Audition - Southern Belles Part 1 (Erotic Romance Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Audition - Southern Belles Part 1 (Erotic Romance Series)
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Annie suddenly felt naked before him. She used one hand to cover her chest while she leaned down to retrieve her underwear. She was all too aware of his eyes on her body while he straightened his jeans and slipped his shirt back on. Annie had barely gotten her panties and bra back on before he turned to walk around the desk, straightening the papers that were there. She fumbled with her silk shirt slipping it on over her head.

“Thank you,” he said, not meeting her eyes. “Like I said, I’ll give your regards to the director.”

In a wave, Annie realized just how stupid she had been. Of course he had been manipulating her earlier. She had just done exactly what she had promised herself she wouldn’t do.
Her mouth gaped open a moment before realizing that he had no intention of looking up at her.

my God! You – you just – oh FUCK YOU!” she screamed, snatching her bag off the table and storming toward his door. It took her a moment to figure out how to unlock it, and she fumed, wishing that she had something more pert to say to him. Instead, she just rushed out of the room the second that the door opened, practically fleeing for the elevator.

Annie was furious the whole way down. She felt cheap and used.
Most of all, she felt stupid.
Oh, hell no. That son-of-a-bitch will not get away with this.

Sure, she had wanted to fuck him as much as anyone else, but there was something so dirty about the way that he had treated her. Like she was a hooker or something, or a star struck wanna-be actress. She wasn’t whoring her way into the part. It wasn’t fair that he treated her like that. She did her best to straighten her clothes and her hair, knowing that her makeup was a disaster. At least it didn’t matter; she already missed her audition slot for the Colgate commercial.



Chapter 9


‘where r u

gt off work’

come over 911’


Annie paced in circles waiting for
Daveed. How could he work with this guy? He was such an asshole, so evil.

He finally knocked.
“What’s up girlfriend, why the 911?”

“Oh my God,
Daveed, the son of a bitch is so mean, he’s an asshole, how can you work for him?” she cried, her face turning red.

old on, sweetie, what did he do?” putting out his arms to hold her. “calm down, I’m here, tell me what’s going on”

He used me,” sobbing. “The asshole used me and then threw me away like a piece of trash”. Her tears falling uncontrollably.

Here now, honey, tell me all about it, Daveed is here for you…” rubbing her back with his fingers and handing her a tissue.

She sat down on the couch; “
Well, you know I had that second audition?” sniffle.

Yes, honey and you said it went well…”

“It did and he was so nice. I thought at the first audition he was just having a bad day.” She paused, blowing her nose.

“And – “

“I saw him today, in – in the elevator, I had that Colgate commercial and - and I went into his office to talk to him and he locked the door and –
“ she started sobbing again.

“Did he rape you?”

“Oh no, no, nothing like that, I mean he was real nice and real sexy. I wanted him and he – “ she stood up and went to the kitchen, “you want something to drink?”

“Sure, honey, anything diet,
now, calm down and tell me what happened.”

Pouring a glass of wine, she continued “well, we did it on the desk and it felt so good and I thought maybe
… just maybe he wasn’t a bad guy…and I mean like it was amazing and then he just zipped up his pants and said something really stupid like ‘thanks, I’ll tell the director’ or something like that.” Sobs started pouring down her face again. “I mean like – like – I was a piece of meat. A fucking piece of meat!!”

He stood up and went to the kitche
n, taking a sip of his soda, “Oh honey, I’m sorry, I should have told you. He’s always like that. He’s a manwhore. A full blown, doesn’t-know-how-to-treat-a-woman man whore. I’m sorry, honey.”

“I just feel so dirty. I’ve never had to put out to get anything.
Daveed, how can you work for him?” Exasperated, she ran her fingers through her hair. “Oh, my God, what does that make me?”

“It makes you a very beautiful woman who has ambition and drive and wants the best out of life. Annie, there is n
othing wrong with what you did. Everyone does it.” He sighed.

She burst out in tears, “but I’m not everyone!”

“Oh, honey, don’t cry….” grabbing a tissue and wiping her tears. “Look on the bright got hugged, kissed, cuddled, and fucked silly from the hottest bach around. He’s fucking rich, too.” He took a drink, grabbing her hand and walking her to the sofa. “Was it good? Does he have a yummy package?”

She smiled and smacked his arm “
Yes, it was yummy, that’s the problem. It was good and then the bastard ruined it. I’m not a ho. I don’t just fuck and walk, you know that.”

Oh hell to the no, you not a ho!! So…lighten up baby doll, you got laid by a hunk, he even said thank you. Too bad he didn’t pay you for it…or did he?” Daveed laughed, trying to get her to loosen up.

“I just wish I could do something…something to make him feel as crappy as he made me feel.

“And I’m sure there are hundreds of other girls that feel the same way.”


“Yes Ma’am. He’s always taking
hoochies up in there. He’s a man whore, I’m not lyin’…” his eyes widened, “Oh God, honey, please tell me you used protection.”

“Yes, we did. Do you know who these girls are?”

“I could find out easily, I mean Gertie is all over that. She’s like fuckin’ CIA or something.”

“Could you ask her? I wonder who these girls are and if they ever got any good parts.”

“Maybe. I mean most of the younger girls are called back only for a fuck, they think if they give him a piece, he’s gonna give them the part. Just like you. It happens all the frickin’ time. I know some of them will be at the office next Friday, since the bastard’s birthday is on Saturday. They’re still tryin’ to fuck that dick head for lead parts.”

“This Saturday?
It’s his birthday? Do you know if he has a date?

shook his head, “No, honey, next Saturday, I’ll find out. I’m his assistant; I know everything that man does. Well… except what goes on behind closed doors. Okay, yeah, I know all about that too. Just not with you.”

her fingers on the coffee table, “Hmmmm …. I’ve got to think. I may have an idea.”

“Oh, honey what is it – what? I
wanna know. Oooh, I love surprises” He giggled and leaned in to listen to her plan.



Chapter 10


When Annie got home from work the next day, she found a message from an unknown number in Georgia waiting on her phone. No one ever called her house phone; people knew to call her cell if they needed her. She flopped down onto the couch, kicking off her shoes and hit the play button.

darlin’,” a feminine voice with a thick southern drawl sounded over the phone. “This is Maybell, from ICU at Mountain View General. I’m just calling about your grandpa. I need you to call me as soon as you can. The number is 555-1234. Just ask for Maybell in ICU. Thanks, honey and goodbye.”

Annie paled. Her grandfathe
r had raised her in the little podunk town of Mountain View. He was obviously an old man, he had to be in his 80’s after all, but Annie was terrified of what they might tell her. She dialed the number back right away, listening to the slightly tinny noise of the old country phone line.

“Mountain View
General Hospital, this is Jessica, how may I help you?”

Annie took a deep breath. “
Hello Jessica, this is Annie Gibbons. May I speak to Maybell in ICU?”

“Yes, Ma’am, I’ll transfer you.” 

Annie tapped her foot nervously; the answer from the other end couldn’t come soon enough.
Shit. My grandpa.

“ICU, this is

Maybell, it’s Annie, what’s going on with my grandpa?”

She heard
Maybell take a deep breath to match her own. “How are you honey?  Is Hollywood treating you well?”

Annie had tried more than once to explain to the folks back home that she was living in L.A., but no one seemed to grasp the concept. “Yes,
Maybell, I’m doing great. You called – is Grandpa okay?”

She heard a hesitation in
Maybell’s voice, and then she said, quiet and soft. “Are you sitting down baby girl? You might want to.”

Annie sat up on the couch, her stomach sinking. No one in Mountain View told you to sit down for anything but terrible news. “I’m sitting
Maybell. What’s wrong with my grandpa? What’s going on?”

cleared her throat. “Well sugar, your grandpa ain’t doin’ too well. He’s here in the hospital, In ICU. Might not be with us for too much longer.”

Annie took a long deep breath, her head spinning. “Grandpa’s sick?”

“'Fraid so, sugar.”  Maybell said. Annie could hear the sadness in her voice. Everyone in Mountain View loved her grandfather. It was impossible to not love the old grouchy coot.

She sat hard back on the couch as
Maybell rattled off the details. Annie listened half-heartedly before she realized that Maybell was talking to her. “You’ll come out and see the old coot, won’t you, baby girl? He got one foot with The Lord right now. Bless his heart.”

Annie shook herself. She was having
a hard time thinking, with the news weighing down on her. She let out a long sigh. “I don’t know. I’ve got this big part, and work, and – “. She drifted off. She didn’t know what she was going to do without her grandpa.

understood. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head, sugar. We’ll take good care of your granddaddy. If you can make it, swell. If not, he’d understand.”

Annie started crying. Of course he would have understood. He was her
grandpa. He loved her like crazy. She didn’t know what she would do without his weekly phone call. Maybell bid her farewell, and Annie sat alone on her couch. She cried for a long time. When her sobs started to slow, she picked up the phone again. There was only one person who could make her feel better, now. She dialed her best friend, Marti, and cried for what felt like forever on the phone. The longer she talked to Marti, the more obvious it became that she needed to fly out to take care of gramps for a little while. There were a lot of things that needed to be taken care of. Her apartment, her car, her job. The part.
Dammit! I have to give up what could be the biggest break in my life! Oh, well, there’ll be others, Grandpa is way more important.

She sighed, leaning onto one arm while she talked things out with Marti. This was the absolute worst timing. Finally, things fall into place for a big part, and she was going to have to leave. “Okay, Marti, go see Gramps
for me. I’ve gotta get a few things handled here and I’ll be there Sunday.”

That night Annie lay awake in bed for a long time, thinking. She couldn’t stop thinking about the
fuck fest in Vicktor’s office, or her sweet grandpa. She was completely torn. Vicktor had been so rude – she hated to waste that and get nothing out of it. She wanted the part. Not only that, she was finally guaranteed a part. She had sold out for fame, and now it looked like she was going to have to walk away from it.

On the other hand, t
here was no way that she could not go see her grandpa. She had to go; she had to take care of him. He was there for her when her parents passed and raised her as his own. He taught her how to ride a bike. He taught her how to swim and fish. He was even going to walk her down the aisle whenever she got married.

She rolled over in bed,
scared, angry, and confused. Annie covered her head with her pillow. She screamed as loud as she could into the pillow. Why did everything have to go so wrong?  Sometimes, nothing was fair. Life wasn’t fair.

She had one more thing to take care of before she went home.



Chapter 11


"Mr. Rossen, Hi, It’s Annabelle, I was wondering if you are busy Saturday. I hear it’s a real special day" she crooned into the telephone.

“Hello Annabelle, how are you?”

“I’m fine, how about it? Saturday? Around eight?”

Uhm – sure, and please, call me Vic.”

“Sure thing….Vic, I’ll pick you up at eight"

He laughed, “You’re picking me up?"

“Yes, I am, see you at eight. Bye.” As she hung up the phone,
Her plan was working so far. She made a quick phone call to Bruce and dinner was reserved.

Saturday came sooner than expected and she found herself walking up
to the door of his Hollywood Hills mansion. She didn’t realize casting directors made that kind of money. Maybe famous ones did. His house was huge, immaculate and very intimidating.

She took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.
She ran her hand down the sequined blue dress, knowing full well she looked like a star. He was not going to be able to say no tonight.

Opening the door,
a wicked grin swept across his face, “"Hello Annabelle, you look fabulous, would you like to come in for a drink?" He looked amazingly delicious in his tux and tails, but she declined.

"No thank you, Vic. The car is waiting" she smiled
gesturing to the limo waiting by the curb. "Oh, and happy birthday." Hooking her arm into his, they walked down the massive steps and into the limo. He helped her in and slid in next to her.

"This is reall
y quite a surprise, Annabelle."

bowed her head a little, a slight blush forming across her cheeks. “I’m happy you like it." As she seductively placed her hand on his thigh, drawing little circles with her finger.

"So, where are we going?"

"Oh, that’s another surprise, and I am sure you're going to love it." She reached over and placed a blindfold across his eyes, moving her mouth to his, gently tickling his lip with her tongue.

Feeling a little bit nervous, "
Hey, what’s the blindfold for?”

Tracing her finger up his thigh and circling his bulge, she purred. "It’s a surprise. Don’t
worry, It's all about you tonight"

"You know you didn’t have to do this."

"Oh, I know, but I wanted to,” whispering as her tongue danced around his ear, her breath gently tickling his neck. She inhaled the scent of him, he always smelled so fresh, musky, manly.

y pulled up next to
and the driver opened the door, helping Annie out. She grabbed Vicktors’ arm “Don’t take it off yet, I'll guide you.” as he stepped out of the car. Winking at the driver, she guided him into the door of the restaurant.

Chuckling to himself, he removed the blindfold. There was a table for two in the middle of the small quaint restaurant and soft music was playing overhead. The lights were dim and there were two candles glowing
on the only table in the room. The waiter walked them to the table and handed them the menus.

"What is all this?" He was shocked that an aspiring actress could afford all this.
“A private restaurant with a maitre'd?”

"It's your birthday, Vic and I wanted to make it memorable."

"You are, Annabelle. You are." They ordered their entree and some champagne.

"Vic, can I tell you
something?" Nervously biting her lip.

"Sure, what is

"We'll after the day in your office, I knew I was kind of flustered and I wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have told you to fuck off and even if I didn’t get the part, I truly believe you tried hard for me, and... I...I appreciate that."

He nodded, "Apology accepted,"
how could this girl be so stupid?
The only way to make it in Hollywood was who you knew and who you fucked. She really needed to learn something. Good thing she didn’t know about Marissa, another actress who auditioned right after her and how he leaned her over the desk and fucked her until she couldn't walk straight. And Jenny, she was a little hottie, knew how to suck cock, too. Neither one of those girls got the part, either.
Poor stupid Annie…
and then to take him on a date to such an exquisite place? The least he could do was pay for it, help the poor gal out.

They ate,
drank some champagne, laughing and chatting about movies, actors and the amazing part in the blockbuster movie. He was really nice and cordial but Annie knew it was all an act. She was an act as well. And she was playing the most important part of her career.

She stood up, licking her lips,
winking at him "You ready for dessert?" seducing him with her bright blue eyes. "Follow me."

Wha - where are we going?”

It's a little birthday surprise" smiling as she grabbed his hand and walked him to a door in the back of the tiny restaurant. Opening the door, she pulled him in. He looked around, confused and curious. The room was dark, candles were glowing and there were lotions, oils and the black velvet walls.

Turning to
shut the door, she grabbed him, her mouth crushing against his, she breathed against his lips, "after I had you Vic, I knew I had to have more,” running her hands down his back, feeling his hard ass and bringing her hand to the front to tease his cock.

"What is this place? Where are we?"

"A place I have wanted to bring you since the first time I laid eyes on you," as she pushed him gently toward the wall, removing his coat and then unbuttoning his shirt, sliding it down over his shoulders, nipping at the hardness of his chest. He stepped back as she kicked off her shoes and knelt down, fumbling with his pants, she unzipped them and slid his cock out, straight into her mouth, her tongue gently lapping at the mushroom tip. "Ahhhh......Annabelle, are you sure?"

up at him, she licked circles around the bulbous head and smiled, their eyes met. "Shhhh, no one else is here, I told you that you would love your birthday present." She giggled. She rose up, removing the rest of his clothing and ran her hands down his taut tummy, admiring the soft curls on his chest. She leaned into him, her tongue gently invading his mouth, her breathing increased with his.

She raised his hand above her and quickly closed a velvet cuff
over his wrist. "Hey, what – “

Don’t worry, birthday boy…I'm about to give you a night you will…Never. Fucking. Forget." she breathed, her words bursting out between breaths. Her hand massaged his cock, until she could feel him tremble, she reached up her other hand, locking his arm into another velvet cuff.

"Annabelle, what are you doing?"
he wasn’t used to being under someone else’s command.

" like it? It feels so much better when you lose control." Tracing her tongue across his chest, stopping to circle his nipples, leaving a trail of kisses down to his cock.

Kneeling again to take his cock into her mouth
, she stroked his length with her hand while she sucked on the head, her hand sliding up to meet her open mouth. He started thrusting his hips and his cock pulsed, Annie eased up and quickly grabbed a cuff and fastened it to his left leg, “hold on big boy,” she teased. “Wait till I have you in my grasp and you will have the most amazing, mind blowing orgasm you have ever felt." She fastened his right leg inside the last velvet cuff.

"Wha - what are you doing Annie?" he laughed nervously. She stood up and looked at him, beaming. He was naked, his cock was hard and he was tied to the wall. She realized he was truly a gorgeous man. She lifted her dress and showed him a peek of her garter and panties. “A little peek at what’s in store.” She whispered. She ran her fingernail over his chest and down to his cock. He shivered.


She grabbed a bottle of strawberry scented lotion and smoothed the edible lotion all over his cock, feeling the smoothness of the shaft covered in the slick, sweet smell of strawberries. Her tongue following her hands, tasting him, grabbing his cock sliding her moist, lotioned hand up and down, making sure he was hard and ready. He trembled, she stroked his cock a few times, until she knew he was about to explode.

“Oh, God, Annie –
“ he trembled.

With a quick swoop, she stood up, the lights came on, Michael grabbed Vic's cock and jerked  it into his mouth, sucking  hard as Vic yelled "Fuck!" he thrashed and came as Michael turned his head, smiling into the camera as Vic's seed shot through the air. Bruce stood in the corner, video camera in hand, while Sara stood at the door, holding it open for the women Vic had used. They walked in single file, cell phones and cameras in hand, snapping pictures of the world famous Vicktor Rossen, tied up in handcuffs. Hanging on the wall with his hard cock in Michael’s hand, Michael’s tongue stuck out, licking the head.

Vic tried to hang his head so no one would recognize him, but it was impossible. His career would be ruined, his life shattered.

"Never underestimate the power of a
woman; we’re not as stupid as you think." As Annie blew him a kiss and stormed out of the room.

"Come on
Daveed, I gotta get, I've got a plane to catch."




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