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Authors: JJ Black

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Ask the Oracle (26 page)

BOOK: Ask the Oracle
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impossible to distinguish where the iris ended and the pupil began. The last bit of colour left

was from the flickering flames of hellfire that had begun to smoulder in their inky depths.

The sight of those lethal flames had Gray’s cock jerking to attention so fast he would have

thought it was on fire.

With all his blood rushing south, Gray fought back a moment of dizziness. Reaching

out, he grabbed a hold of Dreo’s rock hard shoulder in an effort to steady himself. Muscles

clenched beneath his fingers and sinew tightened to the point it was like stone under his

hand. Glancing up, Gray found himself trapped by the power of Dreo’s intense scrutiny.

With his jaw clenched tight and his eyes in full flame, he looked like a wild animal on the

verge of attack. In Gray’s eyes, the man had never been more gorgeous. Call him an idiot, but



he was more than willing to help tame that beast. He could already feel the heat starting to

build within him.


Dreo’s guttural moan just about brought Gray to his knees. “Mate,” Gray whimpered.

He knew he sounded pitiful, but his need had grown too great for him to care. He was two

seconds from stripping naked, spreading himself open and presenting his backside like a dog

in heat. He needed to be filled, needed to be taken, and there was only one man up to the

task and all it entailed.

“You are in need?”

“Yes,” Gray hissed, as his stomach cramped, his breath coming in wheezing gasps.

“What do you need?”

“You—just you.”

“You’re goddamned right!” The words had no more left Dreo’s lips and he was on him,

his eyes brimming with carnal intent. Gray had a moment of apprehension until he

remembered that this loss of control was what he wanted. He didn’t need soft, gentle

touches. He needed to be claimed—owned—by this powerful man, and he couldn’t wait

another minute.

“Strip,” Gray demanded, barely managing to break away from Dreo’s devouring


Dreo snarled. “No. Need to get you back to our room—need a bed—”

“No!” Gray’s cry was desperate. “I need you now!” Shoving back, his quick movement

surprised Dreo into loosening his grip, giving him the opportunity to dash for the opposite

side of the room. Not wanting to waste time, Gray quickly peeled off his shirt and began to

work of the fastenings of his pants. In seconds, he had them shucked down past his knees

and pooled around his ankles. Bracing his hands against the wall and canting his hips, Gray

presented his ass for Dreo’s inspection. He knew he must look like some wanton slut, but he

didn’t care. He had almost died, and now, he needed his mate to show him that he was still


“Fuck me,” he groaned, the words jumbled together in a garbled mess.

When Dreo didn’t move, Gray pushed his butt out as far as he manage without falling

and wiggled his ass, further exposing himself to his Demon’s hungry gaze. A soft breeze

JJ Black


skated across his skin, teasing his entrance, moments before rough hands took rounded

globes in a bruising grip. His cheeks were given a firm squeeze before Dreo pried them open

farther, giving him unrestricted access to Gray’s gaping hole. A thick finger tickled his

entrance, causing Gray to shudder and squirm in need

“Look at you,” Dreo snarled, running a hot hand down Gray’s right cheek and flank.

“Butt out, legs spread wide, asshole just begging to be filled… Is that what you want? You

want someone to shove a big cock in that hungry ass of yours? Fill you up until you feel like

you’re gonna burst? Until you think you’re gonna split in half?”

Gray loved when Dreo talked dirty to him when they fucked. It was like the man had a

direct line to his libido through his words. Gray’s brain fogged and his imagination went

wild as he began to envision every act Dreo described. His cock hardened to the point of

pain, making it impossible for Gray to focus on anything other than his burgeoning arousal.

When Dreo’s hand cracked down on his ass, he jolted, completely taken by surprise.

“I asked you a question,” Dreo growled. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”

“Yes,” Gray panted. “God, yes.”

“Are you telling me just any dick will do? That anyone with a big, thick cock is

welcome to shove it up that tight chute of yours?”

“No!” Gray’s shout echoed off the walls. “Just you! Nobody but you!”

Dreo’s lips twisted into a satisfied smirk. “You better fucking believe it. This is my ass.

Mine to fill, mine to fuck. Nobody else will ever touch you here again.”

Gray nodded his head vehemently. His arousal was so great, he was past the point of

coherent words. The whines and whimpers coming out of his mouth would surely haunt him

forever, once his head cleared, but for now, they didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered

was getting his mate inside him.

Dreo dropped to his knees behind him, still maintaining a firm grip on his cheeks.

Warm breath skimmed his hole, followed by the hot, wet stroke of Dreo’s questing tongue.

He teased and tickled around the edge of Gray’s entrance, causing his asshole to clench and

release sporadically. Soft licks, followed by sharp nibs to his sensitive flesh, drove Gray to the

brink of madness. Dreo kept him riding the edge, so close to release, but always just beyond

reach. His vision blurred, as moisture filled his eyes.

“Dreo,” Gray cried, the tears breaking free and streaming down his face. “Please.”



“Soon.” Without warning, Dreo pointed his tongue and speared it into Gray’s

vulnerable hole. Stroke after stroke—deeper and deeper—he thrust, reaching new depths

within Gray’s body. Dreo pushed his face farther into Gray’s crack which, in turn, shoved

Gray harder into the wall. The cold stone against his hard cock was both painful and

arousing. Unable to control himself, Gray began to thrust his hips, systematically humping

forward against the wall, then fucking himself back on Dreo’s thick tongue. His need for

release was now a continuous mantra, beating away in his brain.

Tingling at the base of his spine and the tightening of his balls signalled the approach of

Gray’s long-awaited climax. He was just feeling the first tendrils of ecstasy creep over him

when Dreo ripped himself away. Gray cried out, the denial of completion too much for him

to take in silence.

There was a rustling of cloth then Dreo was back, his hard, muscled body pressed tight

against Gray’s sweat slicked back. The hard rod of his arousal rode Gray’s crack, a small

tease of what was to come. Strong arms were wrapped around him from behind, holding

him steady and effectively trapping him against the unforgiving wall. Dreo brought one

hand up to play with his nipples, using his agile fingers to pinch, tug and tease them into red,

swollen points. Dreo slid his other hand down his abdomen, following the dark line of hair

below his navel until it reached the spot Gray needed it most. Dreo took his cock in hand,

wrapping his long fingers around Gray’s arousal, giving it a few hard pumps. Gray moaned.

He loved the feel of Dreo’s rough, calloused hand on the sensitive skin of his dick. The tiny

licks of pain when the skin caught practically sent him into orbit. Pushing forward, he

shoved his dick farther into Dreo’s fist.

“Are you ready for me, Oracle?” Dreo growled, licking a wet path up the side of his

neck. “Ready to take my fat cock deep inside you? It’s amazing how tight you are. Gonna

stretch you wide and make you mine.”

“Please,” Gray whined.

Dreo barked out a laugh. “I love it when you beg. I’m gonna fuck you hard and fill you

with my cum until you’re dripping with it. Gonna mark you from the inside out, so that no

one will doubt who you belong to.”

Without further warning, Dreo released Gray’s dick, pulled his cheeks wide, lined up

the blunt head of his weeping cock and thrust. He didn’t stop until he was balls deep in

JJ Black


Gray’s backside. Gray groaned and squirmed, the contrast from being so empty to being

filled past capacity in mere seconds had him fighting to keep conscious, even as blackness

teased the edge of his vision. He had waited too long to allow unconsciousness to rob him of

the pleasure to come. Taking a few calming breaths, Gray finally began to relax around

Dreo’s invading flesh.

Dreo waited, a fact that Gray was eternally grateful for, until a nod of approval from

Gray spurred him into motion. Once unleashed, there was no holding back, as evidenced by

the hard, driving rhythm Dreo started as he fucked Gray with a force he’d never experienced

before. After pulling nearly free of Gray’s sheath, he then shoved his entire length back into

Gray in one, brutal thrust, leaving him gasping for air and moaning in pleasure.

“You like that, don’t you?” Dreo’s gravelly voice at his ear sent a shiver down Gray’s

spine. “You like it rough. Love it when I use you hard and leave you aching when I’m done,

don’t you? Don’t you?” Dreo punctuated his questions with a series of hammering thrusts.

“Yes,” Gray groaned, pushing back against his harsh strokes. “I love it. Fuck me hard—

use me—make me feel it.”

“Oh, you’ll feel it, all right,” Dreo snarled. “By the time I’m done with you, your ass is

going to be feeling me for weeks. I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk, and then I’m

going to fuck you more. When I’m finished, you’re gonna forget what it feels like to not have

my cock filling you.”

“Oh, God.”

“Not God. Dreo.”

Taking a step back, Dreo pulled out of Gray, causing him to cry out. The move left his

hole open and grasping. The feeling of emptiness was almost more than Gray could bear.

Before he had a chance to voice his disapproval, Dreo had a hand on his arm and jerked him

around. Now face to face, Gray’s breath caught as he saw the wild ferocity in his mate’s eyes.

Dreo pressed their groins together in a wet, sticky mess of cock on cock. Grabbing Gray’s

butt in his hands, Dreo hoisted him up against the wall, tilting his hips before thrusting his

swollen dick back into Gray’s empty passage.

“You feel so fucking good,” Dreo groaned against Gray’s neck. “So tight and hot.”

“Harder,” Gray gasped. “Fuck me harder.”



Shifting his grip, Dreo grabbed the back of Gray’s legs and shoved his knees up to his

chest. The move had Gray damn near bent in half. It also gave Dreo a new angle and made it

possible for him to get even deeper inside Gray, reaching previously untouched depths

within him. With the new angle, Gray swore he could practically feel Dreo’s cock tickling the

back of his throat.

“Yeah, that’s it,” Dreo growled. “You’ve got all of me now. Squeezing me so tight.

Fucking perfect.”

Dreo’s words, combined with the hard thrusts against his abused bottom, pushed Gray

past the point of no return. The tingling in his spine was back and he knew there would be

no stopping it this time.

“Dreo—gonna come,” he panted, forcing the words out of his gasping lips.

“Do it,” Dreo ordered. “I want to feel your ass tighten around my dick like a vice. Want

to see you paint our chests with your cum. Fucking do it!”

Gray was helpless to disobey. Dreo’s harsh order was just what he needed to send him

careening over the edge into oblivion. Lights flashed behind his eyes and he was pulled into

a climax so powerful, it was almost painful. Cum shot from his dick, the force behind it so

strong, the spray reached up his neck and grazed the side of his face. His channel clenched,

constricting tightly around Dreo’s cock and dragging him into climax as well. Never

stopping in his rutting, Dreo’s roar shook the room as Gray’s insides were awash in the

scalding heat. The sensation of his mate emptying his release inside Gray’s body made him

feel complete. Stream after stream fired against the walls of his chute in a seemingly endless

torrent. Moisture wet the inside of his thighs as Dreo’s release overflowed from his depths.

Even as their climax began to ebb, Dreo stayed inside Gray, keeping them joined as the

last of the aftershocks continued to work their way through their bodies. They were finally

forced to separate when Dreo’s softening cock slipped free of Gray’s still grasping channel,

eliciting a moan from them both. Lowering his legs back down to the floor, Gray appreciated

the fact that Dreo made sure he was steady before taking a step back. As he took in Gray’s

appearance, Dreo’s gaze heated.

“That is so fucking hot. Look at you—so full of my seed that you’re dripping with it.

Damn! It makes me tempted to leave you like this—sweat slick body, well fucked expression,

BOOK: Ask the Oracle
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