Ashley's Story: THE LAST CHAPTER (8 page)

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Before Choice could say anything else, Ashley was snoring
lightly. Sleep had finally come to drift her off to peace.


Ashley opened her eyes lazily when she heard someone
pounding on her door.

“Who the hell is it?” she asked as if they could hear her
from inside of her home.

All of the drinks she had consumed at the club still had her
feeling slightly buzzed but she was glad she didn’t have a headache. She ran
her hand down her face in frustration when she tried to remember how she ended
up in the bed.

“Choice,” she said when she remembered.

There was more pounding at her door. Ashley sat up in bed
and looked down at the tiny shirt she had on before opening her mouth to yell
at the rude and unwanted visitor. Ashley quickly closed her mouth. Her mouth
was dry and felt as if cotton balls were stuck in her jaws. She tossed the
blankets off of her body. She didn’t want to get up. She was so comfortable in
the confinements of her own bed that Ashley seethed with anger when she had to
do so.

She rubbed the crust out of her eyes. The thunder coming
from outside caused her to stumble through her darkened bedroom. She looked out
of the living room window at the rain falling. The lightening was frightening
and the sky roared as if God was as angry just like she was at that very
moment. She closed the curtains then turned around and hit her foot against the
end table.

“Fuck!” she howled in pain. Ashley lifted her foot and
rubbed it while using profanity like it was going out of style.

“I’m coming! Stop knocking on my fucking door!” she

Chapter Eleven

Rio went to Ms. Anne’s to grab something to eat then drove
around without a destination in mind. He didn’t feel like going home with a
random stripper and he didn’t feel like being bothered with Royce who
continuously blew his phone up after the club until he was forced to turn it
off. Rio wanted to hang out with Ashley so he was bummed when they didn’t get a
chance to talk at KOD. With Mark and Choice taking up most of her time, he was
completely assed out of any. He had no other choice but to stand on the other side
of her door with his head down waiting patiently for her to answer.

Ashley opened the door with a scowl on her face and one hand
behind her back. Her scowl was quickly replaced with confusion and then
surprise when she saw Rio standing there. He looked her up and down. He was
taken aback with what was wearing, tiny t-shirt that revealed her protruding
nipples and a cream-colored thong.

“Oh hey, Rio,” she greeted him when she answered the door.
“Come on in.”

She looked down at her clothes then back up at him. Ashley’s
eyes widened in humiliation.

“Stay right there. I’ll be right back.”

Ashley closed the door halfway then sat the gun down on the
kitchen island before running into the back to change into baggy sweats and a
bigger t-shirt. Rio chuckled then licked his lips when he noticed the way her
ass moved when she ran off in a hurry.

“Rio, you can come on in. make yourself comfortable. I’ll be
right out,” she yelled from the back room.

Smiling, he walked in and took his shoes off at the door
then sat down on the couch.

“What are you doing here?” Ashley asked as she ran her
fingers through her disheveled hair. . She sat on the arm of the couch and
caught her breath.

“That was the second time I’ve seen you barely wearing
anything you should’ve seen the look on your face,” he said with a chuckle.
“I’m starting to think you’re making it a habit.

Ashley brushed him off. “You keep catching me off guard. I
never think about changing into other clothes before answering the door but
maybe I should.”

Rio nodded his head. “To answer your question, I didn’t feel
like going home to be by myself or calling up a chick I barely know. I want to
be around somebody who genuinely cares about me so I decided to stop by since I
didn’t see much of you tonight.”

“You know that I never mind you stopping by. It’s only four
in the morning. I wasn’t doing anything but sleeping,” she chuckled.

“Are you being sarcastic?”

Ashley grinned. “Me? Being sarcastic? I could never.” She
yawned. “I hope you’re sleepy because I know I am.”

Rio stood up and stretched. “Yeah, I could sleep.”

 “I hope you don’t think you’re about to climb in my bed in
the same clothes you were fighting in?”

Rio looked down at his clothes. “I can take them off.”

“Yes please. While you do that, I’ll go get you a blanket.”

Ashley ogled his well-developed chest. His pectorals and abs
were mouthwatering. She shook her head at the sight in front of her before
tossing him the blanket.

“Thanks, friend,” he said.  

He thought about her hardened nipples and the way her ass
moved when she ran off and he had to remind himself that they were nothing more
than friends. Rio fought those thoughts away as he lay down beside her. Feeling
as though sleep was beginning to take him over, he reached over and pulled
Ashley towards him.

“Mmm," she moaned, resting her head on his chest while
stirring a little in her sleep. Ashley gently rubbed her fingers up and down
his chest.

Ashley cuddled up closer to him before her snoring became a
little louder than it was before. Rio’s eyes popped open when her hand stopped
moving. His dick instantly awakened and was growing harder with every passing
second. If he took it further, he would be crossing the line. Their budding
friendship would come tumbling down and that was something he didn’t want. Rio cherished
what they were building and didn’t want to mess that up.

Rio wasn’t the type that would sit on the phone throughout
the night. He barely answered the phone if it wasn’t about money. He wasn’t the
type to send cards, candy, and flowers. He couldn’t see himself doing any of
those things even though he knew those were things girls liked about being in a
relationship…and he’d never been in a relationship.

There were a couple of girls Rio hit up occasionally if he
wanted to kick it. They mainly just fucked him good and left. The more he
concentrated on Ashley’s heart beating against his chest, all rational thoughts
went out of the window.

Her Vince Camuto perfume was permeated in the room and her
bed. Rio looked down at Ashley’s sleeping face and the cluster of freckles
across her nose. He wondered what image they’d turn out to be if he played
Connect the Dots with her freckles. Rio shook the silly thought away before
gently moving her off of him. Watching her sleep was becoming his favorite

Rio thanked God that they weren’t skin to skin; he wouldn’t
be able to take it. He turned on his side and watched her sleep. The way her
mouth was slightly gaped open was tempting him. A kiss goodnight wasn’t
crossing the line or was it? Rio didn’t care. The only thing he could think
about was feeling her lips against his.

He thought about the first time he saw her in the club. He
wondered what her mouth tasted like or how it would feel to fuck her. That was
until he knew Ashley was Choice’s best friend. When Choice introduced them, he
stuffed all of the things he wanted to do to her away until now. Rio moved
closer to her, their foreheads touching slightly and their breathing warming
each other’s faces.

Ashley was a hundred percent sure Rio was invading her space.

She could smell the mint on his breath and feel his warmth
on her face. Her breathing was shaky and coming in short spurts as her
heartbeat sped up.

What was he doing and why?

Ashley was nervous and a little scared. So many things ran
through her mind. She wasn’t physically scared but scared of the outcome. How
would things be if she took it there with him? Should she continue to act like
she was asleep?

Ashley opened her eyes slowly, trying to find courage in her
words before speaking. “’Rio, what are you doing?” she whispered. “What about
Royce? She likes you so much, at the club you were all she could talk about.”

With his bottom lip in his mouth, Rio stared at her
intensely. His eyes searched every inch of her face as if she was a unique
piece of art. “I just want to kiss you. You gon’ let me kiss you?” he asked.

“What about Royce?”

“What about her?”

“She’s going to be hurt,” Ashley murmured.

“You don’t need to worry about that. We’re not a couple.
Royce is grown. She’ll be able to handle it. What you and I do is not any of
her business. Besides, it’s only a kiss. If this isn’t what you want, I’ll back
off and we’ll just go to sleep.”

Ashley searched his face. If only she could search his soul
the same way. Some people only showed you what they wanted you to see and then
there were others who didn’t hold anything back and showed you all. It bothered
her that she didn’t know what kind of person he was.

Rio was a very handsome man but his face still held that
boyish charm. If she wasn’t careful with him, she knew her heart would succumb.
Ashley thought he was caring and attentive. He’d always been there for her
every time she needed him. That was a plus for him in her book. They connected
so well but that was on a friendship level. The water they were about to invade
was unfamiliar territory.

Without waiting for her reply, he moved in closer. She knew
her eyes held doubt but he didn’t let it stop him. Rio never closed his eyes
when their lips touched. His lips felt so soft against her own. Ashley parted her
lips so she could taste his tongue. His mouth tasted like mint and chocolate.
Their tongues moved up and down against one another as if they were humping.

Once Rio was familiar with her taste, he began sucking on
her tongue as if he was starving and finally being able to indulge on his
favorite and last meal. Ashley moaned. Her body was reacting in a way she
hadn’t felt in years. Her panties were wet and her heart was beating so fast
she was sure it was going to burst through her chest at any moment. Without
breaking their kiss, Rio held the blanket so she could join him.

He used his body weight to lay her back down. The thick
sweat pants she wore was bothering him and stopping him from doing what he
wanted. There was no skin-to-skin contact and Rio didn’t like that. The gleam
in Ashley’s eyes did something to him and he wanted to explore her body
further. Never having a girlfriend always stopped him from sticking his tongue
in random Pussy. It didn’t mean he never wanted to; He just couldn’t bring himself
to do so. If the girl was giving it up to him so freely, who else was she
giving the pussy to?

Ashley was different. They spent plenty of time together. He
knew her past and he’d also gotten to know her. She hadn’t been with anyone in
years. If he was going to do it then it was best that he did it now.

Rio kissed her on the right side of her cheek before
whispering in her ear, “I want to kiss you on your lips.”

Ashley moaned. “You are kissing me, Rio.”

“You know what I’m talking about. I’m taking about your
other lips.”

Ashley stopped breathing momentarily. He was asking to do
something she hadn’t felt in years.

“I know you need it,” Rio murmured against her ear. “Let me
take care of you. Why are you so hesitant, Ash? You know me there’s no reason
to be worried.”

He took her face into his hands. “Nothing will change
between us. That’s my word. I would never treat you like I do other women.
You’re my friend.”

He was right; they were friends. Ashley trusted him without
a doubt. She kissed his lips then nodded her head. Rio grinned.

He pulled her sweat pants off, tossed them to the ground
then he did the same with her panties. He took a whiff of her honey pot before
trailing kisses up and down each of her thighs. Ashley watched his every move.
She couldn’t wait to feel his tongue on her pussy. The anticipation was killing

“Come on, Rio; stop playing,” she whispered breathlessly.

Rio looked up at her and smirked. “Tell me you want it.”

“I want it.”

That was all Rio needed to hear before taking her pearl into
his mouth.

He moaned and smothered his face in her pussy. “This pussy
smells so good.

Rio added pressure to her pearl before flicking his tongue
back and forth as fast as he could.

“Oh my God, Rio. That shit feels so good!” Ashley screamed.

The warm and tingly feeling started from her toes and moved
all the way up to her pelvis. The sensation was driving her crazy and she
couldn’t wait to release. She moved her hips in a circular motion before
humping his face. Ashley grabbed the pillow next to her and covered her face.

“I’m about to cum,” she repeated over and over.

Rio cupped her ass with both of his hands while he sucked
and flicked his tongue even faster than before. Ashley legs shook as she came
in his mouth.

“Your pussy is so sweet,” Rio said, his voice deep and raspy
as he continued to feast on her until all of her wetness was gone.

He kissed her pussy long and hard once more before moving
his head from between her thighs.

“Why are you covering your face?” he asked her.

He grabbed the pillow and threw it to the floor. With a
smile on his face, he looked down at her. Her eyes were low as if she was
coming down from a high.

“Good morning he whispered into her ear.

The sun was rising but he was just going to sleep. Rio
wanted so badly to stick his dick inside of her but he climbed off of her and
lay back down instead.


When Ashley pulled up to her mother and Mr. Charlie’s house,
she was astonished by all of the cars in their driveway. There were even a
couple of cars parked in front of their house. Her mother and Mr. Charlie were
throwing a get-together for Supreme and Choice. Nana and her mom had been
blowing up her phone all morning. They wanted her to help prep the food for the
grill but she was too tired to get out of bed.

Around noon, she and Rio managed to get out of bed. Ashley
was so relieved that he hadn’t acted different towards her. It was as if
nothing ever happened. She took a shower, made something quick for them to eat
and then he left.

Ashley parked her Aston Martin behind a dark blue CLS550
Coupe, adjusted her sunglasses, checked her makeup, and then stepped out of the
car. It was a beautiful day. The sun was out and there wasn’t a single sign of
rain. It was a perfect day for a barbecue. Ashley popped her trunk and got the
two bags full of gifts for Legend. Today would be her first time meeting him
and she couldn’t wait. The voices of loud men debating could be heard before
Ashley reached the screen door. She sat the bags down on the table in the
kitchen then followed the loud voices in the living room.

 Mr. Charlie’s friends and a few of his employees lingered
in the kitchen. They were playing cards while drinking beer along with her
uncle Ashton and his girlfriend Journey.”

“Hey everybody!” Ashley greeted everyone with a wave before
entering the living room.

“There’s my other baby,” Mr. Charlie smiled as he stood up
from his leather recliner to give Ashley a kiss and hug.

“What up sis?” Supreme said as he stood up to give Ashley a
hug also.

“Hey, brother. Where are Nana and your wife?”

“They’re in the backyard. Buddy’s girl and son are back
there too.”

"Let me go see what there up to," she said before
glancing around the room.

Buddy and Willie and a couple of soldiers were the only ones
there from their crew so far. She was surprised Rio wasn’t there yet. Then
again, she didn’t recall asking him if he was going to be there or not.

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