Read B is for… Online

Authors: L. Dubois

Tags: # erotic romance , # BDSM erotic romance , # BDSM , # romance , # alpha male , # doctor , # wealthy

B is for… (6 page)

BOOK: B is for…
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Xavier shuddered, then his arms were tight around her back, crushing her against him as he ravaged her mouth.

Mae’s nails scraped against the smooth surface of the mask. She wished she could bury her fingers in his hair, wished she could see his face.

Xavier deepened the kiss, his tongue dipping into her mouth. Mae sucked on his tongue, and when he shifted, one leg sliding between hers, she eagerly ground against his thigh. She couldn’t wait to have him inside her, his cock filling her.

When he wrenched away, taking three quick steps back, Mae was left gasping, her body thrumming with need.

“Our play time does not include sexual contact, except for what’s on the checklist.” His face unreadable, hidden from her.

Mae wanted to curse. There’d been something between them. Maybe he hadn’t felt it the way she did. That thought made her stomach knot, but it didn’t feel like the truth.

“What if I want sex? What if I want to add that to our session?”

Xavier didn’t answer her questions. “It’s nearly four a.m. You’ll sleep in the Subs’ Garden.”

“What if—”

Xavier grabbed her by the back of the neck, his will washing over her. “You will sleep in the Subs’ Garden.”

“Yes, Master Xavier.” She didn’t bother to hide her frustration—both sexual and emotional, and it showed, her words sarcastic and biting.

Master Xavier’s hold tightened just a fraction, but his jaw clenched, lips a thin line. She’d pushed him too far.

Xavier took her by the upper arms and forced her to bend over the horse. His movements were sharp but controlled.

“Grab your ankles.”

“Master Xavier, I’m sorry, I just—”

“Now, Mae.” He pressed his hand against her abused ass.

The flare of pain sent a shudder through her. Disappointment and frustration from the truncated kiss were suppressed by a resurgence of the sweet submissiveness that had filled her while he beat her.

Mae hooked her fingers in the D-ring cuffs around her ankles.

“You’re going to sleep in one of the bunks in the Subs’ Garden. You will meet me back here at noon. Eat before you arrive. You will not orgasm, either by touching yourself or by asking another submissive to touch you. Do you understand, Mae?”

“Yes, Master Xavier.”

“It seems you have a hard time remembering your place unless you’re actively being dominated.” He pinched her abused ass.

Mae was having trouble thinking; all the blood was rushing to her head. “I’m sorry, Master.”

“It is who you are.” The words were matter of fact, and it gave Mae some hope that he didn’t sound disgusted. “It means that I cannot let you go without reminders, as I have no desire to start over again. Have you been trained for anal?”

“Yes, Master Xavier.”

“What have you taken up your ass?”

“Plugs and cocks.” She forced the words out, terribly aroused.

“Can you sleep in a plug?”

“I never have before, Master.”

“Then you will tonight. Stand up.”

Mae straightened and braced her hands on the horse. Xavier reached around her and casually pinched her nipples. “I’m going to get a few things. I will be gone no more than five minutes.”

“Yes, Master Xavier.”

He grabbed her jaw, turning her to face him. “I don’t want to leave you unbound. Have you ridden a wooden horse before?”

Mae shivered. “No, Master. I promise I won’t—”

“You won’t worry about it. You’re mine, and you will trust me to give you what you need, and what I want you to have.”

Mae bit her lip to stop from screaming that what she wanted was for him to kiss her again, for him to put his hands, mouth, and cock between her legs.

“Straddle the horse.”

With a moan of dread, Mae obeyed. The wooden horse was a diabolical device, consisting simply of a wooden beam that the sub was made to straddle. Then either the sub’s legs were tied up or the horse was raised so that she couldn’t touch the floor, forcing her to rest her body weight on their sex.

She was tall enough that she had only to raise her heels an inch off the floor to keep her body weight off her pussy.

“Arms folded behind your back.” Xavier attached a strap to the D ring of her right cuff, brought the strap around her front, then attached it to her left wrist so she couldn’t straighten her arms. In this position she was slightly off balance, which was going to make it harder to keep her weight on her toes.

Xavier cupped her left breast, thumbing the nipple. It felt so good that Mae’s concentration broke. She tipped off balance, sitting hard on her already abused pussy. Yelping she jumped back onto her toes, her sex throbbing.


“Yes, Master Xavier.”

“You’re not allowed to come.” He pinched her nipple for emphasis, then left, boots ringing on the tile.

Mae practiced her yoga breathing and tried not to think about how desperately she wanted Master Xavier, or how much she’d enjoyed this time with him. She hadn’t come, and yet she’d felt more satisfaction than she had in her last play session, which had included more orgasms than she could count. Neither of those things made any sense.


Xavier leaned back against the door. What the hell had just happened? It was a simple flogging, followed by a bratty sub stealing a kiss. Neither should have affected him the way they did.

Mindful of Mae’s situation—though he knew the room was being monitored, as all playrooms were—he headed for the Den and the stash of toys the Dominants, Owners, and Masters kept there.

A few other Doms were winding down their evening with drinks, among them James. Xavier grabbed what he wanted from the cabinets, then on impulse stopped to talk to the other man. After a minute of conversation, and raised eyebrows from James, Xavier was on his way back to Mae.

He had more arrangements to make for the weekend, but they would wait until the pretty sub was safely in bed.

When he opened the door he was greeted by the site of Mae’s pink and red ass. Parts of it were dark enough to match her hair. She was swaying slightly, her delicate calf muscles tense. He watched her lower herself onto the horse for a second, just enough to press her feet flat to the ground, before popping back onto her toes. He’d been very gentle when flogging her pussy, but still the combination of that plus a few minutes on the horse must have made her sore.

He was glad. He wanted her sore, wanted her thinking about him, feeling his touch on her body, even as she slept.

Without a word, he helped her swing a leg over the wooden horse and dismount. Dropping to one knee, he pushed her knees open, examining her pussy. The labia were bright pink and slightly swelled. He pinched them, testing how sensitive she was. Rather than a yelp of pain she moaned, pressing her crotch toward him.

Xavier fought the urge to bury his face in her pussy and his finger in her ass.

Satisfied that she’d be able to handle what he planned for her tomorrow, Xavier stood. Mae’s arms were still bound behind her back, which made it easy to guide her to the armchair and bend her over the back. He tapped her legs open with a foot between her ankles. Taking a small packet of lube from his pocket, he ripped it open and squeezed it onto her anus.

“I’m going to place a plug in your ass. You’re to sleep with it in. If you wake up and are uncomfortable you may take it out for an hour. Set an alarm and when the hour is up, you must reinsert it. You’re to keep track of how many times you take it out. You may remove and wash it in the morning, but then immediately reinsert it. Do you understand?”

“Yes, oh yes, Master Xavier.”

“You’re looking forward to this?”

“I’m going to go crazy if I don’t get something.”

“You mean have something penetrate you?”

“Yes, Master Xavier.”

He coated a simple plastic training plug with the last of the lube, then placed the tip against her rear entrance and used the toy to move the lube around. He was careful not to use his fingers, which like the kiss, were things he considered too personal and intimate for a scene that was only designed for BDSM play. “You are not allowed to come.”

“I remember, Master Xavier.”

“Good.” He positioned the plug and pushed it all the way in with one hard thrust. Mae screamed and wiggled. He hadn’t given her any warning, and the sudden invasion would have hurt, which is what he wanted.

He was surprised when Mae moaned and shuddered. He could see the shivers that trembled through her. It almost looked as if…

“Mae,” he barked. “You are not allowed to come.”

“I’m trying not to, Master.”

He pinched her reddened ass.

Mae moaned again. “No, Master, I’ll come!”

He took his hands off her and watched for her trembling to subside before crouching by the seat of the chair where he could see her face. “Were you really going to come just from that?”

She nodded jerkily. She looked baffled and scared, as if she didn’t know what her body was doing. Her eyes were luminous with tears, her lips flushed pink from arousal.

“Mae, did you know that you’re masochistic?” he asked softly.

“I’m not a pain slut.” She seemed shocked by the very idea.

Xavier decided to leave the issue. He suspected she’d been through about all she could handle today. Tomorrow he’d help her explore this aspect of her submission.

Raising her to a standing position, he held her when she swayed and when she sagged back against him, turned her face so she could rest her cheek against his shoulder. He didn’t have the heart to push her away. He knew it was a mistake, but it felt too good to have her body curled against his like this.

When she’d stopped trembling, he stepped back. “Mae, look at me. You’re going to keep the cuffs on overnight, and wear this.”

He picked up a small drawstring bag he’d brought with him, taking out a simple leather dog collar.

“This is just a training tool, something to help you.” A collar was a significant symbol in BDSM, used to signal that a submissive had been permanently bound to, or was owned by, a Dom or Master.

Her lip curled.

“If you’d rather not wear a collar I can respect that.” There were some who considered using collars for training unwise because it could confuse the submissive.

“It’s not that I object to wearing a collar. I just don’t like
collar. It’s ugly.”

Xavier looked from Mae to the collar and back. Shaking his head he slid the collar around her neck and buckled it loosely.

She pursed her lips. “It doesn’t match the cuffs.”

Xavier let out an exasperated grunt. “That’s what you’re focused on?”

“I take accessories very seriously.”

“I don’t even know what to do with that statement.”

She giggled.

Xavier tensed, expecting that their banter and her sass would have knocked her out of subspace, but she didn’t try to take control as she had when she kissed him. She stood obediently, pretty face turned up, waiting to see what he’d do next. But she’d giggled. His subs didn’t giggle.

The final items in the bag were a set of belled clamps. He poured them into his palm to show her. “There are four clamps. One for each nipple, and two for the lips of your sex. You’ll put them on as soon as you wake up. You may take them off to use the restroom, but then, as with the plug, you must put them back on immediately. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master Xavier.”

“Do you know why I want you to wear these?”

“No, Master.”

“You will in the morning. Also, there’s been a change in plan. Go to the Griff’s Red room at 11:30.”

“In the Sub Rosa Court?”


Though she was clearly curious, she didn’t ask any questions. Xavier unstrapped her arms, rubbed the circulation back into them, and then picked up her robe, draping it over her shoulders, and handed her the bag of clamps. “Tomorrow you’ll wear nothing except what I’ve given you tonight.”

She frowned.

“Is there a problem, Mae?”

“Nothing matches.” Her lips twitched before she got her expression back under control. She looked up at him through her lashes and he realized she was teasing him.

Xavier caught her chin, forcing her to look up. “You don’t know when to quit, do you?” He meant it to be harsh, a warning, but his heart wasn’t in it. He liked the sass. God help him, he even liked the giggle.

Her eyes fluttered closed as she shivered. “No, Master.”

Desire roared through Xavier.

“I will see you tomorrow, Mae.” He helped her put her arms through the robe, then felt something in the sleeve. Curious, he reached in and pulled out a phone and a pair of dark-framed glasses.

“Oh uh, those are mine.” She tried to take them, but Xavier held them out of reach.

Unfolding the glasses, he slipped them onto her face. Mae blinked up at him from behind the lenses. She looked different with them on, older and more confident. He had several extremely vivid naughty librarian fantasies. Taking them off her face, he handed them to her.

She tucked them away. “Goodnight, Master Xavier.”

“Goodnight, Mae.”

He walked her to the door of the play room, and watched her leave, the hem of her robe flapping around her upper thighs. He realized she was barefoot. Ducking back into the room he grabbed her shoes but when he stuck his head out into the courtyard she was already gone, leaving him standing there with a pair of black kitten heels, and the strangest feeling that he’d just let Cinderella slip through his fingers.

Chapter Five

The next morning Mae carefully brushed her hair, hyper aware that each movement caused the bells that dangled from her nipples to jingle. She’d wanted to shower, but Master Xavier hadn’t said she could take off the cuffs, and she wasn’t sure if she should get them wet. Luckily her hair still looked good despite yesterday’s dramatic events, and after washing her face and taking a sponge bath, she’d felt more herself.

There were faint circles under her eyes, which she covered up with concealer before putting on subtle makeup, just enough to make her feel prepared to face the day. She hadn’t slept well, her dreams a chaotic mix of nightmares and erotic fantasies. After waking from a nightmare in a cold sweat, she’d crept out of the comfortable bed in the dorm-like room where subs slept when not ensconced in a play or sleeping room. She’d taken out the plug, hoping the relief from the stimulation of that would allow her to calm down. After an hour of dozing in an armchair, her phone alarm had gone off and she’d had to reinsert the plug, which only brought her arousal roaring back to life.

BOOK: B is for…
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