Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11) (24 page)

BOOK: Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11)
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Chapter 52





I wasn’t sure if I was even completely ready. I looked down at the sack in my hand but slowly began to open it. Lana’s stuff was inside and I dropped to my knees, taking deep breaths. I reached my hand in the sack and took out her breastplate. It had blood splatter on it from battle like mother mentioned but when I saw the blood on the inside that was put there by her wound, I started to tear up again. I put it back in the sack and couldn’t look at it anymore.

I needed to stop thinking of all the wrong outcomes of this. She was going to be fine. She had to be fine. I left my dinner where it was and grabbed both bottles of wine, taking a very long drink from one. I couldn’t stop feeling like this. I laid down in bed and tried to get to sleep and wait this out. My wife would come back to me. She had to.







Chapter 53





I could hardly tell day from night anymore. I was a lone wounded leopard wondering the mountains, searching for my way home but I didn’t know where I was or how long I really had. This long slash that stretched from the top of my shoulder and down around my back to my side was in the worst position. I couldn’t get at it to clean it and it was surely becoming infected. I didn’t have much hope.

I was becoming weak and just needed to lay down a bit and rest.

“Come child. Don’t give up now. You’re almost there.” I heard some kind of soft woman’s voice but I didn’t sense anyone around me. “On your feet. Come to me.” All I thought to do was listen and tried rising back on all fours again. “That’s it. You must keep moving.” I kept moving forward for three more days and once I started to feel like all hope was lost again, I would hear that voice. “This is not your end child. Keep moving. Just a little farther.”

I pressed on through the mountains for another day, not completely sure where I was going, until I finally collapsed from exhaustion. I couldn’t go on another step.

“That’s far enough child. I’ve got you now.”

When I slowly started to wake up, I didn’t know where I was. It was some kind of tiny cottage out in the middle of complete nowhere but I was human again.

“It’s about time you woke up.” A woman was there, pouring a cup of tea.

I was still drowsy but I recognized that sound. “That voice. Where have I heard that voice before?”

“In your thoughts child.” The woman said as she walked over and sat next to me. I slowly leaned away as the unfamiliar woman held out the cup to me. I didn’t know if I could trust her or not. I didn’t know her. “It’s all right. I won’t hurt you. I’m here to help you.”

I started to feel like I could trust her from her gentle voice and I took the cup. “Thank you but how did you find me?”

“I’m the one that brought you here. I knew you were hurt and in need of my help. I’ve been guiding you for days and you arrived just in time. Your wound would have claimed your life if you were out there another day.”

I looked down at my left side and saw the bandage. “How can I ever repay you? You saved my life.”

“Tell me your name. Mine is Sharlet.”

“I’m Lana.”

“Your friends must be worried about you, Lana.”

“My friends?”

“The other members of the Kalu Assassins.”

I gasped while remembering what happened to me and started to get up. “I must be getting back to them. They’ll be looking for me.”

“Not yet.” Sharlet said. “You need more rest before you venture back out into the wilderness. You’ll be ready in the morning. I’ll point you in the right direction but for now you must eat and drink. You’ve been without proper nourishment for days.”

I sat back and understood while I took another sip of the tea. I couldn’t set out just yet. I did need this.

Sharlet got up and walked over to the fire where she had food cooking. I could smell it.

“So, how long have you lived out here, Sharlet?”

“Since I was young. I know these mountains better than any other.”

“Then you know of the mountain palace, just north?”

“By the falls?” I nodded. “Yes, I know it.”

“And you know how to get there from here?”


“Then just tell me how to get there. I can make it the rest of the way on my own.”

“Where exactly are you headed?”

She handed me a plate of food and I started eating it. “To Randal.”

“In Seni but I thought you were of Kalu?”

“I am but there’s someone special that’s probably missing me back in Randal.”

Sharlet smiled. “Ah, I see. A boy perhaps?”

“Yes. The most perfect one.”

“You’re in love. Good for you. So, who’s the lucky guy if you don’t mind me asking?”

“His name is Dirk.”

“Dirk? Not Darius Revier’s Dirk?”

“Yes. Darius is his father. You know him?”

“I know the family. You better not let him get away. It’s tough to find a good man these days.”

“He would never want to get away.” I smiled, finding the joy in getting to tell someone. “We’re already married.”

“You are?! Well, good! Congratulations. You best get some rest so you can get back to him.”

I nodded and finished the rest of my plate then we both settled down for the night. I still felt a little weak but talking about Dirk has made me hopeful about seeing him again.

The next morning, Sharlet gave me some clothes to wear and packed up some food to bring with me along the way. “There. That should get you through to the mountain palace.”

“Thank you. For everything.” I gave her a hug for everything she’s done for me.

“All right.” Sharlet laughed as she pulled back. “You’re wasting daylight here. You must go.”

“Okay. Goodbye.”

Sharlet smiled back and waved as I turned around and started on the right path to the mountain palace.

I traveled all that day until I reached the familiar structure that night. It was good to see it and I went inside and slept in Dirk’s bed to await morning. Once the sun rose and shown through the window, I woke up and put on some of my own clothes that I left behind here before I started my journey back to Randal. I couldn’t wait to be back and tell everyone I’m okay. I’m sure they all must be worried. It’s been nearly a month.







Chapter 54





We were all exhausted. Nothing ever seemed happy. It’s been twenty days since Lana was last seen alive and no one was looking forward to what would come next when Adele had us all, besides Dirk, summoned to the conference room.

“There are some things that we need to discuss.” She began. “We all know how long it’s been and it’s now time for us to accept that she’s not coming back. We will hold a proper burial for her this week to honor and remember her and may we always remember.” There was a moment of silence out of respect for Lana’s memory before Adele went on. “Now, you all know what has to happen next. Someone has to tell Dirk.”

She looked right at Ruby naturally but all she did was shake her head. “Oh, no. I can’t. I can’t see him like that again. Not over this. There’s no way. It will break his heart to know what we’re saying in here. I can’t.”

“Then who should do it?” Adele asked, looking around the table.

“What about me?”

I’ve never lifted my head towards the door so fast when I heard that voice. Lana was standing in the doorway like she had heard everything that was being said.

“Lana!” Naomi and Cadence jumped up from their chairs and ran to her.

“You’re alive!” Cadence cried as they went to hug her.

“We missed you so much!” Naomi said.

“I missed you too.”

“Don’t you ever do that again!”

“I don’t plan on it. Believe me.”

“Lana.” Adele smiled. “We’re all glad to see you’ve returned. You had us all worried.”

“Forgive me, your majesty. I didn’t mean to lead you all astray.”

“All is forgiven.” Adele smiled as she walked over to her and gave her a hug. “Welcome home.”

“Thank you.”

They parted and every one of us got up to hug her, glad to know she has returned.

“So, how are we going to do this?” Lana asked. “I know he’s missed me. Should I go up there or should he come down here?”

“If he’d even come down here.” Seth muttered.

“What do you mean?”

“He hasn’t been out of his room since he found out you went missing.” Ruby explained. Lana looked shocked. “He’s just starting to accept other visitors besides myself.”

“So, are you saying I should just go up there?”

“Well, probably but we’d like to share in this happy moment with him.” I said. “I’ll drag him down here if it’s necessary.”

Zayden laughed. “Then you better get to it because that’s what it’s going to take.”

I knew he was right and sighed as I stepped towards the door. “All right. I’ll be back with him in a minute but please, when he gets here, don’t make it obvious.” Everyone smiled and nodded as I left the conference room and walked upstairs. I walked right into Dirk’s room and saw him on his bed, looking up at the ceiling—again. “Get up, son. Let’s go.”

“No thanks.” Dirk replied, never taking his eyes from the ceiling.

“It wasn’t a question. You don’t have a choice. Get up.” Dirk sighed but this time looked over at me. “Dirk, I’m serious. If you don’t get your ass up right now and freely walk downstairs, I’m just going to have to make you and I know neither of us want that to happen. So move!”

Dirk sighed again but slowly got to his feet. “All right, fine. Why am I doing this?”

“So I don’t make you.”

“I know that but what for?”

“You need to get out of this room. It’s not healthy for you to be cooped up in here like this. Go.”

Dirk walked out the door and I followed, closing it behind us. We walked down the hall, down the stairs and straight to the conference room. Dirk walked in first and saw everyone turn their head to him.

“Oh, no. I am not ready to sit through a group therapy session with you. No fucking way.”

He started to turn but I got in his way and pushed him forward. “Who said anything about that?”

“You didn’t have to. I know you.”

“Clearly not. Look closer.”

Dirk turned back around and looked at everyone again. Cadence and Naomi smiled as they stepped aside, revealing Lana sitting up on the table. Dirk just stood speechless as I went passed him, patting him on the back and walking over to the table. I smiled and nodded at Lana as I passed her and she slowly started to get off the table.

Dirk took a few steps closer, still in awe but he has yet to say anything. Lana started to get all teary-eyed as she watched the look on his face and jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around him as he got close enough. “I’m sorry I took so long. I didn’t mean to.”

Dirk was still so happy to see her and held her tightly. “Don’t be. You’re here now. That’s all that matters.”

Lana smiled as she pulled away but still had her legs around him and they shared a long awaited kiss. The rest of us were sitting at the table watching and were all glad to see them back together and Dirk finally showing a different emotion.

The kiss soon turned into an anxious sign of desire and Dirk stepped to the table, laying Lana back on it as they continued. We looked around at each other wondering if they were going to stop before it went too far.

I knew my son so I wasn’t quite sure that he would stop and I knocked on the table’s surface next to them. They both stopped kissing long enough to look back and see me. “Do you need a moment? Alone perhaps?”

Dirk immediately got up and pulled Lana up after him.

“Sorry.” Lana said. “That was my fault.”

“It always is, isn’t it?”

Lana awkwardly looked away and pretended that just didn’t happen.

“So, Lana.” Adele said. “Now that we’re all together, I’m sure we’re all wondering the same thing. What became of you the last twenty days?”

Lana and Dirk looked at each other then to Adele. “Um—could you give us some time first before I share that story? It’s mildly depressing.”

“How much time?”

Lana and Dirk took a few steps back as they turned and looked at each other again but we could still hear them.

“I don’t know. How long you think?” Dirk asked.

“Let’s see, it’s been twenty days so dividing it into the least amount of days would be, let’s say three.”

“Three is good.”

They turned and took a few steps back to the table.

“Okay, give us three days.” Lana said.

Adele paused for a moment while looking at Zayden and he slightly nodded. “All right. You have three days. So, get out of here because they start right now.”

Lana and Dirk looked at each other and rushed to the door.

“Ooh!” Lana said as she turned back. “And that’s three undisturbed days. Meaning, no interruptions of any kind.”

“Except for food which we’ll call for.” Dirk added. “Or some unexpected death.”

“That’s good.” Lana said. “So, if you could all do me a really big favor and try not to die within the next three days that would be great! Bye!”

They left and the rest of us were left through a brief silence.

“Well.” I said, breaking it. “That was unexpected.”

“It was.” Zayden replied. “But I guess we’ll have to postpone the reunion celebration as I’m sure we’re all wondering what happened.”

“Yeah.” Seth said. “Three days, huh? What are we going to do for the next three days while we wait?”

There was another pause and Cadence smiled while leaning into him. “Well, I think they had a good idea.”

I tried to ignore it but it didn’t work. The younger four with us immediately got up to leave the room.

“Well, that’s something no parent should really enjoy seeing.” Jaylyn said.

Ruby laughed. “At least they’re happy. We can’t deprive them of that. Not anymore.”

She was sadly right but it was still something none of us wanted to think about.

“Then that means we have three days to work on preparations.” Zayden said.

“Good.” Adele replied. “Where to begin?”

Everyone paused for a second and looked over at Troy since he always had those types of answers. “Okay, let me see.” He took out another piece of paper and looked at it. “First we need to compile the guest list.”

“Jaylyn, you can do that.” Zayden said. “Because you’re good with people.”

She smiled. “Of course.”

“Then there has to be an overall theme for the night to set the proper mood for the occasion. I’ll take care of that. Then someone has to construct the menu to feed the number of people on the guest list.”

Troy paused for a moment and looked up at Adele as she smiled. “Yeah, I’ll do that.”

“And that includes other food related things such as dining hall set up, dinnerware, placements, napkin color, which you’ll have to know the theme before deciding on the actual color so consult with me on that beforehand. Then there’s the option of entertainment, someone will have to assemble a few things for the evening.”

“Let me do that.” I said. “I’ve got it covered.”

“Okay. Then it’d be nice if someone would put together our attire so we don’t need to worry about it with all this other stuff going on.”

“That’s good.” Zayden said. “Ruby, you can do that with your extensive designing skills.”


“Well, okay. Zayden, I guess that leaves you with the commanding hand. You have to oversee everything and make sure no one messes it up.”

“As always. I guess we better get started on all of that. It should be enough to distract ourselves for three days.”

We all got up and went our separate ways to begin the preparations for the celebration. It seems like it’s been so long but we finally get to publically celebrate our victory and it would be the perfect night.

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