Read Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology Online

Authors: Kasey Millstead,Abigail Lee,Shantel Tessier,Vicki Green,Rebecca Brooke,Nina Levine,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Casey Peeler,Dee Avila

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Collections & Anthologies

Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology (37 page)

BOOK: Bad Boys of Romance - a Biker Anthology
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She did
t miss a beat.
The only thing better is a ma
s cum sliding down your throat while yo
re lips are wrapped around his cock and yo
re holding his balls in your hand

Jesus Fuck.
  She was a dirty bitch and my dick ached for that mouth of hers.  I leant towards her, our faces close.  Tracing her lips with my finger, I murmured
Anytime you want to wrap these lips around my cock, you just say the word

She stared at me for a couple of moments in a trancelike state before finally smiling lazily and reminding me
ve sworn off cock, remember

I laughed, and drank some of my scotch.
I remember, darli
, but
m not suggesting a long term thing here.  I only want your mouth for one night

She raised her glass in the air before taking a sip of it and saying
The night is young, Romeo. 
m not easy though; you want me,you have to work for me

The nam
s Havoc
” I informed her as the thrill of the chase kicked in at her words.  If she wanted me to work for it, I was gonna fucking work her hard once I got it. 

Frowning, she muttered
You bikers have weird names sometimes.  Where did you get that one from

Dark images flooded my mind; shit she did
t need to know about and shit I did
t want to think about.
Not going there with you
” I rumbled.

She shrugged.
Suit yourself

As the words left her mouth, someone pressed play on the jukebox in the corner and she turned to the sound of the music.
What the hell is this
” she asked, clearly perturbed at the choice.

That is classic music.  You do
t like the Eagles

Turning back to me, she answered
I could do without them

She jumped off her stool and muttered something about checking out what other music was on the jukebox as she stalked across the room towards it.

I watched her ass again and enjoyed the feeling of anticipation running through me.  She would be mine tonight, and that pretty little mouth of hers would be sucking my dick while her hands worked their magic on my balls.  No fucking way was she getting away with teasing me like that.

She spent some time at the jukebox and when the Eagles finished, she selected a song and then made her way back to me.  I did
t know the song, but I did
t care.  My attention was on her tits now.  Even though they were
t the handful I usually preferred, they were still tits and a man will take what he can get.  And fuck, I was
t complaining tonight; between her ass, and her dirty mouth, I could care less how big her tits were.

Once she was settled back on her stool, I asked
Do you always leave your bag with complete strangers

No, but ther
s something about you, Havoc.  Something I think I can trust

Jesus, woman, you give your trust too fucki
’ easily

So yo
re saying I should
t trust you?  Cause I gottaadmit, I do
t fuck men that I do
t trust

She was playing with me now, and fuckif I did
t like it.
Baby, you can trust me with your pussy; I know how to take care of that real well

I watched her closely, noting the rapid rise and fall of her chest as her breathing picked up.  She was turned on just as much as I was.

Her mouth parted slightly, and her tongue swept across her bottom lip before she bit it.  When she spoke, her voice was low and huskier than before, and my gut tightened with want and the need to get inside her.
I bet yo
ve got mad skills with that dirty mouth of yours but
m not sure about your cock yet.  Is it as talented as your mouth

I grabbed her hand and guided it to my crotch.  Pressing it against the bulge there, I growled
Mydick will worship your pussy in ways yo
ve never even imagined, darli

She ran her hand over me, and moved her face to mine so that our lips were centimetresapart.
I said yo
d have to work for it, but I think
ve changed my mind. 
m ready to sample this cock of yours, Havoc

I resisted the urge to throw her over my shoulder and leave straight away. Instead, I kept my movements and voice controlled.
You sure about that?  Once we leave here,
m not letting you go, so be clear on what you want

As she continued to tease my dick, she reached for her bag with her free hand, and breathed out
ve never been more sureof a man.  Sexy as sin, dirty mouth and a dick to die for; what else could a girl want

Feral desire coursed through me, and I was done.  Done waiting and done checking to make sure this was what she wanted.  I stood and reached for her hand, gripping her wrist tightly.  I led her out of the bar without a word exchanged.  None were needed; we were both clear on what we wanted.

When we made it to my bike, I shoved a helmet at her and waited for her to climb on behind me.  She wrapped her hands around me and held on tight as we sped off into the night.  I was staying at a motel not far from the bar thank fuck, and we quickly reached our destination.  Pulling up outside my room, I cut the engine and quickly got her inside.  I was so hard for her now; the need to fuck her was overwhelming.  I could
t remember the last time a woman had gotten to me like this.

We made it inside,I kicked the door shut behind us, slid my hand around her waist and pulled her to me.
re mine to do what I want with tonight
” I growled in her ear.

One of her hands moved to my ass and the other tangled in my hair, pulling my face down to hers.
So long as you fuck me long and hard,
ll do whatever you say
” she promised on a soft moan.

  I dropped my mouth to hers, and claimed her with a savage kiss.  There would be nothing gentle about tonight and I fucking hoped she was up for it because I was ready to fuck the everloving shit out of her.

She kissed me back; hard, demanding.  There was an urgency about it, and our kiss spiralledinto a frenzied attack with lips and tongues pushing for more.  Her need for me was just as strong as mine for her.  Our hands began searching and grabbing at clothes.  Christ, she had too many fucking clothes on, and I madly began tearing them off.  She kicked her shoes off and I stripped her of everything but her panties.  When I had her how I wanted her, I stood back and admired her body.  She was fucking tiny; there was
t an ounce of fat on her and not a lot of muscle either.  Small tits, a tight ass and not a lot of curves; not at all what usually excited me, but my dick was screaming at me to hurry the fuck up and bang her.  I eyed those panties and moved my hand in their direction, ready to remove the last barrier between me and her pussy.

Her hand shot out and stopped me.  My eyes flicked straight to hers, questioning her.  Shaking her head, she chastised me.
Havoc, i
s rude to shoot for heaven when you have
t even stopped to ask a girl her name

I fought the grin that was forming on my lips. 
Fuck, she was sexy.
  I ran my finger over her lips.
s your name, darli

She caught my finger in her hand and held it in place as she sucked it into her mouth.  Her eyes didn't stray from mine.  When she was finished with my finger, she let it go and answered me.

  Her name was now burned in my memory; how could it not be?  But this was the last time she had any control over tonight.  My hand gripped her neck, and I forced her to understand how tonight was going to go down.
Carla, when I fuck a woman, she does what I say.  She submits to me, totally.  Do we have an understanding

She only hesitated for a moment before nodding.  Her eyes betrayed her excitement though; she was fucking up for this.  Thank fuck, because I was on the edge here and I was
t sure
d be able to step away from it if she said no.

I kept my hand around her neck and pulled her closer.
And, I do
t fucki
’ shoot for heaven, I bring it to your goddamn door
” I rasped.

Her lips brushed over mine and she gently bit my lip while her hand stroked my dick through my jeans.  When she pulled away, she begged
Well hurry the hell up. 
m way past ready

I let her go, and pulled my t-shirt over my head.  She undid my belt and removed my jeans and boxers faster than
d ever seen a woman do it.  Her gaze narrowed on my dick before moving over my body, and I slowed my movements to give her the time to take it all in.  I liked her eyes on me.  When she finally looked up at me, she said
You were
t joking about your cock, were you

I do
t joke about anything, least of all my cock
” I promised. 

m working that out about you

It was time to move this along.  Taking her hand, I moved it to my dick, and demanded
Stroke it until I tell you to stop

She was almost panting with desire as she did what I said.  Her grip was firm, and she moved it up and down my hard length with the confidence I liked in a woman.  Carla knew what the fuck she was doing and that pleased me no fucking end.  I closed my eyes for a moment and enjoyed the sensations she was causing.  When she began picking up speed, I barked

My eyes opened and I trained them on her.  Sh
d immediately followed my order and let me go.  She was now waiting patiently for my next command.

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