Bad Penny (28 page)

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Authors: Penny Birch

BOOK: Bad Penny
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Several thoughts were going through my head simultaneously. It seemed most likely that they were simply going through the manoeuvre because it was the best way of catching me and that was what they were trained to do. Possibly they were treating me as part of an exercise and would be perfectly friendly when they eventually cornered me. If so, then they were going to get a piece of my mind for scaring me. Alternatively, they might be doing the same in order to tick me off for entering their training area, but the brochure for the cottage had said that red flags flew from the tors when dangerous exercises were in progress. I wasn't sure about that, but was more concerned with the small chance that their intentions might involve me more intimately. It was a small chance, but an alarming one.
Lastly, there was the possibility that it was all some fancy setup of Amber's. We'd played the game of her and others hunting me down before, and I knew that she liked the game immensely, yet I couldn't believe that she would go to such lengths just to add a little extra piquancy. In any case, there was very little I could do, as they had successfully headed me off and were coming in to trap me at the bottom of the gully.
Abandoning any pretence of indifference, I made a break to my right, up the hillside towards a straggle of rocks and gnarled rowan trees. I heard a shout behind me and saw one of them move out from the gully. I felt panic and a desperate feeling of helplessness as I began to run as hard as I could. Another voice answered the first and I risked a glimpse to my side to find the group of three already halfway between me and the gully. The last of them stumbled and I saw something that added a whole new dimension to the turmoil of my emotions.
I ran on, aiming for the boulders, my legs burning with the strain. Two of them were closing on me, the others fanning out to head me off. I made the rocks, leaping on to a big boulder only to find a large pool right in front of me. I should have just splashed into it, but I hesitated and, a moment later, a rough hand caught my arm. They'd have caught me anyway, and I'd have just got wet as well as whatever they intended for me.
Almost the instant I was caught, I knew that I was in for more than a ticking-off. The man who had got me was laughing as he twisted my arm into the small of my back. He was big, well over six foot tall and broad-shouldered, and he handled me with ease.
‘Got her!' he called as he pulled my other arm back.
He held both my wrists in one massive hand, ignoring my startled squeals as he lashed them together with twine. He was tying it off when his mate arrived, an even taller man, although not quite so burly.
‘Come on, stop!' I pleaded.
Neither answered, but the newcomer pulled something out of his pocket, an oily rag.
‘Hey!' I protested, only to have my nose pinched and the rag stuffed into my open mouth.
It tasted disgusting, rather like rancid butter, but all I could do was make muffled squeaks as more twine was used to tie it into my mouth. Even to my own ears, I sounded pretty pathetic, and so I shut up, contenting myself with squirming as the first man hoisted me casually over his shoulder. I kicked, but then my ankles were grabbed and tied together.
After that everything seemed to go by in a blur. They took me down into a little hollow among the rocks and added a blindfold to complete my bondage. Then they put me across a rock, tore my blouse open and took down my trousers and panties. I was braless, which they commented on, laughing as my little tits swung bare beneath my chest. Having my trousers pulled down was even worse. I'd chosen white panties with a pattern of cartoon ducks that morning and they laughed even more when they saw. They twanged my knicker-elastic against my bottom, laughing uproariously at my little kicks and squeaks as my cheeks bounced in response. They found taking my panties down even funnier, commenting on how plump my bottom was for such a small woman and slapping my cheeks to make them wobble.
Their mates turned up while I was being stripped for use, and all five of them began to have a good feel, exploring me with an unrestrained relish born of the fact that there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. They felt my tits and fondled my bottom; they rubbed my pussy and pulled my bum-cheeks open to have a good look at my anus; they spat between my cheeks and on my pussy and fingered me in both holes. Lastly they stuck something up my anus and sat back to decide who was going to fuck me first.
If I struggled, I was just going to roll off the rock and hurt myself. They'd just hold me down to fuck me anyway, so all I could do was lie helpless over the rock, waiting for it. My breathing was coming hard and deep and I was full of feelings of humiliation at what was being done to me. Being spat on to lubricate me was somehow particularly shameful, even more so than having something forced up my bumhole. Yet I knew that there was much worse to come. Five men were going to fuck me, maybe even bugger me. They would come in me, and leave my pussy and anus oozing sperm, only for another cock to be rammed up into the mess.
They could have just cut the pack, but they didn't, instead prolonging my torture by playing beggar-my-neighbour, last places going to those who were out first. Two were noisy, the other three quieter as they played, slapping the cards down on a rock and cursing or laughing as their luck went one way or another. Two of the quiet ones dropped out first, then the man who had first caught me, leaving two to decide who would be the first go. The way they talked, it was as if it was first go at some sort of game, like wanting first go on a fairground stall. It wasn't a game, though, it was my body they were going to use; yet they treated my degradation as a sort of joke.
‘Shit! Sloppy seconds for me,' one swore as his mate laughed in triumph.
‘Shag her up the arse, then,' one of them suggested.
‘I might do that,' came the reply and I found myself involuntarily clenching my bottom-hole around the thing they'd stuck up me.
‘Get us ready, then,' the winner said and I heard the sound of his zip being pulled down.
I waited, trembling, while one of them sucked the winner's cock. I could hear the slurping noises and his groans. I knew his erection would be growing in the other one's mouth, swelling and hardening for my poor pussy.
‘Spit on her cunt, Dave; I'm nearly hard enough,' the winner said hoarsely, after no more than a minute.
I felt the wet of the man's spit hit my pussy, right on the hole. Fingers rubbed it in and entered me, opening me for his mate's cock.
‘Yeah, nice,' a voice drawled, right behind me, and then I felt him kneel over me, his legs touching mine.
I was whimpering into my gag as he pulled my buttocks apart to get at my vagina. The thing in my bumhole was pulled out and I heard it clatter among the rocks. Then the head of his cock was at my hole, opening me, then in, sliding up, pulling back and then starting a steady rhythm as he began to fuck me.
The others called encouragement as he rode me, each push slamming his hard belly against my bottom. I lay there and thought of the four to come, wondering if they'd spare my bumhole her share of cock. I actually felt strangely detached and, for all my shame at my reaction, was unable to avoid the physical pleasure of a good, hard penis filling me and working in and out. I was really beginning to give in to my pleasure, even pushing my bottom up to meet his thrusts when he suddenly pulled out and came all over my bottom and the rear of my pussy. He gave a grunt and then a long sigh, one of the others making a noise of disgust at the mess that the winner had made of me.
‘Are you going to fuck her arse?' someone asked the next man in line.
‘Yeah, I reckon her ring'll be nice and tight,' he answered.
I relaxed my bumhole, knowing that if a cock was going to be forced up it then it was best to make myself as easy to enter as possible. I'm quite used to taking cocks and dildos up my bum and know how to relax my sphincter, although the saliva and the object that had been in me had done a lot to help.
They went through the same process of sucking the man's cock hard, and then he mounted me. He was right up on top, over my bottom, presumably so thai they could see it go in. I felt the knob against my anus and forced myself to relax. He pushed down, and my bumhole opened to take him. There was a little stab of pain as he entered me, and then it was inside me and sliding into my rectum.
Buggery has always given me a lovely breathless, out-of-control feeling, which I was getting despite the circumstances. I was soon moaning deep in my throat as he worked his cock in my back passage, unable to resist the pleasure of it. With only my nose to breathe through, I had to breathe in little sharp pants, which they seemed to find funny as well, but I was really too far gone to care.
‘The bitch is loving it!' one of them exclaimed.
‘Dirty tart!' another added. ‘Go on, Andy, fuck her little arsehole, good and hard.'
Andy just grunted and I braced myself for the less nice part of buggery, when the man is near orgasm and really starts to thrust. It didn't come; instead, the lovely, even strokes that were drawing my distended ring in and out continued, making me sigh and purr into my gag. Then he came, pulling slowly out and tossing off right into my open bumhole. I felt his come splash on my skin and run into my anus, then squelch out as my hole closed. I groaned, wishing one of them would have the decency to play with my clit.
Of course, they didn't. The third man had been having his cock sucked while I was buggered and he lost no time in mounting me. He put it in my pussy, rather to my relief, as my anus was a little sore. He grunted like an animal as he humped me, riding my bottom with a frantic haste that suggested an inability to control his lust. Sure enough, he came almost immediately, deep in my vagina to leave me oozing sperm on to my pussy-lips and the rock beneath me.
‘That was good,' he sighed, giving my bottom a parting slap. ‘Hot little bitch, aren't you?'
I nodded, admitting to my pleasure because my reactions had given it away anyway. Actually, I was so high on submission and sex that I was even starting to get pleasure out of the disgusting tasting rag in my mouth. There were two to go and, if they took my gag out, I was going to beg to be allowed to masturbate in front of them, putting the final degrading touch to my submission.
The fourth mounted me after taking no more than a desultory suck. My pussy stretched wide to accommodate a cock that was the thickest yet, and had me pushing my bum up and squirming in ecstasy as it was slid in and out. I was given a long, leisurely fucking before the cock was transferred to my bumhole. It was hard to get in, despite having been entered so recently, yet I managed to accommodate it and was soon being buggered with the same slow, long strokes. It was done well, leaving me breathless and faint with reaction. The cock was pulled out at the last moment, spraying my bottom with come and leaving me juicy and open for more.
The fifth took a while to get ready, and then just took me up my bottom. Once entered it was slow, and very deep, bringing me to a new peak. It was the third up my bottom and I was pretty sore, but too high to really care. The others were calling encouragement, counting out the strokes and suggesting coming up my bottom. My rider obliged, filling me with come on the fiftieth stroke, so much of it that I could feel the pressure inside me. Then the cock was being pulling out and my anus was pulsing and oozing sperm. I could feel it running down my pussy and into my pubic hair.
‘Nice,' one of them said, ‘what a fucking mess. Shall we just leave the little bitch here then, so someone finds her?'
‘Yeah,' another answered, ‘but with her arse boot-blacked and the tent peg up her dirt-box.'
I shivered at his words. The other chorused agreement with their friend's filthy, degrading suggestion. I lay trembling over the rock as one of them retrieved the tent peg which I now knew was what had originally been used to open my bottom-hole. I couldn't help but sigh, deep in my throat, as it was pushed back into me, stretching my anus once more. I heard the click of a lid being twisted off and then it was being done to me, the thing that had been my favourite fantasy for most of that year.
Two of them did it, slapping boot polish liberally on to my buttocks as the others laughed and made coarse remarks about what they'd done to me and what a slut I was for enjoying it. I could feel the polish going on, thick and greasy, and was imagining how I'd look with my little fat bottom polished up to a glowing black and with a tent peg sprouting obscenely from my anus, or my dirt-box as one of them had called it, a really crude expression which I felt very suitable for the state I was in.
They made a thorough job of it, rubbing it well in, not just to my bum-cheeks, but down between them.
‘Do her face!' someone suggested, an idea that was greeted with a chorus of laughter.
They did it, smearing the boot-black all around my mouth and over my cheeks and nose. Some got round the gag, and I could taste the horrible, bitter flavour.
‘And her tits!' one of them called.
The one who was doing it stopped and transferred his attention to my dangling breasts, smearing each liberally. My nipples were already stiff, and the contact of his big, rough fingers added to my sexual reaction.
‘Finish with her cunt!' a voice called.
I hung my head as a good dollop of boot-black was slapped on to my pussy, mingling with their come and my own juice. It went in my hole and all over my pubic hair, but best of all, his middle finger was rubbing right on my clit as he smeared the polish well into my pussy. I began to rub, bucking my hips urgently and praying that he'd let me come, just that and it would all be worth it.
‘The slut's frigging herself on my hand!' my tormentor exclaimed.

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