B785 (7 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

Tags: #science fiction romance, #futuristic romance, #paranormal romance, #sfr, #cyborg romance, #adult romance

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“They put a shield around the organs in your torso?” Einstein couldn’t hide his scientific curiosity at such a strange concept.

“Yup. They wrapped me in some kind of weird metal, shaped to look like a rib cage and stuff, then covered it back over in skin, tissue, and muscle. Pretty neat, huh? And you’d think it would be hell on metal detectors, but somehow, I don’t know how they did it; you can’t tell it’s there at all on x-rays.”

Hell indeed since it meant she could hide anything within the metallic cocoon. Something of his dismay must have shown on his face.

Her smile faded. “Shit. I just proved Captain Rude right, didn’t I? I could have some bug inside me or something worse hiding, waiting to blow us all up.”

“Surely you would have noticed given you seem to have retained all your memories.”

“The memories of my time before I shut myself down. Who knows what the general did to my body after I turned my will to live off?”

Einstein tried to reassure her. “Placing an explosive or any tracking device within you seems like a waste of technology if you were slated for destruction. Not to mention, if he had a way to locate you, why would he wait until now to use it? If we assume you were hijacked by pirates and sold to the brothel as stolen merchandise, then surely the general would have activated it by now and retrieved you.” Or blown her up so make sure the wrongs hands didn’t get a hold of her.

“You know what they say about assumptions.” At his blank look, she shook her head. “I’ll explain later. In the meantime, we have to go with what we know. And that’s very little since my blackout. While I slept, how do we know what happened to me? Aramus is right to be suspicious. Heck, I don’t completely trust you guys yet. For all I know, you’re lulling me into a false sense of security so you can hand deliver me to the devil.”

“Never.” A vehement reply, which tumbled without thought from his lips.

“I know you think that, but who knows what programming time bombs remain planted, hidden in our BCIs waiting for the right moment to explode.”

“I assure you, my mind harbors no hidden subroutines. I’d have found them by now.”

“Has anyone ever told you how cute you are when you talk like a geek?” She grinned at him and Einstein ducked his head, pleased at her mention of cute. “Enough chit-chat, charming. Time for action. You promised the boss you’d probe me.”

“We don’t have to.”

“Oh, but I insist.”

“I’ll be as unobtrusive as possible,” he promised.

“Well, that’s no fun,” she pouted, skipping alongside him.

No fun was going to be him trying to not view her as a woman. Alive, full of energy, and intriguing in so many ways, Einstein wondered how he’d get through an intense examination because just the mere thought had his malfunctioning dick semi-erect.

Maybe he should be the one submitting himself for an exam with her at the helm
. B
I’ll be
she makes a sexy nurse.

Chapter Six

Entering the workshop, which doubled as his medical lab, Bonnie wasted no time hopping up onto the metal table set to the side of the room. It amused her to see how nervous Einstein appeared, how he wouldn’t meet her eyes as he gathered some tools and equipment, how he tried to hide the fact he sported a woody.

Cute didn’t come close to describing him. She already loved how his neatly cut, light brown hair got the ruffled appearance she was starting to realize signaled his agitation.
I make him anxious.
His reaction to her was so unlike the men she used to know. Most of the doctors in her past didn’t bother to hide their leering looks or temper their sexual comments. They made medical exams and tests into something dirty, touching her more than necessary, stroking and pinching for a reaction. Einstein, on the other hand, tried to get away with not palpating her at all.

Talk about totally ruining her fun. Heck, he even gave her a sheet to wear when she stripped down, his red cheeks—so unexpected in a cyborg—the only indication that he’d caught a peek at her assets. Why she wanted him to notice her as more than a test subject she couldn’t have explained. Perhaps it was the challenge he posed. Or the fact she could tell he wanted her but fought it.
Or maybe it’s just plain hormones.
After all, when was the last time she’d had sex, or even wanted sex for that matter? Funny how the one guy who got her motor running—and not just the mechanical one—was the one guy immune to the sexual vibes she kept tossing his way.
I guess I’ll have to try harder.
But seriously, how could he not be aware of her interest? Pulse elevated, temperature running high, and her nipples pebbled, the physical indications were all there for him to see. And apparently ignore.

At the same time she lamented the lack of sexual action, she also couldn’t forget the reason for the exam. Had the general planted a nasty surprise in her body? Was she a walking time bomb? An inadvertent spy? She needed to find out and before they met up with her sister. Knowing she was alive and in love brought such a sense of relief. Despite her fuckup, Chloe was getting her happily ever after and Bonnie wouldn’t ruin it. So despite her urge to make the testing into something more carnal, she held back and let Einstein do his job. Plenty of time to seduce her geeky scientist once they knew she wouldn’t explode or lead the military to her sister.

Prone on his table, legs slightly spread, she let him run various scans, bored and silent, aware that the vibrations of her voice would disrupt some of the more delicate equipment. But when he finally got around to the hands-on part, with an apologetic, “Sorry if my fingers are cold,” she couldn’t help teasing him.

“I know a way to warm them up.”

“I’ll run them under warm water.”

“That’s not what I was thinking. I’ve got more than enough heat right here and I don’t mind sharing,” she replied with a wink.

“Is your temperature control malfunctioning?” he asked with a serious mien. “I don’t have one myself, the military not deeming it necessary for someone of my skills, but I’ve worked on some with the other units.”

Bonnie almost slapped herself as he misread her once again. Surely he wasn’t that clueless? Looking at his waiting expression, she realized, yeah, he was. But how? Sure, the military snagged him young, but still, Einstein was a man, and not an unattractive one. Surely he’d dated, or at the very least had a nurse or two come on to him. “How come I get the impression you’re not too experienced when it comes to girls?”

The fingers skimming her ribcage faltered. “My work keeps me busy and I’ve never seen a need to exert myself with the opposite sex. I have few biological needs.”

“You’re a virgin?” No fucking way.

The comment made him fidget. “Not exactly. I do have some experience.”

“Obviously not very good ones, given your lack of enthusiasm for a repeat.”

“Sex is not a necessity. Lust is a hormonal need, one that can be controlled.”

“Your friends don’t seem to control it.”

“They’re soldier models.”

“And? What difference does that make?”

“Their testosterone levels are much higher, intentionally so. From what information I’ve gleaned over the years, human researchers noted early on in their studies that soldiers with higher levels of hormones were more efficient in combat. Better, more violent killers, in other words. In order to exploit this aspect, most of the cyborg units are programmed to create more testosterone than a normal male.”

“Why does it not surprise me that the military would do something like that? Haven’t you been able to dial it back?”

“If you mean reduce, we’ve tried. But, we can’t completely eliminate it. Nor did most of the males want us to. So long as they can control their tempers and channel the violence, they are allowed to choose how they live.”

“Choice?” She rolled the word off her tongue, mulling it. “What an interesting concept.”

“It’s more than a concept to us. It’s how we live. Why we fight. We want the choice to live as we choose, not as mindless machines or tools for others.”

“And you’ve achieved this on this world you’ve carved out for yourself?”

“More or less. We do of course have laws, basic ones, like you shall not kill your cyborg brothers, or steal.”

“Kind of like the original ten commandments.”

“In a sense. We’ve adopted tenets, which we all abide by so that we can live in harmony. But other than those basic rules, we make our own fate.”

“Make your own fate. I like that. But, if that’s the case, then why are you in space still acting the part of techno geek?”

He smiled, a genuine grin that warmed her. “Because this is what I enjoy. What I’m good at. Just because I have my freedom doesn’t mean I don’t want to work. We all work. We have to if we want to survive. I am well aware of my limitation. I am no good at building things or engaging in combat. I am the first to admit I am socially awkward. I am, however, gifted when it comes to fixing things and deciphering technology, even adapting it to fit our evolving needs.”

“So you play doctor and scientist because it’s what you love, and Aramus is obviously good at giving orders,” she replied wryly.

“That he is,” Einstein replied, meeting her gaze with a conspiratorial smile.

“What about Seth? What’s he good at?”

“Driving everyone a little crazy.”

She laughed. “That sounds like something he’d say.”

“Because it is. Seth is a spy model, built to blend in perfectly with the humans. He hides skills and hardware we can only imagine.”

“Hides? You mean you don’t know for sure what he’s capable of? And yet you all seem to trust him.”

“I do, at any rate, as do many others. I owe him my life. He’s rescued me from more than one dangerous situation. He’s actually rescued quite a few of the cyborgs, even those considered impossible to reach. Much as he’d like you to see him as a jokester, he’s actually quite deadly, and dedicated to the cyborg liberation.”

“An onion.”

Confusion knit his brow. “I’m sorry? Did you just compare him to a root vegetable?”

“I did. An onion, as in a man of many layers.”

Einstein snorted. “And who makes grown males cry. An apt comparison. I shall have to recall it.”

Leaving aside her ribs, and barely touching upon her breasts—globes that ached for his hands to cup them—Einstein palpated the skin behind her ears.

“Interesting,” he muttered.

“What is?” Other than the fact he could forgo groping her boobs, but get intrigued by her boring ears.

“I feel no sign of the port you mentioned. No indentation or ridge. If you hadn’t told me of its existence, I would have never known it was there.”

“It is. You can slice me open and take a peek if you’d like.”

“Not necessary. I believe you. Besides, it would serve no purpose. I don’t have a computer I can safely hook you up to. Even if I don’t believe you harbor any hidden time bombs, I prefer to exercise caution. I will wait until we get back to my main lab. I have a computer that lacks both wireless connectivity and is apart from the mainframe. A safe machine, if you will, that I can use to explore your direct access without introducing any viruses to our mainframe.” Einstein stepped back from her. “You may get up now.”

“So I’m clean, charming?”

“As far as I can tell. You may clothe yourself.”

“That’s it? You barely touched me.”

“Visually, I detected no anomalies or lumps beneath your skin.”

“But you didn’t really check my tits.” She cupped them, enjoying how his gaze couldn’t seem to move from her hands.

“I—Uh, the, um scan was able to ascertain nothing but fatty tissues in your mammary glands. No need for me to palpate.”

No need except for the fact she would have enjoyed it. She sat up, the sheet hugging the top of her breasts, but leaving her shoulders bare. “You didn’t do any probing, though.”

Boy did that fluster him. He turned away quickly, idly shuffling the tools on his tray. “That seems unnecessarily intrusive.”

“Then don’t do it for science. Do it for fun.”

“Excuse me?” He whirled with a confused expression marring his face.

“Come on, you can’t tell me you wouldn’t like to touch me there.” She peeked at him coyly through her lashes.

“It wouldn’t be appropriate.”

“Screw appropriate. I think you should be thorough, charming.” She inched the sheet up her thigh, exposing the skin, watching his riveted gaze, the evident desire thrumming through him feeding her own arousal. How she wanted him to throw off his standoffish demeanor and caress her. “Touch me,” she demanded in a husky voice. “I won’t mind. And I know you’d like it.”

He shook his head. “No, thank you.”

“Come on. I owe you for waking me up.”

For some reason, this brought a rigidness to his muscles. “You owe me nothing. You are free now, Bonnie. Despite what the military expected, you do not have to offer yourself to me or anyone. Your body is your own.”

Good to know. But it didn’t change the fact she was strangely aroused by this reticent man. “Well, since the choice is mine, why can’t I choose to ask you for sex?”


“Because? That’s not an answer, charming.” She strode toward him, hips undulating, fascinated by the way he swallowed hard and held himself so tightly wound. Before she could reach out and touch him, he stumbled back.

“I’m needed on the bridge. Why don’t you take some time to rest and when you wake, I can have someone show you the ship while I slumber.” He said this all in a rush of words before practically running out the door. Heck, he almost slammed into the portal so quickly did he dash.

Way to make a girl feel good
. A
nd leave me feeling horny.
But he’d be back. After all, this was his room. And when he did return, she’d be waiting.

Chapter Seven

Clear invitation or not, Einstein couldn’t do it. Couldn’t touch the skin she so temptingly displayed. But oh, how he wanted to.

No amount of logic could convince him he wouldn’t enjoy it. His dick especially seemed interested in seeing what hid between her thighs. The fact he knew all the biological details of the female body didn’t seem to sway it from the senseless logic that somehow Bonnie’s sexual organ would feel different from the one time he’d attempted intercourse with a sexbot.

It was only his rigid moral code—and irrational terror—that saved him from finding out first hand. Avoidance seemed the best plan of action, and he did his best to stick to this course, not an easy task given he shared his quarters with her. Over the next few days, he did his best to come to grips with the need she engendered. The desire. He took to hiding out in the gym and when she found him there and insisted they spar, pinning him more than once to the mat with a triumphant grin when he just couldn’t bring himself to block her, he almost gave in to his baser human urges.

He found a new hiding spot in the engine room, but the cyborgs there ribbed him about his “girlfriend” and gave him up when she came looking. Heck, even Seth ridiculed him, using their mental communicator to call him a “chicken,” and “an idiot for not eating the cake.” What did food have to do with it?

Worst thing was, no matter how much he tried to avoid Bonnie, how he hid and ignored, she didn’t take offense, just smiled and jested, “You can’t run forever, charming.”

How he hated the fact she was right. He quickly ran out of spots to hide from the female determined to tempt him. The willpower to resist eroded daily as she kept throwing herself in his path. Teasing him. Taunting him. Driving him senseless until all he could think of was her. Bonnie, a name he now held synonymous with seductress.

Sharing a room with her meant fighting his base human urges at every turn. He tried to time it so he arrived after she left, the computer notifying him whenever she exited to entertain herself elsewhere. He’d sneak in for a shower, and come out to find her lounging on his bed smirking. He’d lay down for a rejuvenating nap and wake to find her snuggled against him, somehow not setting off his internal alarms, which should have frightened him, but instead made him file it as just another defect within himself that he needed to check on.

Everywhere he turned, there she was, and he knew it was just a matter of time before he lost the battle and did as she asked. Touched her as she demanded. How long could he honestly hope to fight her allure before he let himself give in to the sexual urges which seemed to have taken over his mental faculties?

After a few days of exhausting evasion, he couldn’t recall the reasons why he shouldn’t just give in and discover the pleasure she seemed intent on bestowing. The one thing he never expected, though, was how strongly he’d react when he came across someone who wanted the very thing he denied. Jealousy, an emotion he had a definition for but never understood, became very clear to him a few days after her arrival.


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