Avoiding Responsibility (14 page)

BOOK: Avoiding Responsibility
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"Oh Ramsey," she murmured breathily scooting forward ever so slightly and putting her lips to his once more, "I'm not with anyone else."

"Not entertaining the idea?" he asked cautiously.


"Then you're mine?"

She simply nodded basking in his gorgeous smile. The realization that she was in a relationship with someone, officially, for the first time since she had broken up with Clark during college hit her fresh. She was taking a leap of faith in Ramsey. As he melted her insides with adoring kisses, her mind filled with the joy of newfound happy memories.

And she didn't have one thought of Jack. Okay just one: he had never given her this.

Thanks to all my awesome reviewers: Cupid's Psyche, LoveAlways03 (for reviewing EVERY chapter! you rock!), Kelly Rogala, smiling believer, hayleytibbs, Fierce . Imagination, Sure as the Dawn, XxSkyxLarkxX, stanhops, Lala, loveisadoingword, WyldeLoneStar (can't wait for the conclusion to Wayward Home!), helena33139, Ms. Vengeance, and Haley's Comet. Thanks so much for everything. You guys rock and I appreciate every single one of you. Also, I love everyone who has added me to a favorite story/author, all alerts, PMs...everything!

K.A. Linde


One of these days maybe your magic won't affect me

And your kiss won't make me weak

But no one in this world knows me the way you know me

So you'll probably always have a spell on me...

-Rihanna and Neyo "Hate How Much I Love You"

Chapter 7: Present

"I promise," Lexi whined sliding out of Chyna's embrace.

"You promise, promise?" Chyna asked sticking her with a fierce look.

"Yes. Don't worry about me," she groaned.

"Last time I said that you went off the deep end," Chyna chastised her smiling all the while.

"Yes, well I was a year younger. So blame it on my innocence and naivety."

Chyna scoffed at her response. "Were you ever innocent and naïve?"

"More than you'll ever know," Lexi told her becoming serious as she leaned forward and kissed her best friend's cheek.

"Now remember what I told you. If anything starts to look like drama, high tail it out of there. Feel free to call me, but please just try and get through this without murdering anyone," Chyna said shaking her head. Lexi could see the look of disapproval across her face, but she couldn't change anything now. She was about to leave to board the airplane. Jack's wedding was exactly a week away, and for some absurd reason she had agreed to accompany Ramsey.

When she had sobered up the next morning and remembered all that occurred, she had nearly died of humiliation. Of all the things she could have done, why she had agreed to go to Jack's wedding was beyond her.

Yes, she had been cornered by Jack and he had sounded so sincere. She had wanted so bad to give him what he wanted that night. And somehow in her state of drunken helplessness, she had still managed to push him away. She was pretty proud of that fact at least. She couldn't count how many times she had just given into him under similar circumstances. Yet, after completely pushing him away, she had agreed to go with Ramsey to Jack's stupid wedding without any coaxing on his part. And as stupid as she was, she had flat out told him it was because of Jack. She had smashed her face into the pillow and screamed until her lungs hurt that morning. It hadn't helped anything except to increase her killer headache.

Still now that she knew that the wedding was only a week away, she was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. She had known all along that if she had found out about the wedding, she wouldn't have been able to stay away. And here she was about to board a plane that would take her into the thick of things. Real smart Lexi.

"I'll call you."

"Lexi please," Chyna cried throwing her arms around her again, "don't get sucked into his trap again. I know how you are with Jack."

"Chyna I'm not going to," she said weakly.

"Ramsey too! Watch out for him."

"Stop mothering me," Lexi said taking a step backwards. "I'm going to be fine. I can handle Jack and Ramsey all by myself. Jack is insignificant. He doesn't even matter. I'm not there for him. I'm there to support Ramsey, because he needs me. Despite what happened, I think we may still have a shot." Chyna rolled her eyes. "I might be going crazy and I know you think I deserve better, but we'll give him a chance."

"Another chance," Chyna mumbled.

"Yes another chance and if this week doesn't work out, then I'm done," Lexi told her more confident than she actually felt.

"For real done?"

"Yes for real done."

"Then you can move onto your Mystery Man?" Chyna asked conspiratorially.

Lexi blushed trying not to smile too wide. "We're not discussing him. It's not like I'm going to be dating him or anything. I haven't seen him again and honestly, I don't intend to."

"What?" Chyna burst. "Come on you were all bubbly after you rendezvous with your stranger and now you don't even want to see him again? Insufferable!"

"He's unimportant. I have too much to deal with," she said evading the question.

"Fine. I'm going to find out who he is eventually, you know?" Chyna forewarned her.

"I'm sure, C. Until then, wish me luck."

"You're going to need it."

Lexi laughed at her friend, but didn't disagree with her. She was going to need a lot more than luck to get through this week sane.

Ramsey picked her up when she landed safely in the Atlanta airport. It was refreshing to walk out of the doors and see his slick black Mercedes idling in traffic. She hadn't wanted to admit it, but she had missed him.

It had only been two days since her run in with the bachelor party, which hadn't really given her much time to digest what she was doing. She wondered if Ramsey had planned it this way. He had waited until the wedding was just a week away before bringing the subject up which they had avoided for an entire year. That way she wasn't allowed time to brood about her decision. Ultimately, he had probably feared that she wouldn't have gone with him. And she wasn't sure exactly what she would have done under different circumstances.

Yes she was drawn to Jack, and the wedding that had ended that relationship. But at the same time she wasn't sure if given the chance to think about it, that she would have been able to talk herself into going or out of going. The back and forth that she had endured for just the past two days had been excruciating enough. She couldn't imagine what it would have been like if she had had an entire year to make a decision.

Regardless, she had made her decision and needed to stick with it…come what may.

"Hey Lexi," Ramsey said as he opened the car door. Lexi's breath caught at the sight of him. He had obviously come straight from brunch at the Country Club which she had thankfully missed this time around. His black suit was crisp and tailored to his build. The light blue button-up with a black and silver striped tie wrapped around his neck completed the outfit. She couldn't tear her eyes away from him.

It was like the first time she had officially met him when she had been caught checking out his ass after walking out of the bathroom. There really was just something about Ramsey. He was so extremely tall and with that beautiful golden blonde hair and green eyes, he just made her melt. Then he smiled, and she could remember a dozen other times when that smile had been the cause of some momentous event of the past year…the cause of her own smile. His smile lit up the world. They were perfectly straight and white, but beyond that, when he looked at her, his smile always reached his eyes.

She sighed at the handsome man before her and made her way in his direction. Before she had a chance to lift a finger to put her luggage in the trunk, he was there. She dropped her bags as his arms came around her waist. She was hoisted off of her feet as he held her against him. "I missed you," he breathed into her ear.

A smile returned to her face. She closed her eyes and breathed in his familiar scent of peppermint basking in his affection for the moment. When she didn't say anything in return, he gently placed her back on her feet. She could tell he was hesitant about how to react to her after everything that had happened between them. She wanted to tell him that she missed him, but Ramsey wasn't the only one that was hesitant.

She was here for him. He needed her and refused to take anyone else. Perhaps she was a masochist, but that didn't mean they could just pick up as if nothing had ever happened. A lot had changed in the month that they were apart, and she was the first that knew that they needed to work on their issues before anything could be settled.

Ramsey lifted her luggage and stowed it into the trunk before settling back into the driver's seat and merging into traffic. "I uh…" he began uncertain of how to begin, "I well, I wasn't sure…we hadn't discussed…"

Lexi could tell how nervous he was, and in the back of her mind she was kind of glad. "We haven't discussed what?" she asked tentatively.

"Where you're staying," he said glancing in her direction.

"Oh," she murmured realizing that they had both overlooked this small fact. She had assumed she would be staying at his place, but at the mention of where she was staying, she realized that maybe that wasn't the best idea. She could control herself around Ramsey. She had discovered early on that she was could stay in control if need be. The only problem was if she wanted that. At times she liked to lose control. And she was afraid with everything that was going to go on this next week that her body and mind weren't going to exactly be in accord.

"I can get you a hotel if you want," he offered though she could tell that was the last thing on his mind. "Is that what you want?"

Lexi wished that she could answer that question without any complications. "I'm not sure," she mumbled glancing out the window.

"Look, I'd rather you stay at my place. A lot is going to be going on and it would really just be easier if you were with me," he said rationalizing the situation.

She knew that was logical. It would be much more convenient than having him pick her up before they went anywhere. But that wasn't really the issue though. "Is it going to be like before?" she asked hesitantly.

He glanced over into her face judging her question before responding. "Lexi I'm not going to lie and tell you that I don't want it to be like before." She could tell that as he spoke, he was gaining the confidence that she so loved about him. "I'm not going to push it though. I know that we have things to work through, but we're not going to solve everything in a week…especially not this week. And since you're only here for a week," he spoke the words forlornly, "I suggest you have a good time. You're just going to be miserable if you dwell on everything, and the last thing I want is for you to be miserable.

"So just stay with me. I know a month isn't enough time to forgive me." He reached over and gently held her hand. "I know that, ok? But I'm working on it. I promise you that I am."

Lexi wanted to ask him how. She wanted to know how exactly he was working to make everything better. She knew he likely wouldn't answer though. Once he had everything worked out the way that he envisioned, and then she would know, but not before then. So it was useless to even try to argue. He was right. She needed to just relax and enjoy her time in Atlanta even if that time happened to be at Jack Howard's wedding.

"You're right."

"I know," he said smiling when she scoffed at his statement and tried to yank her hand away from him. He held on tightly and she had no chance of escaping. Drawing her hand up to his lips, he placed a light kiss on the center of her hand before releasing it.

"So," she began trying to keep the tingling feeling of his lips on her skin from overtaking her senses.

"So?" he asked as they approached his apartment.

"What does the brother of the," Lexi gulped hard the next word tasting like vinegar when she said it, "bride have to do this week?"

Ramsey smirked playfully knowing how difficult it was for her to discuss this with him. "Well, as a groomsman I have much more to do than as the brother to the bride."

"You're a groomsman?" Lexi asked astonished.

"Uh yeah did I not mention that?" he asked sheepishly.


"Well why did you think I was at the bachelor party?" he asked incredulously.

"I don't know. I didn't really think about it. If anything, I just assumed it was because of Bekah."

"Well it
because of Bekah," he told her. "She added a bridesmaid and forced me upon Jack."

"So you just ended up planning the bachelor party from there?" she asked arching an eyebrow.

"I do have the most experience with that kind of stuff Lexi. You know that."

"Oh I know," she grumbled. "Well, how long have you been a groomsman?"

"Since about November, I guess."

"November?" she cried. "As in last November? As in almost a year ago November? You've known as long as we were together?"

"Lexi you didn't want to talk about it, and I certainly wasn't going to bring it up," he said defending himself.

"Yeah, but Ramsey, November?" she groaned.

"You didn't want to have anything to do with the wedding plans. But I couldn't escape them. I kept you hidden from what was going on because that's what you wanted."

"I just didn't want to know the date or talk about Jack and Bekah. Something like you being a groomsman I would have been interested to know," she said astonished at how much he had been able to keep from her.

Ramsey scoffed at her proclamation. "You would not have been interested in that information. It would have just been another reminder of what you weren't looking for, and I didn't want to be that reminder to you. I wanted to be the…the future," he murmured the last word softly.

Lexi closed her eyes and counted backwards from ten. She knew that she had been insufferable for the past year about anything to do with the wedding. He was probably right that she hadn't wanted any clues about what was going on, but his ability to hide things from her was not her favorite characteristic about him…especially not right now. "Okay," she finally breathed tucking a lock behind her ear, "what does the groomsman have to do?"

"Much the same as usual I suppose. The bachelor party," he said glancing at her slyly. "Then we have a few dinners this week and a fitting before we jump right into the wedding plans," he proceeded hesitantly. "Rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, pictures, wedding, reception."

"Right of course." Lexi turned her gaze out the window and watched the passing buildings. Her head was feeling slightly dizzy from all the wedding talk, but she was trying her best to hide it. The fact that Jack would be married in less than a week still hadn't hit her yet, but it was getting awfully close.

"We don't have to talk about it…"

"I'm going to the wedding Ramsey. We're going to have to be able to talk about it," she spoke strongly, taking a deep breath, and turning back towards him. He nodded. "So what are you wearing?"

"I can't spoil the fun. I want your mouth to drop when you see me."

"It already does," she murmured.

"Good to know," he said smirking.

"Don't get cocky," she told him smacking his arm. The smile that broke out on his face told her that he was about to make a response about just how cocky he was, but she stopped him, "And don't think about responding to that."

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