Awake My Heart (The Bentini Brothers Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Awake My Heart (The Bentini Brothers Book 3)
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     “Although I know that you must be kidding—because you know I
intend to be at every last appointment—if her foolish behavior really is a
problem for you, I can make sure she isn’t working on the days that we have an appointment

     Tiressa immediately stops writing and stares at him in
astonishment.  “Antonio—”

     Leaning close, he takes her lips quickly, “Do you want her
gone?”  Seeing that he is dead serious, Tiressa speaks up, “No. It’s not her
fault that I’m a bit insecure.”  She kisses him back softly.  “But I thank you
for the offer.”


     Twenty minutes later the doctor taps on the door and enters. 
Antonio immediately gets to his feet.  “Antonio,” she addresses him cheerfully
as they embrace.  “It’s been too long since Thad and I have seen you,” she
complains, smiling up at him.

     Antonio turns to Tiressa.  “Beverly and Thad are close friends
of mine, we go way back.  We all met in college and ended up stationed in Germany
at the same time; we’ve been friends since.” 

     Tiressa gets to her feet, standing next to Antonio, looking up
at the elegant woman in front of her and thinks to herself,
“Oh gawd, she’s
one of the gorgeous ones.  With her looks it’s obvious that she’s mixed and has
been beautiful since birth.  This is just fucking great!  My doctor is a damn supermodel!
Tiressa’s insecurities come flashing back instantly and she wonders if this
bombshell and her guy have ever hooked up.  They probably have…a lot!  They
look so good together, both tall and dazzling and rich.

     Perhaps sensing her inner turmoil, Antonio wraps a strong arm
around Ti’s waist.  “Beverly, this beautiful lady is Tiressa Hawkins, my fiancée
and the mother of my unborn child,” he proudly proclaims, laying his hand on Ti’s

     “Hi Tiressa, I’m so very glad to meet you,” her sincere warmth
astonishes Tiressa. 

     “It’s nice to meet you too,” Tiressa replies, shaking the
other woman’s hand, still unsure.

     “Let’s all have a seat and I’ll tell you what today’s
appointment will consist of.  This first visit is to assess your overall
health, identify risk factors, if there are any, and to give you an estimation
of how far along you are in your pregnancy.  The first pregnancy can be
overwhelming for new mothers, I went through it recently myself…believe me I
totally understand how you are feeling.  My primary job is to give the best
medical care and advice for you and your baby during your pregnancy and to help
you understand the changes that will be taking place inside your body,” Beverly
Montenegro states with gentle, yet firm confidence.  “Have you experienced
bouts of nausea?”

     “No, not really.  Although there are times when certain smells
make me queasy, it’s nothing major and it usually passes quickly.”

     Antonio interjects, “I’m interested in knowing what can be
done about the nausea even if it’s mild.”

     “Sure.  Eating meals that are low in fat and easy to digest
throughout the day can help.  Also, it helps to drink plenty of fluids,
particularly all natural drinks that are low in glucose…stock up on ginger ale,
ginger ale helps settle the stomach.  What about dizziness, do you experience
fatigue or dizziness?”

     “No, no dizziness, no fatigue.”

     “What about that time you were rushing down the stairs and you
lost your balance?  If I hadn’t been standing at the foot of the stairs you
would have fallen on your face.”

     “Yes, that happened, but it wasn’t that bad and it hasn’t
happened since.”

“The point is you become dizzy at times and we need to know what to
do about it, I don’t want you or the baby hurt,” Antonio gives her knee a

     “Although it may seem minor to you Tiressa, Antonio is right
to be concerned.  The best way to prevent the dizziness from occurring is to
avoid moving about too quickly.  When you stand or sit or walk up and down a
flight of stairs, do so slowly.  And avoid standing for prolonged periods of

     “Okay, I’ll keep that in mind.”

     “Now, if you’ll come with me, we’ll get started,” Dr.
Montenegro says moving over to the examining area of the well-equipped room
with Tiressa and Antonio obediently following.  Antonio helps Ti up onto the
examining table.  “You won’t need to remove your clothing, just your blouse.” 
When Ti, lays flat, she begins speaking again.  “This is a fetal Doppler
stethoscope,” she explains stepping back to the side of the examining table.  “It
uses ultrasound technology to bounce sound waves off the baby and return a representation
of the fetal heartbeat.  Don’t worry it’s perfectly safe and can detect fetal
heartbeats as early as eight weeks in utero.”  She places the chestpiece part
of the stethoscope—which picks up sound—in two or three areas of Tiressa’s
lower belly.  The sound of galloping horses suddenly fills the room.  Dr.
Montenegro watches Antonio link his fingers with Tiressa’s as they smile into
each other’s eyes listening to the miraculous sound of their baby’s strong
heartbeat.  Beverly muses to herself,
“After everything Antonio’s been
through, it’s good to see him so in love, he deserves such happiness in his
life…I pray she is the right one…this time.”
  The doctor completes a
thorough examination of Tiressa with Antonio at her side watching the process
like a protective mother hen. 

     “Although I have your results from the hospital, I’m also
going to take blood and urine samples.  I like to have my own analysis done by
a lab that I trust…not that I question the hospital’s results…but when it comes
to my patients, I feel more assured when I use a lab that I trust explicitly.” 
Tiressa shoots Antonio a questioning look wondering how he managed to get her
medical records released to this doctor’s office without her knowledge or

     “We’ve covered a lot this first visit.  I’m sure there are a
million things going through your mind.”

     “Yeah, it’s all a bit overwhelming,” Tiressa agrees
distractedly; recalling the sound of her baby’s heartbeat makes it all so very
real… she’s having a baby!

     “What about you Antonio?”

     “Yes, it is a lot to take in, but I’m excited and thrilled
that we’re having this baby.”  He leans over and gives Ti a quick light kiss,
placing his hand on her belly.

     “I will have Jenna set your next appointment.  I’d like to see
you back in six weeks.  You’ll be well into your second trimester and we can do
the ultrasound then.”

     “Sounds great.”

     Dr. Montenegro walks over to the door.  “I’ll be right back
with a little surprise for the both of you.”

     When she leaves, Tiressa hops down from the examining table,
swaying slightly.  Antonio rushes to put his arms around her waist, steadying
her.  “Ti, Beverly just told you not to get up like that.”

     “I know, I guess I forgot.”

     “You’re going to have to be more careful, Baby.”

     “You’re right, there are a lot of things I’m going to have to
get used to.”

     “There are a lot of things we’re both going to have to get used

     After a quick courtesy tap on the door, Dr. Montenegro reenters
carrying a pink, blue, yellow and green gift bag.  “Come on back to the desk,
I’m writing you a prescription for prenatal vitamins and we’ll discuss your
next visit.”

     Once Tiressa and Antonio are seated across from the doctor,
she begins explaining.  “Although ultrasounds are harmless, I prefer to give
only one ultrasound exam during the length of the pregnancy unless it becomes
medically necessary due to concerns or complications.  It’s becoming more and
more popular to offer first trimester ultrasounds, but ultrasounds done that
early in the pregnancy are basically done to tell the parents the sex of the
baby and not much more.  The most common screening still remains the
mid-pregnancy ultrasound, which is usually done between sixteen and twenty weeks. 
Mid-pregnancy ultrasounds are preferred because it gives you the most
information…all of the baby’s anatomy is in place and a detailed assessment can
be done to ensure that there are no abnormalities.  We will take basic
measurements of your baby’s head, abdomen, and bones.  We will be able to get
an estimate of how much the baby weighs and exactly how far along you are.  But
the most exciting thing we will be able to tell you whether you’re having a boy
or girl, if you want to know.  We’ll be able to point out the baby’s tiny body
parts…fingers, hands, arms, legs, feet.  We’ll check the placenta and the fluid
around the baby.  We can look at the baby’s brain, heart, and lungs.  As I
said, the mid-pregnancy ultrasound will be very comprehensive, which is why I
like to wait until my mothers-to-be are at least sixteen weeks along.  Now if
you must know the sex of your baby we can schedule an ultra sound earlier, but
it won’t yield nearly as much information,” she concludes looking at Tiressa
and Antonio expectantly.

     They look at each other and agree simultaneously, “No, we can

     “Good!  Before we conclude this lovely visit, do either of you
have any questions or concerns?”

     “No,” Ti says immediately.

     “Yes,” Antonio says with a flush creeping up his neck and into
his face.

     “Okay, Antonio, let’s hear it.”

     “As you know Tiressa was in a car accident less than a week
ago.”  When Beverly nods her head, he continues, “I know that Chase—you
remember Chase Lassiter from college?”  Although her insides tighten at the
mention of that name, Beverly nods again.  “Chase gave Ti a clean bill of
health and now you’ve given her one as well, but I’m still concerned about…” 
He glances over at Tiressa, who has now caught on to what he wants to ask and
dips her head in embarrassment.  “I want to make love to Ti, but I don’t want
to hurt the baby.”

     “There’s no need to be embarrassed,” the doctor says looking
between Antonio and Tiressa.  “This is a common question that all couples
have.  Tiressa is young, strong and healthy.  I don’t foresee any complications
in this pregnancy and as long as you don’t have her swinging from the
chandelier, you can have an energetic sex life.”

     “And if I happen to be well-endowed?” Antonio asks with a straight

     “Oh gawd Tony…”  Tiressa murmurs in extreme embarrassment,
wishing the visit were over already. 

     “If you are well-endowed, I would caution you to be gentler in
your lovemaking, but that won’t be necessary until Tiressa is much further
along.  The baby appears to be firmly settled in, so an energetic sex life is
not only possible, I highly recommend it,” she smiles at Tiressa and winks at
Antonio—and again Tiressa speculates if these two have ever been intimate. 

     “Are there any more questions or concerns?”

     This time they both say no.

     “Good!  Now, here is the little surprise I promised you.”  She
plucks the colorful gift bag off the floor and places it in front of Tiressa. 
“All my mothers-to-be receive a gift bag to celebrate their impending arrival. 
It’s full of treats and goodies and the absolute best reading material every
expectant parent should have; go ahead, take a look inside,” Beverly encourages
with a wide smile.  Tiressa takes the bag off the desk and slides it onto her
lap.  She reads the title of the book as she is taking it out of the bag, “What
To Expect When You’re Expecting.  Oh, I remember my sister Mya, having this
book when she was pregnant with her daughter.  Thank you Dr. Montenegro, for
everything.  I feel better knowing that you’re going to be my doctor,” Ti fibs,
still not certain she wants such a beautiful woman as her doctor with Antonio
seeing her get bigger and more bloated and this creature remaining slim and
gorgeous.  She doesn’t think her self-confidence can withstand that.

     “Oh, please call me Beverly.  I hope to be more than your
physician, Tiressa.  We, my husband, Thad and I, hope to have you and Antonio
over for dinner soon.  Please say you’ll come.”  Her expression is open and she
appears to be genuine in her offer of friendship.  Ti looks to Antonio with a
question in her expressive eyes.  Receiving a silent agreement from him, she
turns back to the doctor.  “Yes, we’d love to join you and your husband for

     “Wonderful!  Antonio is important to us, and now, so are you. 
Love is always beautiful to see.  I’m glad you’ve found yours Tony.”  Beverly
Montenegro smiles brilliantly at the both of them.  Although the other woman
hasn’t flirted once with Antonio, she’s so attractive that Tiressa finds it
difficult to believe that they have only been
if it was years ago.  Tiressa’s heart sinks a little, knowing that she will not
feel comfortable with this situation until she finds out the truth.








     On the way home from a fun game of bowling with Nicholas and his
wife, Maria, Tiressa finally broaches an issue that’s been weighing on her mind
since her doctor’s appointment.  

     “She’s very beautiful.”  Ti observes Antonio closely.

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