Associates (12 page)

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Authors: S. W. Frank

Tags: #Drama, #American, #African American

BOOK: Associates
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He wondered if Chip planned to swing by or did his latest conquest have him tied to a bed. He hurried to his office and called Tiffany.



Sergio enjoyed the show. That Nina was smoking hot. Many of the women sashaying by were equally sexy, except none wanted to give a young dude any play. Four beers and a screwdriver sent him to the restroom. He pissed his frustration in the john, watching the pressurized yellow stream of urine foam when it connected with water and porcelain. His ears detected sex sounds mingled with the clubs muffled music. He shook off, zipped his pants and washed his hands. Vibrations from the acoustics weren’t responsible for the thumping against a wall. Hell no, somebody was fucking the shit out of somebody and he was
jealous that he wasn’t involved. He didn’t know Chip’s strip joint promoted prostitution, if he did he would’ve offered the big-busted girl in the red G-string money for some head.

He exited the bathroom, liquored and horny. He sought out the women’s dressing room to peep tits and ass, unaware he was in the wrong corridor. A door adjacent to the lavatory might be where they changed outfits, who knows, maybe even the place they took clients. He checked the hall to make sure no one was coming and twisted the doorknob. It turned without resistance and Sergio peeked inside to spy;

An old leather sofa.

A coffee table with magazines.

A water dispenser.

A small window where figures moved on the other side summoned Sergio moved closer. The adjacent room had a bed and on it were Nina and the distended belly man he’d seen at the table with another guy. Important, mafia men.

“Ah, shit.” Sergio commented while gawking. The woman Nina fed the man something, probably a Viagra, Sergio laughed as the fool swallowed it.

The action was on.

“Ah yeah, go Nina,” he cheered when she lifted her ass over the distended belly man’s dick and slid down and up, giving Sergio a nice side view of her dimpled ass. Her large boobs were bouncing melons over the flabby man’s chest.

Sergio ran in place, laughing as the bed bent trying to keep pace with Nina’s tempo. Sergio's pelvis gyrated as he sang, “I love the way you ride it…I love the way you ride it…like a backstreet chick…”

Suddenly he stopped when the man gripped Nina’s waist, slapping at her ass before pushing her off. The fun went from harmless to serious when the naked man tried to stand and did a belly flop to the floor.

Sergio jumped back with a microphone fist to his chin and exclaimed, “Oh shit!”

It’s also when Tony entered the room and caught Sergio there, pulled out his gun and slammed the door. “What the fuck did I tell you?”

Sergio retreated closer to the window. He put his hands in the air. “Look, I was looking for the bathroom,” he said rapidly,
but stopped talking when Tony lowered the gun and his eyes bulged in disbelief.

Tony scurried out the room and Sergio followed. Tony must have seen the emergency situation and went into response mode. Well, Sergio wasn’t going to stick around. The situation required damage control because from what Sergio witnessed, that mob guy was dead. Before they rounded the corridor Chip appeared.

“Hey Tony…” He spotted Sergio and halt. “What the fuck’s going on?”

“There’s an emergency in the Diamond Room with Caminello.”

“What the hell is he doing back here?” Chip asked as he hastily hurried down the hallway. “He’s not leaving. Bring him along!” he ordered Tony. “Until I find out what the hell’s going on, nobody leaves this place!”

Tony seized Sergio’s arm and they followed Chip around the back corridor to the other hallway. Tony leaned in to Sergio talking softly, “I told you to scat you dumb fuck!”

Sergio sobered. Well, it was too late now, wasn’t it?

The man guarding the door was seated. He stood when he saw them approach. Chip greeted the Capo and pointed to the door. “Hey I think there’s an emergency in the room. I’m gonna’ check.”

The Capo didn’t wait to hear anything else and opened the door and what he found was his boss on his back and an undressed hooker performing mouth-to- mouth. She jumped when they entered, black mascara tears rolling down her pale face apologetically. “He must have had a heart attack or something…he just fell...I’m sorry…I tried to help.”

Liar, Sergio thought.

The Capo pushed her out of the way and checked Caminello’s carotid. Chip hovered over his shoulder as Tony and Sergio remained near the door.

“She slipped him something,” Sergio informed Tony.

“Shut up!”

“I’m just trying to warn you, she’s lying.”

Tony hissed quietly, “Are you trying to get us killed? Shut the fuck up, kid!”

Chip’s attention settled on the pair. “Is there something you want to say about this Tony?”

“No. Nina summed it up.”

“After she gave him something,” Sergio decided to butt in.

Caminello’s Capo rose tall. His attention on the pair. “You saw her give him something?”

“No…no…he’s lying!” Nina wailed.

Chip tossed her a robe he’d retrieved from the floor. “Shut up and put something on.”

The Capo spun around to Chip. “You shut the fuck up!” He pointed a gun at Nina. “What did you give him?” He stepped over his boss’ body to put the gun against her cheek and squeezed her jaw, causing her lips to pucker like a fish. “Nothing, he’s lying. He’s making it up. He wasn’t in here, how the hell could he see anything, huh?”

Chip intervened on his star attraction’s behalf. The Capo didn’t know about the viewing room. Nobody did except a few of the guys. “Yeah, he couldn’t have seen anything. You know how these niggers lie!”

“Word. The bitch is kind of skank and ignorant. Yep, she’s a nigger for sure!” Sergio responded.

Tony’s eyes were mean slits targeted at his boss. “There’s an observation room around the corner. The guy’s not lying.”

Nina fought for her life verbally. “They’re lying. Check Tony, he’s been supplying the girls with uppers. He must’ve put something in the drink. Go ahead check his pockets.”

The gun swiveled. “Empty your pockets.”

Sergio spoke in Tony’s defense, “He took a bottle of pills from her when she came to work. I saw it. She’s trying to shift the blame.”

“You see a lot, don’t you?” The Capo inquired, glaring at Tony when he pulled out a bottle of pills. “Looks like the slut’s not lying after-all.”











Giuseppe awoke to find Shanda asleep with her head on his chest. His lips curled into a sappy grin. His hand touched her buttocks and she murmured, pushing her face into his sternum. He swiveled to check the baby visually. Carlo slept. “Grazie.”

He wanted the mother. Morning sex is rejuvenation. He rolled on top of her and his bulk awakened her. His mouth did not give her time to speak, silence worked best in the presence of his son. Any loud noise would wake the child and today he wanted peace with a mother and pieces of her flesh. His hand yanked down her panties, she squirmed but he found no resistance when his mouth trailed from lips to breasts and between her legs with the certainty of a diver submerging to explore the ocean’s depth.

His firm tongue licked and flicked over her unobstructed lips, surging deeper inside her caverns to discover lingually the taste of her before his dick plunged there later on. She whimpered,
suppressing her need to batter him for making the juices flow with such ease by the touch of his mouth.

She pulled at his shirt, popping the buttons and he smirked when his erection leaped in his pants. He’d forgotten he’d fallen asleep in his clothes. He wanted entrance to the place she locked and hurriedly sat up to free himself of his trousers before she shuttered the doors.

The woman clung to his neck, as horny in the morning as her Don and didn’t relent with the kisses to his mouth and chest even when he seized her ass up off the bed to hoist her atop his knees pushing with such intensity he breathed her name when she sheathed his dick as tight as a glove.

“Donna, um…sí…do not deny me this.”

Shanda’s hips rotated as Giuseppe flexed upward and every which way claiming occupancy in the candy store and filling it with his presence. His hands pressed her ass in greed desirous of more sweets. He was rocking the bed so hard the noises from it began to wake Carlo.

“Ssssssshhhh, por favore Carlo…papa needs feeding first,” he said as his mouth suckled a milky breast, promising to reserve some for the child.

His donna fed him. She took hold of his face to lifted it with strong hands, sucking the air from his mouth, taking his breath, making him pay dearly for his treatment by giving him such wonderful friction below he seized her up and pressed her to the headboard, making the walls quake with every forceful penetration. Her head thrashed and she met him head on, fucking him with the same fervor and egging him on. “Come on…you want more of this, take it?”

Shanda turned him on. “Sí donna.”

The loud pounding sounds as the headboard struck the wall frightened the baby and he cried as his papa flexed his mama’s legs wide, pumping her up in the air and she used the moment to teach obedience. “You can have this pussy any time but the minute you fuck another woman you can’t have these cookies any more, capisce?”

Giuseppe was too enamored with her body. The feel of the donna sent euphoric tremors up and down his dick. The taste of her
breasts was divine. The swivel of her curvaceous hips moving like a belly dancer across his staff was beer and wine. Break a beast. Tame a lion. Splinter iron is what she managed to do. “Sí donna…sí….capisco.”

The wall shook and his donna’s moans of pleasure mingled with his son’s cries as he took what she promised and recouped lost days of not having her in his bed. There was a screeching sound when he applied pressure to his thighs and then a cracking noise as he climaxed. Shanda clutched him hard laughing because she knew what it was before the damn bed collapsed. They teetered over and his torso fought gravity to keep them upright. He managed to do it and carry his donna to the floor safely clutched in his arms.

Giuseppe shook his head. “No more of this. My bed is much sturdier.” Her legs were around his waist and he smiled at her. “I will be good to you donna as long as you are good to me, capisce?”

“Capisco,” she answered lowering her legs to the floor. Her breasts stroked the hard contoured chest. “I’m always good to you; you just don’t see it because you’re a whore.”

He watched her butt when she walked away and chuckled. She took Carlo from the crib to feed him milky leftovers where Giuseppe’s gluttonous mouth had recently devoured. Ah, such a passionate woman, he laughed quietly. He would get her pregnant, bind them with more children and she would not leave. Yes, every night and morning he planned to ravish her body until she swelled again with his child. He had not confessed his love verbally for fear she’d make him weak, although in actuality he’d softened to the feisty woman some time ago. It is just fear that rooted a man with a heart for battle. He did not want her to be the distraction when the time for conflict required focus. But, he could not let her go from his home or his heart. She’d imprisoned him. He wore the invisible shackles. “I will feed the dog,” he said as she took a seat with the boy. “Tonight I will take you to dinner.” His eyes furrowed. “Be good donna and travel with protectors when you go out today, capisce?”

Shanda rolled her eyes. They had spoken in length about his family and the necessity of bodyguards. She understood completely and gave a condescending reply to assuage his concern, “Yes, Geo, I’ll behave. Scouts honor.”




















Nico parked the car at a shadowed section of the street and walked the block to the club, searching out Sergio’s BMW. Yep, there it was, standing out like purple panties in a male locker room. There were people on the street, walking on opposite sides of the sidewalk slower than the cars. He blended to the storefronts, scanning occupants in cars and turned his face away when one vehicle sent off alarms. The driver thumbed through a magazine, head down near the pages to see under the street lamps. Any enforcer worth a damn could spot a mafia man. Nico slipped by unnoticed to the side of the club. He’d already checked out the floor plans and an employee entry is the route he chose for admittance.

The side door opened with assistance of a special key. The sultry music is immediately what he heard and a guard goofing off on the job is how Nico got his foot in the door without incident. He took a back corridor and stopped at the bend when he heard voices from a room with a door ajar.

Under the dim lights, he loosened the knife case on his waist, reached to his ankle and withdrew his weapon, sticking it in his belt, below the hem of the thin bullet-proof vest. Ready and alert he walked casually in the corridor. A club goer, looking for the bathroom was the cover in case anyone asked.

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