Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11) (6 page)

BOOK: Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11)
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Chapter 14





It took a while but I was convinced. There wasn’t much I could do. I knew Trever and how he always dealt with loss. He’d rather do it alone and that’s the only thing I could give him; for now.

Adele and the others left soon after for their very last mission and the boys were ready to finally have all this waiting over but what impressed me the most is that they were ready to face punishment for leaving for war.

“All right.” Seth said. “What do we have to do?”

I let the question linger before truthfully answering. “Absolutely nothing.”

“What?” Dirk wondered. “Nothing?”

I only laughed like they thought they were going to be tortured in some way. “A punishment for following is what your mothers would have wanted to hear. When they get back, you can say you’ve learned a very valuable lesson and it won’t happen again.”

“So, you weren’t really mad?” Seth asked.

“Oh, I was mad that you didn’t listen but I understand your need not to. You are ready. Remember, it was never up to us that your ceremony had to be pushed back this much. It was just the timing.”

“So, then I guess you won’t be mad when you hear us talking about how completely amazing it was to see my weapon in action?”

I felt my brow flatten like it was done on its own. “You watched?”

“I wasn’t worried. I actually thought it was your intention to get hurt then turn it around on him.”

I sighed, ready to explain it. “Seth, I never wanted to resort to using your weapon, anywhere, publically, ever.”


“The reason we knew about it for so long is because it was said to bring about a world war.”


“People are going to want it and they’ll be fights over who has more.”

“Are you sure? The only foreigner that witnessed it, is dead.”

I admit that was something I didn’t think about but lately thinking about killing Sedrik brought Bianca’s face to mind and I had to change the subject—fast. “People are still going to talk and talk always travels. We can’t guarantee this will stay in Seni.”

“Then if it comes to it, will be there to fight for it.”

No one could have appreciated his loyalty more than me but he was right and next time, I’d be glad to have him by my side.

Two weeks later, we got word that their mothers were returning and we knew what that meant so we quietly started the preparations in hopes to surprise them.

We walked out to the courtyard that evening where our sons were practicing.

“Boys.” I called. “We need to talk.”

They simultaneously sighed and put down their sticks when I used my deep voice like they thought they were going to have some kind of lecture. It kind of took everything we had not to laugh and they followed us inside.

“Drink this.”

We each handed our son a glass and thankfully they drank it without question.

“Aw. What was in that?” Dirk asked.

“Let us show you.”

They followed us to the gardens and a crowd cheered when we stepped out. It only took the boys a second to see the obstacles set up for their tasks and they lit up with joy.

“It’s time.” I said.

“But mother isn’t back.” Seth said.

“She is actually. They didn’t want you to know until now and brought back something to help make these challenges seem more challenging.”

“What is it?” Bryce asked.

“You just drank it.” Troy explained. “We’re actually surprised there was no questions before you willingly took it.”

“Then it was something.” Dirk said. “What?”

“To prove your true greatness, you must do it as any other man would try, by being normal.” I answered.

It took them a longer moment but they figured it out.

“You took our powers?” Seth asked.

“We didn’t take them.” I said. “They have just been limited. This part of life should be done normally. It’s how we did it and it’s how you’ll do it. You’ll be fine.” The boys nodded nervously without argument and took a seat while I did the honors in explaining the ceremony to the crowd. “On this day, we celebrate the transformation of these three boys into men. Their tasks will define them in the most highest of ways as they are tested on individual levels as well as team work. Strength, agility and vitality will be their guides but only discipline will lead them to the finish. Let us begin.”

The crowd cheered again.

“This first task is for Dirk.” He stood up and stepped forward. “Your goal is to reach the top platform and as you can see the wall is too smooth to climb. You will have to use your surroundings to build your way up there. Unable to do so will result in a failure. Will you accept this challenge?”

“I will.”

“Very well. Begin.”

He stepped to his task that was compiled of large crates and bricks he would need to place in a certain order to reach the top platform.

He used his natural strength to pick them up and move them around. He was probably beginning to notice that he didn’t have his full strength and for the first time, he strained to lift something. It was a surprise to him but from our perspective, he did well.

One by one, he set the bricks in a sturdy pile against the far wall then had begun to build a pyramid on top of those with the crates. Every level he went up, it got harder. He had to carry the heavy crate up the side of his pyramid and place it at the top. We watched on with pride as Dirk picked up the last one and started climbing up the side of the pyramid with it. He slowly made his way to the top at fifteen feet and set the last one on top. He climbed up on it and reached for the platform. He could only just reach it with his fingertips and he would need to show determination if he was to make it up.

Using his feet, he began to climb, getting more and more of his hands on the platform with every inch. It looked difficult. Without my gift, I doubt that I could have done it and Dirk only added to the ease he had when he had his hands fully up there and flipped himself up the rest of the way, standing proud.

The crowd cheered for his success and I wasted no time to continue with the next event. “This next task is for Bryce.” He stood up and stepped forward. “Your goal is to make it across the sand pit quickly and reach the platform on the other side without touching the ground. That will result in a failure. Will you accept this challenge?”

“I will.”

“Very well. Begin.”

Bryce stepped up towards the sand pit and took off his vest. There were a few cheers from the crowd that made him smile and he began to climb the ladder to the high platform. It was a long way to the other side but we knew that he could do it and it was only better to see it.

He took a few steps back and ran toward the edge. It made everyone tense when he jumped off and landed on the first platform. It began to wobble and he understood what I meant when I said it would have to be done quickly. He immediately did a series of flips to the next two platforms before they caved.

This next gap was too big to flip or even jump across but he didn’t have much time. He went to the wall and ran along it just as the platform he was standing on collapsed down into the sand pit. He landed on the other side and rolled up then jumped toward a rope, swinging from it and landing on another platform on the other side. He then ran to the right and hopped off, landing on another platform then stepped in between two walls and climbed up them by jumping from one to the other quickly until he made it to the top. He climbed up and looked down. The crowd cheered again and Dirk approached to congratulate him.

“This final individual task is for Seth.” He stood up and stepped forward. “Your goal is also to make it to the platform but your speed and timing is critical as you use them to reach the top. One mistake or misjudgment can result in failure. Will you accept this challenge?”

“I will.”

“Very well. Begin.”

This was my most anticipated moment. Seth had to reach the top the quickest way possible as the pieces were moving in a synchronized pattern. He jumped up to the wall and pushed off, grabbing the first pole and had only five seconds to get off it before it moved. He swung from that to another pole and from that to another. Then he swung toward the wall and pushed off it, grabbing another pole just as it came out. He got up on it and jumped up, grabbing another one above him just as the one he was standing on moved back in. He swung from that one and jumped at a wall. He pushed off it and quickly jumped in between two walls until he got to the top. From there, he ran on a platform and ran along the wall to another pole just as it came out. He had to quickly turn around and climb up on it but the pole started moving back in before he could get up.

I was getting nervous. If he fell from that height it could possibly kill him but he halted my worry.

He quickly jumped right, back toward the right wall and grabbed a small nook. He waited there for a second before the pole came out again and then jumped to it. He got up and jumped to the one above it to the left. He swung himself from that one to the left toward a wall and pushed off it, landing on the top platform.

The crowd cheered again more loudly as Dirk and Bryce went over to him with praises but it wasn’t over yet.

I put my hand up to calm the crowd. “You have all succeeded in your individual tasks. Well done but now that you’ve gotten yourselves up there you now have to get yourselves down before moving on to your final task. You will notice behind you there is a rope.” They turned around and picked up the rope. “You must do this through the means of teamwork by tying yourselves together at the waist before you begin your descent. Will you accept this challenge?”

“We will.” They answered together.

“I will give you a moment to set a strategy.”

The boys huddled together and talked amongst themselves but I had an advantage to hear their strategy before they show it.

“This is it.” Seth whispered. “The last thing before our final trial and we all know what that will be.”

Dirk and Bryce smiled. “A fight.”

“Exactly. May our experience in battle lead us to victory but first let us focus on this next task.”

“We can do it, easily.” Dirk replied.

“Together.” Bryce said.

“Follow my lead and stay close.” Seth told them. “I won’t let any of us fail. Pack’s honor.”

They turned back toward the ledge and looked down at me, ready for me to continue. “During this test you will not be allowed to speak to each other. You must communicate by other means but be wise. A fall can result in an injury or even death. Your teammates are counting on you to keep them alive as you do the same for them. Begin when you’re ready.”

They tied themselves together tightly, leaving about five feet of rope between each of them. Seth was in front followed by Bryce then Dirk at the end. They walked up to the ledge where they were to get down and looked over. It was a long way to the bottom, about forty-five feet but they could do it.

They sat down on the ledge of the top platform and jumped down together to another just below them. They landed and walked over to the edge on the left. Dirk stretched one leg across the gap and rested his foot on the wall on the other side. He signaled to the others to start going down because he could hold their weight. They slowly got down to the platform below then Dirk brought his feet together and jumped down to them. They moved right and shimmied along the wall to a ladder and slid down to the platform below. Then they move to the left and one by one jumped down to the platform just three feet below to the left.

Seth falls into a roll toward the edge and falls off, pulling Bryce along with him. The crowd gasped as they hung over the edge while Dirk was standing on the platform keeping them from falling. He looked down and shook his head as he smiled. He grabbed a hold of the rope and started pulling it toward him. Seth and Bryce started to move up. Once Bryce reached the edge, he grabbed a hold and pulled himself up. He then turned around and helped pull up Seth. Once he was up, they stepped up onto a small ledge and slowly moved left to a hanging rope. One by one, they grabbed it and climbed down to the platform below.

They took a few steps to the right and saw a set of five step pillars, placed an equal distance apart that they had to jump to, to make it to the ground. They would have to do this perfectly or else someone will fall. Seth jumped to the first one, waited and jumped to the second one at the same time that Bryce jumped to the first one. Seth jumped to the third one as Bryce jumped to the second one while Dirk jumped to the first one and so on until they reached the bottom and untied themselves.

The crowd cheered and they jogged back to their starting positions.

Darius and Troy got up from their seats and stood next to me when they reached us and I had to put up my hand again for the crowd to calm down. “Congratulations to you all. You have passed these tests with outstanding efforts and I am pleased to declare that you have stepped out of childhood and now must embark into manhood. Please kneel as your fathers will present you with the ceremonial symbol of your abilities as you will use them to complete your last and final challenge.”

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