want me to move my car?”

“Nah, that’s okay. I’ll just take your mother’s car.”

Ashley nodded her head and walked into the house. “Momma!”
she called out as she slid her shoes off at the door.

“I’m in the kitchen,” her mother spoke loudly.

“Hold up now! Mr. Charlie didn’t tell me you were in here
cooking.” Ashley kissed her mother on the cheek then took a seat at the huge
round wooden table.

“I’m surprised you came back. You just left a couple of
hours ago. You okay? If not. You know you can talk to me.”

“I’m fine. I went to the store then at the last minute
decided to come back,” Ashley said as she picked up a piece of raw potato to
put in her mouth.

‘Well, I’m glad you came back. You can finish cutting those
potatoes while you’re here. You talk to Choice?”

“Nope, not yet. I’ll call her in a few,” she replied with a
heavy mind.

Ashley took her phone out of her purse and decided to call
Rio to tell him what had just popped off. She put another piece of raw potato
in her mouth then got up from the table.

“I’ll finish cutting the rest of the potatoes but I need to
make a call real quick first.”

“Ashley, if you eat one more potato I’m going to make you
peel me another bag.”

“Sorry Mama,” Ashley said with a giggle as she slid open the
glass door so she could go outside.

She looked over at the swing set her mother and Mr. Charlie
put up for Legend and decided to go sit on the swing while she made her call.
Rio’s phone rang a couple of times before he answered.

“What up?”

“Hey you,” she sang sweetly into the phone. “Am I disturbing

“Not at all. Taking care of a few things with the homies.
You and your moms have fun doing the girlie shit?”

Ashley smiled she was surprised he’d remembered. “I can’t
believe you remember that I told you I was spending time with her. I told you
that a week ago.”

Rio chuckled. “You’d be surprised at what I remember.”

“Who you talking to?” Ashley could hear Mark ask in the

“It’s Ash,” Rio replied.

“What up ma?” Mark uttered into the phone.

“Hey Mark.”

“I’m lightweight salty at you,” he admitted seriously.

“Why? What I do?” she asked.

“You never gave me your number. You know I told you I wanted

Ashley smiled. She’d been avoiding him because of that.
“Yeah, we’re like family so you should have it. My number is 305-7-”

Before she could get the fifth digit out, Rio was back on
the phone.

Ashley could hear Mark grumbling in the background. “Why’d
you take the phone from him?”

“I told you before; if he wants your number he’ll get it on
his own time.”

“I really contemplated on calling you I didn’t know who I
should call.”

The stress in her voice was evident and she had his full

“Why? What’s up? Talk to me."

Ashley told him everything that happened.

“What color and make was the car and how many niggas were in
it? Could you tell?”

 Ashley shook her head as if he could see her. “I tried I
tried my hardest to remember something about the car that would stand out, but
there was nothing. The car was nice as hell. Everything happened so fast. I
walked out of Saks and then shots were fired. I do know that it was about three

“Three niggas?”

Rio sounded angry immediately. “Why the fuck were three
niggas popping off at you? You’re a fuckin’ female!” he yelled. Rio got quiet
for a few seconds. “Where you at?”

“I’m at my mom’s house. It was closer for me to come here.”

“I need to come see if you’re really alright.”

 Ashley giggled. “I told you I’m fine.”

“Stop being hard. You don’t have to do that shit with me.
What’s the address?”

Ashley told him her mother’s address then hung up. She
dialed Choice’s number quickly. She really needed her right hand.

“Hey boo, where you?” Choice spoke as soon as she answered
the phone.

Ashley held the phone up to her ear with her shoulder blade
while pacing back and forth. “I’m at our parent’s house. Some crazy shit just
happened to me.”

“What, what happened?”

“I was getting something to wear tonight at Saks. When I
walked out, three niggas in a car drove by shooting. I know they were aiming
for me; I just know it. They ended up killing two older ladies that were
standing not too far from me.”

“Supreme!” Choice called out.

Ashley sat on the phone listening to Choice. She didn’t have
to be in front of Choice to see the worried expression on her face. She could
hear it through the phone.

“Supreme, we need to go to Miami! Someone was shooting at
Ashley!” she yelled hysterically.

“What the fuck’s goin’ on, Ash?” Supreme asked. “You hit up

“I just talked to him not too long ago. He’s on his way.

Supreme sighed deeply. “Who the fuck are these niggas and
how many was it?”

“It was three. I saw three heads. One nigga was shooting.”

“I said I never wanted to go back to Miami but now I’m going
to have to. I’ll have to find out who these niggas are. I’m going to see when
the next flight leaving. I’ll have Choice call you with details. I’m glad you
called Rio. You’re in good hands. You have a gun with you?”

“Yeah. I popped it off at them a couple of times.”

“Good, good. Petey taught you well. Always keep that shit on
you or close by you.”

“I’m at my mom’s house waiting on Rio. I’m going to go see
if he’s here yet.”

“No worries. Everything is going to be taken care of. I’ll
give Choice the phone back.”

Choice and Ashley sat on the phone talking about the
incident for twenty minutes before ending their call

Ashley pressed End on the phone just when her mom yelled
from the patio doors.

“Ashley, some young man is here for you.

She put her phone inside the back pocket of her snug black
jeans and nodded her head. Ashley jogged up the few steps leading inside the

“I’m not trying to be all up in your Kool-Aid but baby, who
is that?”

Mom, it’s just a friend and nobody uses Kool-Aid anymore.”

“I didn’t know.” She shrugged her shoulders while looking at
her only child. “He is cute though.” She smiled once more before rubbing her
daughter on the shoulder.

 “I have to talk to him about
something. I’ll be right back mama. If the food is done before I come back in,
please make me a plate.”

“Didn’t I tell you, you were going to have to peel the

“I’ll peel them when I come back.”

Her mother waved her off. “I already peeled them.”

“Thanks Mom,” Ashley chuckled with a smile before walking
out of the door.

She smiled at Rio when she saw him posted up by his car.
When she was close enough, he searched her face and body for any sign that
she’d been harmed but he saw none. Rio and Ashley embraced each other as if
they’d been doing it for years. Everything was so natural when it came to them.
She looked up at him and smiled but it was weak and he knew it.

“Yeah, I see you smiling but that shit’s fake,” he whispered
in her ear. His lips barely touched her earlobe.

He stepped back and opened the car door so she could get in
before walking back around to the driver’s side.

“I’m so sorry this happened to you. You just got out of the
pen. You’re not in street shit. You don’t have problems with anybody. What if
the niggas were shooting at you because of me?”

Rio had seen the shit happen plenty of times. If a street
nigga can’t get at the one they want, they’ll do the next best thing; kill the
people around you. Family or friends. Someone had seen them together and now
they were trying to off her.

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