Awake My Heart (The Bentini Brothers Book 3)

BOOK: Awake My Heart (The Bentini Brothers Book 3)
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This book is
intended for Adult Audiences only.  It contains sexually explicit scenes and



Copyright ©
2015 by Jaye McCloud

This is a work of pure fiction. Names,
characters, places, and events are coincidental and fictitious. Any
similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely
coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademark owners of various products
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To my mom,
Alice Reed.

Because you
believe, I believe too.

Your strength
is my strength.

I will always
love and admire you.



ebooks by Jaye


Mr. Bentini’s Lady

Mr. Bentini’s
Lady (Erotic version)


Her Man

Her Man (Erotic


Awake My Heart

Awake My Heart
(Erotic version)


Awakened Heart

Awakened Heart
(Erotic version)








Chapter 1



     ‘Kathy I’m glad you were able to have lunch with me today. 
I’ve missed you.’

     ‘I’ve missed you too girlfriend.’ Ti’s bubbling mirth fills
the car.

     ‘Forgive me for laughing Kathy, but at least you’re getting
better; you’re almost a natural at saying girlfriend.’

     ‘Thanks, I’ll consider that a compliment coming from you.’
They share a giggle and then Kathy says, ‘I have some thrilling news that I
want to share with you.  No one knows, and to tell the truth, I can’t share it
with my family just yet, but I want to tell someone who matters.’

     ‘I’m honored Kathy, really I am.  What’s this thrilling news
that has you glowing?’

     ‘Well… Will and I are getting married!’ Kathy’s voice rises
several octaves in her excitement.

     ‘Oh my gawd Kathy, I’m so happy for you!’

     ‘I know!  I’m on cloud nine!  I’ve been wanting this for so
long.  Will is finally choosing me over his family.’

     ‘I am truly happy for you Kathy,’ Ti says glancing over
quickly at her friend.  ‘So, what are your plans, have ya’ll set a date?’

     ‘Will wants to break his engagement to Alison in person.’

     ‘That’s a good thing, so why the long face?’

     ‘Because it’s easier said than done.’


     ‘Will can’t break his engagement until Alison comes back.’

     ‘Come back from where?’

     ‘She’s out of the country for the next couple of weeks.’

     ‘Ooh, I’m sorry Kathy, girl that really sucks.’

     ‘Yeah it really does.  Until then, we are going to keep it

     ‘Well, I certainly…


    Ti cries out, the sound penetrating Antonio’s restless slumber. 
Turning over in bed, he shakes her gently, “Wake up Baby, you’re having a
nightmare.”  Tiressa gasps as she comes fully awake shaking, her body feeling sluggish
from the nightmare that seemed so real because she lived the actual events of
her dream.  “Antonio,” she breathes into the side of his neck, clutching him
like a lifeline, absorbing his warmth, his strength and the soothing sound of
his whispered words.  “Shh, Baby, it’s okay, I’m here.  You’re here with me and
you’re safe.”  Antonio places a kiss on Tiressa’s warm caramel shoulder,
holding her trembling body in his arms, gently running his hands up and down
her back in long soothing strokes.  After several minutes, he nimbly rolls her
onto her back bracing himself on his elbows above her.  “Look at me Ti.”  When
she hesitates, he places gentle fingers under her chin coaxing until her shimmering
onyx-colored eyes meet the scrutiny of his worried silver gaze.  Gently tucking
glossy strands of jet-black hair behind her delicate ears, he bends his head
and takes her soft full lips in a tender kiss.  “Are you okay, Baby?”

     “Yes, I am now,” she sighs, running her fingers through his wavy
black hair, cradling his ruggedly handsome face in her slightly trembling hands,
she leans up to capture his firm lips with hers. “Umm,” she moans against his
lips, “Make love to me Antonio.”  Breaking the kiss, he touches his forehead to
hers.  “I want to Ti, but that’s not going to help you.”

     “Yes it will Tony.  Your lovemaking always puts me into a deep
sleep,” she teases, only half joking.  Ignoring her kidding, he lays back down
and moves her on top of him with her head resting on his chest.  “Tell me about
the dream.”  His request is met by a long moment of silence, and then finally relenting
with a long drawn out breath, she replies, “It was about the accident.”

     “I thought so,” he wraps his arms around her, resuming his
long slow strokes down her back loving the feel of her warm satiny skin.  “Maybe
it will help if you talked about it Ti, it could be very therapeutic.”

     “Maybe,” she agrees softly, listening to the steady beat of
his heart.  Relaxing into his safe embrace, she begins speaking about the
horrific afternoon that started out so bright and promising.  “Kathy and I are
in the car heading to the café, laughing and talking about her and Will getting
back together… suddenly out of nowhere …”  Her voice catches as she quietly
sobs, tightening her hold on his big solid body.  “I thought I was going to die,
Tony.”  She trembles in his arms.  “Shhh.  I’m here Baby, you’re safe now,” he
reassures her cuddling her closer.

     “Things happened in slow motion…one minute it’s a great day
and everything is normal…and in the next, the world is turned upside down and
I’ve lost complete control…I see glimpses of the accident –like in slow
motion…broken glass, smoke, strangers reaching for me.  But mostly I hear the
screams and cries and I don’t know where they are coming from.  Then I look
over at Kathy and…I try to call to her, but my voice doesn’t work and she’s not

     Kissing the crown of her head, Antonio holds Ti against his
heart, whispering words of comfort. 

     “Tony, I want to see Kathy,” she leans back in his arms so
that she can see his face.

     “Sweetheart, you need to rest,” he insists, bringing his hand
up to caress the trail of tears from her face. 

     “Tony, I have been doing nothing but resting,” Ti complains,
lightly thumping him in the chest in frustration.

     “Baby I told you, Kathy is getting the best care possible—”

     “I know she is, but can’t you understand that I’m not going to
be okay until I see her for myself…I need to know that.  I was driving Tony!  I
lost control of the car!”  Tiressa takes deep breaths trying not to scream out
in anger and guilt.  

     Realizing that seeing Kathy may be what she needs to help ease
her mind, Antonio relents.  “Okay sweetheart, calm down.  I’ll take you to the
hospital, but I don’t want you overdoing it.  You have more than just yourself
to consider.  You’re carrying my baby,” he reminds her, gently caressing her

     “I’m carrying
baby,” she yawns the correction,
snuggling deeper into his warmth.

Our baby
.  I love the sound of that, and I love you.”

     “I love you too Tony.”  He continues his soothing strokes,
holding her close until her trembling subsides and her body relaxes in slumber.








     “Tony if you are too busy, I can drive myself to the

     “With what car Tiressa, yours is out of commission.”

     “Oh yeah, I forgot for a second.  Well, give me the keys to
one of your cars.”  Tiressa rolls her eyes at the sound of his chuckling.  “Sweetheart,
I’ll give you the keys to my vault, to my kingdom and definitely to my heart,
but never to my wheels.”

     “Then I’ll ask Carlos to drive me or I can call a cab.”

     “No you won’t.  I said I’ll take you and I will.”

     “I know you’re willing and I thank you for that, but I want to
stay at the hospital for a while.  I don’t want you to be inconvenienced if you
aren’t able to wait with me.”

     “You, my love, are never an inconvenience,” he brushes her adorable
pouting lips with his, “besides, you’re not going to be there that long.”


     His loving expression becomes firm, “I mean it Tiressa.  You
were in that accident too and I’m not at all convinced that you should be up
and about so soon.  Chase said you should stay off your feet for at least forty-eight

     Distracted by the name, she asks, “Who is Chase?”

     “Dr. Chase Lassiter.  He’s the doctor who examined you in the
ER yesterday.  He’s also an old college buddy.”

     “Well, your old college buddy, the doctor, said that I
rest for twenty-four to forty-eight hours.  He gave me the all clear…and
besides, I feel perfectly fine.”

     “I’m glad that you do, I want to make sure that you keep
feeling perfectly fine.  In fact, I’ll ask Angela for the name of the
obstetrician who delivered Gigi.” 

     “I’m not so sure about that.”


     Blushing, Tiressa answers, “I don’t feel comfortable with men
doctors.  If it’s not a real emergency and if a female doctor isn’t available,
then fine.  But if given a choice, I prefer women doctors.”

     “Fair enough.  If it’s a man, then I’ll ask him to refer us to
a highly qualified female obstetrician.  Besides, I’m not fond of the idea of
some dude all up in my lady’s private business,” he says with an exaggerated
cringe.  “I’m a bit too old-fashion for that.”

     “You mean a bit too barbarian,” Ti teases, loving his strong
Italian looks.

     “That’s right, we barbarians see every dick as a threat and we
don’t care who it’s attached to.”  Tony chuckles at his wit, momentarily
distracted by the pups chasing each other around the balcony of their master
suite.  But he soon turns his attention back on Tiressa picking at the food on
her plate, “What’s the matter, aren’t you hungry?  You’ve hardly touched your

     “That’s because you’ve piled so much on my plate when I only
asked for toast and poached eggs,” she says laughing and shaking her head at
the small mound of food he had his cook, Garrett, prepare for her.

     “I want my son to get what he needs,” he smiles at his
beautiful ebony princess, already proud of the beautiful babies they are going
to make together.

     “Antonio, I’m barely pregnant and your
satisfied with a piece of toast and a couple of eggs.  If I try to eat anything
more, I’m afraid my stomach will revolt.”

     His critical silver gaze sweeps her from head to toe pausing
at length on her stomach. “Have you made an appointment to see an

     “Not exactly.”  She puts out her hand to stay him.  “Hold on
before you start blasting me with questions, I’ve made an appointment to see my
primary care doctor and she will refer to me to an obstetrician.”

     Antonio frowns even more.  “No, I don’t like that.  I want you
to have the best medical care possible.  While I’m checking with Angela, I’ll
also ask my physician if he has someone he could recommend; I trust him

     “So, you don’t trust me to find a highly qualified doctor on
my own?”

     “Now, Baby, don’t go getting your feathers ruffled, it’s not a
matter of trusting you; as I said, I want my baby
and you
to have the
best care possible.”


     “Don’t Antonio me, and don’t start a fight you’re not going to
win,” he says with a cocky smile getting up from the table.  “Are you done rearranging
your food?” he frowns down at her untouched plate.

     “Yes, I’m done, but this conversation isn’t.”

     “It is for now.  Come on, let’s get to the hospital.”

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