Awakened (Vampire Awakenings) (20 page)

Read Awakened (Vampire Awakenings) Online

Authors: Brenda K. Davies

BOOK: Awakened (Vampire Awakenings)
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She kissed him softly as he gently licked the blood off her lips. He stared at her with a tenderness that melted her heart. “Nothing will ever separate us,” he whispered against her lips. “You are inside of me, and I am inside of you.”

She smiled at him, gently brushing his lips with her finger. “Yes,” she whispered.

Her eyes drifted closed as exhaustion slipped over her body. She could barely keep her eyes open as he settled in beside her and gently pulled her into his arms. He kissed her softly, and she smiled as she snuggled into his chest. She drifted off to sleep with the security of knowing that they would never be torn apart.






Sera momentarily forgot where she was as she stared at the unfamiliar rose- colored room. Finally remembering that she was at Kathleen’s cabin, she sat up slowly, and looked around the empty room. Liam’s side of the bed had been abandoned. She was disappointed that he was gone already; she had planned a wonderful way to wake him up. She got up and slid on a pair of jeans, a turtleneck, and a sweater.

Standing in front of the mirror she pulled down the collar of her turtleneck. She was surprised to see the two dark marks clearly visible on her neck. Liam had said that they disappeared almost instantly, but they were vivid against her pale skin. She touched them gently, and winced as they were slightly tender. She would have to remember to ask him why they were still there.

Her gaze traveled to the window. Snow was still falling rapidly outside. The wind was blowing fiercely, and large snow drifts had begun to form. There was well over a foot on the ground already, and in some places it looked to be two or three feet deep. The few inches of snow that had been predicted seemed to have turned into a blizzard over night. Swallowing nervously she stared in amazement for a moment longer before turning away.

Digging out her hairbrush, and toothbrush, she headed down the hall. Eggs, bacon, and toast assaulted her nose, and her stomach rumbled in eager response. People were in the kitchen, moving around, and talking softly as pots and pans banged.

She slipped into the bathroom and pulled her hair into a ponytail. She brushed her teeth quickly, placed her toothbrush on the sink, and left. Following the voices to the kitchen she found Kathleen standing by the stove, happily scrambling eggs. Mike and Jack were sitting at the kitchen table, sipping coffee, and talking quietly. Danielle was sitting at the island, a cup of coffee and a plate of food in front of her.

“Good afternoon,” Kathleen called out cheerfully. “It’s about time you woke up.”

Sera walked over to the coffee pot and poured a cup. She sipped it slowly as she watched the snow falling rapidly outside. “Good morning,” she replied. “I thought it was supposed to stop snowing last night.”

“No such luck,” Jack said. “While we were sleeping the storm turned into a nor’easter. It’s not supposed to stop until tomorrow. They’re calling for over three feet of snow. We might be here for awhile.”

“The ski resort is closed,” Kathleen informed her as she slid a plate of eggs in front of Sera. “So are all the roads. They’ve declared a state of emergency.”

“Thanks.” They smelled delicious and her stomach rumbled again. “These are good,” she told Kathleen around a mouthful.

“Just call me Betty Crocker,” she replied as she tossed the frying pan into the sink. “Doug and Liam went to get more firewood. By the time we need it, it should be dry. I dug out the flashlights and candles already. We’ll probably lose the electric sometime today, and the phones are already down.”

Sera shook her head as she watched the snow fall with a heavy heart. The sky was dark and filled with thick white flakes. “Looks like a mess.”

“It’s going to be a real mess when the electric goes,” Kathleen said. “Hope you guys like cold food. I’m going to cook up some chicken and steak now so that we have something to eat later. I don’t know what you’re going to eat Sera. I hope you like a lot of cold beans, and salad.”

“I’ll make myself some rice,” she said. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll be fine.”

“Damn vegetarians,” Kathleen mumbled as she turned away.

“Maybe we’ll just eat each other,” Jack said lightly.

Mike kicked him under the table as a sharp look passed between them. With horrifying clarity, she realized that normal food wouldn’t keep them satisfied. They had been counting on going to the ski resort, meeting people, and intermingling. “Shit,” she said.

Mike’s eyes widened as he gave a barely discernible shake of his head. Jack’s eyes narrowed as he studied her. Danielle paused with her coffee cup halfway to her mouth as she cast Sera a questioning look. “What?” she asked.

“Oh, uh, nothing, I just hate it when the electric goes out.” She grabbed her plate off the counter and made her way over to where Kathleen was washing dishes. “The eggs were really good, thanks.”

“No problem,” she replied as she took the plate from her hand.

Sera pulled a pot out of the cabinet and grabbed some packages of rice. She began to cook as Kathleen scrubbed enthusiastically and hummed softly. The screen door on the porch opened, she listened as Liam and Doug stacked the wood they had found.

“What a mess!” Doug cried as he shook snow off his jacket, and head.

“There’s well over a foot out there now. Some of the drifts are over four feet high.” Liam rubbed his hands together as he blew on them. His eyes twinkled merrily as they landed on her. She smiled back at him, suddenly feeling a little shy as she recalled everything that had passed between them during the night. Her skin was starting to burn as he walked over and kissed her quickly. “Good morning sleepy head.”

“Good morning,” she murmured.

He chuckled softly as he tugged lightly on her ponytail. “You think you’re a little shy now, wait till you see what I do to you tonight,” he whispered in her ear.

Sera’s face flamed redder, even as her body began to tingle with anticipation. “I’d suggest everyone take a shower now,” Kathleen said. She closed the freezer and turned to them with a chicken in hand. “While there’s still hot water.”

“I’m first.” Danielle stood quickly and hurried out of the room.

Liam leaned causally against the counter and folded his arms over his chest as he turned to face Mike and Jack. The heat radiating off his body was enough to get her flustered. Sera frowned as she eagerly attacked the rice and stared at the white world surrounding them in an attempt to distract her mind from the yearnings of her body.

“What is that?” Sera’s attention was jerked from the window, but she was too late. Kathleen had already grabbed her turtleneck and pulled it down. She jerked away from her and pulled it quickly up to protect her neck. “Nice hickey,” Kathleen teased.

Sera turned and looked at Liam, but he was staring at Mike and Jack. Jack’s eyes were wide as saucers as they darted questioningly between him and Sera. Mike’s were narrowed sharply as he stood suddenly. “Can I talk to you?” he said to Liam.

A sinking feeling began to form in her stomach as she frantically stirred her rice. Liam glanced at her, but she quickly diverted her eyes. She was scared to meet his gaze, afraid that she would only see accusation there. “Yeah. I suppose you want to talk too,” he said angrily to Jack.

“I think we should all talk,” Mike replied. He looked over at Doug who was standing wide eyed by the door, looking extremely uncomfortable.

Sera listened to their footsteps as they headed upstairs. “What was that all about?” Kathleen asked as she slid the chicken into the oven.

“Boy talk,” Sera replied with a shrug that belied the anxiety filling her body.

“So, you obviously had a good night,” Kathleen taunted.

Sera couldn’t help the grin that spread over her face, or the blush. “Kathleen...”

“Oh come on, it’s written all over your neck and now your face,” Kathleen replied laughingly. “I’m just glad you’re happy. It’s nice to see it. You really love him, don’t you?”


Kathleen nodded and put a pot of water on to boil. “I can see that he loves you too.”

Sera grinned at her, unable to keep the stupid smile off her face. “What about you? Did you have a good night?” she asked, trying to keep her voice as casual as possible.

“Slept like a baby.”

“Alone?” Sera asked teasingly, even though her heart hammered with fear.

Kathleen grinned at her and pulled out a potato peeler. “Are you insinuating something?”


Kathleen laughed happily and pulled out a potato. “I slept alone. All night. Well, unless you count Danielle in the next bed.”

Sera felt a huge sense of relief as she turned back to her rice. “Do you like Mike?”

“Yeah, I do. However, I also like him as a friend, and I don’t want to ruin that.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Just see how things turn out. Go with the flow.”

“Sounds good.” Even though it really didn’t.




Liam stood by the window in the room that Mike had slept in last night. Mike’s clothes were scattered across the small chair in the corner, and on the floor. Doug stood by the other window, Jack sat on the bed, and Mike was pacing restlessly back and forth. “I don’t even know what to say,” he finally said, sighing angrily.

“Then don’t say anything,” Liam replied coldly. “I don’t see how it’s any of your business anyway.”

Jack snorted and leaned forward. “You know why it is. What is going on Liam? Because the last time I checked, no one was supposed to know anything. As a matter of fact, anyone who found out was supposed to be killed.”

“First of all,” he growled as he turned to face them. “She didn’t find out, I told her. Second of all, if you even think about laying a hand on her, I’ll kill you myself. Understand?”

Jack’s eyes widened as he stared intently at Liam. “Are you serious?” he demanded in disbelief.

Mike snorted and stopped pacing to look at him. “He’s serious.”

Jack’s eyes narrowed as he sat back. “We weren’t supposed to tell anyone, unless we changed them,” Jack finally said. “Which we agreed not to do without consulting each other first. Since none of us has been consulted, and Doug and I didn’t even know that she knew I’m going to say that rule is pretty well shot. I don’t know what you’re doing Liam, but you had better let us in, and now.”

Liam sighed angrily and began to pace. “Look, she knows, but she isn’t going to say anything. As for changing her, that isn’t going to happen.”

“So she’s going to grow old and die, and you’re just going to pine away, forever young. You’re right, you have thought this all out,” Jack spat sarcastically.

Liam wanted desperately to punch him in the face. “If that’s the way it is,” he hissed. “Then yes!”

“I hope she wants that too. To be attached to a young guy, while she grows old. To never be married, to never have children. To constantly have to move so that people won’t notice that you’re not aging. Nice life you’re giving her Liam, truly.”

His fists clenched with impotent rage as he took a step forward. Mike stepped in front of him, his eyes narrowed as he put a restraining hand on Liam’s arm. “That’s enough!” Mike said firmly. “We’re not going to sit here and fight with each other! It’s done and over with. Besides, Jack has a point.”

Liam whirled on him. “Hey calm down!” Doug yelled. “Just calm the hell down, all of you.”

Liam forced himself to take a deep breath as he tried to steady his nerves. He wasn’t angry at them, he was angry at the fact that they were right. He turned away from them and walked back to the window. Leaning his head against the pane, he let the cool glass soothe the fire in his body. The truth hurt, it always did, but he hated having it slapped in his face.

“Look Liam,” Jack said slowly. “I don’t want to fight with you, but you kept us in the dark on this. You purposely left us out. You must have had some fear that she would say something about us.”

“Maybe at first, but I would have stopped her.”

“You would have killed her?”

Liam lifted his head from the glass and turned to face him. “No, I would have locked her away from the world, and from you, but I never would have killed her.”

Jack shook his head in disbelief. “Shit, Liam. Shit.”

“She’s not going to say anything,” Mike said softly as he ran a hand wearily through his tussled hair. “There’s more,” he glanced at Liam, who shrugged. They might as well know it all now. Liam turned away as Mike filled them in on everything that had happened with Jacob.

Jack sat with his eyes closed as he rubbed at his temples. “Are we safe?” Doug asked softly.

“For now.”

“What do you mean for now?” Jack demanded.

“So far nothing has been mentioned, and I got rid of the body.”


Mike sighed and glanced back out the window. “An old stone quarry in Quincy. By the time someone finds him, if anyone ever does, we’ll be long gone.”

“And if people start questioning his absence?”

“They haven’t yet.”

“It hasn’t even been a week!”

“We’ll worry about it then!” Mike exploded. “For now, leave it be!”

“Wait till David finds out about this mess. Or do you not plan on telling him too?”

“We’ll tell him,” Liam stated. “When he moves out here.”


Mike swore quietly and resumed his pacing. “Why didn’t you get rid of the marks Liam?”

He could have gotten rid of the marks, he should have gotten rid of them, but pride and possession had kept him from doing so. He had liked knowing that beneath her turtleneck she was marked as his, and that no one else would have her.

He wasn’t about to explain that to them though. “I just didn’t.”

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