B785 (8 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

Tags: #science fiction romance, #futuristic romance, #paranormal romance, #sfr, #cyborg romance, #adult romance

BOOK: B785
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On the hunt for her elusive geeky prince, because teasing him was the most fun she’d ever had, Bonnie found herself waylaid in the hall.

“Hey gorgeous, feel like joining us for some fun?”

Bonnie held in a sigh as the cyborg male, still all too human at the core, propositioned her. Astro was his name. He worked in the engine room with his roommate Ralph. She’d seen him a time or two on her hunts for Einstein, but never really paid him much mind. He, on the other hand, displayed too much interest. Given how he blocked her path, it seemed he’d decided to act upon it.

It occurred to her to put him in his place—she did after all excel in most martial arts and submission moves—but, bored and a little sexually frustrated, she decided to first screw with him a bit.

“Us? As in a threesome?”

The cybernetic unit, handsome in a rough-hewn way, all craggy features and bulging muscles, smiled as he eyed her up and down. He licked his lips and nodded. “Ralph and I have a room with a cot down this way.”

How romantic. “I usually prefer a more one-on-one encounter.”

“So we’ll take turns. Although, if you’re the Bonnie the soldiers used to talk about back on the base, then the way I hear it, you used to handle more than two back in the day.”

Lucky her, even years later in space, her reputation preceded her. Funny how it never occurred to any of the jerks that perhaps she’d never possessed a choice. That perhaps she’d done the things she had out of self-preservation or to protect the others, protect the ones less mentally able to handle it. Men always assumed because she didn’t put up much of a fight that she wanted sex with them. Not really, but back then, while she’d not been given a choice and had to let them do as they pleased, now she called the shots. She knew she could call out to Seth or even the irritable Aramus, her voice keyed to the onboard computer, and they’d teach these cyborg boys not to bother her. Or she could teach them herself.

Just as she prepared to show the crude soldier how a lady liked to be treated, Einstein came flying around the corner, his face set in a tight mask of anger. How unusual, and sexy. But not as hot as the fist he threw before anyone could say a word.

The cyborg who’d called her an easy slut stumbled into the wall from the force of the blow. With more fighting skill than she would have credited, her geeky prince lay into Astro with several perfectly aimed punches and kicks. It did nothing to ease the fury on his face or temper the light blazing from his eyes. She could only gape in astonishment—and more than a touch of arousal.

“How.” Whack. “Dare.” Kick. “You.” Punch. “Speak to her that way,” Einstein shouted, enunciating each word with distinction. “No matter what her past or what the military made her do, Bonnie is a guest on our ship and a lady. As such, you will treat her with respect!”

“Yes, sir.” The properly chastised cyborg spoke through a split and swollen lip and attempted a salute.

She bit her lip so as to not giggle. While she’d come to expect a lot of things from Einstein, violence and jealousy wasn’t one of them.

Turning his back on the cyborg, her prince held out his hand. “Let’s go, Bonnie.”

Before she could ask where, Einstein grabbed a hold of her hand and stalked off, aggression delineating his slim build and making heat coil in her lower stomach. Such chivalry, heretofore unknown to her, totally blew her away—and turned her on. “Thanks,” she said when he didn’t seem inclined to speak.

“Don’t thank me. You shouldn’t have been subjected to such crass treatment in the first place.”

“It’s not entirely his fault. I never made a secret of the use the military had for me.”

“It doesn’t excuse his behavior. This is not how we comport ourselves. We are better than humans. We are above such base urges.”

“Are you really?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Einstein halted abruptly and fixed her with an unblinking stare.

Oh for fuck’s sake. Tired of obtuseness, she got aggressive. He didn’t resist when she shoved him back against the wall of the corridor and encroached on his space, however, she did note his heart rate, already ticking rapidly, increased another notch.

“I mean that attraction to the opposite sex is a natural thing.”

His lips thinned into a tight line. “Are you excusing his behavior?”

“No. I’ll admit, his proposal wasn’t exactly subtle.”

“Subtle? He asked you to join him for a gang bang with his buddy.” Einstein’s anger radiated from him in an almost palpable wave.

She absorbed the emotion, fed on it; the outrage for her, the chivalry, again for her, and at the core, the jealousy, because despite his claims he came to her defense out of honor, she recognized what it was truly about.
My geeky prince is staking a claim whether he knows it or not.
And she didn’t mind that one bit. “Okay, he was a jerk who needs a few lessons from Seth on how to approach a girl, but that didn’t mean you had to go all medieval on his ass.”

“Oh, yes I did.”

His dark pronouncement sent a shiver down her spine that owed nothing to a chill and everything with delight. “Okay, maybe you did, but, just so you know, I was more than capable of handling it myself. And before you say I shouldn’t have to, the truth is I’m going to have to. He’s not the first soldier who’s going to hit on me and he’s not the last. Anything with a dick between his legs is liable to do it. Some just do it more eloquently than others.”

“Like Seth.”

Her nose wrinkled. “Yeah, I don’t know if I’d call him eloquent.”

“But he knows how to compliment and flatter.”

“In his own fashion. Yet, so do you.”

She wondered if he realized how human he appeared in that moment with both his brows arching high. “Me? I think you’re mistaken. I’m the last person you could accuse of flirting.”

“Says the man who brings me treats. Who fashioned me a flower out of metal scraps and left it on a pillow. Who gave up his bed and privacy. Who tries to hide his attraction even though it’s obvious.”


“Who stutters deliciously whenever he gets embarrassed.” She laughed when he fell silent. “I know you like me, Einstein.”

“Of course I do. I like all my fellow cyborgs.”

“I mean like as in the way a boy likes a girl.” To prove her point, she cupped him, the hardness of his cock a plentiful handful.

He sucked in an unnecessary breath. “I am simply reacting in a normal biological manner to an attractive member of the opposite sex

Silly man, he still tried to deny it. She knew just the way to shut him up, or at the very least, fry some of his circuits. “Has anyone ever told you that you analyze things too much? Analyze this.” She pressed her mouth to his, tasting the lips she’d wondered about since her waking. It was better than she could have imagined. Heat, desire, and arousal rose in a tumultuous rush, bringing all her nerve endings alive, alive in a way she’d never imagined feeling again.

Under the sensual assault of her mouth, his lips parted, and she took full advantage, sliding her tongue into the recess to caress the edge of his teeth. He let his own tongue tentatively caress hers. When she moaned, he grew bolder, his hands moving from a hesitant spot on her waist down to her buttocks, gripping her and pulling her snug against his body, his erection hard against her belly.

She dug her fingers into his shoulders, lifting herself on tiptoe to get a better angle, wanting and needing him to get closer. Wanting more of him. Wanting…

A wolf whistle and a shouted, “Way to go, Einstein,” from up the hall had him pushing her away and stumbling back. Eyes glowing, his lips swollen and looking deliciously disheveled, he regarded her with lingering arousal and panic. “I’m sorry.”

“For what? I was the one who kissed you.”

“I shouldn’t have manhandled you like that in public.”

“Then take me somewhere private. I enjoyed it, charming, in case you hadn’t noticed.”


Bonnie was done with his excuses. Done with going to bed horny. She knew she wasn’t good enough for Einstein in the long term. Knew they didn’t have a future, not with the baggage she carried from her past. But dammit, she wanted his body. Wanted to forget, even if for just a few hours, that she was a tarnished princess who could never hope for a happily ever after. Selfish or not, she wanted Einstein. Now. “Enough already. I swear if you don’t come back with me to your room right this very second and fuck me, I am going to scream.”


“Because I am horny. Aroused. Going out of my mind with need.”

“I’m sure there are other units better suited and more skilled to take care of that biological necessity than me.”

Her eyes almost popped out of her head in astonishment. “Are you seriously suggesting I go to someone else?”

She could see the struggle in him and it made her wish she was just a little bit bigger so she could shake him. Did he really not grasp the fact she wanted him and no one else? Was he that unbelievably stupid?

He sighed and his shoulders slumped. “No. I don’t want you to go to anyone else.”

Then why did he keep refusing unless… “Is this because of my reputation?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t act stupid. You heard, Astro. I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors. It’s not like I made it a secret. I was the military’s whore. B785, the cyborg chick you went to if you needed a good time.”

“Not by choice.”

“But I didn’t fight it as much as I should have. I don’t blame you for rejecting me. Who wants a known slut in their bed? You deserve better.” Her shoulders slumped as she let shame and discouragement, something she usually kept bottled, overwhelm her.

“I don’t care about your past. We all did things we’re not proud of. Things we did because we had to. Things we didn’t have a choice in. That’s not why I’m saying no.”

“Then why are you?” She peeked at him and saw him scrubbing a hand through his hair.

“Because I’m afraid of not measuring up. I’m not good when it comes to connecting with people. I have almost no experience. I don’t want to disappoint you.”

What a pair they were. “You could never disappoint me.”


“Oh would you stop over-analyzing and just come with me.” When it looked like he might speak again, make that argue, she grabbed his hand and yanked. “Now, charming.”

“Aye, aye, ma’am.”

She peered back to see a wan smile curling his lips. “Did you just call me ma’am?”

“Well, you are pretty bossy.”

“But cute bossy, right?”

His smile widened. “Very.”

A grin beamed forth, warming her from head to toe. “Well then, since you like orders from cute, bossy women, I demand you follow me back to your room and have sex with me.” When he would have replied, she cut him off. “Don’t even think about talking or I’ll screw you right here in the hall.”

He clamped his mouth shut, and he didn’t pull away as she tugged him in the direction of his room. On the contrary, his pace kept up with her quick steps, until practically running, they made it to the privacy of his quarters.

Only once the door slid shut did his nervousness return. But she knew the cure for that. Pressing herself to him, she took his mouth in an aggressive kiss that left no room for speech, or thoughts, or doubt. She left them both only one choice—passion. A flaming need. An electrical sizzle that soon had them both panting and rubbing against each other. Their hands gripped and rubbed, stroking through clothing that suddenly chafed.

“Undress me,” she murmured against his mouth.

“Are you sure?”

“Now, charming.” She injected some force in to her words.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Oh how he made that sound so sexy. With hands that trembled only slightly, he removed the jumpsuit she’d modified to fit her frame until she stood nude, never once breaking off their kiss. She wasted no time pressing her warm body against his still clothed one.

“Touch me, charming.”

Hesitant at first, his cool fingers skimmed down the skin of her back to the top of her buttocks, then with a suddenness that surprised a gasp from her, he palmed her cheeks, pulling her tight against him. In a moment, she went from the one in charge to the one mewling in need.

She’d unleashed the man within, the passionate male who suddenly had his hands everywhere, stroking her skin and bringing nerve endings alive in a way she’d never thought to feel again. When he cupped her breasts for the first time, she tore her mouth from his as her head fell back and a long groan escaped her. “Yes,” she hissed. “That’s it. Squeeze them. Suck them.”

He obeyed with a ravenous hunger, his mouth latching on to her nipples, inhaling them between his lips. The tug on her throbbing nubs sent a jolt right down to her moist pussy.

Fuck, how she ached for him. She reached between their bodies and unbuckled his pants, eager for her own chance to touch. He sprang into her hand, his cock hard and thick. His hips jerked as she stroked his length and he released her breast to utter an incoherent sound.

“Do you like that?” she asked in a husky voice.

He couldn’t answer, but he did brace his hands on the wall, bracketing her, his hips thrusting in time to her strokes. A shudder went through him, then another. With a hoarse cry, he came, hot semen spilling over her hand and hitting her lower belly.

She uttered a pleased chuckle, but he froze and she peered up to see him looking horrified. “What’s wrong, charming?” As soon as she said it, she knew though. He was a man, and he’d come before her. Never mind the fact he’d obviously needed it, men had this notion that woman always came first.

She, on the other hand, was glad he had. It would make the main event last longer.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, confirming her supposition.

“For what? Showing me how much I excite you?” She smiled as wide as she could. “That is the greatest compliment you could pay me, charming.”

“But I didn’t pleasure you. I failed.”

“How did you fail? You don’t really think we’re done, do you?”

He looked down pointedly.

A delighted giggle escaped her. “Oh, charming. I am going to have so much fun teaching you.” Starting now. Dropping to her knees, she brought herself eye level with his cock. He sucked in a breath at the first lick of the tip of his mushroom cap.

“What are you doing?” he said in a whisper.

Forget telling him, she showed him, and lucky her, he was a fast learner.

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