Awakened Desires (38 page)

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Authors: Rissa Blakeley

BOOK: Awakened Desires
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Chapter 30

The sun was setting. From the grimy window by the front door, Quinn watched me going over the weapons with everybody. I knew everything there was to know about weapons. Besides knowing how to use every one, I could take them apart and put them back together in a snap. She occasionally witnessed it when I was bored.

I glanced at Quinn when she opened the door and stepped out onto the dilapidated steps. The cold air rushed at her like a slap in the face, making her cheeks a beautiful pink. I smiled at her, then turned back around to continue instructing Levi.

In between showing him how to load and unload the rifle, along with proper positioning, I rubbed my neck. The ache was blooming, but I was so engrossed in showing Levi how to use the weapon, I was ignoring it.


“Yeah?” I didn’t look back at her.

“Can you come here?”

I told Levi that I would be right back. As I walked up to Quinn, I rubbed my neck again. “What’s going on, love?” I leaned on the railing and kissed her.

“I think it’s time you came in.” She tapped my nose with her finger. I smirked. “It’s getting dark and colder. Plus, I noticed that you’re in need.”

“I’m in need of a few things,” I said in a low, gritty voice.

“I bet, but you need a fix. You’re graying and you’ve been rubbing your neck.”

“Yeah, I know. Shannon already asked me what was wrong with my eyes.”

Quinn’s eyes opened wide. “What did you say?”

“The truth. That they look grayer sometimes. No worries, love. I’ve got it handled.” I pulled Quinn close to me and groaned into her ear. Then I whispered, “I need you so very badly.”

“We need food Gunther.” She pushed me back. “We’re almost out.”

“Why do you have to ruin this moment with your practical side?” I asked with a sigh.

“So sorry. Next time, I will think about your raw animal desire to fuck me senseless before I open my mouth to tell you about our situation with life’s necessities.”

“That’s my girl,” I laughed. “I’ll talk to them about going out first thing to see what we can find.”

“That worries me with your leg.”

“Love, I’m doing well. I’m walking well.”

“You still aren’t one hundred percent, so I’m still worried. I’m also worried something will happen to you if you are with Mitch.” She looked past my shoulder. “He’s watching us.”

“Don’t worry about me. Worry about him. I can handle him. I won’t let him catch me off guard.” Quinn sighed. “The circumstances were a little different when he shot me.”

“Fine. Now, let’s get everyone inside.”

I went back to where the crew was standing. She stayed put and watched from the steps. “Momma Quinn wants us inside.” I glanced back at her and she rolled her eyes at me. Everyone picked up the weapons that were strewn about and headed back into the shack.

Josie was kneeling on the floor, looking at what food we had left in the one lonely bag that still had a few supplies in it. There was one tin of soup, a half-eaten box of crackers, two protein bars, and one crushed snack cake. We were fine on water because of the pump behind the shack.

The crew still had a couple military packs full of MRE’s that they stole when they raided that military base. They had offered to share a few times. Josie practically salivated every time they busted them open.

“That’s it?” I asked her. She looked at me disapprovingly. “I take that as a yes. You and Quinn eat up. I’ll be fine.”

That was a lie, but it was a sacrifice a man made for his family. Janny quietly approached and spoke to Levi and Mitch. Then she went to one of their packs and pulled out six MRE’s. She walked over to me and held them out. “Here, take these.” Janny smiled. “You guys need some nutrition. Y’all are looking sickly.”

Josie’s face lit up, until I said, “No, thank you.” I put my hand up, refusing Janny’s generous offer. “I don’t want to owe anymore favors.”

“It’s a gesture of kindness from me. No favors owed.”

I shook my head, then in a lowered voice said, “I don’t trust him.” My eyes darted toward Mitch.

“I know, but please. At least take a couple for your girls.” I looked back at Josie, who was looking desperate. I sighed and took all six that Janny offered.

“Thank you,” I murmured. “You’re very kind.” I rolled my lips into my mouth, feeling the emotions overwhelming me.

Janny smiled. “You are, as well. You just need to let people in.” She patted me on the shoulder.

“I wish I could.” I frowned. “It was hard enough letting Quinn in. I think she knows more about me than I do about myself.”

“I’m willing to bet that’s the truth. You are good for one another.” She patted me on the shoulder once more. “I just have one piece of advice…”

I furrowed my brows at her. “What’s that?”

“Always, no matter what, show affection and tell her how you feel about her. A woman needs that no matter what’s going on around her.”

I smiled and nodded. “Yes, I will. Thank you.” It was out of character for me, but I appreciated Janny’s generosity so much that I pulled her into a quick embrace.

I headed into the bedroom to show Quinn what Janny had given us. She was leaning over the bed, adjusting the pillows. Her hips swayed and I was done. I dropped the MRE’s on the bed and pulled her into me. I jammed my hands into her hair, pulling her face to mine, kissing her with great desire. Within in a second, she pushed me away. “What? What’s wrong?”

“Have you discussed with anyone about going out tomorrow morning to find some food?” I rolled my eyes. “
Gunther, don’t roll your eyes at me.

“Quinn…” I quirked a brow at her. I hated it when she spoke to me like I was a child, but I decided to let it go for the time being. “Your practicality is not very romantic. And no, I haven’t.” She raised an eyebrow at me. Disgruntled, I dropped my hands down by my side and walked back out of the room, Quinn following me out.

The entire shack was lit by the fireplace. It still wasn’t very warm in there because the walls were thin and the door and windows weren’t exactly top of the line, but some warmth was better than no warmth at all.

I sat down on the floor. The women had been doing their best to clean up the shack, so the floor was cleaner than it had probably been in years. I pulled my knees up and rested my arms on them. “First thing tomorrow morning,” my booming voice startled some of them, “I need to head out and find some supplies. Anyone is welcome to come with me.” I paused and looked around the room, waiting for volunteers. “Okay, well, I guess I’m going alone.” It didn’t bother me in the slightest, but you never know what would happen out there.

I started to stand, then Josie spoke up, “I’ll go with you,” Josie said.

I sat back down. “You will not.”

“You do realize that I’m
a child, right?” she snapped at me.

“Pretty close to being one.” Josie gasped. She positioned herself so her back was to me. I shrugged.

Shannon spoke up, “Josie, he just wants you to be safe.”

“Whatever. I am just as capable of shooting undeads
people who have tried to kill him.” Her voice was venomous as she was reminding me that she saved my life not long ago.

“I never said you weren’t. You are a great shot, love, but I need someone to stay here with Quinn.”

“Who said
was staying?”

“Holy fuck. I don’t want to argue about this, Quinn.” She scoffed at me. Great, I was pissing everyone off. I looked over at the rest of the men in the room. “Reid, Levi, Mitch…any of you care to go? We can divide up whatever we find.”

Reid raised his hand. “I’m up for it.”

“Yeah, I will go, too,” Levi said, glancing at Mitch, who was rubbing his hands together slowly and methodically in front of his wooly face.

“Mitch? Are you going to go?” Eve’s words were laced with concern.

“I think I will stay.”

That didn’t make me happy by any means. We were already outnumbered two to one. I worried about what could happen to Quinn or Josie when I wasn’t there to protect them. I glanced back over my shoulder at Quinn and she knew I what I was feeling.

“Okay. We’ll take my truck at daybreak.” I stood up in haste and grabbed Quinn’s arm. I practically dragged her into the bedroom and slammed the door.

“What is your malfunction?” she heatedly whispered, yanking her arm from my grip.

“If he harms a single hair on your or Josie’s head, I will fucking kill him and drain him. Not necessarily in that order.” She hushed me. “I mean it, Quinn. I don’t like this. Not one bit.”

“I know, but we will be fine. I have my gun.” No matter what she said, I was still tensed up. I paced as much as I could in the small room. My hand went to my forehead and I squeezed my temples. “Here…” She patted the bed. “Sit down.” Since I was so tense that my shoulders were rounding up around my neck, I did as she asked.

After lighting a candle, she kneeled behind me on the bed, lovingly placing her hands on my shoulders and began kneading out the knotting and stiffness. I groaned a few times, enjoying her touch. Tilting my head back to look up at her, a hiss broke from my parted lips. My spine ached more than I thought.

“Grab the stuff and I will give you three vials.”
So generous.
As I got up and pulled my pack out from under the bed, Quinn settled up against the headboard. I sat down next to her and readied everything I needed to perform the draw. I tied her arm off and hooked her up.

While still sitting next to her, I ingested the thick, salty blood. Before the high hit me like a ton of bricks, I leaned back against the headboard next to her, teetering on the edge of reality. I felt it creeping through my insides. Life was working its way through, drowning the death that was bubbling to the surface. I closed my eyes, enjoying the incredible rush that burst through my brain like fireworks. A tingle ran rampant and my J.T. stiffened. I groaned, feeling my body surge alive.

Quinn climbed on top of me, straddling my lap and pinning my arms down. She felt magnificent. She wanted to fuck me, but I needed to possess her. I popped my eyelids open. They shone brilliantly in the candlelight and I smirked deviously as she leaned down and planted her glorious lips on mine. Another groan rumbled through my body, setting hers ablaze. My hips bucked up, making her shift hers across my hard length.

My lips rested on her cheek as I spoke, “I want you so badly, my love. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since our last encounter.”

“Oh, really?” she purred in my ear. I shuddered under her when she ran her tongue around my ear and nipped the lobe. She let out a sexy laugh against my neck, moving back to my lips and seductively kissing me. Her chest was pressed against mine.

Game over, I needed to touch her. I pulled my arms free, fisted her hair, and held her close to my face. “You have no fucking idea how desperate I am to sink into you and fuck you so hard that the stars fall from the sky,” I murmured into her ear as I kissed my way down her neck.

“I think I do.” She rocked her hips, pressing down on mine. I gasped as the zipper on my cargoes bit down on J.T.
Fuck me
. It hurt like hell, but was so exhilarating

I grabbed her and rolled her over. My kissing grew deeper and more possessive. I pulled off my shirt, exposing my muscled chest to her. She smiled. I pulled her shirt off in haste. My hands started running up and down Quinn’s stunning body, as she ran her hands up and down mine.

Quinn gasped when I grabbed her and picked her up. She gave me a confused look, until I pinned her up against the outside wall next to the bed. I kissed her with a hunger that only I could possess for her. “The bed is too noisy, and I need to fuck you hard.” She looked nervous, obviously unsure of what I was going to do. “Just go with the flow, love. I’ve got you. Allow yourself to enjoy this moment with me. I promise you that pot of gold.” She didn’t need to worry. I was going to make it glorious for her.

Pinning her against the wall, I managed to strip both of us down. I was like a wild animal, pawing at her and surging against her. Judging from the moans that were traveling from her throat to her lips, she was loving every second of it. My J.T. was hard and painfully throbbing.

I couldn’t imagine thrusting myself into any other woman again. Quinn was all I desired and all I needed. No one could ever match up. I wondered if James was ever as hungry to be with her. If he wasn’t, she must now know what she was missing out on during her entire relationship with him. I was going to make every moment with her count.

As I lifted her, forcing her to wrap her legs around my waist, she sucked in a hard breath. Slapping my hand over her mouth to muffle any sound, I slowly set her down on myself. Her uncontrolled breathing had me close to coming apart as my thickness invaded her, waiting for her to open for me.

“Let me know, love,” I whispered in her ear. “Take your time.”

After a few moments, she indicated that she was ready. While pushing her up against the wall, I grabbed her backside and rocked into her. Oh god. It was so bloody hard not to scream in pleasure. I couldn’t wait until we were at a point where I could take her properly, loudly expressing what she did to me.

She made me feel so good, like nobody ever has before. I swear, she could make me come in seconds. She was so tight, so warm, and so very slick. We fit perfectly together, as if she was made for me.

Within minutes of roughly pumping into Quinn, I had taken her from zero to sixty and beyond. She came so hard, falling apart in my arms. Tucking her head into my neck, her arms dangled over my shoulders. Her weakened body shook to the core. The fierce pulsations grabbed onto my John Thomas and there was no holding back anymore. I growled as I viciously pumped into her.

I exploded, spilling my seed into her, fighting the sounds that wanted to desperately escape my throat. I couldn’t breathe, think, catch my bearings, or find my reality. Keeping her pinned against the wall, it took a substantial amount of time before I was able to move us back to the bed.

Curling up with her, we enjoyed one of the rare moments we had alone. That was how I wanted to live—not like a robot, a machine, or a monster. I wanted to wake up every morning next to her and live as normal a life as a half-dead could. At that point in our short relationship, a day without her in my arms was unimaginable. I never wanted to let her go, and I never would.

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