Bad Girlfriend (First & Last #4) (18 page)

BOOK: Bad Girlfriend (First & Last #4)
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I found them by the dunk tank where I expected.  Poppy was standing off to the side
calling out encouraging words to Ford.  He was turning a football over in his hands as he eyed the target on the side of the tank.  It was a small red circle, and I wondered how in the world anyone could hit it from that far away.  But from the wet teenage guy sitting in the tank it was obvious someone had.

He was taunting Ford.  "You're out of practice, Coach.  There's no way you can hit it."

Ford smirked and pulled his baseball cap down lower to shade his eyes.  "The only reason I'm not throwing passes in the NFL right now is because I broke my leg, Baker.  There's nothing wrong with my arm," he called back.

And to prove it he threw the football, hitting the target with deadly accuracy.  The kid's eyes widened right before the seat gave way and he plunged into the water.

Poppy skipped over and planted a smacking kiss on Ford, like he had just won the Super Bowl or something.  The crowd applauded and Ford gave a little bow before retrieving the football and handing it to the next person in line.

"Hey, Brooke.
  Did you find Adam?"  Poppy asked when she noticed me standing there.

I tossed my empty plate in the trash can and wiped any stray powdered sugar from my mouth.

"Oh, I found him all right.  I found him reminiscing with his ex-girlfriend that he was almost engaged to and conveniently forgot to tell me was visiting."


"Apparently they even had a cozy lunch date today where the evil wench heard all about me."

level of hostility had Poppy raising her eyebrows.

Ford slung his arm around Poppy's shoulders.  "I wouldn't worry about her, Brooke.  They were at the pub for lunch today, and it looked like Adam couldn't get away from her fast enough."

"Why would he have been there at all if he didn't want to see her?"

Ford shrugged.  "Superintendant Cole was
with them, so I'm guessing it was a work thing too."

That made me feel a little better.  And a little foolish for storming off.  He had clearly been uncomfortable with her, and I had just left him behind.  Good God, I'd practically gift wrapped and hand delivered him to Angela.

Thanks, Ford.  I'm going to go find him again."

"Good luck," Poppy called as I walked away.

I found Adam fairly easily, but getting close to him was another matter.  For the next hour it seemed there was a steady stream of kids and their parents coming up to him.  I didn't want to interrupt.  This was a school function after all.  So, I settled myself on a bench next to Chet's funnel cake stand and passed the time talking to Chet.  That was probably the most we had talked ever in the history of our tumultuous relationship.

"You know you
two make an odd couple, right?" Chet asked when there was a lull in the line to get funnel cakes.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he's all buttoned up and...he's a principal for Christ's sake.  And you?  You're the girl who probably seduced the principal when you were in high school."

I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. 
"You're an ass."

Chet shrugged.  "Yeah, I know."

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone.  Though he was tied up with parents and students, Adam glanced my way every so often.  His mouth was turned down in a slight frown, and when he did smile it wasn't sincere.

While I was checking
Facebook, a text message popped up.


Adam:  I'm sorry.


I smiled and looked up.  He was nodding at whatever the man he was talking to was saying, but his eyes looked over the man’s shoulder to meet mine.  Giving nothing away, I typed a text back.


Me:  I'm sorry too.


I knew the second his phone dinged, because he pulled it out of his pocket and looked at it discreetly.  His mouth finally quirked up in a genuine smile as his fingers tapped on the screen.


Adam:  Twenty more minutes.


He slid his phone back in his pocket, and I could see the set of his shoulders was more relaxed.  It made me feel good that he had cared that much about upsetting me.

Chet was busy dishing out the funnel cakes again, so I sat and watched Adam.  When someone sat next to me on the bench, I turned with a friendly smile.

That quickly faded when I saw that it was Angela who was making herself comfortable like we were old friends.

She tilted her head, which made her hair fall over the right side of her face in a stylish sweep.

"Don't get too attached, Brooke.  You're not the kind of girl that men like Adam marry."

I knew she was a bitch from the moment I met her, but I was still shocked by her blatant rudeness.  What she was saying and doing reeked of desperation.  But that didn't make her words hurt any less.

"You're obviously not either," I shot back.

She looked surprised for a second that I knew the history of their relationship and why it had ended.

"Adam wasn't ready then.  I shouldn't have pushed him.  He's just scratching an itch with you.  I'm not worried about him getting serious with the local whore."

I gasped and opened my mouth to respond, but she casually stood up and sauntered off. 
Like she hadn't just said the very words that tore a hole in my heart.  Because that's what I worried about in the middle of the night.  That I wasn't good enough for Adam.  Like Chet said, we were complete opposites.  Was I being completely foolish to think that he actually cared for me?  That I was anything more than an easy lay?  Because that's all I'd ever been to any man.

I stood up and walked around the bench, facing away from the crowd so no one could see the tears that were threatening to fall.

Chapter Eighteen




I was nodding along with whatever Mr. Parker was jabbering on and on about, but I wasn’t actually hearing a word he said.  My focus was solely on Brooke, who sat excruciatingly far out of my reach.  The relief I felt a few minutes ago when I got her text and knew she wasn’t mad at me anymore was short lived.  I knew whatever Angela had been saying to her couldn’t have been good.

What I had suspected at lunch - that Angela had an ulterior motive for her surprise visit - was confirmed this evening.  From the moment she had arrived at the carnival until I introduced her to Brooke, she didn’t leave my side. 
Asking to be introduced to the teachers, touching me too often to be casual, generally becoming a huge pain in my ass.

Now she had said something to upset Brooke, judging from the way Brooke was standing now - facing away from me with her arms wrapped around her waist.  Then I saw her put her hand to her face.  Fuck, was she crying?

“It was great to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Parker.  Make sure you take Joey by the dunk tank.  I hear Coach Walsh is throwing the football around with the kids.”

Joey’s face lit up, and he tugged his parents away.  Ford might kill me later, but right now I didn’t care.  I had been here all afternoon and evening.  The carnival would be ending
in half an hour, and thankfully I wasn’t part of the cleanup crew.  Technically I was free to go, and it looked like it was time to get Brooke out of here.

Lucky for me I made it across the lawn without anyone else wanting to talk to me.

“Brooke?  Are you okay?” I asked, stopping just behind her.

I distinctly heard a sniffle before she turned around.  Her eyes were a little bit watery, but at least she wasn’t outright sobbing.  The glaze of tears made her green eyes even more potent.  She wasn’t one who easily hid her emotions.  The hurt and sadness from whatever shit Angela had spewed was written all over her face.  Even the smile she faked couldn’t hide it.

“Come on.  Let’s get out of here,” I said, setting my hand on her lower back to guide her toward the parking lot.  “Do you need to say goodbye to Poppy?”


“Good.  Let’s go.”

I wanted to pull her into my arms, but given the vast amount of parents milling around, I decided against it.  The kiss I gave her earlier was probably already pushing the
acceptable limits of PDA from the principal.

When we were safely in my car, I took her hand in mine across the center console.

“Have you eaten dinner?” I asked.

Brooke shook her head, sending red waves tumbling over her bare shoulder.  “No.”

“How about we stop and get a pizza and a bottle of wine?  I was planning on taking you out, but maybe an evening in would be better?”

Finally a real smile as she said, “That sounds perfect.”

Brooke was quiet on the drive to the pizza shop, the liquor store and back home.  I didn’t push the conversation, preferring to wait until we were comfortably inside my apartment.

When we got to my apartment, I set the pizza and wine on the small scrap of counter space in the kitchen.

“I’ve got to get out of these work clothes.  Make yourself comfortable while I change.”  I grabbed my pajama pants off the bed and a t-shirt from my dresser.

When I came back out of the bathroom, Brook was gone. 
Godammit!  While I was pacing the floor trying to figure out what the hell I did wrong this time, the door opened.

Oh, thank God.

Brooke smiled sheepishly at me.  “I thought I would get comfortable too,” she said, looking down at her tank top and tiny pair of gym shorts.  Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and her face was clean and clear of any makeup.  She looked fresh and beautiful.  I liked her all made up, and I liked her natural.  I was beginning to think there was nothing about this girl I wouldn’t like.

Brooke rummaged around in my cupboards and found plates and napkins while I poured us both a glass of red wine.  When we settled on my bed with our food and drinks, I smiled at the irony.

“What?” Brooke asked.

“Nothing,” I said, shaking my head.  “I’m just feeling some déjà vu. 
Like we’ve been here before.”

Brooke grimaced.

“Except this time, we’re both going to remember exactly what happened in the morning,” I said.

Brooke nodded.  “That’s right.  Two glasses of wine is my limit tonight.”

“That’s good, because I only bought one bottle.”

Not wanting to spoil the good mood, but knowing I needed to find out what had upset her, I broached the subject of Angela.  “
Listen, Brooke.  I’m really sorry about Angela.  I had no idea she was coming to town until this morning when she and her uncle ambushed me at school.  I don’t know what she wants.”

“I know what she wants.  She wants you, Adam.”

I winced.  “Yeah, that’s what I was worried about.  I have no idea why.  We haven’t spoken in years, and she was more than happy to leave me when she found out I wasn’t ready to get married.”

Brooke took a sip of wine and shrugged.  “She’s pushing thirty, and she obviously hasn’t roped anyone else into marrying her yet.  You must be her backup plan.”

I wiped my mouth and tossed my napkin on my empty plate.  “Well, I don’t want to be her anything.  You believe that, don’t you?  I only want to be with you, Brooke.  I might have jumped the gun earlier when I introduced you as my girlfriend, but that’s how I think of you.”

Brooke grinned.  “I would love to be your girlfriend.”

“Good.  Now that we have that settled, do you want another slice of pizza?”

Brooke’s eyes glittered, but not with tears this time.  “No, I’m not hungry. 
At least not for more pizza.”

Oh.  The heat
and focus in her gaze caused my body to go on high alert.  I set the pizza box on the floor and took her wineglass out of her hands and set it beside mine on the nightstand.

“What did you have in mind?”
I asked, curious to see what she would say.

Brooke’s ponytail was draped over one shoulder, and she twirled a strand between her fingers.  “I was thinking that now we are exclusive, we could skip ahead to date number six.”

That suggestion was so very tempting.  Especially when Brooke was sitting here on my bed wearing very little with her long legs stretched out in front of her.  But this wasn’t about me.  It was about making sure Brooke felt appreciated.  The fact that rule number five existed at all clued me in to how little attention her previous boyfriends had paid to her needs.

Leaning toward her, I ran my fingertips down the
side of her face and pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

  We stick to the rules.  And I think tonight is the perfect time to work on rule number five.”

Brooke’s eyes widened slightly and a soft blush tinted her cheeks.  She looked slightly worried, and I wondered what that was about.  She had just suggested we have sex, so surely I wasn’t moving too fast.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she murmured as she leaned closer.

I wanted to press her for the truth, but then she touched her soft lush lips to mine.  That was all the persuasion I needed to let it go for the moment.  When I realized Brooke was pushing me back down on the bed, I flipped her over so she was lying on her back.  I sensed she was used to taking charge, but that wasn’t what I had in mind for tonight.  Another time - definitely.  But not tonight.

She giggled as I lowered myself on top of her, lying slightly off to one side so she didn’t have to bear my full weight.  I was smiling at the sound of her laughter when I brushed my lips across hers as light as a feather.  Brooke raised her head, seeking more, and I obliged.  As I stroked my tongue into her mouth, her fingers
snuck under my shirt and dug into my waist, pulling me closer.

Her body was lean but curvy, and she fit against me perfectly.  As we kissed like our lives depended on it, I trailed my fingers lightly over the strip of skin on her stomach at the hem of her top.  I felt the shiver run down her body.  Pressing my hand flat on her stomach, I moved it under her shirt and up to her breast.  The bra she wore was thin and silky, and I caressed her nipple through the
barely there fabric.

Brooke exhaled a breathy moan into my mouth and arched her back, pushing her breast into my touch. 
Breaking away from her addictive mouth with some difficulty, I kissed my way along her jaw to her ear.  Just as I nipped at her earlobe, I felt her hand close around me.

And I nearly jumped off the bed at the exquisite feel of her palm pressing against me through my cotton pajama pants.  Driven by need and instinct I
rolled my hips and pushed into her hand and groaned.  Through the haze of desire I recognized that she was derailing my mission.

“Brooke,” I breathed.

“Hmmm?” She murmured as her hand began to stroke me faster, grip me harder.

With herculean strength of will, I grabbed her wrist and pulled it over her head.

“What are you doing?” I panted.

Her wickedly sexy smile told me she knew exactly what she was doing.

“Remember the rules,” I whispered in her ear.

The worried look came back, and this time I wasn’t letting it go.

“What’s wrong?”

She bit her lip and turned her head away.  With a gentle hand, I touched her chin and turned her back so I could look into her eyes.  Those eyes always told the truth.

“Brooke, what is it?”

She closed her eyes as she spoke softly.  “It doesn’t happen that easily for me…rule number five might be too hard to follow
…or take too long.”

It was obvious she was embarrassed, but I needed some further clarification on what she was trying to say.  “We’ve only been at this for a few minutes Brooke, and I haven’t even gotten to
the good stuff.  I’m well aware that it takes women a lot longer than men.  Just because I can get off from a few strokes of your talented hand doesn’t mean I expect the same from you.”

She eyed me cautiously.  “How do you know so much about women?”

I chuckled.  “I’ve done my research.  I don’t have the dangerous bad boy thing like Grady does.  And I’m not a hot shot jock like Ford.  I’m a sweater vest, glasses wearing principal, Brooke.  I need to have a few tricks up my sleeve to get the ladies.”

She reached up and ran her fingers through my hair.  “I think you’re the sexiest guy I’ve ever met.”

If it weren’t for what I saw in her eyes, I would have thought she was lying.

Moving back to lay half on top of her, I whispered in her ear, “
You come first, Brooke.  I don’t care if it takes all damn night.”

She laughed, and I could feel the tension draining from her body as I resumed my careful seduction of her mouth.  And I was serious.  I could only be so lucky to have Brooke in my bed,
sighing my name all night long.

After I peeled off her shirt and tossed her bra on the floor, I lavished attention on her full breasts.  The way she held my head tightly to her chest let me know I was doing something right.

When I began to kiss my way down her stomach and dip my tongue under the waistband of her shorts, I felt her tense up again.

“Relax, baby,” I purred.  “We’re just getting to the good stuff.”

I peeled her shorts and panties down her legs and tossed them on the floor.  Starting with her toes, I kissed and licked my way back up her long legs, leaving not one inch of smooth skin untouched.  My technique seemed to be working, because Brooke was no longer apprehensive or tense.  Her legs quivered when I reached her inner thighs.  Her hands were in my hair, and I doubt she realized she was pulling me upward.

When I took the first long lick up the very center of her, she jerked her hips up and cried out.  Se
ttling in, I licked and sucked until her whole body was trembling and then backed off.  I repeated this pattern a few times until her tight grip on my hair kept me from pulling back.

“Adam, please,” Brooke moaned on a shaky breath.

Well, since she asked so nicely…  I concentrated my efforts on the one spot that would send her over the edge.  I felt her body tighten up before the quaking release washed over her.

God!” she screamed, and I was pretty sure I was going to have some bald spots.  But it was worth it.  So totally worth it.

When she
finally pushed me away from her overly sensitive skin, I crawled back up her body and grinned at her.

She laughed and draped both arms over her head in a pose of total relaxation.  “What are you smiling about?”


Brooke took another minute to come down from the high I had given her.  Then she turned to me and slipped her hand under my shirt and up my back.

“Am I allowed to touch you now?”

Groaning, I pulled her close.  “You
can touch me anyway you want.”

And, man, did
she ever.

Chapter Nineteen




Gram rolled her carry-on bag into the kitchen just as I p
acked up the last of the food.  I hurried over to take it from her and place it by the back door.  Gram was going to visit her other sister in Pennsylvania for the weekend.

you want me to get the rest of your luggage from upstairs?”

Gram laughed and lowered herself into one of the kitchen chairs.  “That’s all I’m taking, dear.”

I eyed her small bag.  “But you’re going to be gone for three days,” I stated, genuinely confused by how someone could survive with that little for that long.

“Not everyone needs to take their full wardrobe with them when they travel,” Gram teased.

“I like to have choices,” I huffed.

“I know you do, dear.  Now, you have
Gloria’s number, don’t you?  And make sure that man of yours keeps his eye out around here.  I don’t like the idea of leaving you all alone.”

I rolled my eyes at her unnecessary worry.  “Yes, I have
Gloria’s number.  And you’re going to be leaving me alone plenty when you move to Florida in two months.”

Her lips pursed together.  “Yes, I’ve been thinking that’s not such a good idea.  I’m not sure you’re ready to be on your own.”

I had been thinking the same thing, but I wanted Gram to do what was best for her.  And living in an ocean side condo was the best thing she could do.

“Gram, I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready to be on my own. 
But now’s as good a time as any to jump in with both feet.  This weekend will be like a trial run for me.  If I don’t burn down the house or sink into a deep depression, I think we’ll be good to go.”

She patted my hand as she rose.  “You be careful, Brooke.  And I’ll be back on Monday, just in time for your mother’s visit.”

“Oh, goody,” I said, completely without excitement.

“With me moving away, it would be nice if she would settle here.  You would have some family close.”

I hardly thought of my mother as family, but I kept that to myself.  Gram was forever hopeful that her daughter would stop being such a deadbeat and do the right thing for once.  I was forever hopeful she would go away and never return.

After I saw Gram off on her trip, I came back inside and got ready to go visit Adam at school.  It was Friday and my day off.  I was
going to surprise him and take him lunch.  We hadn’t been able to see each other much over the last two weeks.  Loraine had been on vacation, so I had worked nearly every day.

Tonight we were having our sixth date, and Adam was going to cook me dinner.  At my house because his kitchen was so small and ill equipped.  My toes were already tingling with anticipation of a repeat of the night we shared after the carnival.

When I was sure I had everything I needed, I drove to the school.  I identified myself at the door and was buzzed inside.  I hadn’t been inside the elementary school since I was a student there, but almost nothing had changed.

Even Louise was still there as Adam’s secretary.  She had always seemed so scary when I was a kid, and it seemed she still was.  When I walked into the reception area where she sat, she lowered her chin and looked at me over the top of her glasses.  They were connected to a silver
chain that looped around her neck.  I wondered if she really needed glasses or if she wore them just to look more formidable.

“Can I help you?”

“Yes, I’m here to see Adam…um, Mr. Branigan.  I brought him lunch,” I said, holding up the little picnic basket I had packed.

“Hmmm, well Mr.
Branigan is observing a class right now.  You can wait if you like.”

“Okay,” I said and started to walk toward his office.

“You can wait out here,” Louise clarified sternly.

“Oh, right.”

I sat down and endured ten long minutes of silence as Louise typed quickly on her keyboard.  When I heard voices in the hall, I tensed up.  There was one voice I recognized, and it was not the one I was waiting for.  Judging from the sour look on Louise’s face, she wasn’t too thrilled about it either.

Angela swept into the office in a swirl of perfume and fake laughter.  She was with one of the
older teachers that I recognized from my time as a student.  What was she doing here?  Adam hadn’t mentioned her lately, and I had hoped she had gone back to wherever she came from.  Unfortunately that was not the case.

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