Avoiding Responsibility (39 page)

BOOK: Avoiding Responsibility
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"Where were you?" Ramsey asked his eyes steeled on her.

"I got caught in surgery," Parker said her eyes moving from Ramsey to Lexi and then back again quickly as if she had been caught doing something wrong. "I couldn't just leave."

"You had to change in the hospital?" he asked holding back a smirk.

"Is it that obvious?" she asked adjusting the hem of her dress unnecessarily.

"Only because you don't look like the Club," he murmured under his breath.

"I hate the Club as much as you do," Parker responded quickly before ducking her head to show that the conversation was over until the couple had finished their speeches.

Lexi was surprised to find that the remainder of the rehearsal dinner went off without a hitch. The delicious food came and went. The conversation at their table was light and refreshing without any of the biting remarks Lexi was fearful of being involved in. And after Parker and Ramsey's brief exchange, they acted as if they hardly knew each other. When a question was directed at the both of them, they answered it separately without their eyes cutting to each other or the easy banter that she had seen fall between them. On the outside, the evening seemed to be a rousing success besides Lexi's momentary mental breakdown at the beginning of the night.

As the dessert dishes were whisked away, Bekah stood once more. "Now I know it's me and Jack's night tonight, but we personally," she said smiling down on him, "wanted to give a special announcement. This is known to very few people, and we thought we would share it with our dearest friends and family first and foremost."

For some reason, it was like Lexi could feel Bekah's eyes on her. She had no idea why. The room was dark with a spotlight on the front table. Therefore the likelihood that she was speaking directly to Lexi didn't make any sense. Why her eyes would find Lexi in this crowd of people when she spoke made no sense to her. Bekah had done her damage with Jack a year ago. She knew that they had mutual distaste for the other, but whatever this announcement was Lexi couldn't see how it would have to do with her.

"Ramsey do you mind coming up here?" Bekah asked. Ramsey stared forward at Bekah in confusion. His eyes narrowed calculating what he could possibly have to do with any of this. "Come on," she sing-songed forcing her hand as the bride-to-be.

Ramsey stood slowly hating that he had to do as she said. There were too many other people that would cheer him onward if he didn't immediately follow his sister's orders. "Of course." He nodded walking toward hers. His head turned once just once and met Lexi's gaze. She had no idea what to expect in that moment. She was holding her breath unsure as to what Bekah had in mind. Warning bells hadn't started going off yet. She was still too confused.

"Now you all know my dear brother," Bekah said a little too cheerfully. "He's been off running his own business and being a star." Lexi knew for a fact that him running his own business had never made his family think that he was a star. They all hated that he owned the clubs. "But we're thrilled to announce that he is finally coming home and taking on as the position as vice president for Bridges Enterprise's newest company."

Lexi's mouth dropped open in shock. She had heard not a single word of this. She had lived with him for two months. All of this had to have taken longer than the month she was gone to put together. Why hadn't he told her any of this? Was this was Lola had meant about Ramsey making it all up to her? Was this why Brad and Jason had been so secretive about him doing all of this for her? Was this why they had been forced to move out? Did this announcement somehow answer all her questions? She couldn't see how.

She just couldn't understand. Ramsey hated the idea of working for his father…for the company. He had bucked the status quo for so long that she had no idea why he would possibly want to do this.

Bekah's voice cut off Lexi's train of thought. "I'm pleased to announce along with this new development that the new wing of the company is going to be a full-time medical wing, and to head up our medical wing with my brother is none other than our own Parker Mackenson. Parker come up here!" Bekah shrieked excitedly.

K.A. Linde


The scars of your love remind me of us,

They keep me thinking that we almost had it all,

The scars of your love, they leave me breathless,

I can't help feeling, we could have had it all

-Adele "Rolling in the Deep"

Chapter 20: July One Month Earlier

It was easy to pretend like nothing had happened. Lexi's father ended up staying in the ICU for longer than anticipated, and she kept making the excuse that she had to be with him. No one could ever question her decision to stay in the hospital for extended periods of time. She still went into work, but she was distracted. Her earlier fervor for the company had slackened. She was certain her bosses noted the change in her work ethic. And she knew it was a stupid risk on her part to let herself fall behind. She honestly needed the job that she had. It paid well and she could tell they were leaving open a job for one of the interns in the fall, and up until that dreadful conversation with Parker, she had been gunning for that job. But there just wasn't anything she could do about her lack of caring. The program would be over soon and they would have to make their decisions either way. She just couldn't give them the truth. How could she tell her bosses that she was afraid she didn't know her boyfriend any longer? That wasn't something that they even cared about.

So she gave them the same excuse that she was giving everyone else since it had happened…that her father's heart attack had really shaken her. That she was terrified his condition might worsen and she needed the time to be with him. The company had allowed her the time however reluctantly, but there wasn't much time left and they were going to want her to complete the project she had been assigned. That had become her back up excuse when it was brought up that she was spending too much time at the hospital.

Lexi knew Ramsey's schedule by heart now and found herself showing up at the apartment when she knew he wouldn't be there and leaving before he awoke the next day. She couldn't help it. She knew that she should just ask him about what Parker had told him. Yes, that would be the logical thing to do.

After all Parker could have simply made the whole thing up. She had been friends with Bekah since birth, Lexi wouldn't exactly put it past her to do something horrible like that. But who was she kidding? Parker just wasn't Bekah. As much as she wanted to hate her, Lexi just couldn't. Parker had never done anything to her. If everything she had said was true, she had honestly done her a huge favor.

Yet, Lexi couldn't seem to bring it up. She had been doing everything in her power to avoid her own boyfriend. It had been over a week, and she just couldn't bring herself to ask the questions that she had lingering on her tongue. The last thing she wanted was for him to confirm the story or even worse for him to lie about it…again.

She had barely been sleeping what with hospital visits, work, and trying to avoid seeing her boyfriend. When she trudged down the stairs the next morning at the crack of dawn, she knew that the only way she would survive the day was a pot of coffee…a large pot of black coffee. Lexi poured herself a mug of the pot she had just made and leaned forward against the counter as she drank. She wore a light grey skirt suit with her hair pulled up into a tight ponytail. She had to be in to work soon to finish conducting some research for the project she needed to complete even though she still wasn't fully awake.

Lexi closed her eyes and hung her head. She hadn't been sleeping and the hours were beginning to catch up with her. She could feel her body beginning to give into sleep while she was standing up. The coffee was having next to no effect on her so far, and all she wanted to do was crawl back into bed for another couple hours.

"Tired?" Ramsey asked as he descended the stairs.

Lexi spun around quickly sloshing a bit of the coffee down her front. "Damnit!" she cried pulling her jacket off and tossing it onto the table. Luckily her blouse was untouched.

"Sorry I didn't mean to surprise you," he said with a smile. "You've been getting up so early I haven't had a chance to see you. I thought I'd catch you before you left."

"Oh," was all she managed as she wet a towel and tried to salvage her outfit for the day. After a second of dabbing at the fabric, she decided it was a lost cause and would have to take it to the dry cleaner later today.

"Coffee?" he asked walking up to her and pouring himself a glass.

"Yeah," she mumbled sitting down in one of the dining room chairs.

Ramsey added some cream and sugar to the coffee before taking a sip. "I still don't know how you drink it black."

Lexi shrugged. "That's just how I like it."

"So I was thinking," Ramsey began setting his coffee down on the counter and turning to face her again. "I know you're busy with work stuff, but I thought maybe we should go do something tonight. You haven't really had a day off what with everything that happened with your father. I thought it might be nice to just get away."

"Don't you have work?" she squeaked out dropping her eyes to her coffee mug.

"I can take a night off for you," he said smiling.

"I guess let me see how far I get with my work today and then I'll let you know," she said reluctantly never pulling her eyes from her drink.

"Are you okay?" Ramsey asked moving to stand in front of her. "I know that you're sad about your dad but everything is going to be alright with him. He was released and everything right?"

"Yeah he was," she said. She desperately wanted to tell him about everything Parker had said, but she just didn't know how to bring it up. She had no idea if any of it was even true. All she wanted to do was go back upstairs, crawl into bed, and forget that this past week had happened.

"Well then maybe it would be a good idea to get away from it," he said bending down and resting his hands on her knees.

Lexi stood up abruptly letting his hands drop back to his side as she towered over him in his crouched position. "I'll see about work," she said sharper than she had intended.

Ramsey stood slowly watching her closely the whole time. "Alright," he said his eyes following her every movement. "How about this? I'll be at the club in my office finishing up some work, if you want to go out after work just swing by."

"I'll do that," she agreed diverting her eyes as she moved to walk away from him.

Ramsey's hand darted out and grasped her by the elbow. The light pressure on her arm sent shivers up her back. "Please come by," he whispered softly pulling her into him and kissing her softly on the lips. "I've missed you."

Lexi pulled away from the kiss still feeling the warmth of his mouth on hers. Her breathing was ragged. She felt like she could barely swallow. Her pupils had dilated at even the lightest of touches. Ignoring these most basic instincts, Lexi took another step away from him, gave him a curt smile, and disappeared back up the stairs to change into an outfit that didn't have coffee stains on it.

Work was practically mind numbing that day. She knew that she had to go see Ramsey afterwards, and she knew she couldn't hide what had happened from him for much longer. This morning had been the first time they had really been alone. She couldn't imagine what it would be like going out with him. She was a terrible liar and an even worse actress. She couldn't convince someone like Ramsey who noticed her every move that the only thing that was bothering her was her father's heart attack.

He would know that something else was up with her. She would have to tell him what Parker had told her. Then she would have to get the truth out of him. She wasn't sure if she was even ready for that. What would he say? Would he confirm all her fears or deny them? She didn't even want to think about it. And so of course she thought of nothing else.

All the while she was conducting research for her firm, making phone calls, and digging through files, she felt distracted. Her mind was lost on the words that Parker had embedded into her skull forever. Ramsey had lied. He had hidden an entire relationship from her. She could care less that all of that stuff had happened in the past. The past was the past. If anyone should know that it was Lexi.

She had a past that she knew she couldn't hide from. Everything always seemed to catch up with her. Why should Ramsey be any different? How could he think that he was any different?

It was just childish to think he could hide it from her. What could he gain from that? All of his friends knew the situation or at least most of it. They knew that they had been together…for years. They knew that they had been in love. They knew that they were practically destined for one another. And Christ, they at least knew that Lexi looked like Parker. Yet, she was never mentioned. She was never brought. He acted as if nothing had ever happened between them beyond the physical. No wonder he had freaked out when she had been left alone with Jessie and she had said that Parker and Ramsey looked like a cute couple.

Of course they did! They had been a couple for so long that it had to come second nature to them. She knew it did for her and Jack. Being with him was like breathing. You didn't just date someone for so long and then try and cover up the fact that it ever existed. People didn't just get over things like that. If anything the cover up made it seem like you
got over it…which was even more troublesome.

Just when Lexi thought her brain might explode from over thinking everything that had been said she received an incoming text message. "Lunch. Sushi. You know the place. See ya in 20. – Pookie."

Lexi sighed dropping the stack of papers she was holding onto her tiny desk. She grabbed her purse and sauntered out of the office letting her manager know that she would be back in an hour. The balding middle age man leered at her as she exited the office giving no complaint. At least she had that going for her.

Entering the crowded restaurant, Lexi searched the premises for Brandon. It was nearly impossible to find a table at this place during lunch or dinner, but Brandon always seemed to find them a spot. She didn't always ask how that was even possible. Finally seeing him crammed into a corner, Lexi strolled across the room and plopped down opposite him.

"Hey honey, you're looking a little rough," he said not too kindly.

Lexi scoffed pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Fuck off."

"No really. Have you slept at all?" he asked leaning back in the booth.

Lexi took a sip of the water he had ordered for her and shook her head. "Not really. Did you already order?"

"Yeah same thing right?" he asked. She nodded. "Cool so what's up? You haven't been dogging me for lunch or interrupting my make out sessions or any other of your annoying habits. I've barely heard from you. Who am I supposed to have lunch with?"

"Weren't you just complaining about me having lunch with you too often?" she asked feeling her annoyance from the past week and a half begin to take over.

"Yeah, but I was joking. You know I want to get in your pants. Lunch is just a way to be around you," he told her with a wink for good measure.

Lexi didn't even have the patience to humor him. "Whatever Brandon."

"Brandon? Did you just call me by my first name?" he asked his brows scrunching together. "Lexi what's wrong with you?"

"I don't want to talk about it alright?" she snapped fiercely just as the waitress walked up.

"Uh sorry," the waitress squeaked before scurrying away.

Brandon tilted his head at her slightly. "Now you've run our waitress off."

"I don't care. I'm not that hungry anyway," she mumbled though she felt pretty bad about having an outburst like that. It wasn't like it was Brandon's fault that she was in a pissy mood.

"So are you going to make me guess what set you off or are you just going to tell me?" he asked crossing his arms on the table and leaning forward.

Lexi sighed heavily. "Why doesn't Ramsey like you?" she asked taking him off guard.

"You're upset because Ramsey and I don't get along?" he asked with a smirk.

"No. I just want to know. You never told me what actually was the reason."

"That's because you have a perfect little picture of your boyfriend in your head. I didn't want to ruin it for you," he said matter of factly.

"What if I don't have such a perfect picture anymore?" she whispered.

Brandon's smile spread at that statement. "Well I did warn you from the beginning."

"Just tell me why you're not friends anymore," she spat not exactly wanting an I-told-you-so moment.

Brandon seemed to realize that she was being serious about the situation. Her face was set and determined to hear what he had to say. "I dated Parker for awhile after they broke up. If that didn't make things bad enough, she told me some things about him that made my head spin. When I confronted him about it, we ended up in a fist fight. If his roommates hadn't been around to stop him, I think he would have fought until he had no more fight left in him," Brandon told her watching her expression carefully.

"Did he hurt you?" she asked her eyes brimming with tears. Her lack of sleep was making her more emotional than usual. Just the thought of Ramsey hurting Brandon because he was dating his ex-girlfriend and had confronted him with the truth broke her heart. Who was the man that she had been dating for the last year?

"I had a few broken ribs. He would have killed me if Brad and Jason hadn't been there to pull him off of me. I don't like to admit it, but the guy is much bigger than I am," Brandon said with chuckle at the end to try and lighten the mood.

"Oh Brandon," Lexi murmured softly, "why didn't you tell me?"

"You wouldn't have believed me," he said with a snort of disbelief. "You just met me. You had no idea who I was, and you had no idea who you were dating. I wasn't going to destroy your world."

"But you will now?" she asked looking into his big brown eyes for an answer.

"Honey, it looks like someone else already has," he said reaching across the table and grasping her hand.

Lexi looked down into her water glass and tried to hold the tears in. He was right of course. Parker had already destroyed the image that she had of her boyfriend. Sure she hadn't liked where he worked or that he was surrounded by strippers all the time. She hadn't liked the distance. She didn't like that he had a reputation as a player or that he had slept with a lot of people before they were together. But she could get over those things, because she had known about them. They were a fact of their relationship, and something she could live with.

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