Back to December (Ward Sisters Book 1) (38 page)

BOOK: Back to December (Ward Sisters Book 1)
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When Rob returned from getting rid of the condom, he climbed under the blanket with her and held her in his arms. “You okay?” he asked.


“You sure?”

“Absolutely. Never been happier. Why do you ask?”

“You seem tense.”

She didn't want to tell him what was really on her mind, so she covered. “Maybe it's because you didn't let me scream. You should take me upstairs and make love to me again and let me scream this time. You've made me a screamer.”

“Oh? You weren't before?”

“No. Never.”



“But you screamed the first time I made you come, before we ever made love. You screamed just when I touched you and put my mouth on you.”

“Yes. I know. Like I said, you made me into a screamer.”

He laughed lightly. “I like hearing you scream. I know you can't fake anything and it tells me you're enjoying it.”

“Oh, there was never any doubt about that. From the moment you kissed me until lying here in your arms, I've enjoyed it all.”

“So have I. It was awful being without you.”

“Yes. It was. Let's not do that often. Let's do whatever we can to be together as much as possible. I didn't realize how much I had gotten used to you being there until you weren't.”

“I know. Having you around all the time was far preferable to you being across the country.” Emily yawned. The cold was making her sleepy. And she still wasn't really used to the time change. “Let's head to bed and I'll make love to you again. And I promise I'll let you scream this time.”

Em laughed. “Sounds good to me. Now hand me my robe.
not taking any chances.”



The Fluxus happening was a blast. Rob had never seen performance art like that before and it was fun to  experience it with him for the first time. This event was sound oriented, where the audience physically interacted with a word and the sound they heard was the opposite of the word. You might step on the word laugh and hear someone sobbing. Or push a button that said scream and hear nothing. Like many things Fluxus, it was a temporary exhibit. Em took some photos with her iPhone and once they had seen everything, they headed to the party.

They were still discussing the happening when they arrived at the home of one of Rob's agency's principals. He said they had this party every year and the principals rotated hosting duties. He warned Emily earlier in the day that Rachel would likely be at the party, since they belonged to the same talent agency. They didn't have the same agent anymore, fortunately, but that was only because Rachel had abandoned their mutual agent after
Indiana Road
, blaming her for losing the role, even though all she had to do was accept it and she had rejected it instead.

Emily didn't look forward to seeing Rachel again. She hoped to avoid her completely, but knew that was unlikely. Rob promised to do what he could to keep away from Rachel, but there would be times when they might get separated and he couldn't promise that Rachel would leave her alone.

About an hour into the party, Rob needed to speak with someone and Em was left alone in conversation with one of the agents. She had grown bored with the guy's dry disposition and excused herself to use the ladies room as an escape.

Emily wandered around the huge house, bored, in search of a bathroom. She passed a hallway and movement caught her eye. As she turned in that direction, her jaw immediately dropped and her heart plummeted into her stomach.

In the soft, canned light of the paneled hallway,  Rachel teetered on stilettos, her arms around Rob's neck, her lips pressed to his, her hips thrust into his pelvis, her breasts crushed to his chest. The urge to vomit suddenly overcame Emily and her hand reflexively covered her mouth. Before she could be spotted, she scurried away.

Her heart raced and she was about to puke, hyperventilate or maybe both. Quickly, she darted into an enormous half bath. It had its own sitting area, obviously designed for entertaining. She collapsed onto a settee – a feat, given that she was wearing a cranberry red bandage dress that fit her like a second skin.

The tears pooled in her eyes and ran down her face like a weeping wall. How could he do that to her? He lied to her. He told Emily that he only wanted
. That Rachel already had her chance. And yet, he kissed that witch!

No. Rob would never betray her like that. There had to be an explanation. She had to find him, had to ask what she really saw. She attempted to stand, but in the dress it was a challenge. Before she could get to her feet, Em heard the door open.

She was tempted to say it was occupied, both to give herself a few more minutes to get composed and to more gracefully stand. The door burst open, so she didn't say anything, regretting that decision the moment the person walked in the room.

Emily refused to give the woman the satisfaction of seeing her cry. She blotted her eyes with a tissue and finally stood to leave when Rachel said, “Oh! Emma. It's you. Aw, what's the matter? Finally realizing that your time with Deac is coming to a close?”

Had she seen Emily outside that hall? Did she know that Em saw them kissing? “What are you talking about?” Emily sniffed.

Rachel grinned. “Oh, well, I thought he might have finally told you.”

“Told me what?”

With a smarmy smile, she said, “About the performance. Haven't I said all along that you played Cinderella to his Prince Charming? He's ready to be done with that.”

Emily's heart raced like she had sprinted the 100 meter dash. “
are you talking about, Rachel?”

“Deac is done. You've served your purpose. I have to say, it was brilliant. He got both things he's wanted so desperately for eons.”

“And what is that?”

“Well, for one, he got his second Oscar nod. You see, after our engagement ended and then the debacle of that whole thing with Lola, Deac was considered a cad by so many women in the business that several refused to work with him. It made getting roles that were Oscar worthy difficult. But
Shattered Glass
, well, that was a revelation. And his publicity team jumped in with both feet once they realized he hadn't gotten a SAG or a Globe nomination. They pulled out all the stops to get him back on track, you see. So they concocted a plan to get Deac to romance an industry outsider. If they could show him in a loving relationship with someone outside the business, he might have a shot at an Oscar nomination.”

This was ridiculous, even for Rachel. “What difference would that make?”

“Oh, the Academy favors actors in couples, especially ones who are in non-actor relationships. Look at most of the recent winners and you'll see that they all had significant others, many outside the business, when they were nominated. Deac needed to appeal to the older Academy voters to get himself nominated, especially because he wasn't a front runner already. You were the perfect choice to play the part.”

Emily considered what she said. It sounded far- fetched.

“You're lying.”

“Am I? Did you have a meet-cute?”

Like in the movies?

She laughed. “Of course you don't know what a meet-cute is. Did you have some awkward first meeting? Then some happy coincidence shortly thereafter? Maybe you both got swept away by your emotions and found yourself madly in love. So unexpected! So not like either of you! Oh, but the passion grows and it's
wonderful, like nothing you ever felt! It seems as if nothing could shake you, the love is so strong. There are sentiments exchanged. He says he loves you and you tell him you love him. And then, eventually, he breaks your heart. Well, now you're at the part of the story where he breaks your heart.”

Emily choked on her sob. Hadn't Rachel just described their love affair? It couldn't be true. Could it? “I don't believe you.”

“Believe what you wish. But Deac's story had a dual purpose. You see, he tried to make me jealous, to make me think that he had fallen in love with someone else. He's been waiting, all this time, for me to come back to him. For me to get my act together and see that we're perfect for each other and that we belong together. Tonight, he told me it was time. We had to stop playing this game. He's ready to propose again.”

Emily made a strangled cry of pain. So it was true. Rob was still in love with Rachel. That kiss was them reconciling. He had used Emily to win back both Rachel and the Academy voting block.

“Oh, don't be too sad. I'm sure when you're ready for your first close-up, they'll find a place on the canvas for another brunette with frizzy hair and a big nose. I heard you can sing. Surely you got out of this what you hoped to gain?” Rachel said with a smug grin.

Emily jumped up from the settee, flung the door open and ran out. No. No, she did not get out of this what she wanted.

Had she? She had shaken Josh. Her mother wouldn't try to get them back together. Josh wouldn't take her back, he'd said as much. But that wasn't what she wanted out of all this.

What she had wanted was Rob. She loved him. And he manipulated her. He'd convinced her he was in love with her and he used her. He humiliated her. And it wasn't even in private! This would be public humiliation. This would further shame her family. It was just as her mother had warned her: he would break her heart and they would all suffer the consequences.

Em ran out of the house, didn't even try to look for Rob. She didn't want to see him, didn't want to talk to him. Her sole desire was to run away, as fast as she could, all the way home to Maine.

She dialed Liam. Her voice became steel. “Meet me out front with the car.
. We're leaving.”

When the car arrived, Liam got out and said, “Where's Rob?”

“I don't care. Take me home. Now.”


, Liam!”

“Okay. Just let me call Brian so I can tell him that we'll have to send the car back, okay?”

Em nodded and got in the car.

Liam joined her a few minutes later. “What the hell happened?”

“He was kissing her!”


“Rachel! He was kissing Rachel! And then she came and told me how he had use me. He made me into his princess so he could look good in the eyes of the Academy. He made her jealous so she'd go back to him. She said...she said he...he...he was...ready to...propose...again!” Emily was crying in earnest.

Liam moved next to her. He held her in his arms and rocked her. “Hey, don't listen to her. She's a lying, manipulative bitch who'll say anything to get what she wants, no matter who it hurts. She's selfish. She only cares about herself.”

“Then why...was...he...kissing...her?”

“I don't know. You'll have to ask him. But I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation.”

“For cheating on me?”

“I doubt that's what it was. Are you sure it wasn't

“What difference does that make?”

“Believe me, with Rachel, it makes
the difference.”

“How can I trust anything he ever told me? He said it was over with her. And then he kissed her! He humiliated me, Liam!”

“Em, just talk to him about it first.”

“No! No, I won't let him charm me back into his bed. I'm going home. I want you to take me to the airport. I'm going back to Maine. Tonight.”

“Don't do that. Don't run away.”

“I'm not running...away. I'm respecting...myself. More than...he did.”

“He loves you.”

“It was all a lie, Liam!”

“I don't believe that, Em. I've known him a long time. He's desperately in love with you.”

She pulled away from him, angry. “Is he paying you to keep convincing me? Until I've served my usefulness?”

“What? No! Em, you can't believe that if I knew he was using you I'd go along with it!”

She thought for a minute. “No.”

“I don't think you're seeing things the way they are. I think you're upset about the kiss you saw and you're letting that manipulative bitch cloud your judgment.”

“How do you know she's a liar and manipulator?”

“It's not important. But I do. Trust me.”

“I'm having a hard time trusting anyone right now, Liam.”

“I've got your back, Em. Always. You

She felt bad. This wasn't Liam's fault. “I know.”

“I'll do whatever you want. I'm
bodyguard. My job is to protect

“Even from Rob?”

“Even from Rob, if that's what you want.”

“Just get me back to Malibu so I can pack and go home. The sooner I'm gone, the sooner I can put this behind me.” She sat there for a moment. “I'm such a fool,” she cried. Tears streamed down her face in a deluge as the sobs wracked her body.

He rocked her again, shushed her like a child. “It'll be okay. You'll get through it. I'm here.” And it was a good thing, because Liam was the only person she trusted in California right now.

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