Awakening the Beast (20 page)

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Authors: Crymsyn Hart

BOOK: Awakening the Beast
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There were more murmurs among the crowd, but he knew they would fight when they started nodded. Ohanzee smiled. They would win.

* * * *

Illiana ran her fingers over the two feathers in her hair and thought about her mates. A small smile spread over her features when she remembered all the wonderful times she had with Belik and Ohanzee. The only thing that she did not have was something from Christopher to keep in her hair. She bound the rest of her locks in a long braid and glanced up at the horizon. The stars were sinking into the sea and dawn was approaching. The air was electric with the anticipation of the coming battle. She asked the breeze about the inhabitants in their old village and the wind said that many were sleeping, but some were awake. She felt the agitation in the earth because it was waiting for her and Ohanzee to dive into it. Gazing into the future, she still could not see the outcome of where this day would end. In the darkness of the future, all she felt was loss. Someone would be hurt. Probably many someones were going to be hurt, but she could not linger on the collateral damage. There was a price to pay for everything that had been given to her. The campaign they were about to embark on was going to be bloody. Her inner wolf and raven were both ready for battle. They gave her strength and she needed it all right now.

“You ready to go?” Christopher asked. He touched her shoulder, but she sensed his hesitation. She turned and stared into his blue eyes seeing the resolve and the hurt that had bloomed there. She traced the scar over his face. The new addition only made him handsomer. He did not pull away, but the hardened his expression made her wonder how much he had changed inside. He had to face things she had only dreamed of.

She pressed her lips to his. He returned the kiss lightly and pulled away. “What’s the matter?”

“What’s going to happen after this? The more we’re together, the more it binds me up inside knowing we might not end up being together. You have two mates who love you and want to be with you. You don’t need me in the mix, but I can’t stand the idea of letting you go again.”

“Who said I’m going back?”

He chuckled and shook his head in exasperation. “You know you will because Ohanzee wants to check on his people. You want to make sure your father is okay. You’ll do it anyway and leave us behind. We’ll win this and your mother will be in charge of the ravens once more. And we both know how much you get along with your mother.”

Illiana smiled. “We get a long a little bit better than we did before. I think we understand one another now. Besides, the elders wouldn’t like it.”

“There aren’t many elders left in your flock. But did you really ever care what they said anyway?”

“No. I never cared what they said. They’d never want me to take the reins from my mother anyway.”

“I know, and…”

She placed a hand on his lips. “I’m always going to love you. Belik and Ohanzee know how much I care for you. I’m not going to give up on you that easily. We’ll figure something out if you want to, but you have to realize that I have two other men in my life as well.”

He removed her hand from his lips and kissed the back of it. “I’m not afraid of sharing you with anyone. We can work this out later, but right now we have to get going.”

“I know. Stay safe.” She touched his heart and sent a bolt of warmth in him.

Christopher’s eyes rolled back into his head and he shivered. “I forgot that you could do that.”

Illiana stood up on tiptoe and kissed him again, running her tongue over his lips. “There’s a lot more I can do that you haven’t seen. Good luck today. We’ll win our home back.”

He returned the kiss harder than before and released her. Satisfaction lit his eyes. Illiana stayed focused on the rest of the day. Daruk came over and stood by her side.

“Do you want me as a dragon or as a man?” he asked.

“I can’t control what you do or if you come. You have to do this because you want to and not because I want you to. I appreciate your friendship and all you have done for me and my mates, but this isn’t your fight.”

The dragon shifter threw his head back and laughed. “True, it’s not my fight. However, I swore to protect you and the others. I’ll keep up my end of the bargain and make sure you’re protected. What is your role in this? You’re no fighter. Do the wolves expect you to tear our throats or dive bomb from above with talons at creatures that are twice your size?”

“No. I’m not fighting with tooth and claw. I have the elements on my side.”

“You might have the elements, but you need a way to protect yourself, too.” He pulled out a sharp knife with a blade that was a foot long. The blade was white with serrated edges. He handled it to her handle first. The handle was made of stone with a raven and a wolf carved into it. It was lightweight and easy to wield

“What is this?” she asked.

“Something to protect yourself with.” He slid his finger along the length of the white blade. “Ohanzee carved the handle for you. It’s made from a dragon scale heated so that it could be carved. The blade is nearly unbreakable.”

“It’s not metal or stone. What material is this?”

“One of my teeth.”

“You pulled out one of your teeth to make me a dagger?”

“No. Dragons shed their teeth when they shed their skin. That’s why I was in the cave. I was shedding. I noticed it on the journey here. It’s about time I started growing again.”

“You’re not full grown?”

“Not as a dragon. Do you like it?”

Illiana ran her hands over the blade admiring the wondrous gift. “Thank you. I appreciate it.” She slipped the sheath into her belt.

He traced his finger down her cheek. “I’ll be right by your side ready to defend you, lovely lady.”

She shivered and saw the passion in his eyes. Daruk would never act on it. “Thank you, my friend. I’ll need you by my side to watch my back in case someone comes along. Either as a dragon or a man. That’s your choice, but we should go.”

He nodded. “Let’s go.”

Illiana and the others shed their clothes and took their animal forms. She glanced behind her. Daruk gathered her garments and he stuffed them into a sack he wore on his back, but he did not transform into the dragon. Instead, he ran behind her keeping pace up. The night was a little brighter because dawn was on the horizon. Closer to the village, the trees were more familiar. Ohanzee came up behind her and they both returned to human form. Christopher did not stop because they were going into the village and she would use the elements to go before them.

Daruk handed her clothes and she dressed again. She leaned her back against one of the trees. Immediately the energy of the oak ran through her along with the earth. Illiana stretched out her mind until she connected with Belik. He was high among the trees, staying hidden so she could have eyes during the fight. Ohanzee on her side, clutched her hand, and squeezed it. She looked into his dark brown eyes seeing her reflection. Daruk waited in the shadows that she could barely see him. Stretching out her mind, she was hit all the elements at once. Before they could overwhelm her, she gathered their strength and made sure that she was the one in command. Feeling Ohanzee with her, she knew that it was time. From Belik’s high perch she saw the remnants of the village. Many were sleeping, but fires were burning within some of the aeries that remained. She focused on Belik seeing through his eyes. From there she saw Vorhan and the cougar leader standing together.

“What are they saying?”
she asked Belik.

“He’s telling them to be prepared because we’re coming. They’re salivating for a fight. They believe they will win.”

“Christopher, they know we’re coming. Be on guard. Tell the others,”
Illiana told him.

“We’ll be careful,”
Christopher responded.

Illiana was sure Belik would tell her if anything happened. She concentrated on the earth and the elements around her. Daruk would protect her and Ohanzee if anything came at them. The battle was about to begin and she had to make sure they won. She stretched out her senses so she could feel the earth, the wind, and the water that was underground. When she reached out her awareness with the elements, she felt the life of the forest around her. The fire within those people she touched upon gave her an idea of who was where on the ground. She raced along the elements and felt the mass that approached the village. Those were Christopher and the wolves. On the other side were the cougars and the vultures.

She pushed her awareness down into the earth and found Ohanzee there.

“It’s time,”
she told to the element.

The earth did not answer, but it rumbled underneath her. It went a before the wolves and shook the village. The wind battered the trees. Illiana prayed it would give her people an advantage over the others and they could retake their home.

Chapter Fourteen

Belik tried to stay hidden among the foliage. He had a good view of the village and the coming battle. Illiana was close to him. All he had to do was reach out with his mind to get her attention to let her know what was happening. Christopher approached with the ravens. They had gathered four hundred souls together to fight the epic battle that would define who lived in the forest and the future of the pack and flock. The elements were frenzied. The wind blasted around him. Trees shook with the force of the gales and underneath all of it the earth zigzagged, coiling the dirt. It rolled around the cougars splitting the soil and creating a chasm. The cats roared from the sudden commotion. The earth quaked again, shaking the trees that were unstable from the fire. They toppled over in a shower of leaves, branches, and whatever was in them.

The vultures and the cougars scattered. It seemed the elements were not harming any of the wolves or ravens which was what Illiana had tried to convince them to do. The wolves swarmed the village, pouncing on the cougars. Once the earth ceased its movement, the cougars regrouped. They attacked the pack and the air was ripe with blood. The wind did not die down. The vultures were having difficulty with the gales, passing over him and the other ravens. If he listened to it, he heard the angry cries on the breeze.

The cougars roared and the wolves growled as they danced in circles snapping and biting at one another. The ravens dived at the vultures, trying to keep them off the wolves. Watching his fellow flock members fighting, he realized they did not have any advantage. They were smaller and the vultures’ claws were more dangerous than theirs. Flames below reached higher and higher from the fire pit and he assumed it was also Illiana’s influence. He studied the scene below. Christopher advanced on the cougar leader, and they were dancing in battle. Christopher pounced on the back of the cougar clan leader and sunk his fangs into her neck. His paws wrapped around her throat. His claws pierced her chest. She twisted and turned, but was not able to throw him off. Two vultures dove at Christopher, but he ignored their talons, gnawing his teeth into the cougaress’s neck. Other felines surrounded them, waiting for the outcome. They did not advance or come to her aid. Soon she ceased moving.

“She’s dead. Christopher killed the leader of the cougar clan,”
he said to Illiana.

“Good. They should scatter without her leadership. All that’s left is the vultures.”

“There he is! Go after him and you will find the witch behind this!”

Vorhan stood in a tree next to him, kneeling in the boughs, pointing at him. He lobbed an arrow at him, but Belik dodged out of the way. In a second, he saw more vultures approaching him. He opened his wings and jumped into the breeze that carried him along. He wove in and out of the branches, trying to keep out of the vultures’ clutches on his tail. No matter how hard he flew, they gained on him. The wind pushed him along, but the raptors had a larger wing span than him.

Illiana called to him.

He flew toward her, but when he felt the swipe of claws across his wing, he stumbled mid-flight. The tree limbs battered him as he fell. The wind lifted him up, trying to keep him aloft. Talons scraped along his back. He screamed and lost his concentration until the weight of his human body reform. He tumbled faster from the added weight, but not even the wind could stop his descent. Finally his head hit one of the limbs. The blackness that came gave him a final reprieve before feeling the hard impact of the ground.

* * * *

Christopher barely had time to enjoy the taste of the cougaress’s blood before someone else jumped on him. He turned on the cat and tried to sink his fangs into the fur. However, the earth rumbled underneath his feet. A large fissure circled around him and the cougar fell into the earth. A few jumped back and avoided the devastation. When he turned and saw Vorhan was aiming a bow and arrow at a raven. It hit its mark in the center of the black feathered chest. He was bringing down ravens right and left. Christopher barred his teeth.

Vorhan smiled showing his pointed teeth. He raised his bow and aimed it at him. Christopher did not flinch, but watched the arrow. A large gust of wind caught the shaft and blew it off course. Christopher returned the leader’s grin. He leapt over the small gorge that had appeared before him. The leader beckoned him to come at him. Christopher could already feel the blood sliding down his throat. He could taste the tang of it. All he wanted was to kill the man who had taken over his home. Once Vorhan was dead, he doubted the other vultures would want to keep on fighting. Then again they were a rambunctious bunch. The wind battered the raptors around him, but did not touch him. It was all Illiana’s doing. He prayed she was okay. The dragon had assured him he would protect her with his life. Christopher believed him. He faced off against the vulture who smiled at him once more.

“You really think you can defeat me, little wolf. You and all the others of your kind will end up on my dinner plate.”

Christopher stood his ground, and bared his teeth at the man. Fires blazed behind the vulture leader, another of Illiana’s was doing. The torches reached high into the trees and the battle above seemed to be taking a turn as more vultures dropped from the sky. The ravens were making progress. He heard the cries and the growls of the cougars fighting the wolves and they were all still locked in battle.

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