At Canaan's Edge (177 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

BOOK: At Canaan's Edge
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on Atlanta riots

barnstorming trip through South by

at Birmingham registration rallies

on Black Power movement

book operation of

breakthrough for peace movement sought by

bronchitis suffered by

at CALCAV's Riverside Church rally

Carmichael and

Carnegie Hall address of

Chicago gang leaders and

Chicago housing protest and

Chicago movement and

Chicago slum apartment of

chronic tardiness of

on church's role in movement

commitment to Memphis strikers of

commitment to nonviolence of

concerns over Black Power by

conference on urban ministry of

conflicting priorities of

as co-plaintiff of Bond lawsuit

critical response to book by

criticism of staff by

criticized for refusing bodyguards

on crowd violence in Chicago

Daley seen as obstacle in Chicago by

Daley's meetings with

damage control after Riverside address of

death threats against

decision to take movement North made by

on defeating communism

defeat of 1966 Civil Rights Act and

depression of

desire for official SCLC stand on Vietnam of

dismay over depth of Northern resistance felt by

disregard for personal safety of

distance between front line activists and

documentary interview by

“Drum Major Instinct” address of

Edward Kennedy and

Elijah Muhammad and

enforcement mission of marshals preferred by

in England

estate of

in Europe

evolving view on war of

exhaustion and illness of

expanded peace efforts of

extramarital affairs of

Face the Nation

on family structure

fatigue and exhaustion of

FBI bugs as growing concern of


FBI investigation on Vietnam stance of

federal negotiations for ministers' march to Montgomery with

in final March to Montgomery

final return to Memphis of

flirtation with martyrdom of

and formation of antiwar clergy group

fundraising trips of

Goldberg meetings on Vietnam with

growing association between Bundy and

Hanh's meeting with

on history of segregation

honorary degrees of

Hoover's “notorious liar” accusation against

on impact of own death on movement

independence of lieutenants tolerated by

Irish ancestry of

as isolated from government war drive

“I've Been to the Mountain Top” speech of

Jamaica retreat of

Kerner Commission testimony of

on LBJ

LBJ's calls with

LBJ's meetings with

LBJ's relations with

Levison as favored advisor to

on McCarthy

on March Against Fear

march to Selma courthouse called for by

media coverage of assassination of

media coverage of Riverside address

meetings with Invaders by

King, Martin Luther, Jr. (

Meet the Press
appearance by

at Memphis press conference

Memphis redemption march and

at Memphis redemption rally

Memphis rioters' meeting with

and Memphis sanitation strike

in ministers' march to Montgomery

and mood of Memphis demonstrators

at National Conference for New Politics

on nature of revolution

on negative press from Memphis riots

new strategic role for SCLC presented by

at 1965 National Conference on Civil Rights

on 1966 low point of movement

on nonviolent solution to Vietnam

Northern tour of

objections to guns of

outburst of temper by

peace negotiations in Vietnam urged by

on perception of race as national rather than regional

and planning for LBJ's national conference on race

plans for Mideast trip of

police surveillance in Memphis of

pressure for Vietnam stand on

protection of nonviolence as priority of

public composure of

public opinion's hostility towards

public reaction to Vietnam stance of

public relations low of

public statements on Vietnam by

on race relations during wartime

rapprochment with Jesse Jackson of

reaction to LBJ's presidential address on voting rights of

reaction to Memphis riots of

recruitment for antipoverty campaign by

on Reeb attack

at Reeb memorial service

refusal to join “crisis and commitment” ad by

on regional differences in racial hatred

request for federal protection of

retirement from movement considered by

retreat to Jamaica of

return to Birmingham jail of

review of antipoverty campaign by advisers of

scheduling problems of

at SCLC staff retreat

on self-immolation

in Selma campaign

Senate testimony on poverty of

sleeping pills used by

SNCC's independence requested by

SNCC's power struggle with

summit with non-black minority leaders of

support for Bond of

in support of Powell in fight for House seat

temper of

testimony on ministers' march to Montgomery by

at “To Fulfill These Rights” conference

as urged to avoid Watts riots

Vietnam conference address of

Vietnam discussed with LBJ by

Watts riots and

and welfare rights movement

and worries about movement in aftermath of Memphis

worries over press attacks from FBI of

worry about public stance on Vietnam of

King, Martin Luther, Sr.

King, Mary

King, Yolanda

Kingdom of God Is Within You, The

KMOX (radio station)

Knox Reformed Presbyterian Church

Komer, Robert

Kopkind, Andrew

Korean War

Kosygin, Alexei

Koufax, Sandy

Kraslow, David

Krasner, Lee

Kristol, Irving

Kuchel, Thomas

Ku Klux Klan

Ben Chester White lynching by

in Crawfordville

FBI informant in

harassment during final March to Montgomery by

Harrison threatened by

Hayneville shooting defense provided by

Liuzzo attack by

Liuzzo case and

Moton attack by

at Natchez demonstration

Reeb attack by

at SCLC convention

splinter groups of

terror campaign in Mississippi by


Kyles, Gwen

Kyles, Samuel “Billy”

Labor Department, U.S.

Ladies' Home Journal

Ladner, Dorie

Lady Chatterley's Lover

Lafayette, Bernard

Lafayette, Colia

Lane, Quentin

Langguth, A. J.

Lapansky, Phil

LaPorte, Roger

Larry, Gloria,
House, Gloria Larry

Las Vegas, Nev., FBI surveillance operations in


Laughlin, Harry

Lawrence, Abbott

Lawrence, D. H.

Lawrence, Ida Mae

Lawrence Scientific School

Lawson, James

and Memphis sanitation strike

Lawson, Jennifer

Lawson, John C.

LBJ Ranch

League of Women Voters

Leakey, Louis

Leary, Timothy

Leatherer, James

Leclerc, Jacques-Philippe

Le Duan

Lee, Bernard

Lee, Cato

Lee, Herbert

Lee, Robert E.

Legal Defense Fund, NAACP

Lemann, Nicholas

Le Minh Khue

Lenin, V. I.

Lennon, John

Leoline, Mary

Leonov, Alexei

Lester, Julius

Letter from Birmingham Jail (King)

Levison, Andrew

Levison, Bea

Levison, Stanley

on Black Power support base

as chief SCLC fundraiser

concern over MLK's Marx remarks by

on fallout of Riverside address

FBI wiretaps on

as MLK advisor

MLK's statement on Vietnam drafted by

objections to MLK's participation with CALCAV

plan to reduce MLK exposure on Vietnam made by

return to MLK's inner circle of

Levy, Howard

Lewis, Cotesworth Pinckney

Lewis, David L.

Lewis, Ed “Strangler”

Lewis, John Robert

Lewis, P. H.

Lewis, Robert

Lewiston, Maine


Liberty Baptist Church



Life and Times of Frederick Douglass

Life with Lyndon in the Great Society

“Lift Every Voice and Sing” (Johnson)

Lincoln, Abraham

Lincoln University

Lingo, Al

Linn, Marjorie

Lippmann, Walter

Lipsyte, Robert

Lipton, Fran

Lisagor, Peter

Liston, Sonny

literacy tests

Little Big Horn

Little Rock, Ark.

Liuzzo, Anthony

Liuzzo, Viola

FBI investigation into death of

Hayneville trial on death of

Klan attack on

media coverage of death of

Lizzie Horn Elementary

Lodge, Henry Cabot

Loeb, Henry

Logan, Arthur

Logan, Eli

Logan, Marian

Logan, Robert

Logan, Sarah

Logan, Sidney

Logan Act

Long, Edward

Long, Huey P. “Kingfish”

Long, Russell

Long, Worth


Lopez, Ian Haney

Lord, John Wesley

Lord Baltimore Hotel

Lorraine Motel

Los Angeles, Calif.

desegregation in

housing laws of

police in

see also
Watts riots

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