Audition - Southern Belles Part 1 (Erotic Romance Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Audition - Southern Belles Part 1 (Erotic Romance Series)
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Chapter 6


Walking through the corridor, Annie was nervous. She was afraid of what she might find, but to her amazement, she didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Daveed was already out front eating Chinese food at the coffee bar talking to someone Annie hadn’t seen before.
Hmmm….I wonder who that muffin is?

Daveed, is it massage time yet?”

“Oh, honey, I am so glad you are enjoying your day, how was the snatch wax?”

“Not as bad as I thought,“ sitting down, embarrassed that he was talking about her freshly waxed pussy in front of a stranger.

“Oh, silly me…Annie, this is Bruce, Bruce, Annabelle, but we call her Annie.” He winked at her, “Bruce is the owner of this fine, upstanding establishment...and an amazing entrepreneur.” He looked over at Bruce, beaming. “Built this spa from the ground up in West Hollywood, had to upsize and now he owns the hottest real estate in town.”

Bruce stood up, he was about 6’4”, short blonde hair, tight jeans, and his arm muscles rippled as he stuck out his hand. In a handsomely sexy, deep voice that made her shiver, “Hello, Annie nice to meet you. I haven’t seen you around here, is this your first time?”

Shit! He’s huge and hunky. Where have you been all my life?
She stood up, swallowing her food, and shook his hand “Yes it is. Amazing place you have here, I haven’t looked this good in ages,” batting her eyes, fawning over him. “Really glad to meet you, too.”

She turned to
Daveed, “Massage?”

‘Yes, honey, yes!” he answered her, exasperated. “We’re going now” as he stood up, winking at Bruce.

“Great! Just lead the way.”

“Come on, girl, God, you are so fucking high maintenance,” walking her toward a dark, out of the way room. “And Annie...girl, puh-leese quit drooling, he’s gay,” he smiled and winked. “You really need to step up your gay-dar.”

“There is no way that huge hunk of a man is gay.”

“Uh, well - he is and my cock will prove it!”

“Never mind,
Daveed, you are such a ho.” Walking into the massage room, she instantly felt at ease. It was very well lit, water streamed down the walls into a steamy shallow pool. She could smell an aroma of fresh mint lingering in the air.

The masseuse guided them to two tables and they took off their robes and in her bra and panties, she lay face down, the masseuse covered their bottoms with warm towels. Annie let out a
sigh. They had been at the spa for over 6 hours, getting pampered, waxed and primped and this was going to be a great finish to a long day.

Looking over at
Daveed, she was grateful. She really needed a day like this and was happy he took her to the spa. “Hey, Daveed?”

He slowly turned to look at her while the masseuse was expertly kneading his legs. His eyes were half closed, “Hmmm?”

“Thanks. This has been great.” He really was a handsome guy. His bronze colored skin reflected the bright lights, defining his arm and back muscles, his ass was a perfect muscular pooch and his eyes were very dark and dreamy. If it hadn’t been for the flashy clothes and his announcement that he was gay, Annie would have never thought it.

Daveed, do you know you’re gorgeous, have you ever done any modeling?”

His words barely oozed out of his mouth, he was almost in dreamland and Annie was annoying him.
“Model? Why would I model, I have the perfect job…”

“Yeah, I guess so.” The masseuse moved up to her buttocks, kneading and massaging and the sensation of her expert hands and the freshly waxed snatch were just about more than Annie could handle. She felt her pussy moisten and she wriggled a little, hoping her wetness wasn’t going to ooze onto the table. She almost felt embarrassed, but the masseuse’s hands worked so quickly and so perfectly, Annie was
practically catatonic before she had another thought.

When they finally got up from their massages, they slipped into the warm bath, Annie had never felt modest around
Daveed, he didn’t even look at her. Her body felt like a wet noodle and the steam from the bath was very warm and relaxing. They were offered some wine and as they sat there, drinking wine and chatting, all the worries of home, work and auditions had been erased from her mind.

“So, girl
, what do you think of the place? Pretty incredible, huh?”

“Yeah and thanks, again.”
She mumbled. “This has been heaven.”

“Oh honey, you don’t know heaven, if we would have gone into the –
,“ nodding his head toward the back, “you would have felt huge cock heaven right between your legs!” he giggled. ”Or do you swing the other way?”

Daveed! I don’t swing any way and I told you I didn’t want all that sexy stuff! Although I am curious, can we at least take a peek?”

“Sure, I’ll have Bruce give us the tour….as soon as I can
fuckin’ walk. That massage was amazing!”

After a few minutes, they both got out of the water, feeling relaxed, drying themselves off and putting on their clothes. Walking up to the office,
Daveed tapped on the door.

“Come in.”
Came the voice from behind the door.

“Hey, Bruce,
girlfriend here wants a tour. She’s too chicken to try it, but she gotta have the tour. You got time?”

Naw, I have to get the shit done by morning. Go ahead and take her. Sign this waiver first,” handing him a paper. Annie reached over and skimmed the document, signing the waiver. It was for people who might get into some of the darker parts of the business and Bruce didn’t want any liabilities. Smart man.

They walked down the hall, into a waiting room with vending machines and a big screen TV. Everything about this place looked like an upscale
spa; Annie couldn't believe there was anything shady going on at all.

punched in a code by a door and placed his finger on the pad.
“It reads my fingerprint…cool huh? The code and my print have to match, I feel like fuckin’ 007 every time I come in here.”

“You come here often?”

He ran his finger down her cheek, a sly grin slid across his face “Oh, honey, I’m here as often as I can be.”

When the door opened, they walked through a long
hall, nothing out of the ordinary and as they reached the end, another door, another code and they were in.

Soft relaxing music was playing, there were doors along the sides of the corridors,
it resembled a hotel or an apartment building. There were three little lights above the doors, some were red, some green and one was yellow.

“What are the lights for?” as they strolled along. He opened a door to one that had a green light. “Green means it’s not in use, see? No one is in here. Red means someone is using the room and the door is locked so no one can bug ‘
em and yellow is for come in here and watch me fuck, you know….voyeurs. Never got into it, seems kinda freaky if you ask me.”

“So what’s this room for?” walking into a green light room. She saw a massage table and tons of candles and massage oils on the counter.

“This room is for a very sensual massage and then any kind of sex you want. Male or female. You should try it next time we come. Last time I was in here, I fuckin’ nutted so hard, I thought they were gonna have to resuscitate me. Damn, I gotta do that again.” A smile slid across his face. He loved to tease her about her sex life.

“No, I’m not
gonna have sex with strangers. Not even for a minute.”

“Not even a passion fruit oil massage while some hot, hunky guy massages your little love button?”

“DAVEED! Stop that! What do you know about my love button?” she quickly turned around glaring at him.

“I know if some stud muffin were in here massaging it, you wouldn’t be such a
fuckin’ prude. I mean, there are some frickin’ hot guys workin’ back here. And they’re not all gay, candy pants. Let me hook you up. I’ll talk to Bruce.”

“No – I don’t – “

“Annie, I hear Sara gives an amazing massage. You know Sara, she’s bi – “

Daveed, how many times do I have to tell you? No…I’m not going to get my private parts massaged by some stranger.”

Slowly walking out, looking at Annie winking his eye, “Sara is no stranger, sweetheart. I mean, she’s already touched your snatch…”

“Stop!” She insisted. “Or we’re going home.”

“You can’t go home, I brought you here.” Chuckling to
himself as he opened the door to the next room. 

It was dark; except for the dozen red candles flickering next to a floor length mirror, reflecting the candlelight
, bouncing the light off of the walls. She had never seen anything like it before, shackles hanging from the wall; some were leather, some velvet. Latex balls with straps. A large hook hung from the middle of the ceiling. There was a strong scent of Oriental Aromatherapy which gave the room a strong sexual feel. Annie felt strange in there. “Oh my God, people really do this?” as she walked over to feel the cuffs hanging off the wall.

“Oh yes, honey,” he squirmed. “Haven’t you ever been tied up and had your ass whipped?”

She slapped his arm, “No!” she looked at him scowling. “No! So not my thing. Have you?” As she turned to walk out, shivers moved down her spine.

“Maybe…you know I
gotta try everything, girl. We really better get going, I need to get home to my man…my dick is about to explode.”

“Ooh, that
was scary, like a dungeon or something.”

laughed. “What? My dick?”

“No, that room.
Bit too kinky for my taste.”

“Sweet cheeks, you are so naïve. Hang with me, you are
gonna have the time of your life!” as he opened the door with the yellow light above it.

“Not if you’re
gonna whoop my ass, I’m not.” She turned to look in the room, “No!” she whispered, “people are in there.” Looking down, she felt her face turn beet red.

“Oh, just
come look, that’s what they want. That’s how they get off”

Daveed, this is too freaky.” He pulled her into the room. She stood there silently. Her eyes wide, watching a man and a woman in the throes of lovemaking, they turned to look at Daveed and Annie and smiled. It seemed to Annie that when they saw them standing there looking, the man thrust harder and the woman was more vocal. Annie blushed. She wasn’t into this kind of thing. “Come on, I really don’t like this.”

“Party pooper!”

“Come on, dude, this makes me queasy.” As she walked out, waiting for him in the hall.

After a few minutes, he emerged from the room.”Let’s go home” she whispered, feeling a bit uneasy of all that she had seen. She wasn’t a prude, but the different lifestyles of people’s sexual fantasies were all new to her.
Daveed’s lifestyle was new to her. She just wanted to be home, in the comfort of her own bed.

They walked through the spa, saying their goodbyes, jumped on the Harley and headed home. This was a night she would never forget.



Chapter 7


A few weeks passed and she was back into her boring routine of working at the restaurant. Annie had completely forgotten about the audition and lunch with Rossen. Daveed ran her over to the spa on her days off to get her mani’s and pedi’s; she really liked the place. The people were fabulous and they made her feel right at home. Especially Bruce. He was always trying to get her to try something new. Massages, facials, hairstyles. He really knew how to take care of his clients.

The Cavern
, as she liked to call it, was still on her mind. Maybe Daveed was right and she needed sex with a stranger to calm her nerves, fulfill her needs. God knows she’s got the baby smooth private parts begging for a man’s attention. Mr. Rabbit could take care of the sexual desires, but she wanted some kissing and cuddling.
God, I need to find a man!

One afternoon as she was just getting off the lunch shift, her phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number, and picked it up, shifting her bag to her other arm.

“Uh, hello?”

Hello, Annabelle? Vic Rossen. You might remember me from bef –“

Annie didn’t wait for him to finish. She set her bag down so that she could grip the phone tighter to her ear. “Mr.
Rossen, yes, I remember you. I thought I made myself perfectly clear. There is no way –“

“Please,” he said his voice quiet. Just the strangely quiet tone of his voice was enough to throw her off, and she stopped, waiting impatiently for him to speak. “Look, Annie, I totally understand and I apologize for being such an ass. I’m calling about the part, we haven’t been able to cast it yet and shooting starts next month in Hawaii.” He cleared his throat
, “I’m calling you on behalf of the director. He wants you to come in for another audition.”

Annie was speechless.
Her head was spinning and after a second, she realized that he was still talking. “- I know that it‘s short notice, but if you could make it tonight, we would be truly grateful.”

Annie gulped. “W –
w - what? Audition? Hawaii?”

He paused, unsure what he needed to repeat. “Yes, Annabelle, I’m calling to ask you to come back in.”

This time, Annie squealed in excitement. She couldn’t believe it. “Great!  Where and when?  I’ll totally be there.”

He was laughing as he repeated the information. He explained in clear detail about what she should bring to the audition, and she furiously dug in her purse for a pen
, writing everything out on her palm. Giddy with excitement, she almost dropped everything when she went to hang up. The audition was that very evening, and Annie was going to have to rush if she was going to get ready in time. She was just glad that she had the night off from work. She rushed home, texting Daveed ‘Rossen just called...callbacks yay!’

you go girl!’


hawaii? With Rossen? ‘

no, filming ill holler’

break a leg :)’

When she drove up to the studio building, audition notes and papers in hand, butterflies were turning flips in her stomach. It had been a while since she had a call-back, and never for such a prestigious part. She was
excited…and terrified, all at the same time.

The building was practically empty compared to the last time that she had been there. There were several beautiful women winding through the halls, but a hell of a lot less than before. Looking at
them around her, Annie felt flattered. She knew she was beautiful, but to be put in the same category as these gorgeous women meant a lot to her. She found herself beaming at the other girls who passed her. Most of them stared at her oddly. They were, after all, competing for the same part.

Though there were fewer women to audition, they were taking much longer with each reading this time. Annie was glad about that. She knew that she would be able to blow away the director if she only had a chance to show her acting ability. When it was finally her turn to audition, she gathered her things and took a deep breath.

The room was just as large as she remembered, and she walked across it with steps that grew more nervous the closer she came. She had expected to see the director himself sitting at the table, but once again it was Vicktor Rossen. He did have a camera set up beside him, which Annie could only assume was so that he could review the auditions at a later time.

He looked up as she walked in
and did a quick double take. His smile suddenly lost a little of its confidence, and he blushed a little as he watched her walk toward the table. He cleared his throat, seeming to compose himself before he addressed her.

Ahh, Annabelle Gibbons. Good to see you again.”

eked out a thin smile. “Yes, Sir, it’s good to be here.” That much was true at least. She was thrilled to be back auditioning.

He nodded, clearing his throat again. “Well, we will try to keep this professional, yes?”

Annie nodded, “Yes, sir.” Relieved that he was being so polite. She had expected him to be more than a little put out that she was here, but he seemed to be taking it in stride. He smiled, and she realized just how dazzling his smile was. It was a miracle that he didn’t act or model with a face like that. He really was gorgeous.

“Alright then,” he said, nodding once at the papers in her hands. “Shall we start the audition?”

Annie nodded eagerly, setting the papers down and doing the part from memory. She needed to be as real as she could possibly manage, and she had the part pretty well memorized anyway. She was a little confused about whether she should act for the camera, or Vicktor, but in the end she just spoke to the camera, it was much easier that way.

When she was done, she cleared her throat, waiting while
Vicktor stopped recording and wrote a few last minute notes on the papers in front of him. With his attention diverted, Annie looked at him a little longer. His shoulders were extra broad, and he still had those startlingly bright eyes. As he focused on the papers before him, he ran a single strong hand through his short hair, ruffling it a little. She found the movement stunningly sexy. When he wasn’t acting like a cocky jerk, he really was extremely attractive.

In that second, Annie wondered if she ought to take him up on his offer. Sure, she had made it to call-backs on her own, but that didn’t mean that she was
guaranteed to get the part. More than that, she was pretty damn horny all the time these days. Between her time at work and all the auditions that she was doing, she hadn’t had much time to date. Her promotion at work hadn’t exactly helped the situation. She started to do the math to see how long it had been since she had last been laid, but that was too horrible a thought even for her. She shook her head, trying to focus.

“Well, that was amazing as usual.
Thank you very much. I’m glad you came in today,–“ he cleared his throat, shifting to look away.

Annie had to admit, he was even sexier when he was nervous like this. Not that she didn’t like that cock-sure confidence he had shown before, but now he seemed more approachable and likable. He seemed less like the sort of asshole who would just screw her and never talk to her again. She took a half step forward. She should take him up on his offer. It would make her career. She would be launched into stardom and become every ounce the super movie star that she had always dreamed of being. She would become famous, and all of her friends back home would be able to see her in the theatre. They wouldn’t even have to drive into Savannah to see it on the big screen there. This movie would show right in her hometown of Mountain View.

“Mr. Rossen,” she said, taking another step forward. She should do it. She should bring up the other day, and take him up on his offer.

“Yes?” He said, looking eagerly at her.

“Well, I was just –“  Suddenly she was overwhelmed with the implications of what she was about to suggest. She couldn’t do it. She was a good girl, who had worked hard to get where she was. Annie had never been one to cheat, or take the easy way out. She just couldn’t bring herself to do it now. If she took him up on the offer, she would never know if she could have made it on her own. She would always doubt whether she really had talent, or if she was just a floozy.

She cleared her throat. “I just wanted to thank you for considering me.” She said in a rush, blushing again. Feeling embarrassed, she
grabbed her portfolio and hurried out the door.



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