Ava's Pleasure (Welcome to Paradise) (6 page)

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Authors: Heidi Lynn Anderson

Tags: #BDSM erotic romance

BOOK: Ava's Pleasure (Welcome to Paradise)
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She folded her arms over her chest. "I guess. I don't think Ava can handle you being gone all the time."

The desire to go back into the bedroom with Ava and tuck her little body against his, had him standing and pacing. Logan wanted to make promises he knew he couldn't keep. No soldier could guarantee he would come home from war, especially a SEAL.

Julie must have read his mind. She slid off her flip-flops and sat on her feet. "I know you left because you had to—so does Ava."

Logan sat. "I'm thinking of leaving the Navy." The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. The thought didn't terrify him like it had in the past.

Julie jumped up and flung herself onto Logan's lap. "That's great." She planted a kiss on his cheek. "Why now? What about the two years until you are eligible for retirement?"

Logan hugged Julie. He wanted to tell her about the terror he and his men had faced in the harsh desert, but instead he let her go. "It's time."

She settled back in her seat. "Why don't you ask to be reassigned to intel?" She made air quotes with her fingers. "Then the chances of you being called out into the field are less."

Logan thought for a few moments. He could ask to be reassigned. His new rank gave him more opportunities. If he wanted, he could be part of the intelligence team and do special training. "I could do that, I guess. I'm going to take heat from my men."

She grinned. "You like heat."

Julie always had a way of making him feel lighter and freer.

"Julie." He cleared his throat. "I'm in love with Ava."

"I know. She's in love with you too."

Logan focused on Julie's beautiful face. So much like Ava's. "Do you think she can handle what I'm into?" He would walk away from the club and the lifestyle if Ava wanted him to.

"Have you asked her?"

"No, I wanted to get your take first."

"I think you two are a good match, but…"

He grabbed her hand. "But what?"

"But, I don't think she would want to be shared, and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want to have sex of any kind in public."

"What about the other stuff?"

She squeezed his palm. "If I were you, I would introduce it to her in a playful way."

An idea started to form in his head. "Can we have the place to ourselves tonight?"

Julie shrugged. "I have clients most of the evening. I can make myself scarce for the rest of the night." She pushed herself off the couch.

Logan stood and pulled her into his arms. "I love you."

"I know. I'm happy for you and Ava. I have been waiting for you to find someone."

"I had someone," he said. "I had you."

She punched him on the shoulder. "And I had you."

He pressed a kiss to her cheek. "You always will."

She glanced at her watch. "I have to get my ass in the shower."

"How long will you be around?"

"An hour or so."

"Can you stay? If Ava wakes up, tell her I'll be back?"


Chapter Nine

Ava rolled over, but didn't bump into Logan. She opened her eyes. Panic threatened to overtake her
. God, please, don't take him away.
She shot out of bed, shimmied back into her shorts and T-shirt, and rushed out of the bedroom.

Julie sat on the couch, knitting. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

Ava willed the terror away. "Where's Logan?"

"He had some things to do. He'll be back soon."

She sat next to Julie, relaxing some. "Are you sure?"

Julie set her knitting back in its basket and grinned. "He went to pick up some things for tonight."


Julie's lips spread into a knowing smile. "I think Logan has plans for you."

Anticipation built in Ava's belly and won the war against the fear. "We're not going to the club tonight?"

"I don't think so."

Mortified, her cheeks flushed. "Do you think he has feelings for me?"

Julie gave Ava an exasperated look. "Are you seriously asking me that question?"

What did Julie expect? Logan was so hard to read. "What? He's never told me he has feelings."

"You have a lot to learn about men." Julie sighed. "In the time you've spent with Logan, has he ever done anything to suggest he didn't care?"

Ava stood to pace. "No, but he hasn't said he cared."

"Men don't say they love you. They show you." Julie grabbed Ava's hand on her way back by the couch and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "So, enjoy what Logan has to show you."

The apartment door opened, and Logan walked in, his arms overflowing with bags. "Good, you're awake."

It felt like butterflies swarmed in her stomach. "Do you need any help?"

"Nope, I got this."

Julie rose. "I have to get going, you two have fun." She hugged Ava and whispered, "Relax. If you need me, I'll be downstairs."


"Any time, have fun."

"I'll try."

Julie picked up her bag. "Try harder." She kissed Ava's cheek, then walked over to Logan and kissed his cheek as well. "Be good," she told him.

"Always," Logan said. "Now go away."

She grinned. "I'm out of here."

* * * *

Ava set down the magazine Logan had handed her an hour earlier. "Are you sure I can't help you?"

He rushed into the kitchen. "No, just sit and relax." Logan opened the freezer door and placed a cheerful yellow box inside.

"Logan, I feel stupid just sitting here." She stood and started toward him. "Please, let me do something."

He moved to her and held out his hand. "Come with me."

"Finally." Every molecule in her body went on full alert.

Logan's lips twitched and he tugged her to his chest. Ava buried her face into his neck and inhaled his masculine scent.

Her heart picked up pace. All she wanted was for Logan to carry her to bed. She needed to feel his powerful body in hers again.

He lifted and cradled her against his chest. "Do you trust me?"

She leaned away and looked into his earnest features. "Yes."

Logan carried her down the hall. "I will require your complete trust."

She nuzzled her face into his neck. "You have it."

He stopped at the bathroom door. "If you don't like something I'm doing, I want you to say candlestick."

Ava's senses came to full alert. "What? Are you serious?"

"Yes, that's your safe word."

"You're making me a little nervous."

Logan set Ava on her feet and opened the door. "Remember the safe word and you'll be fine."

Ava could hear the sound of running water coming from behind the door. "Okay." She scanned his face for some hint of what was to come, but to no avail.

"I'm going to demand things from you. Things you've never done before. Do you understand?" he asked.

She nodded, not sure what to say or do.

"I need to hear your words, Ava." Logan ran his hands over her back, easing her tense muscles.

She leaned into him. "I understand."

He released her and turned. "Good, I'm going to run you a bath."

Water poured into the tub. "Thank you, I won't be long."

Logan's handsome smile finally made an appearance. "No, honey, I'm going to give you a bath."

"Oh, no." She started to back out of the room.

Logan grabbed her. "You said you trusted me."

"I do, but—"

"No buts. I promise you'll like it." He lifted her T-shirt over her head.

Embarrassment burned into her. She told herself to relax and let Logan take care of her. Her body trembled when he tugged down her shorts.

"You are fucking hot." Logan's breath brushed across her midsection.

"What do you want me to do?" Ava couldn't stop the quiver in her voice.

"Get into the tub."

She took the few steps to the claw foot tub and climbed in. Hot water lapped at her knees, she sucked air in through her clenched teeth. "It's hot." Ava bent to turn on the cold water.

Logan grasped her hand. "I asked you to trust me." He kissed her knuckles. "Sit on the lip of the tub and let your body get used to the water."

She sat. The cold from the porcelain gave her some relief from the heat of the water. Ava cupped her palms and scooped water over her knees. "Okay, that's better."

He combed his fingers through her hair. "When you're ready, lower yourself into the water."

It amazed Ava how gentle he could be. She leaned her head into his chest and let his tender touch seep into her.

"Honey, get in the water."

She slid into the steaming heat, wincing when the water hit her breasts. "Why must it be so hot?"

Logan placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed. "It will help relax you."

He removed his hand. Ava turned and watched him pull off his boots, and lift the black T-shirt over his head. She swallowed hard. He started to unbutton his jeans. "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting in with you."

"You can't there's not enough room."

"Yes, there is." He moved to the tub. Logan glided in behind her, careful not to let the water slosh over the sides.


"Shh." He ran his hand over her scalp and massaged.

Tiny pulses of pleasure radiated over Ava's head. She closed her eyes.

Logan moved his palm to her neck. Ava let her head fall back to rest against him. His fingers skimmed down her spine.

Shots of desire bloomed in Ava's womb. "Oh, that's nice."

Logan pressed a gentle kiss on her temple. "Glad you think so," he said, concentrating on a tight spot in her lower back.

"God, Logan, that's wonderful."

He moved his palm. She wanted to whimper. Warm water trickled in-between her breasts. She gasped, arched, and opened her eyes.

Logan lathered sensual scented soap in his palms, placed them on her shoulders, and kneaded. His rhythmic touches lulled her into a deep relaxation. He moved his palms down her clavicle and clasped her breasts. "That feels good."

His fingers danced over her plump, sensitized flesh. Logan took her nipples between his fingers and squeezed hard. She jumped at the stinging pain, but it was quickly soothed away by his touch.

Logan pinched again. The sting turned into a wash of pleasure. She moaned and placed her hands on his thighs.

"Do you like what I'm doing to you?" He continued to pluck at her nipples.

Is he kidding?
If he kept up at this pace she would orgasm before they really started. Ava wiggled against his stiff cock. "Yes."

"Good, because there is more of this to come." Logan reached for the soap.

Ava's breast ached for his touch. She lifted her hand and cupped herself.

His chest heaved. "That's fucking hot."

She massaged her tits and moaned. Ava smiled, running a shaky finger over her flesh as she traced a devilish path around her painfully taut areolas.

He placed his soapy palms over hers. "Ava." Logan moved his hands to her belly and massaged. "I love watching you play with your tits."

Ava took a deep breath and pinched her nipples. Pleasure hit hard and fast. Her vagina felt swollen and needy. She bit down on her bottom lip to keep from begging Logan to fill her.

His delightful hand made its way to her cleft. Ava arched into his touch. "Please." She pulled at her nipples. What beat through her, she had no words for.

Logan cupped her. "What do you want?" He rubbed the heel of his hand harder over her swollen flesh. "Tell me."

"I want you to fill me."

"Use the bad words."

Ava squeezed her eyes shut. "I want you to fill my pus…"

"Say it, Ava."

She swallowed. "Pussy." Ava let out the breath she held.

"Good girl." Logan slid a finger between her folds to flick at her clit then slid deep inside her.

She gyrated her pelvis. "Yes, Logan."

"I told you what I wanted," he said.

His breath caressed Ava's sensitized cheek. "I did what you wanted." Every nerve in her body fired all at once. "Logan, please."

"Use your words," he demanded.

Embarrassment warred with need. "What do you want me to say?"


Her fingers stilled, shame heating her skin. "I can't."

Logan wiggled his digit and kissed the top of her head. "It's just us. I want to hear you say it."

Need won. "Cunt. I want you to fill my cunt."

Logan rewarded her with a second finger. He crooked them and rubbed the secret spot above her pubic bone. Ava arched her back and bore down on his hand. Delicious sensations raced through her.

He nipped at her ear. "You can't come yet." Logan wiggled his fingers. "I want you at the edge of orgasm."

His rough voice almost sent her over. "Why?"

"So when I fuck you hard and dirty you'll want it."

His words hit Ava like ice water. No one had ever talked to her like that before. She pushed at his arms. "I want to get out."

He wrapped his arm around her waist. "Ava, honey, you said you trusted me."

"I do, but I don't feel comfortable with your language."

He crossed his legs around her. "Honey, I told you I'd push you. The language is one way I'm doing it." Logan picked up the bar of soap and lathered his palms. "All you have to say is candlestick." He unfolded his legs and tapped hers. "Lift."

Ava settled back. "I'm sorry."

Logan reached for her foot. "There's nothing to be sorry for." He ran his hand in a soothing motion over her foot and up her leg. She marveled at how he could calm her and turn her on at the same time.

He cupped the now cool water and rinsed off the remaining soap. "Stand for me, honey." He gripped Ava under her arms and lifted her. Water sloshed on the tile floor.

"Logan, we're making a mess."

He rose. Water cascaded down his luscious body. "I'll clean it up in a minute." Logan turned to grab the towels.

Heat flowed over her at the sight of his perfect body. A scar she was pretty sure wasn't there three months ago shown red near his shoulder blade. "What happened?" She reached for him, wanting to make the angry scar disappear. "How come I didn't see that earlier?"

Logan shot her a quick smile in the mirror. "You were busy." He enveloped her into the oversized towel.

She grabbed his hands. "Tell me what happened."

"I was stabbed."

Shock, dismay, and anger bombarded her. If anything happened to this man, Ava new she wouldn't survive. "Wh—"

Logan scooped her into his arms. "Shh… It's nothing. Just a little scratch."


Logan jostled Ava so he could open the bathroom door. "Shh." He turned the handle and pulled on the door. "I don't talk about my job."

How could she show him love if he didn't let her in? She would have to give him complete control over this situation. If she wanted Logan to love her, she had to give herself over to him completely.

* * * *

Logan placed Ava on the bed. His dick jumped at the sight of her beautiful body stretched out over the sheets. She glanced at him and smiled, her big, trusting green eyes filling with tears.

He sat and took in the sight of her. "If you have any questions, ask. Even if you think they're stupid." He ran his palm down her mid-line.

Goose bumps dotted her flesh. She arched into his touch and grabbed his wrist. "Logan."

He stood and walked to the closet. She watched as Logan opened the sliding doors and removed a plastic bin, which he placed on the floor beside to the bed. Longing drummed through his veins.

Logan lifted the lid and took out two silk lined cuffs he'd bought after the first dream he had about Ava and sat back on the bed. He took Ava's left hand and wrapped the silk around her wrist, buckled the cuff, and hooked it to the rings he had screwed into the wall earlier.

"What are you doing?"

"I want you at my mercy." He lifted her other arm, repeating the routine. Logan fished for the black silk blindfold. "Are you okay so far?"

Ava's tongue swiped over her lips. "I don't know."

Logan slid the blindfold over Ava's eyes and stood back to drink in the sight before him.

"I don't know if I like this," she said.

"What don't you like, honey?" Logan watched the pulse in her neck beat a fast tattoo.

"I don't know."

"Are you uncomfortable?"

She shook her head. "No."

"I know you think you haven't been in control of your life." Logan grasped the flogger and ran the silk strands over his palm. "But the opposite is true."

"You've been making all the decisions for yourself." Logan ran the strands between Ava's full round tits, tracing their curve.

The sound of her moan had Logan inhaling hard. He needed to be careful, if he didn't want to blow his load too soon. "Honey, you're beautiful like this." Logan made his way slowly—almost painfully so—to her luscious pussy. The sounds of longing that came from Ava filled him with joy and love.

He started the slow art of marking her. Logan watched Ava jump, arch, squirm, and—finally—come. He reveled at her responsiveness. Logan listened to every exquisite sound she made and took in every facial expression.

Pretty pink lines decorated her torso. Sexy welts crisscrossed her tits, down her stomach, over her pussy, and across her legs. What a fine canvas she made, fit to be hung in the Louvre. He unhooked Ava's arms and helped her roll onto her belly, then fastened the straps back into the hooks, so he could turn her hot ass into a feast of red welts.

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