BAD BOY ROMANCE: A Wifey for the Bad Boy (Contemporary Alpha Male Romance Book) (New Adult Alpha Male Romance Short Stories) (32 page)

BOOK: BAD BOY ROMANCE: A Wifey for the Bad Boy (Contemporary Alpha Male Romance Book) (New Adult Alpha Male Romance Short Stories)
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“Damn it, Athena!” he cried out as he fucked her hard, emptying into her. “The things you do to me,” he whispered as he slipped out of her. He kissed her shoulder before he collapsed next to her.

‘Maybe we should eat more,” she said as she looked at him. “You are going to need more strength for round two.”

He smiled and sighed loudly.

“You are insatiable,” he said.

“And you,” she started before she kissed her softly. “Can keep up.”



My Guardian Bad Boy


Chapter 1

“I am really trying not to give him a free pass and everything,” Riley Daniels said, as she wiped down the bar counter at the Boomerang pub where she worked. “I mean, he’s done this before and giving in will set a course for our marriage, right?” she asked as she poured another customer a beer. She looked up at Maya Wells, one of her closest friends who had been sipping on a Sauvignon Blanc. Riley could not help but notice that her friend was being unusually quiet.

“Hello,” Riley said snapping her fingers in Maya’s face. “Earth to Maya.”

Maya ran her fingers through her honey blonde hair and sighed.

“Sorry…what did you say?” she asked.

“Forget what I said. You look like you need something stronger than a Sauvignon Blanc.” Riley poured two tequila shots and pushed one shot glass towards Maya. “Here. On me.”

“Riley…I don’t think that…” Maya started before Riley grabbed her hand and poured some salt on her space between her thumb and her forefinger.

“Don’t think. Just do it,” Riley put a bowl of lemon wedges in front of Maya. “Most of the times I offer someone a free tequila shot and they begin saying that it is not a good idea, it usually is. They just don’t know it yet.”

Maya forced out a smile.

“One shot is never enough. The hangover is usually a bad reminder,” she said.

Riley rolled her eyes and put up a well-manicured index finger.

“Just remember. Lick. Drink. Bite.” She held her own shot glass and Maya did the same. “On three.”

Maya knew that taking that shot was a bad idea. Heck, her being at the Boomerang was a bad idea all by itself but that didn’t really matter at that moment. She raised her own shot glass and did the shot with Riley.

“Now tell me that wasn’t just what you needed?” Riley asked and Maya smiled.

“Guess it was…even though it’s not really my cup of tea.”

“So, tell me what’s going on with you? Why are you so out of it?” Riley asked. “Because I can tell that this is not just a case of the Thursday blues.”

Maya nodded as she circled her finger on the glass rim.

“Let’s just say that it has been one of those days,” she said in a low voice. “Work was not as great as I had anticipated it would be.”

“The presentation you were talking about,” Riley started. “That was today?”

Maya nodded.

She had been working on the perfect advertising campaign for one of her company’s new clients and after working there for three years, she knew that this would be her one shot to the top. Unfortunately for her, someone at the office was hell bent on making sure stayed at the bottom feeding off whatever leftovers the people at the top decided to throw down and her name was Alicia Bane. For some reason, Alicia was convinced that the only way to get ahead in the office was either by sleeping her way to the top while sabotaging people as she went on. It was pitiful but it seemed to work for her. But on this particular day, she had gone a little too far. Somehow, she had managed to get into Maya’s computer, make a copy of her presentation and deliver it as if it was her own. This had not only put Maya in her boss’ bad sights but also made her look like a complete fool in front of her associates. Instead of the promotion she had been expecting, she got a reprimand from her boss who didn’t seem to want to hear a word she had to say. Even as all this happened, she could see an evil smile on Alicia’s lips but sadly, she couldn’t prove anything. At least not yet. Not without jeopardizing her job anyway. She had to swallow her pride and sit back as her boss gave her a three day unpaid leave to figure herself out.

“It didn’t go so well,” Maya said. “Actually, it didn’t go anywhere.”

Riley shrugged.

“I don’t get it.”

“Someone at work got into my computer and stole my presentation.” Maya tool another sip of her drink. “And presented it as her own.”

you are talking about that bitch Anita from work, right?”

“Alicia,” Maya corrected her. “And honestly, I would rather keep on drinking so fill her up.”

“You don’t need to say anymore,” Riley said as she put another glass of Sauvignon Blanc in front of her. “I’ll ask for a plate of wings or something. You are on an empty stomach and at this rate, you will be drunk sooner than later.”

“That sounds great. Thank you,” Maya said. Riley leaned forward and beckoned to Maya to do the same.

“By the way, if it makes you feel better, there is a hottie seated at the table behind you who has been checking you out since you sat down.”

Maya was tempted to turn around but Riley was fast enough to hand her a pocket mirror. Maya raised it and pretended to fix her hair. A smile played on her lips when she caught a glimpse of the man Riley was talking about. The word ‘hottie’ might as well been a gross understatement. The Caucasian man had a full head of hair that reminded her of a young Zachary Levi and even though he was seated and behind her, she could tell that he had a perfect height, maybe six one.

“And I have seen him around here a couple of times doing the same thing he is doing now,” Riley said.

“And that is?” Maya asked raising an eyebrow over the other.

“He has been here almost every single day for the last month always checking you out,” Riley said. “Are you telling me that you never noticed?” she asked and Maya nodded, uncertainly. “How clueless are you?”

Maya put the mirror down and shrugged.

“On any other day I would have probably felt something,” Maya said and Riley shook her head.

“Please, it’s about time to get back on the horse. You have been single for way too long,” Riley said as she turned around to order some food for Maya.

Maya shrugged and took a long sip of her wine. Was it possible that Riley was right? Could it have been time to finally move on? She had not been on a date in months…actually, it had almost been a year and a half since her last date and she was in no particular hurry to ‘get back on the horse’ as Riley had put it.

“But my career is in the toilet.”
She took another sip and reached for the bowl of peanuts on the counter.
“I might as well just get a boy toy or something…or just a toy.”

She was still engrossed in her own thoughts when one of the men who had been seated at the far end of the bar made his way to where she was. She popped a few peanuts in her mouth and had her eyes fixated on the TV in a bid to ignore the man next to her.

“Can I buy you a drink or something, sweetheart?” he asked and she turned to look at him. She would have hoped that it was the hunk who had been eyeing her but it wasn’t. Se forced out a smile and shook her head.

“Thanks but no thanks.” She gestured at her glass. “I already have more than I can handle.”

“Oh come on,” the man said. “I have been watching you and I have a feeling that you need more than what you have in that glass.”

She shook her head again and shrugged.

“Seriously, I’m fine.”

“Oh come on.” The man was annoyingly persistent. She felt a chill go down her spine when he touched her shoulder. “Whoa… I didn’t mean to startle you or anything.”

“Listen, I already told you, I’m good,” Maya said, the irritation on her voice apparent.

“Yes, but all I am trying to do is strike a conversation with a beautiful woman,” the man said as he moved himself closer. “Is that so wrong?”

“What the hell is going on here?” Riley asked as she came back carrying a plate of ribs.

“Nothing. He was just leaving,” Maya said, looking at the obviously intoxicated man.

“Glenn, are you bothering my customers again?” Riley asked and the man shook his head. He suddenly slipped an arm around Maya’s waist and she pushed him off with so much force he fell down.

“Oh my God,” she said as Glenn struggled to get up. “I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to…” she started before Riley shook her head.

“Don’t apologize, it’s not your fault,” she said. “Glenn, go home already.” 

By now, Glenn was on his feet and the way he was looking at Maya made her realize that he was out for blood.

“You damn bitch,” he hissed.

Suddenly, he as charging at her and the entire bar erupted in chaos. Riley was yelling at him and the security guard at the door was trying to rush to where they were without knocking over any tables. Out of nowhere, Maya saw an arm around Glenn pulling him back away from her and pinning him to one of the tables.

“Hey buddy, the lady said she didn’t need your help.” Maya’s heart skipped a beat when she saw her knight in shining armor. It was the ‘hottie’ Riley had referred to earlier. Glenn pushed him away and got up before staring daggers at Maya. His gaze shifted from the guy to Maya and then back to the guy.

“What makes you think you can just attack me like that?” Glenn asked as he staggered, struggling to gain his balance.

“You were charging at her. I just did what any man would do,” the stranger said as he looked at Glenn.

“Not for a fat bitch like this one who thinks that she is too good for me!” Glenn was once again moving closer to Maya.

“Listen man, I don’t want to hurt you,” the stranger said, but Glenn wouldn’t listen.

The man suddenly punched Glenn squarely in the face before he lifted him up and pinned him down on the floor with his hand on his chest. It was the kind of stuff people saw on TV with experienced MMA fighters. Maya’s jaw dropped as she looked at the scene that had just unfolded in front of her. By this time, the security guy was already at the table.

“I’m sorry, but I kind of had to do this,” the stranger said to the muscular security guard.

“I would have done the same. I saw how he was treating the lady at the counter.” The security guy picked up a now out cold Glenn and carried him out.

“Wow,” Riley said in what was supposed to be a whisper but loud enough for everyone to hear. “That was amazing.”

“Thanks, but in all fairness I was a marine so, you know. Tools of the trade,” the man said and Riley looked at Maya.

“You served our country… that makes you even more interesting,” she said. “My name is Riley Daniels. This is my best friend Maya Wells.”

“Kyle McCauley,” he said as he shook Riley’s hand and then Maya’s. “Nice to meet you both.”

“Would you do me a favor?” Riley asked and Kyle nodded. “Would you introduce yourself?” she asked and Maya shrugged.

“I thought that was what he just did,” Maya pointed out.

“I mean formally,” Riley said. “Rank and all.”

Maya sighed and shook her head.

“You don’t have to,” she said. Kyle smiled and shook his head.

“It’s fine. First Sergeant Kyle McCauley of the Fifty Forth Brigade,” Kyle said. “Reporting for duty, ma’am.”

Riley grinned widely and looked at Maya.

“If you don’t get him, I will. I don’t care what this ring on my finger says,” she walked to the end of the bar to serve another customer as Kyle looked at Maya.

“I’m sorry about that,” Maya said rubbing the back of her neck. “Can I maybe appease you with some chicken wings?”

He sat down and shrugged.

“Sounds great,” he said smiling. “But are you okay? I mean that guy…”

Maya shook her head and sighed.

“It was just the icing on the cake that was my very bad day,” she said in a low voice.

“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked and she shook her head.

“You just met me so I want to maintain this thing between us where you still think I am a normal person.” She reached for a chicken wing.

“I don’t think you could ever say anything that could change my mind about you,” he said. “So dish.”

Maya bit into her wing and shook her head.

“Let’s just celebrate you taking down that douche and maybe if I see you again, we can have a different talk.” Kyle nodded.

“You’re on.”

Chapter 2

Maya had not expected to have such a good time with Kyle but she did. As it turned out, meeting Kyle was the best way her crazy Thursday would have ended. She had gone from being tired and blue to being all smiles by the time they were leaving the Boomerang.

“You should probably not drive,” Kyle said when they got to the parking lot.

“You are probably right,” Maya said in a soft voice.

“Don’t worry… I can take you home,” Kyle said as he took the keys from her.

“You don’t really have to,” she said, even though her head was buzzing.

“Come on, I can see how you out of it you are,” he said as he opened the door for her.

“Are you always this nice or are you just trying to get into bed with me?” she asked and he smiled.

“Honestly, I just want to make sure you get home safely.” He opened the car door for her. “That’s all I want.”

“What if I want something more?”
she wondered as she climbed into the car.
“What are you even thinking about? This is crazy. You literally just met him Wells,”

Kyle climbed into the driver’s seat and looked at her.

“Buckle up,” he said as he looked at her.

Maya pulled the seatbelt and sighed when it slipped out of her hand. A smile played on Kyle’s lips.

“Here. I got it,” he said as he reached for her seatbelt. He secured it into the buckle before he started the engine. “Your address?”

“141 Woodley Lane,” she said as she felt herself getting drowsy.

“141 Woodley Lane,” he echoed. “Got it.”


When Maya woke up the next morning, she didn’t remember much about the previous night. She was having flashbacks of knocking back tequila shots at the Boomerang with Riley and meeting an attractive green-eyed man who saved her from the wrath of one of the Boomerang’s drunks. She pulled her covers off and shook her head when she saw what she was wearing, a pajama shirt worn front to back. She pulled herself out of bed and noticed a note on her nightstand.

Hi Maya.

Sorry about the makeshift strait jacket but the situation last night forced me to do so. I like to consider myself a gentleman and I wouldn’t allow myself to take advantage of you at your weakest moment… I think that explains it. Anyway, I wanted to get you some breakfast but I got called away to the office. I couldn’t even get you a Starbucks coffee if I wanted to, but I will check up on you later. I promise. (I already got your number from your friend Riley).


Maya frowned and shook her head.

“He had to make a makeshift strait jacket?” she wondered out loud as she sat on the edge of her bed. She was still looking at the note in her hand when she heard the front door open.

“Hello?” she heard Riley’s voice calling from the door.

“In here,” Maya called out.

“So, since you stood me up for breakfast, I thought I would bring breakfast to you,” Riley said and Maya sighed.

“Did I have breakfast plans with everyone this morning?”
she wondered as Riley walked up to the entrance of her bedroom and stood leaning against the door frame.

“I brought breakfast burritos, bagels and coffee… and why are you wearing your pajama shirt like that?” Riley asked as she looked at her best friend.

“Apparently I tried to rape my knight in shining armor last night so he had to do this to make sure I didn’t have my way with him,” Maya said trying hard to hide her embarrassment. “All because of the tequila you forced on me last night by the way.”

“Oh sweetie,” Riley said frowning. “It’s not my fault that you are a light weight and you did need some liquid courage to…you know.”

“Actually, Riley. I don’t. Just get me out of this damn shirt,” Maya said.

Riley walked up to where Maya was and began undoing the buttons of her pajama shirt.

“So, it is obvious that Kyle likes you,” Riley started as Maya walked to her closet and grabbed a t-shirt. “I mean, he brought you home and obviously he cares about you. I mean, he stayed the night and never did a thing to you.”

“I brought a stranger into my house. That was silly,” Maya pointed out a she put on a bathrobe over her t-shirt.

“Actually, he was…is no stranger. I told you that he has been at the bar a number of times and he is always checking you out,” Riley said smiling.

“And the reason you never mentioned him was…what, exactly?” Maya asked.

“Well, I did but you have always been very adamant that you were not ready for any kind of relationship. Casual or otherwise.”

“Wait, so all those times you were trying to hook me up with someone it was
?” Maya asked as she looked at Riley and she nodded. “Wow. Have I been that shallow?”

“I wouldn’t blame you for not wanting to move on. I mean, that last one was a disaster,” Riley said. “In not so many words…but remember, I went through the same thing before I met Drew?”

Maya nodded. If ever there were two people who made her believe that she still had a shot at a good, happy relationship, it was Riley and her new husband Andrew. The two had been dating for years before they finally decided to make it official and even through all the issues they’d had, everything had still worked out for the better. They might have had their weird fights but they always worked everything out.

“Just how much did I have to drink last night anyway?” Maya asked as they walked into the kitchen where Riley had placed the breakfast on the counter.

“Well, maybe an entire bottle of wine and half a bottle of tequila,” Riley said in a guilty voice.

“Half a bottle of tequila?” Maya asked as she put her phone on the counter. She picked up a burrito and then looked up at Riley, frowning. “You told me we were only going to do a few shots….half a bottle?” She shook her head. “No wonder I don’t remember anything about last night.” She took a bite of her burrito and Riley reached for a bagel. She was saying something but Maya was not really paying attention. All she could think about was the previous night. Why would Kyle, a man who barely knew her decide to just stay as long as he did just to make sure she was okay? Could it have been maybe that this was the universe’s way of telling her that she’d found her match or something of the sort? Her heart was racing as she took another bite of her burrito.

“Bring any coffee?” Maya asked, still a little out of it.

“I got some started as soon as I walked in.” Riley turned around and grabbed two cups before she poured them both coffee. “I’m surprised you didn’t smell it as soon as you walked in. You usually have such a great nose for these things.”

Maya shrugged and looked at Riley.

“Half a bottle of tequila can do that to you,” she said and Riley rolled her eyes.

“Oh my God, you are worse than Drew. I said I am sorry and I really do mean it,” she said before she faked a pout. “But I was being the friend that you were to me that day I thought Drew was cheating on me with that brunette.”

“You were tripping then. You needed to get drunk,” Maya said as she looked at her. “Drew would never even look at another woman…I mean look at you. You are perfect in every sense of the word.”

Riley smiled and took a sip of her coffee just as Maya’s phone vibrated against the counter.

“Oh my God….just what the hell happened last night?” Maya wondered as she looked at her phone.

After talking to you last night and having to leave you in a rush this morning, I can’t help but think that I owe you dinner.

That had been the text that had just come in from Kyle.

“What? What’s wrong?” Riley asked.

“According to this text that just came in from Kyle, he loved
to me,” Maya said. “He wants to have dinner with me.”

“Say yes!” Riley squealed excitedly.

“I don’t remember
to him. About anything,” Maya said. “All I remember is him taking that guy out before he took my keys and drove me home. The next thing I know was waking up in a strait jacket.”

Riley barely had enough time to reply before another text came in.

I was thinking tonight. I really do hope that works with you because I am dying to see you.

“What did he say?” Riley asked.

“He wants to have dinner tonight,” Maya said in a soft voice.

“Then. Say. Yes.” Riley shrugged as she took another bite of her bagel. “I really don’t see what the big deal is though.”

“The big deal is that I have no idea what I said last night and apparently, those words made someone want to see me again.”

Riley shrugged again.

“So?” she asked and Maya shook her head.

“So? I am screwed in like seven different ways.”

“Sweetie, someone saw you at your absolute worst and for some reason he still wants to see you again.” She held her coffee cup in her hands and sighed loudly. “He sounds like a keeper.”

Maya took a sip of her coffee just as her phone vibrated again.

The only thing keeping me sane in this meeting right now is hoping you will say yes. If it helps, I am a whizz in the kitchen.

Maya looked up and her best friend had her hands clasped together looking at her doe eyed. She took a long deep breath and began typing, letting her heart instead of her head guide her hands.

Dinner sounds great.

That was it. She could not turn back and undo anything now. She had committed herself to having dinner with a man she had known for all of five minutes.

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