Awakened (Vampire Awakenings) (25 page)

Read Awakened (Vampire Awakenings) Online

Authors: Brenda K. Davies

BOOK: Awakened (Vampire Awakenings)
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Sera clung tighter to Liam as she burrowed her head in his chest. She wanted to bury herself in him and shut out the rest of the world. “You have to tell them something,” she whispered.

“Doug, do you have your cell?” Liam asked.


“Call David.”

“I don’t know if it’s going to work up here.”

“Screw the phone! Give me some answers, or get the hell out of here!” Kathleen commanded. “I’m sick of this crap!”

  “Get it to work!” His hands clenched on Sera as his patience began to fray. “Now!” He turned toward Kathleen. She stood with her hands on her hips, her jaw clenched as she glared at him. “Until we talk to him, we can’t talk to you,” he said more calmly. “So, you’re going to have to wait.”

Kathleen opened her mouth, and then snapped it closed. He turned back to Doug. “Get him on the phone and tell him what’s going on.”

“Now you want to let everyone in,” Doug muttered as he walked away.

“Mike would you go get some blankets, mattresses too. I think it would be better if everyone slept in here tonight.”

“Yeah, I think you’re right.”

“Jack, would you help me bring in some extra logs?”


“You two,” he said to Kathleen and Danielle. “Stay in this room and stay together.”

“Whatever,” Kathleen angrily threw herself into the recliner.

“Come with me.”

He took hold of Sera’s hand and led her from the living room. He almost went down to the bedroom, but quickly changed his mind. No matter what was going on, he knew that if he got her in there, he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off her. He led her into the kitchen and sat her at the island while he helped Jack gather wood.

“What are you going to tell them?” she asked softly.

“I don’t know,” he admitted. “We’ll decide that when David gets here.”

“There’s a blizzard outside Liam. I don’t think that David is going to get here.”

“He will,” Jack said. He stepped back into the kitchen with a bundle of wood balanced carefully in his arms. “Can I ask you a question?”

Liam stiffened as he straightened to look at them. “Sure,” she said softly.

“Why are you doing this? You don’t have to stay, you don’t have to be a part of this, and you would probably be safer if you left.”

“Safer from who?”

“From Beth, from...” his voice trailed off, but his eyes flicked toward Liam. Liam’s hands clenched upon the logs as he stepped back into the kitchen. “From us. We don’t exactly live a normal, safe life.”

“I want to be here, and I am safe.”

Jack stared at her for a moment, a scrutinizing look on his face as he studied her and then Liam. “Yeah, I guess you are.”

“I know I am.”

“Liam,” Doug said softly as he appeared in the doorway. “David’s on the phone. I left it on the stairs, that’s the only place I can get any reception.”

“Okay. Here, take these.” He handed the logs over to him. “And take her into the living room. Make sure she’s safe.”

He followed them to the foyer and watched as Sera followed Doug into the living room. For a moment he almost went after her to bring her back. He hated having her out of his sight, especially now. But he needed to talk to David, alone. He grabbed the phone off the stairs and sat down. “Hello.”

“Hey.” David’s voice was distorted by static. “Sounds like you got a mess up there.”

“You could say that. How much did Doug tell you?”

“Enough. I can’t believe you told your girlfriend.”

“Don’t start David.”

He sighed wearily. “I’m not. How the hell did Beth find you guys?”

“Same way she always finds us I guess, but this time she left a mess that we’ve got to clean up.”

Another wave of static swept through. “Yeah, what do you want to do?”

“I don’t know yet. Tell them the truth maybe.”

“Have you lost your mind!?”

“I don’t know, maybe,” he admitted.

There was silence as static crinkled over the line. “There’s more isn’t there?”

“Yes, we need you here.”

“In a damn blizzard!?”

“Yes, if you can. Things are… I don’t know what they are, not with me, not anymore.”

“Shit.” David took a deep breath. “This doesn’t sound like you Liam.”

“It’s not.” He hated to admit it, but it was true.

“All right, I’ll see what I can do. Guess I’m leaving school sooner than I planned. How do I get there?”

“I don’t know, hold on. Kathleen!” he yelled.

“What!?” she snapped.

“I need you for a second.”

He listened to her rustling around in the living room before she stomped up to him. “What?”

“I need you to give a friend of mine directions to get here.”

“No way, I’ve had enough of your friends.”

“Kathleen, this is important. If you want any explanations then you’re going to have to wait until he gets here.”

Anger and resentment were written all over her face as she snatched the phone out of his hand. “This is what you do,” she spat. She rattled off directions from the main highway and threw the phone back at Liam.

She turned and stormed away. Liam picked the phone back up. “Got that?”

“Yeah, I managed to copy the rapid fire. Sweet personality. You want to tell that girl?”

“Maybe, I don’t know. How long do you think it will take you to get here?”

“I can probably get a flight out tonight, but I don’t know what airports are open in that area. Or how I’m going to get there from the airport. I don’t know, hopefully tomorrow, maybe the next day.”

“Just see what you can do. We won’t do anything until you’re here.”

“All right. One more thing.”


“Do you love her?”

“More than anything.”

David sighed. “All right, I’ll see you soon. Bye.”


Liam hung the phone up and sat for a few minutes as he tried to sort out his mangled emotions.





Sera woke slowly the next morning. The blanket was pulled firmly over her head and she snuggled deeper as she sought warmth. It was then she realized that Liam was no longer with her, and that was why she was cold. She sat up quickly.

The fire had recently been rebuilt, its bright flames leapt high as it crackled, and the smell of wood permeated the air. Kathleen was passed out on one of the couches, and Danielle was curled up in the recliner. Mike had abandoned his spot on the other couch, and Jack was gone from his mattress on the floor. Doug was still curled up on his mattress next to the couch, his mouth open as he snored.

Muffled voices from the kitchen finally reached her. She wrapped the blanket tightly around her as she stood and made her way toward them. Their voices drifted slowly to her, but she couldn’t make out any of the words. When she entered the doorway, they stopped talking and turned to look at her. She glanced curiously at them as she made her way to the coffee pot and began to gather the ingredients.

“What’s going on?” she asked as she turned to face them. Liam stood slowly and made his way around the island to her. She stared at him, suddenly very disconcerted by his behavior. He seemed distant again. “Is everything all right?”

He stroked back a strand of tangled hair. “Yes,” he assured her.

His face was still hard and cold, but the familiar warmth was back in his brilliant eyes. “Sera, when you opened the door last night you invited Beth in like you knew her, did you?” Mike asked.

Her eyes flicked to him. “I had met her before.”

Liam stiffened. “Where?”

“She came by when you guys were on your walk, and Kathleen and Danielle had come back inside. She said that she lived in the cabin down the road, and that she was walking to her friend’s house. We talked for a few minutes and she left. Kathleen said the people that used to own that cabin are dead.”

“That’s probably where she’s staying,” Jack said.

Sera shrugged and drew her cold hands into the blanket. “I don’t know.”

Liam stared at her for a minute, and then looked over at Jack and Mike. “You want to come with me Jack?”

Jack nodded and slid off the stool. “Absolutely.”

“How far away is it?” Liam asked her.

“Kathleen said it was about a mile down the hill.”

He reached under the blanket and clasped hold of her cold hands. She smiled softly as warmth swiftly spread through her body. “I have to go.” She opened her mouth to protest, but closed it when she saw the haunted look in his eyes. “I have to find her.”

The snow was still falling, although it seemed to have slowed, and the wind had died down. But how much was out there? Her gaze darted back to Liam as she bit nervously into her lip. “Mike and Doug are going to stay here to make sure you’re safe. I want you to stay inside. Okay?”


He squeezed her hands tightly and released her. She grabbed hold of his shirt before he could turn away and stood on tiptoe to kiss him. For a moment he was unresponsive, and then his mouth seared into hers before he pulled quickly away. Sera’s breath caught in her throat at the savage gleam in his eyes.

“Be careful,” she whispered.

“I will. Come on Jack.”

Sera watched as they bundled up and walk out the door. She was instantly swallowed by a wave of loneliness, and loss. She closed her eyes as she fought against it.




The grandfather clock chimed out five as Sera sat, sipping hot chocolate, and watching the flames. Kathleen was silent in the recliner, her eyes frozen on the flames as her hands twirled the mug in her hands. Danielle sat before the fire, her knees drawn up, and her arms wrapped around them. Mike and Doug had wandered off, bored, and tired of the silent treatment that Kathleen had been giving them all.

“You know, don’t you Sera,” Kathleen finally said.

Sera felt her heart clench. She had been wondering when Kathleen would confront her. “Know what?” she asked as she tried to bide her time.

“What’s going on, you know.”


“Sera, you’re my best friend, but I swear to God if you lie to me one more time I’ll never talk to you again.”

Sera winced and clenched the mug tighter. “I can’t say anything,” she finally said.

Kathleen sighed and looked back at the fire. “Yes, you can. I don’t care what they say, or what you may say, but there was something wrong with that girl. Something not right. She’s dangerous Sera. I could sense that, and she puts us in danger somehow. And so does Liam. There’s something not right with either of them.” Her gaze darted nervously toward the door. When she spoke again her voice was so quiet that Sera had to strain to hear her. “Maybe there’s something wrong with all of them. I think that we deserve to know what.”

Sera stared down at her mug as steam rose slowly up. She desperately wished that Liam were here to help, that any of them would show back up and help. Her glance fell on the clock. Where the hell was he? He had been gone for so long. Way too long. Worry had officially turned into full fledged fear three hours ago; it was now beginning to border on panic. There was so much snow out there, it was cold, and Beth had said that she was stronger than he was. Was he hurt? Was he laying out there somewhere hurt, maybe dying? He wasn’t completely immortal. Vampires could still be killed somehow, couldn’t they?

“Sera,” Kathleen hissed. “Answer me.”

She took a deep breath as she tried to ease the growing knot of anxiety in her chest. “I can’t say anything Kathleen,” she said again.

“If your life was in danger, I would tell you why.”

“It isn’t my secret to tell Kathleen.” She wasn’t going to tell her that her life wasn’t in danger, it was, and Kathleen knew it. To lie to her now would only cost Sera her best friend.

“It is your secret, if you know what it is, Sera.”

She looked over at Kathleen, who was staring at her intently with tear filled eyes. “I promise that you will have answers soon enough.”

“We’d better. I’m serious Sera, no more lies.”

“No more lie’s Kathleen,” she promised. The fact that she may have just lied to her was something that she didn’t want to contemplate at the moment.


“But some things are better off not knowing.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Sera took a sip of her hot chocolate and pulled her blanket tighter. “Just what I said. Sometimes it’s better not to know. The truth isn’t always the answer, but just the beginning.”

Kathleen became silent as she turned to stare at the flames again. A loud knock on the door startled them all. Sera’s hot chocolate spilled onto her blanket as she jumped up. Liam and Jack wouldn’t knock, but maybe, just maybe, it was them. “I got it!” Mike yelled as he ran into the foyer. He pointed sharply at Sera. “You three stay in there.”

Doug came into the hall as Mike flung the door open. Cold air, and snow, blasted into the house. “Jesus! You made it! Come in.” Sera watched as a tall figure stepped into the flickering candlelight. “How you doing man?” Mike asked as he embraced the figure.

“Been better. Sure as hell been warmer. Help me get these damn skis off. They’re killing my feet!”

Sera moved slowly toward the foyer as Mike shut out the blasting wind. Doug turned to look at her, but didn’t stop her. “Come on in.”

Mike frowned at her. “I told you to stay in the living room.”

Sera raised an eyebrow. “Don’t start Mike.”

He shook his head as he grabbed hold of her shoulders, turned her around, and gave her a nudge forward. “Come on, let’s get David warm.”

She scowled over Mike’s highhanded manner and shot him a look over her shoulder. She would have argued with him, but the pleading look in his eyes froze her words. He was just trying to make sure that she was safe. She glanced over her shoulder as Doug clasped hands with David and slapped him on the shoulder.

“Where are Liam and Jack?” David inquired.

“They went to look for Beth. They’ve been gone all day.”

Sera settled back onto the couch as Doug came into the room, followed by a very wet, very unhappy looking David. The skis on his feet clumped loudly over the hardwood floor as he settled into the recliner.

David was tall, and athletically built. His light blond hair was wet, and windblown. It added a boyish charm to his sharp angled face. His eyes were a brilliant, electric blue, that were shockingly bright. His lips were thick, and a deep ruby red that were now chapped and sore looking. His nose was elegantly carved, but the only thing about him that wasn’t perfect. It had been broken at one point, and was a little crooked, but it only seemed to add to his appeal.

He was almost as good looking as Liam, and Sera found herself staring at him in surprise. She looked over at Kathleen and Danielle, who were both gaping at him. “This is Kathleen, Danielle, and Sera,” Mike introduced as he gestured at them. “This is David.”

“Well now,” David said as he glanced at them. “Don’t we all look cozy.”

“Oh yeah,” Danielle replied sarcastically. “We’re a happy bunch!”

“How far did you have to ski?” Doug asked as he helped David struggle out of his boot.

“About ten miles. Freaking roads are a mess. Damn Doug, leave my feet attached to my body!”

“Sorry,” he muttered.

Sera watched in amusement as Doug and David tugged and pulled at the boots. Finally they managed to get them off. David pulled his leg up and began to massage his feet. “Do you have any dry clothes?” Mike asked.

“My bag by the door. I’ll get them when I can feel my hands and feet again.” David looked them all over again. “Which one of you is Liam’s girlfriend?” Sera raised an eyebrow as his eyes settled on her. “You?”


David studied her a moment longer before nodding and turning away. Sera scowled at him. She had the distinct feeling that he had wanted to say something, or do something, but hadn’t. “Hey!” Kathleen snapped. “I do recall a certain promise that revolved around this man!”

Sera closed her eyes and shoved the blanket off of her. “We’ll wait to Liam gets back,” Mike said slowly.

“We’ve been waiting all day! I’m tired of waiting!”

“He’ll be back soon,” Doug said.

“I don’t care!”

Sera stood up, suddenly exceptionally pissed off. She was tired of Kathleen’s demands, and tired of lies. She was tired of being worried about Liam, tired of staring at the clock and not having him return. She needed him here. She felt as if a part of her was missing without him. She paced over to the window. It had grown dark out, but she could still see snowflakes drifting slowly down.

“How much snow is out there?” she inquired.

“About three feet,” David replied absently.

Sera closed her eyes. Where was he? 

“Would someone please tell us something,” Danielle pleaded.

Sera turned and walked out of the room. “Where are you going?” Mike demanded.

“Bathroom!” she called over her shoulder.

She walked right past the bathroom and into the kitchen. Quickly lacing up her boots, she grabbed her jacket, and slid it on. She suddenly couldn’t stand being in the cabin one minute longer. She didn’t care what Liam had said, he had left her here and she needed to get out before she went insane. Flinging the backdoor open she plunged into the thigh high snow. Wind howled around her, and the frigid air seared her lungs as she trudged toward the woods.

“Sera!” Mike yelled as she reached the edge of the woods. “Sera! Get back here!”

She deftly ignored him as she plunged into the forest. Her breath was coming in ragged gasps and her legs hurt from trying to get through the snow, but she forced herself to keep going. Suddenly, her leg got caught on a tree branch. With a soft cry she fell into the snow. Her fingers were cold and raw as they buried into it and dug deep. She clawed at it for a moment as tears of anger and frustration blurred her eyes. With a muffled cry, she collapsed, not caring about the cold as it seeped into her bones. She was just glad to be free.

“Goddamn it!” Mike roared as he shoved his way through the tree branches toward her. “What the hell are you doing!?”

“I needed to get out of that cabin. I couldn’t take anymore of the anger,” she answered. He loomed over her, a dark scowl on his face as he planted his hands on his hips. She couldn’t help but laugh at him.

His scowl deepened as he stared at her in disbelief. “I’m glad you think this is funny. Are you trying to kill me!?”

“Of course not.”

“Liam will kill me once he finds out that you did this! Damn it Sera, get up!”

“He’s not going to care.”

“Not going to care! He’s going to rip my damn head off! I found her!” he called out as footsteps sounded to their left.

“Is he coming back?” she asked softly.

“Of course he is.”

Sera found herself unable to meet his gaze. “He’s been gone a long time Mike, I’m worried.”

“There’s nothing to worry about, now come on get up.”

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