Awakened Desires (52 page)

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Authors: Rissa Blakeley

BOOK: Awakened Desires
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,” I growled. “But I’m going with you.”

,” Quinn mimicked my tone. “But you have to behave.” She leaned in and kissed me.

I groaned again. “Now, you know I don’t know how to behave, love.”

“If you behave,” she drummed her fingers on my firm chest and spoke to me while looking up through her lush eyelashes, “I will show you later how
don’t know how to behave.”

I jacked up a brow. I didn’t even need a second to think about it. A devious smirk lifted my lips. “I promise to be on my best behavior.”

“I mean it, Gunther. I’m holding you to it.”

“You have no fucking idea how much I’m going behave.”

Quinn gave me one last glare before we walked, hand-in-hand, to where Henry was standing. He was focused on Elaina, who hadn’t moved. She still had her knees pulled into her chest, her head resting on them. “How’s she doing?” Quinn asked.

“She’s a wreck. My heart hurts unspeakable amounts for her.” He wiped the tears out of his eyes.

“I can see how much you adore her. How long did you know Claire?”

“A couple years. She was a great person. Always levelheaded and always kept Elaina on track.” Henry’s sigh tangled with a shudder. Then he looked at me. “Did she talk to you about our deal?”


“One bag.” Henry held out his hand and we shook.

“I will hold you to it,” I growled.

“You have my word.”

Quinn put her hand on ours. “Let’s get this thing done,” she murmured.

“Thomas!” Henry called out. “Come with us.” Thomas followed behind Henry like an obedient child.

“Josie, come on,” I called out for her, and she did the same.

The four of us stormed into the school behind Henry. We walked past the clinic and turned left down the first hallway. The school seemed like it was abandoned. There were no signs of undeads or anyone else.

“You swept through the school?” I asked.

“For the most part. We’ve been here for a while now. It was a bit curious that it has been so quiet here. I think bombings or storms took out most of the undeads and humans. But I’m not exactly sure why there hasn’t been much activity here. Not that I’m complaining.”

We continued walking until we got to the middle of the corridor. Henry opened the door and there was a stack of gym mats on the floor against the wall with blankets and pillows laid out like a bed. There were clothes neatly stacked up, along with books and personal items on shelves. Everything was perfectly positioned and aligned. I figured it was his and Elaina’s room.

Henry grabbed a pack that was exactly like mine and pulled out the supplies he needed for the draw. “Thomas, can you give Nick a bag?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“What’s going on?” Josie asked.

“I’m giving Henry a bag in exchange for Gunther’s life. If I do so, he will allow him to live freely here.” Josie’s eyebrows rose as she took in the silent snarl lingering on my lips.

“I can give Gunther a bag,” she offered.

Quinn looked at me and I shrugged. “Only if you want to.”

“I’m okay with it.”

“Alright then. Everyone have a seat over on my bed and I will get you all hooked up,” Henry said.

I walked over with Quinn, and Henry looked at me. “I’m not leaving her side.” My voice was firm. Quinn elbowed me in the stomach.

“Do what you want. I have no intention of harming her.”

Henry got busy hooking everyone up, starting with Thomas. I sat down on the mat in between Quinn and Josie.

“May I ask a question?” Asking permission for something was a little different for me. Obviously, I was trying to show Quinn I was on my best behavior. I was used to being the bloke in charge, but I had to respect Henry because he was allowing me to stay.

Henry’s skeptical eyes met mine. “I suppose…”

“Is there a place we can lay down for a while? We’re beat.” I smiled. Quinn rolled her eyes.

“Yeah. Once the draw is done, I will set you up with a room. We have plenty of bedding to share and already a few rooms set up just in case we had company.”

“We do, as well. But it’s about fifteen miles back.”

“Right. Well, if you plan on staying here, we will go get your things in the morning.”

“Sounds good.” I looked at Quinn and smiled. She laughed.

“What’s so funny?” Josie immediately regretted asking the question.

-mind what Mummy and Daddy are talking about, little lass.” I was still smiling.

“Ugh. I don’t even want to know,” Josie snapped. “You two gross me out.”

Henry chuckled a little. He knew exactly what was going to transpire. The all-too-familiar sex marathon was looming around the corner. I was pleased that I was going to be able to properly bed Quinn for a change. I couldn’t wait to fuck her roughly, then make love to her throughout the night.

Henry kicked back in the teacher’s chair and his boots thudded on the desktop. He pulled his ball cap down over his tired eyes. It looked like he figured he would catnap for a few minutes while he waited for us to finish.

I watched him pull out a bottle from a box next to the desk, twist the cap off, and swirl the half empty bottle. He looked up, feeling my prying eyes focused on him. He tipped the bottle back, the amber liquid sloshing toward his lips, while glaring at me, almost daring me to say something. Several swallows later, the bottle rested between his legs, his fingers drumming on the neck.

After the draw was complete, the three happy donors ate a little sugary food to keep them going. Once Thomas was feeling okay, he went back outside and fetched Nick.

Minutes later, Nick opened the door and slid down the wall just inside the room. His turmoil hit me like a massive fist to the chest, radiating straight through my core. I had to look away from him. I took a few pulls off of the bag. The tight squeeze of the emotion and the liquid boulder near choked me as they headed into the pit of my stomach.

Henry rifled through that same box and pulled out another bottle. He palmed Nick on the shoulder and handed him the bag and the bottle of booze.

“Drink up, mate. It’s all yours. Take this, too. It will help you sleep tonight.” Nick’s hand shook as he reached out for Henry’s gift. I watched him fish a knife out of his pocket and cut open the bag, careful not to spill a precious drop of Thomas’ donation. He was a mess and it was my bloody fault. I glanced back at Quinn and she curled her lips into her mouth. She reached up and rubbed my ear.

Henry focused his attention on me. “Finish that up and I will take you where you can get some rest.” My head was already buzzing before I tipped back the rest. Quinn helped me to my feet and I swayed even before my first step.

“Henry, aren’t you going to drink yours?” Quinn was a bit upset that she just gave him a bag and he hadn’t touched it yet.

“I will. I can’t take you guys to your room, keep an eye on Nick, get the others settled, and take care of my love while I’m completely fucked up.”

I smiled and laughed. “What?” Quinn asked.

“Nothing,” I chuckled. “I need to stop for a sec.” I paused and leaned on the wall, waiting for the earth to stop spinning.

“Come on. We have to get you settled.” Quinn was practically dragging me out the door and down the hallway.

Henry stopped at a door and opened it. The interior was dark due to the windows being covered with paper. All of the desks and chairs were stacked up along the wall. There were gym mats and blankets neatly stacked, as well. It almost felt as if he was expecting us.

“Welcome to Chez Daniels, folks. Enjoy your stay.” He waved us in. “In the morning, we will drive down and get your things, if that is what you choose.”

“Thanks,” Quinn murmured. “I appreciate your kindness.”

Henry looked past Quinn. “You’re welcome. Keep an eye on him. He looks as if he is completely gone.” I had braced myself against the wall and dug the heels of my hands deep into my eyes.

“I will. Thanks.”

“Yeah. I’m going to get Josie and Cora set up.” Quinn smiled. Henry shut the door and I heard the lock engage.

I dropped my hands. Quinn walked over to the mats and set it up so we would have a place to lay down. My jelly-filled legs began to give out. She rushed back to me when she noticed that I was heading toward the floor.

“Hey, now. Come on.” She helped me stand back upright.

I seized the opportunity and grabbed the back of her neck, pulled her into me, and kissed her—possessing her. I opened my eyes. She gasped through the kiss when the green tunneled through the darkness, lighting the way to my soul.

“I was on my absolute
behavior.” My voice grew grittier and I kissed her again, a little hungrier than the last, fisting the hair at the back of her head. “Now, you have to keep up your end of the bargain,” I growled into her lips.

Her eyes did a devious dance of wanton lust. She crushed up against me, trapping my throbbing J.T. between us. I cursed as she gripped me through my pants. I ran my hands up and down her back.

“Don’t you fret.” Her voice was raspy, and—oh, my god—so bloody sexy. “I’m about to show you how it’s really done,” she purred while poking me in the chest.

A little raw edge hit my voice. “Oh, really?”

She pushed up against me again, and I was past ready to claim my hard-earned reward. She kissed me and touched me everywhere my skin was exposed. Feeling her delicate, but aggressive lips working their way around my neck made my desire for Quinn burn hotter than ever. In a snap, my breathing had progressed from normal to an uncontrollable pant. Under her expert hands, my clothes were being torn fast and furiously from my body.

I groaned as she moved slowly and deliberately, working her way down from my face to my naked chest. Kneading my hard muscles, she kissed and dragged her fingernails down my chest.

Jesus suffering fuck.

Quinn teased me with her velvet tongue right down to my abdomen, nipping at my skin. I groaned again. She ran her finger underneath the waist of my cargoes that were positioned just below my hips.

I felt her fidget with the button and they dropped to the floor with a thud, exposing every inch of J.T. Torturously, she ran her tongue all around me, except where I desperately needed it. She sunk to her knees and I barked out a curse. I threw my head back against the wall, enjoying every second of my reward.

A moan grew from the pit of my insides and broke out of my throat. I watched her take J.T. all the way down her throat, pulling away slow and steady. Her tongue traced every bulging vein and hard, rigid edge. She pushed my thighs apart and her slick tongue stroked that sensitive spot just behind my bollocks. She drew each one into her mouth, suckling and nibbling.

“Fuck!” I barked. I heard her chuckle as she ran her tongue back up my thick length. I shuddered and grabbed the sides of her head, forcing J.T. right down her throat. Her rhythm picked up, and each time she pulled back, she would rake her teeth along my shaft.

“Oh fuck, love.” I rolled my hips, my jaw hanging wide open. My moaned exhale came out with a full body tremble. I was almost there. “Christ, I’m going to come,” I growled. She stopped. “No! Don’t stop,” I pleaded. She stood up and peeled off her clothes. I watched her and licked my lips, full of want. She ran her hands down her body, pinching and massaging all the places that I desired to. “Oh god, you’re stunning.”

Quinn pressed her perky chest against mine. She ran her hand down to my wet J.T. Her lips were millimeters from mine when she said, “Take me.”

She didn’t have to say it twice. I picked her up and took her over to the bed. I flipped her so she was on her hands and knees, just the way I needed her. I palmed her soft area, feeling her moisture. I smirked, knowing my arousal made her feel the same.

Without warning, I plowed myself into her. She cried out as my thickness invaded her, making me growl over her tightness. I needed to fuck her like tomorrow wasn’t coming.

I pumped in and out of her, holding her hips still. She began bucking wildly and her body spilled more moisture onto me, pulsating furiously around J.T. While twisting the blankets within her fists, she cried out as the tremors roamed through her body. She was on the verge of collapsing. I had to wrap my arms around her torso to keep her from falling onto the bed.

I groaned, listening to her coming apart in my arms. My moment was at my tip. I pounded harder and faster. She was still overwhelmed and losing ground as I pushed her beyond her limits.

“Oh, love…,” I groaned. I looked down and watched myself pound in and out of her body. It was so erotic and turned it up a notch or two for me. I exploded into her. My body shuddered with such violence, my vision blurred.

I was completely out of breath. I laid over her back for a moment, our bodies slick with sweat, to catch my breath and gain back what vision I could. Slowly, I pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to her, resting my arm over my forehead. Quinn curled up next to me, her fingertips dancing around my cut abdomen. I was still reeling.

“How was your reward?” she murmured.

I lifted my arm and looked at her beautiful, smug face. “Fucking brill, love. I couldn’t ask for a better reward.” She smiled and nestled into my body, sighing with contentment, intertwining her legs with mine. I played with her hair, twisting it around my fingers as we quietly rested.

After a power nap, Quinn shifted her weight and straddled me. I groaned, looking at my love perched on top of me like she was claiming her very own prize. “You ready for round two?” Her sultry brown eyes glimmered in the darkness.

I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck, pulled her face down to my lips, and whispered, “More like are
ready for round two?” I was already hard and raring to go.

We rocked each other’s world late into the night. It may have been the morning before we were too exhausted to go another round.

Chapter 45

Josie’s eyes wandered around the room while she sat recovering from the donation she gave to Gunther. She cringed, knowing that he and Quinn were probably having sex right then.

Small sniffling noises coming from Nick drew her eyes in his direction. The sight of him made her feel his devastation, and made her tear up. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry about what happened to your family,” she murmured.

“Thank you,” Nick croaked into his hands.

Josie stood up and began nosing around the room, taking in everything that was Henry’s and Elaina’s. She noted a neatly arranged stack of what could’ve been journals next to a few photo albums. If she were alone, she might have grabbed one and taken a peek. Or even just messed them up a little.

Her slender fingers flitted over the perfectly lined up spines of a few spent text books, with subjects ranging from history to biology. She noticed a few sheets of paper slipped in between the pages as if someone was taking notes. Seemed out of place with of all of the precise, matched items.

On another shelf, various articles of clothing were arranged by type, color, pattern, and sex, folded neat. There were also personal hygiene supplies lined up in exact true rows—smallest to largest. She figured one or both of them had to be neat freaks or edging toward OCD. There was a spare handgun on the same shelf, the extra clips touching edge to edge. She picked up the gun and after a quick examination, she knew it was the same type of Sig that Gunther gave her to use.

Without a sound, Henry slipped into the room. He stood in the doorway, arms folded across his chest, and watched Josie wander around the room. She was curious, but wasn’t taking anything. A wave of anxiety rushed through him, worried that she would mess up his regulated sense of normalcy. He knew he would have to go back through the stacks and piles later to make sure they were set just as he needed them to be. When she picked up the gun, he felt her nosey behavior should come to an end.

The sound of a gruff throat clearing by the door startled Josie. With care, she set the gun back down on the shelf, and was happy it was getting dark in the room so Henry couldn’t see the flush of embarrassment on her face.

“I’ve set up a room for you and Cora’s family together. Is that’s fine?”

She fidgeted with her hands, not knowing where to place them. “Yeah. That’s fine.” She quickly walked to him. Her eyes gazed down at Nick, who had finished his donation. He had his head in his hands, resting his arms on his knees.

Henry knelt down to him and placed his hand on Nick’s shoulder. “How are you doing, mate?” He looked up and his face brought a new meaning to infinite sadness. Nick’s eyes were swollen and red, and his cheeks were tear-stained. Josie felt such despair for him. “Is there anything I can get for you?”

“Claire and my little Willow would be a start.” Nick’s words were so soft, but powerful.

Henry rubbed his shoulder, then he placed his palm on Nick’s cheek. “I would if I could, you know that.” He nodded at Henry’s sincere statement. “I’m going to get the rest of the kids set up for the night. Then I’m going to try to get Elaina to come in. Will you be okay in here for now?”

“Yeah,” Nick choked out.

“Alright. If you need help to your room, just hang here. I’ll help you when I get back.” Henry stood up and Nick locked eyes with Josie. She glanced away, noting his beautiful facial structure. “Let’s go,” Henry quipped.

Josie followed Henry back outside and to the playground where Cora and the three kids were playing. He smiled at the sight of the kids running around, giggling and looking carefree. Josie admired his amusement. “Do you have kids?” she asked.

“No,” he sighed. “I hoped to someday, but after what happened with Claire, I’m sure Elaina will nix the whole idea.”

“I can understand why she would feel that way.” Henry nodded and reached up to pull off his ball cap. He rubbed his matted hair and looked up, noting the sun’s position in the sky.

“Cora?!” he called out. She turned to his direction and he waved her over. She was hesitant to leave the kids a distance away. “They’ll be fine,” he said. She looked back at them once more before she walked over to where Henry and Josie were standing. “Firstly, I’m not sure if you have been properly thanked for what you did for Claire and Willow.”

Cora looked down and fiddled with her sweater tied around her waist. “I don’t think I helped much,” she whispered. When she looked back to the grave, her eyes became wet.

Henry reached out and touched her shoulder. “Please don’t think that way.” Josie noted the loving manner in his touch, much like she had seen him do with Nick. “What happened was not anyone’s fault, but was a tragic event. There wasn’t anything anyone could have done to change the outcome. With the amount of blood that was present, there had to be something wrong.” Cora wiped her face and looked back at her children, who were still playing together. “I have set up a room for Josie and your family. It’s going to be dark soon and I would like to get everyone inside. Tomorrow, we will head back to your bunker so Gunther and his crew can gather their supplies. If you would like to stay with us, you’re more than welcome, or we can drop you off back there. It’s your choice.”

“Thank you. I’ll think about it overnight and let you know come morning.”

“Alright then.”

Cora called out to her kids and they came running. She explained to them that they would be having a sleepover at the school and they all seemed rather excited.

Henry led Josie and the family to their room, the teacher’s lounge. He felt the kids needed to have a little more comfort, so the room with the couches and the large tables seemed like a better fit.

“Henry, this…”

“Is the teacher’s lounge. I figured you needed a little bigger space and more comfort with all the little ones.”

“This is really generous of you,” Cora said. “You and Elaina should be in this room since you’re the ones taking care of things.”

“We are plenty comfy where we are.” He waved her into the room. “Remember to lock your door. I’m just down the hall if you need anything.”

Cora thanked him. Henry made sure everyone was settled before he left to head out and get Elaina.

He opened the front door and took a deep breath. He knew getting Elaina inside was going to be a larger than life task. He scrubbed his face and sighed as he walked up to Thomas.

“Thomas.” Henry nodded. “Why don’t you head on in? I’m going to get Elaina. Thank you for watching over her.”

“No problem,” Thomas murmured with a worried gaze, heading into the school.

Henry looked over to where they buried Claire and the baby. Elaina was sitting, staring at the grave. He made his way over to her and sat down. “Hey, love,” he said tenderly, a boozy taint to his breath.

Elaina felt the sadness in his voice and cringed at the liquor that radiated from his mouth. “Hey,” she responded. She couldn’t understand why he had to drink so much, especially when she needed a rock right then. It was yet another thing with which she had to deal.

“How are you doing?”

She thought that was a stupid question, but she responded anyway. “Pretty fucking dandy. And you?”

“About the same.” He took her hand, circling his icy fingertips around her palm. “You know, love, you don’t have to go through this alone or in silence. I’m here for you.” His voice was low, but it reverberated off her insides.

No matter his condition, he was presenting himself to be there for her and she appreciated that. Elaina decided to give up a few words through the tight strain of her throat. “I can’t pull myself away from here.” She started to cry again and pushed her face into Henry’s chest. She hated being the crying girl. “She was there for half of my life. I can’t help but think I wasn’t the greatest friend to her.”

“You were a
friend to her.” He ran his fingers through her soft, black locks. “You show your love differently than others. She knew how much she meant to you.”

Elaina moved her head on his shoulder, using her sleeve to wipe off the tears that were running down her face. Her sleeve was still damp from the last time she cried. “I don’t even know how to do anything without her by my side.”

“I understand that, but you have a brother in there that has no one but you now. He’s completely devastated.”

“As am I,” she snipped.

“Elaina…you need to be strong for him.”

“Why? Why can’t I be the weak one once in a while? Why can’t I be the one who dissolves into a puddle of tears? Why can’t I be the one who drinks myself into oblivion?” she questioned aggressively as she cried. His body turned away from her, deciding to ignore her jab at one of his many flaws. “Everyone always tells me I have to be strong for this person or that person. I’m sick of being strong for everyone!”

“You don’t understand what I’m saying. Let me clarify. You have every right to feel as you do and you have every right to show those feelings, but I’m just saying that Nick needs you. You just need to make sure you make yourself available emotionally to him. You tend to shut people out when you are dealing with your feelings.”

She sucked in a hard breath and shivered as she exhaled. “I feel so guilty, Henry.”

“You have
for which to feel guilty.” He pulled her close to his body.

“I just keep thinking…”

“Shh…don’t listen to that voice right now. Just open yourself up. Let that tough girl wall fall and let it pour out, my love. It’s just me and you out here now. Just let it out, then you will be able to help Nick deal with this.”

He was right. The only way Elaina could be available emotionally for Nick was to allow herself to freely feel what was bottled up. She could no longer be afraid and suppress her feelings. She had to let it out.

Once again, anger took over and her body trembled with hate. Henry had taken her gun away, so she couldn’t find Gunther and shoot him in the head, which was exactly what she ached to do.

“That’s it. Let it out, love. Just let it out,” he whispered in her ear.

She shoved him off of her and stood up. She heard him get to his feet, as well, so she ran. Oxygen sought purchase within her lungs. Her body shook with more emotion than she had felt in ages.

When Elaina bolted about fifty yards away from Claire and Willow’s grave, feeling like it was a safe distance, she heard Henry’s footsteps hot and heavy behind her. She wanted to run away from him so she could experience her own raw emotions without feeling self-conscious. Then she decided she didn’t care who heard her.

Then Elaina screamed—head thrashing back and forth, arms flailing through the air, feet stomping at the dusty ground. It was so harsh and animated that her voice was immediately hoarse and her body collapsed on itself, causing her to fall to the ground. Like a toddler throwing a tantrum, she beat at the ground with her fists. Then she stood up again, sweating, tears streaming and out of breath.

Anything that was near Elaina was fair game, including Henry. She punched him in the chest, kicked him, and scratched at him. She found debris and rocks and threw them at nothing. She stomped around screaming, throwing, punching, and kicking everything in her path.

The words that flowed out of Elaina’s mouth were a string of obscenities she didn’t know she knew or could string together without taking a breath. She was having a Henry-sized epic meltdown.

He followed Elaina the entire time. He tried to stay out of her way, but he wanted to keep an eye on her, even after she had given him a few bruises and scratches he didn’t deserve.

Henry was her protector, her guardian, her lover. And when she was so exhausted from her meltdown that she couldn’t even walk another step, he picked her up, cradling her in his strong arms, and carried her back into the school, taking her to their room.

Henry laid her down on the bed and, after he covered them with a quilt, he wrapped himself around her. Holding her in a tight embrace, he traced his cold fingertips on her forearm.

He said nothing, just listened to her ramble on. She cried until her eyes were so swollen, they would barely open.

Eventually, Elaina fell asleep. She dreamed of Claire, all in white and holding Willow proudly, standing in a white mist in a brightly lit tunnel. She was smiling at her and bouncing little Willow in her arms. Claire radiated beauty. Her bright ginger hair gleamed in the light. Her blue eyes shined brilliantly. She turned Willow toward Elaina and blew her a kiss. Elaina felt total happiness for her.

Then Claire waved at Elaina and turned around, walking away from her. Elaina screamed at Claire not to leave her. She turned around briefly, smiled, and said she would be waiting. Again, Claire turned and she walked away, disappearing within the tunnel. Elaina screamed her name as the white mist swallowed her and Willow up.

Elaina woke up in a panic, drenched in sweat. Henry sat up, grabbing her arms. “Love…you okay?” His voice was raspy from sleep. His hair was all over the place and he had pillow creases on his cheek.

Elaina looked around and realized it was the middle of the night. She rolled over and tucked her head into his naked chest. His smooth, cool skin felt good against her sweaty body.

“I’ve got you, love. I’m here for you.” He reeked of booze, but she didn’t care. He kissed the top of her head and ran his fingers through her hair over and over again. She calmed down enough to be able to slither her way up to meet his face. “Hey…,” he said like he always did. His eyes were shining brilliantly in the moonlight.

“Did you get your fix?”

“Yeah. After you fell asleep, I checked on Nick and made sure he was doing okay. I had an entire bag I drew from Quinn earlier.”

“How is he?”

Henry sighed. “Not good. I can say that.”

Elaina pursed her lips and decided to change the subject before it went to places she didn’t want to go. “You’re letting them stay, aren’t you?” Henry glanced away from her. “Henry…please tell me you aren’t letting them stay.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Kick their asses out of here!”

“I’m not that cruel. There are children.”

“They aren’t related!”

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