At Canaan's Edge (174 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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Columbia Law School

Columbia University

Comfort, Mark

Commager, Henry Steele


Commerce Department, U.S.

Commercial Appeal

Commission on Civil Rights

Commission on Religion and Race (CORR)

Committee for SANE Nuclear Policy



Communications Satellite Corporation

Communist International

Communists, communism

as Hoover scare tactic

MLK on defeating

Community Relations Service

Condor, John

Cone, James

“Confederate Air Force,”

Conference of Concerned Democrats

Confessions of Nat Turner, The


briefings on Vietnam for

LBJ's relations with

Congress, U.S. (

RFK's relations with

see also
House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

Connally, John

Connor, Bull

Conyers, John

Cook, Elmer

Cook County Board

Cooke, Sam

Cooke, Terence Cardinal

Cooper, Everett

Cooper, John Sherman

Coronado, Tomás

Cosby, Bill

Cosby, William

Costalis, Lou

Cotton, Dorothy

Cottonmouth Moccasin Gang

Cotulla, Tex.

Cox, Charles

Cox, Courtland

Cox, Harold

Cox, Harvey

Craig, Calvin

Craig Air Force Base

Crain, Willie

Crawford, Jack

Crawfordville, Ga.

Creel, Robert


Crocker, L. C.

Cronkite, Walter

Crook, Bruce

Crowe, Dorman

Crozer Seminary


Culp, Robert

Cunningham, Emerald

Custer, George Armstrong

Dabru Emet
(“Speak Truth”)

Dahmer, Vernon

verdict in attack on

Daily Worker

Daley, Arthur

Daley, Richard J.

Chicago housing protest and

concern over Cicero demonstration

on gang violence

housing reforms of

LBJ's bond with

MLK's meetings with

MLK's relations with LBJ undermined by

Dallas County Voters League

Dallas Cowboys

Dallek, Matthew

Dallek, Robert

Da Nang

“Dance of the Blessed Spirits” (Gluck)

Daniels, Jonathan Myrick

at Fort Deposit

impact on colleagues of death of

new movement activists mentored by

shooting of

Dankmar Adler and Louis Sullivan

Dannenberg, Linda

Dan Ryan Expressway

Darwin, Charles

da Silva, Peer

Daves, Joan

Davis, Fred

Davis, Georgia

Davis, Jefferson

Davis, Jerry

Davis, Ossie

Davis, Sammy, Jr.

Dawson, William

Day, Dorothy

Dayan, Moshe

Deacons for Defense and Justice

Dead Sea Scrolls

Deal, Dennis

Declaration of Conscience

Declaration of Independence



Defense Department, U.S.

de Gaulle, Charles

Dellinger, David

DeLoach, Cartha “Deke,”

civil rights movement equated to antiwar movement by

as successor to Hoover

Deming, Barbara

Democratic Party

Deniker, Joseph

Dent, Harry

DePuy, William

de Sade, Marquis

Desert Inn Casino

Detroit, Mich.

Detroit Tigers

DeWolf, Harold

Dexter Avenue Baptist Church


Dien Bien Phu

Die Vaderland

Dikotter, Frank

Dillon, Douglas

Dinkins, William

Dinnocenzo, Louis

Diocesan Council of Catholic Women

Dirksen, Everett

Disciples of Christ


Doar, John

and final March to Montgomery

and ministers' attempted march from Selma to Montgomery

Dodd, Thomas

Dome of the Rock

Dominican Republic

Donaldson, Ivanhoe

Donohue, Harold

Dorsey, Jimmy

Doubleday, Nelson

Douglas, Mrs. Paul

Douglas, Paul

Douglass, Frederick

Dow, George

Dow Chemical Company

Doyle, Dan

Doyle, William

Dragon's Jaw Bridge

Dresner, Israel “Sy,”

Du Bois, W. E. B.

Duke University

Dumont, Isabel

Durick, Joseph

Dutton, Fred

Dynamite Hill

Eagles, Charles

Earp, Wyatt

Eastern Air Lines Flight

Eastland, James

East Side Disciples

Eaton, William

Eban, Abba

Ebenezer Church


Eckstine, Billy

Edmundite Order

Edmund Pettus Bridge

Ed Sullivan Show


enforcement of reforms for

LBJ agenda on

segregation in

see also

Edwards, Bill


see also
Six Day War

Eichmann in Jerusalem

Eilat, Israel

Eisendrath, Maurice

Eisenhower, Dwight

Elementary and Secondary Education Act

11th Brigade

Eliot, T. S.

Elizabeth II, Queen of England

Elks Club

Ellington, Buford

Ellington, Duke

Ellis Auditorium

Ellison, Ralph

Ellsberg, Daniel

Ellwanger, Joseph

Ellwanger, Joyce

Emancipation Day

Emerson, Ralph Waldo


equal opportunity and


segregation and

women's rights movement and

see also
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Emrich, Richard


Episcopal Church, Episcopalians

conflict within ranks of

on final March to Montgomery

integrated worship as issue within

and ministers' march to Montgomery

nonracial policy developed by

in Selma campaign

see also specific congregations

Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity (ESCRU)

Episcopal Theological School

Epps, Jesse

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

women and

equal rights

Ervin, Sam

Eskridge, Chauncey

Espy, Edwin


Eugenics Recording Office


Evans, Clay

Evans, Courtney

Evans, Nina

Evans, Rowland

Evans's Missionary Baptist Church

Everett, Robert

Evers, Charles

Evers, Medgar

Eyes on the Prize

Face the Nation

Fager, Charles

Fairclough, Adam

Falkner, Gene

Fall, Bernard

Fanon, Frantz

Farmer, James

Farnsworth, Anne

Far Yukon Territory

Fauntroy, Walter

Favors, Jesse “Note,”

F.B.I., The

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

anti-civil rights movement propaganda of

bugging operations in Vegas of

bugging scandal at

bugging vs. wiretap procedures of

COINTELPRO against civil rights movement by

contributors to SCLC monitored by

court rulings on surveillance tactics of

dossier on Carmichael of

and failure to warn MLK of threats

final March to Montgomery monitored by

Hayneville shootings investigated by,

Klan infiltrated by

lawsuits against, 402

LBJ brief on antiwar movement by

Liuzzo case and

media leaks and

and Memphis riots

MLK blamed for Memphis violence by

MLK files of

MLK's assassin hunted by

MLK's stance on Vietnam investigated by

as portrayed on television

propaganda campaign against Abernathy of

propaganda campaign against MLK of

reports on SCLC conflict of

role in Bloody Sunday of

SCLC antipoverty campaign watched and undermined by

SCLC insider recruited by

SCOPE investigation of

Selma campaign monitored by

surveillance of MLK by

surveillance tactics of

wiretap on Alsop of

Fehmer, Marie

Fellowship of Reconciliation

Feminine Mystique, The

Ferguson, Edward “Pa,”

Ferguson, Miriam “Ma,”

Fernandez, Richard

Fetchit, Stepin

F.H. Halvorsen Realty

Field Order No. 15

Fifteenth Amendment

Fifth Circuit

Finch, James

First African Baptist Church

First Air Cavalry Division

First AME

First Baptist Church (Hayneville)

First Baptist Church (Selma)

First Baptist Church of Houston

1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile)

First Presbyterian Church

Fisher, Earl

Fiske, John

Fitts, William

Fitzpatrick, Frank

Flowers, Richmond

Floyd, Harry

Fondren, Ed

Fontbonne College

Ford, Gerald

Ford Foundation

SCLC funding from

Ford Motor Company

Forman, James

Forrest, George

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