Awakened Desires (39 page)

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Authors: Rissa Blakeley

BOOK: Awakened Desires
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I twisted strands of her wavy brown hair around my fingers. She gazed into my eyes, trying to absorb everything about me. Then her delicate fingers traced over my lips.

“I love you, Quinn.” I smiled shyly at her. It was rare when I showed my vulnerable side, but she brought it out of me. “So much. It’s unimaginable for me to even be able to think and feel this way. I never thought it could happen in my life. I love you so fucking much.” I laid a soft kiss on her amazing lips.

“We have both had our struggles dealing with this. It’s definitely been a journey emotionally, and will continue to be.” She brushed her fingers across my scruffy face.

“You’re right. It definitely has been a journey, but I’ll love every second of it as long as that journey continues to be with you.”

We stared at one another for a few minutes. “I’m worried about you leaving tomorrow.” Her hand danced across my chest.

“I’m worried to leave you with him. I swear, Quinn, I’ll fuck him up if he even thinks about you the wrong way. I don’t trust him. It’s almost like he is weaving this devious plan just to get my goat.”

“I won’t go anywhere alone with him, nor will I allow Josie. If I have to tie her up, I will.”

“Maybe I should tie
up before I leave, just for my own peace of mind,” I mumbled to myself.

“Now, now. You have to play nice.” She tapped my nose with her fingertip, smiling.

“I don’t play well with others,” I mumbled.

“Nothing truer has ever been said.” Quinn giggled.

“Oh…I see how it is.” I pushed her over and pulled myself up on her, forcing her legs apart. “Let’s see if I can show you how well I can play with you.”

“I think I already know the answer to that.” She smirked and wrapped her arms around my neck.

“Well, let’s just emphasize it then, shall we?” And just like that, I was ready to take her again.

Once again, the sun crept its way up the bed. I squirmed around when I realized it was violating every part of my being. Quinn groaned in her sleep, which made me smile. A touch to her face with my cool hand jolted her awake.

“Good morning, my foxy lady,” I rasped as I ran my hand up her body. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“I’m pretty sure my foxiness isn’t around in the mornings.”

“I have to greatly disagree. It envelops you, and you wear it well.”

Quinn was about to respond when I put my finger to her lips. There was a murmur of voices just outside the window. I slipped back into program mode.

Slowly and quietly, we put our clothes on. Then I stood next to the window, listening intently, stalking my prey. Quinn listened in, as well, and her eyes popped out when she realized it was part of the other crew arguing.

“I don’t care what you have to say. We need that fucking truck,” Mitch growled.

The conversation was very heated and Mitch had no idea we could hear them. I was stiff and ready for a fight.

“I’m not causing any harm to him,” Reid said. “He’s a decent man. He didn’t have to allow us in.”

Taking one more step closer, I could see them through the window. Levi just stood there, silent and observing. He seemed to be too afraid to get involved.

take him out!” Mitch raged on. “I’m sure he’s plotting my death. It couldn’t be any more perfect. While you’re out with him, kill him and say one of those fucking zombie things got him.”

Quinn grabbed my hand. I clasped hers firmly, hoping it reassured her.

“I’m not killing anyone for you.”

“We need that truck!” Mitch yelled, fists clenched. “How are we supposed to move on?”

Levi finally said, “Exactly what we have been doing this entire time. Walk!”

“It would give us some protection!” Mitch barked.

“I’m not doing it,” Reid said adamantly.

“Fine. I will take care of it myself then.” Mitch stalked off.

Quinn stood there in shock. Her chin was trembling while I tried to put her mind at ease. I pulled her close. “It’s going to be okay, love. This is something I can handle.”

She could barely choke out the words, “He’s going to try and kill you.”

“Not if I get to him first.”

Stepping back from Quinn, I grabbed my gun and checked it. I pulled out an extra clip from my pack and slipped it into my pocket. Quinn grabbed my arm, knowing that if she didn’t stop me, I would go out there and blow Mitch’s ugly fucking mug right off his neck.

“Gunther…you can’t.”

“The fuck I can’t,” I grumbled.

“Please, listen to me. You can’t just go around shooting people.”

“Did you not just hear what was said?”

hear it. Let’s just stick with the plan. You take Levi and Reid and go find us supplies.”

“I am
leaving you alone with him. Period. End of fucking story.”

“Then what are we going to do?”

“I’m taking him with me.” Quinn’s face scrunched up in worry. “It will be fine. Trust me.” I smirked, then tucked my gun in the back of my pants. I put on my weapons vest and threw on a shirt over that. Quinn watched me gear up and be that pre-programmed machine I would always be.

I could see the anxiety racing through her. “I can’t let you go,” she said quietly, tears forming in her eyes. Grabbing her by the shoulders, I looked in her eyes.

“We need supplies. Food, clothing. I have to go.”

She became desperate. “Let’s just leave. You, me, and Josie. Let’s just go. Then we can look while we travel.” I thought about what she said for a good minute or two. It was a good idea and made bloody sense.

“Okay. Start packing up.” I kissed her on the forehead and opened the door, only to be met by Mitch’s gun aimed at my head. Quinn screamed and I pushed her behind the door. Reid had Mitch in his sights.

“Good morning to you, as well.” I aggressively shouldered Mitch aside, even though he had his gun aimed at my head.

My boldness, which was the mark of a well-trained professional, pissed Mitch off. I wasn’t going to let him inside my head, but I knew I could crawl up in that empty space of his and fuck around with him so much that he would tweak.

With the exception of Reid, who still had his gun aimed at Mitch, I noticed that the rest of the crew and Josie were not inside. I knelt down and began loading my vest up, keeping my focus on Mitch.

“Give me the keys to your truck.”

I laughed loudly while tucking my favorite knife in my vest. “I do believe I may have misheard you. Did you just
to tell me to give you the keys to my truck?”

“You heard me right.”

Again, I laughed, which made Mitch even angrier.
Check and mate, arsehole.

“Mitch, put the gun down,” demanded Reid.

“Shut up!” Mitch roared.

I stood up and noticed Quinn peering around the bedroom door. Mitch saw my eyes shift towards the bedroom.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Motherfucking rookie mistake.

He took the opportunity to reach around the door frame and grab Quinn by the hair. He put her in a headlock and dragged her out to the common area, the gun jammed to her head.

“You let her go…now!” I growled. It was Mitch’s turn to laugh. “I swear I will rip your fucking throat out if you don’t let her go!”

Quinn was crying and it killed me to hear it. I couldn’t believe I put her in that position.

“Let’s barter, shall we? The truck for your whore.”

I was seething.
How dare he do this to my Quinn?

“Let her go, Mitch!” Reid yelled with his arm shaking, still holding out the gun. I stepped closer.

“Stand down!” Mitch screamed.

“Gunther, just do it! Just give him the keys,” cried Quinn.

She was so scared, as was I, but I couldn’t show my fear. It was my job to save her and protect her. “No.” My voice became even and tight. “He is going to let you go, then we are leaving.” Mitch laughed again. The flames flickered in my eyes and my jaw clenched.

I had gone into full program mode. I was only about five feet away from Quinn. My hands were down at my side and my fingers were twitching. I looked in her eyes, signaling that I was about to make my move.

In one swift move, I launched myself on top of Mitch and Quinn, not worrying about being shot. I shoved Quinn out of the way, getting her out of the line of fire. I couldn’t have cared less about me.

Mitch didn’t have a chance against me. He may have been similar in height, but I was far too fast and far too strong. The sound of fists hitting flesh filled the tiny shack.

I picked him up, pinning him against the wall, my forearm pressed against his throat. That, combined with his swollen and bloody face, made it hard for him to breathe. I reached into my vest and pulled out my trusty large hunting knife. As I was on the verge of slitting Mitch’s throat, there was a scuffle behind me. Then someone screamed.

“Gunther! Stop!” Eve implored. My eyes zoned in on the small trickle of blood running down Mitch’s throat and down the blade of the knife. I had to focus or I would have had a taste and exposed myself for what I really was. I was near growling while standing nose-to-nose. Mitch’s eyes were pleading with me. Eve grabbed my arm. “Gunther, please!”

“Quinn’s hurt!” I turned around and saw Josie cradling her. Levi was leaning over her, examining her. I dropped Mitch and ran over there.

“Quinn!” I grabbed her. “What happened?”

“When you pushed her away, she fell and hit her head on the fireplace,” Reid said.

As I shook with fury, I jumped up and ran back to Mitch. He was still gasping for breath, while Eve was trying to help him up. “I’m not done with you yet! Move, Eve!”

“Gunther, no. Please.” Eve held her hands up, frantically trying to keep me back. “Whatever he did, I will fix it.”

“He tried to kill Quinn! You can’t fucking fix that!”

“What?” Eve spun around and glared at Mitch, who was leaning against the wall behind her, holding his throat and coughing.

“It’s true,” Reid said. “He tried to talk us into killing Gunther while we were out on the scavenging trip.” The blood drained from Eve’s face. “Obviously, I refused. He wanted us to take his truck. So, after you guys went outside to clean up this morning, Gunther came out of the bedroom and Mitch tried killing him. But he had the brilliant idea of taking Quinn hostage when Gunther wouldn’t play along.”

“You disgusting son of a bitch!” Eve slapped Mitch across the face. He cried out in pain. “I shouldn’t have stopped him! How dare you! Shooting him once was enough, don’t you think? These are good people!” she yelled, pointing in my direction.

I stood there, seething. Every fiber of my being wanted to drain Mitch. It was a chore to restrain myself.

“Gunther…” Quinn’s voice was raspy. I whipped my head around and her eyelids were slits. I rushed to her side, only to have her pass out again.

“Love… I’m so sorry.” My hand shaking, I grabbed her hand and held it up to my mouth. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Cue my vulnerable side—bad motherfucking timing.
Tears trickled down my face. I couldn’t bear that I was the one who hurt her. “I’m so sorry.” When I rested my forehead on her abdomen, she woke up again, reaching up to touch my ear. “I told you I wasn’t good enough for you.”

Levi interrupted my uncomfortable confession and pity party. “Let’s get her to the bed so I can check her out.”

Gently, I picked up Quinn and carried her to our bed. As I lay her down, she moaned. Hovering over her and touching her cheek with the back of my trembling hand, I continuously apologized. The tears rolled down my face, dripping onto her. It was certain in my mind that I had hurt her so badly, she was going to die.

In a soft voice, Levi said, “Let me take a look at her.”

Wiping my face with the back of my hand, I stood up and allowed Levi to pass by me, then sat at the end of the bed, watching him examine her. “Is she going to be okay? Please tell me yes. I can’t handle you telling me no.”

“I think so. Her heart rate and blood pressure are good. Her pupils are reactive. She may have a concussion, though. We will have to keep a close eye on her for a few days.” Levi laid a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “I don’t think you know your own strength, my friend.”

“He was going to shoot her. I had to do something.”

“Mitch tends to think he’s much more important than he really is.”

I nodded. “Thank you.” I held out my hand to him.

“You’re welcome. After I take a look at his sorry ass, I will come back and check on her again.” Levi pursed his lips as he headed out the door to go check on Mitch.

Josie was standing in the doorway. “So is she going to be all right?” I looked up at her with my remorseful eyes, and it was unmistakable to me that Josie was shook up.

“Levi said she may have a concussion. But he thinks that she will be okay.” She breathed a sigh of relief. “I can’t believe I did this to her. I just wanted her out of the way. I was afraid he was…” I stopped unable to say it. I was so afraid I was going to lose her.

“I’m sure she isn’t upset with you. You did what you had to do. Don’t beat yourself up. It was an accident.”

“I told her that I wasn’t good for her. Look what I did.”

“She’s tough and she is going be fine. You will see. I’ll leave you alone with her.” Josie sounded like she was consoling a younger sibling. She rubbed my shoulder a little, just like she had seen Quinn do a few times. It was a little awkward, especially since I was old enough to be her father. That was the moment I realized how truly broken I was.

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