Read Avenge Online

Authors: Sarah M. Ross

Tags: #vampire, #paranormal romance, #fantasy, #new adult

Avenge (6 page)

BOOK: Avenge
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How did you manage that?
I’ve heard it’s amazing, but exclusive to only senior level Patroni
and angels like Marco.”

It is. I was fortunate to
go once a few years after I became a Patronus as a guest of Marco.
It’s on another realm, and it’s absolute perfection. Tasnim has
been a sought-after vacation spot for Patroni not just in the
Florida division, but all over. There are requests put in to the
inter-dimensional securities and travel department all the time for
people to visit, but few are actually granted permission. I pulled
a lot of strings, but we’re going!”

How in the world did you
manage that so fast?”

I’d actually been planning
this for months. Granted, my original plan was only for you and I
to go, but while you slept yesterday I amended my request. We’re
all exhausted and need a break.”

Should we go somewhere so
far away right now? I mean, what if we’re needed? Or there’s an
attack somewhere?”

Elizabeth and Marco are
staying behind. They’ll let us know if we’re needed, and we’re only
a realm door away.” He brushed his lips lightly across mine. “Don’t
worry so much.”

I smiled up at him. “You’re right. And
it does sound amazing!”

There are only two getaway
spots like this on earth, one here in Florida and the other in the
Seychelles in the Indian Ocean, so space was limited. The island is
pretty tiny. It only has about twenty five cabins total, nothing
posh or over the top, but it is extremely relaxing.”

I squealed in delight. “I am so
excited! Okay, when do we leave? I have to pack.”

Max held out two bags in his hands.
“Already taken care of. And don’t worry, I didn’t pack. Cassie

I took the bag from him and set it on
the floor. “Okay, but let me double check that she

Max snatched it back before I even
finished unzipping it. “It doesn’t matter what she packed

And why is

Because if I have my way,
you won’t be wearing any of it anyway.” He turned and scooped me in
his strong arms, kissing that spot just below my ear that drove me
crazy. Oh, this was going to be a fantastic weekend




Two hours later, Max, Cassie, Adam,
Zander, Lola and I were all on the beach. The island didn’t have a
lot of amenities, a few basic cabins and a giant central pantry
stocked by lord only knows who, but the view more than made up for
it. The cabins skirted the edge of the island, each offering
panoramic ocean views.

Ever since I stepped foot onto the
warm, soft white sands, I felt a connection to this place. It was
like a caffeine high while taking that first plunge down a roller
coaster. I was more energized than I’d ever been. I squeezed Max’s
hand as he grabbed our bags and we walked toward our

Do you feel that?” I asked
him, not quite sure how to describe what exactly the “that”

Yes, I do. I’ve been here
before, but the feeling’s never been as strong. I think it’s
because you’re here with me now.”

I don’t ever want to
leave,” I confessed. My gaze feasted on all the bright, colorful
plants and fruits around me. It was like nothing I’d ever seen

Because the island wasn’t actually on
earth or accessible to humans at all, it was different than the
tropical Keys I’d visited with my family. There were flowers and
fruits that had long been extinct on earth, all growing lush around
us. Max picked me a vibrant yellow fruit that was slightly prickly
to the touch.

It’s delicious, try some.”
He conjured up a pocket knife and sliced the fruit down the middle,
watching the green juices run down his fingers. “This fruit hasn’t
been on earth in over a thousand years, and even then it was only
in the dense jungle where few ventured. It’s sweet like cantaloupe,
but has a hint of tartness like lime at the end.”

I bit into it, and my taste buds
zinged. The flavor was amazing. Sweet and tart, and the juices had
an effervescence like soda, causing little bubbles to explode in my
mouth. It was amazing and I wanted to eat it every day. “Oh, wow!”
I said, wiping the juice running down my chin. “I love it! I wish
they served this at breakfast every day.”

I know, right? Maybe I
should put in a request.”

Max picked me another fruit and we sat
on the porch to our cabin in duel hammocks that swung gently in the
breeze. Exotic birds with bright, beautiful plumage flew from tree
to tree. A Dodo bird even toddled by, off in search of who knows
what. Monkeys howled in the distance, and the sound of the waves
crashing on the shore lulled me. I couldn’t help but sigh
contentedly. This was relaxation.

I could really get use to
this,” I said to no one in particular. Every stress from the last
six months melted away as I listened to the tide roll in and out,
the sound lulling me. Having been a Florida girl all my life, the
beach was my Mecca.

And this is only the
beginning.” My eyes drifted up Max’s chest, gleaming with sweat, as
he handed me a fruity drink in a coconut shell.

How did you do this?” I
knew there wasn’t a bar on the island, so to create something like
this must have been done by hand. Max didn’t answer my question,
but lay beside me with his own drink in hand as we swung in the
gentle breeze.

You deserve this, my love.
You’ve been under so much stress recently; I’ve been so worried
about you. It’s not healthy. Immortal or not, you need to take care
of yourself. And this weekend, I plan to do exactly that: take care
of you. So enjoy your drink and enjoy the view.” He kissed my
temple and entwined our fingers. I didn’t know how long we sat
there placidly, but the next thing I knew the rest of the gang came
up to us clad in their swimsuits.

Up for a rowdy game of
beach volleyball?” Zander spun the ball on the tip of his index
finger as he spoke.

I’m in! Sounds fun. Let me
put my suit on. We’ll meet you there in five.” I stood up and put
my now empty coconut on the counter, excited for some fun in the

Ten minutes later, we were all arguing
over how the teams should be divided as Zander tossed the ball in
the air. Of course, Adam wanted it boys vs. girls, but we protested
adamantly. We split the teams as evenly as possible, which was hard
because Zander was practically a pro and Lola was 5’2” and could
barely reach the bottom of the net. We kept it a friendly game, but
after the score was 14-3, Adam’s competitive nature got the better
of him and his aggravation was clear.

What’s amatter, baby?”
Cassie taunted after he took another face plant in the sand trying
to rescue the ball from where Lola ducked and covered her eyes. She
may have been a fierce fighter, but the girl did not like sports.
“Havin’ a little trouble there? Or were you trying to catch a
little sun?”

Adam scrambled off the ground and
sprinted toward Cassie with a mischievous gleam in his eye. “You’re
mine now, girly.”

Cassie squealed and ran behind Zander,
hoping he’d protect his teammate. But when Zander chuckled and
stepped aside for Adam to get to her, she dashed off toward the
ocean instead. None of us could stop our laughing when he caught up
to Cassie and threw her over his shoulder, walked them both in the
ocean and tossed her in the water where a splashing battle

Well, I guess our game is
over.” I turned to Max. “Now what do you want to do?”

We still have a few hours
before dinner.” The look in his eyes told me that Monopoly with
Zander and Lola was not what he had in mind. “We’ll catch up with
you all later. Z—you’re going to build a fire on the beach for us
to make dinner, right?”

Yep. Lola and I will take
care of everything. I’ll do the cooking and she’ll do the
cleaning.” He smiled at her, intentionally baiting her.

If you even think that
because I grew up in the 50s that I’m gonna be some kind of June
Cleaver you’ve got another thing coming.” She threw a hand on her
hip and wagged a finger at him. “I ain’t your momma and you won’t
be gettin’ any of that outta me.”

Max and I laughed as she continued her
women’s lib rant. We knew Zander found her adorable when she got
all riled up, but she fell for it every time.

Come on,” Max whispered in
my ear, and scooped me into his strong arms as he headed back to
our cabin. “We’ve had enough socialization. Now I want you all to



The door slammed behind me with a
heavy thud, and the metallic click of the lock echoed past the
faint rhythm of heartbeats that pounded excitedly in my chest. Soft
lips fused against mine, parting slightly so I could taste the
faint traces of the sweet fruit on his breath as our tongues found
a rhythm of their own. His warm body pressed into mine, fueling the
heat inside my soul as his fingertips skimmed up and down from just
under my breasts to the ticklish skin on my stomach, leaving a
trail of goosebumps in its wake. No matter how many times he kissed
me or touched me, I could never get enough. My body was made for
his, and we melded together perfectly.

The longer he touched me, the more on
fire my body became. I could feel his heartbeat in my own chest,
his desire deep in my gut, and his love in my soul.

His hands left my back, reaching up to
cup my face as his beautiful blue eyes stared into mine. His pupils
dilated, making the crisp blue of his eyes almost invisible, like
looking into an eclipse. “You are the most beautiful and perfect
person I could have ever asked for. Every minute I spent alone,
waiting for you to come into my life was worth it. There is nothing
I wouldn’t do to make you happy.”

I love you so much.” I
said breathlessly, tears threatening at his words.

He caressed my face, brushing his
rough thumb over my soft cheek and down against my warm lips,
pulling my bottom lip slowly as his thumb drew down. His breath was
moist against my cheek as he spoke. “You are my everything. My
love, my soul, my reason for being. I love you so much that my
heart sometimes feels like it will burst from my chest. When I look
at you, it’s all the proof in the world I could need that
perfection exists.”

I know exactly what you
mean.” I reached my hands up, running them through his thick hair
and pulling his lips toward me once more. Hearing his declaration
of love made my yearning for him a hundred times stronger. His hot
lips pressed against mine and made me moan, but the sound was
swallowed in our kiss. When he nipped my bottom lip, my knees
buckled and a flood of heat and need shot straight to my

Max scooped me into his arms and led
me to the bed. He laid me gently down on top of the soft, plush
comforter and my heart pounded with anticipation. He lay beside me
on his side, and enjoyed taking his time. His eyes drank in my
body, sliding up my long, lean legs, caressing over the curve of my
hips, and pausing over the swell of my breasts with a mischievous
grin on his face.

His fingers ran down the side of my
face, tracing my jaw causing me to shiver. My skin sparked to life
with every touch of his rough fingers. Every hair stood on end as
he lightly grazed my skin. He continued for several minutes,
repeating the pattern from my temple to my jaw as his eyes gazed
upon me. I sank deeper into the mattress, completely content having
him so close. My eyes fluttered closed and I took a deep breath, my
nose tingling at his musky, spicy scent.

Max’s fingers began trailing lower,
first along the tie of my bathing suit behind my neck and then
reaching around to my collar bone, and then to the tiny
triangle-shaped pink fabric that started high on my breasts and
ended at that sensitive place right near my ribs. My heart raced
and my stomach clenched as wanton desire enveloped my body. I loved
the feeling of his hands on me, because I knew with each touch and
each embrace, he was focusing his every thought on me, like he was
Picasso and I was his masterpiece.

I have been waiting to be
alone with you for far too long. And tonight, I intend to show you
in every way possible how much I love you. How much I crave

BOOK: Avenge
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